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The early morning breeze slipped, a little listlessly and languidly, through the half-open window and stirred idly the opaque white cotton curtains in front of the bed. From the gaps that appeared and disappeared from time to time, you could see the sleepy face of a young man inside. His good-looking eyebrows were completely relaxed, his long and dense eyelashes were slanted, filtering the light and shadow, and his refined straight nose with the twitching nostrils was like a small animal looking for food. Along with his beautifully shaped, slightly open lips, all of it revealed his serenity and beauty.

After a night of tossing and turning, the knot of his clothes, which had already become looser, finally came undone when the young man turned over, and the slipped collar exposed most of his white and smooth shoulders and back. The young man, totally unaware, merely rubbed lazily against the soft satin beneath his body, then habitually lifted his feet and laid them on top of the quilt. The hem of the unlined garment, which had been pushed aside again, generously exposed a fair and slender leg.

So, when Hong Xu arrived here after discussing political affairs, he saw such a provocative and titillating scene!

Being shocked by the beautiful scene, Hong Xu walked excitedly 1 to the bed and looked covetously at the exposed crystal white skin of the young man.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 29 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

In his sleep, ZiLi let out a soft moan, then turned over and lay on his back. This posture with his entire body exposed was like a lamb being sacrificed on an altar, showing his soft belly in a lovely and convenient way, perfect for the person holding the knife next to the altar.

Hong Xu leaned over and sucked on his smooth and round shoulders, leaving a red mark, then his tongue went all the way down and licked the two brightly colored cherries.

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“Nghh.” A small moan could be heard over his head.

Hong Xu looked up and saw that the beautiful eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and that the small fan-like eyelashes were also slightly trembling.

Hong Xu curled his lips into a demonically charming smile, stretched out his hand and rubbed up along his smooth as jade thigh, then covered the sensitive area that was slightly sticking up, and gently stroked slowly and skillfully over it. Hong Xu began to breathe somewhat heavily as he teased ZiLi's center of desire, watching contentedly as his beauty blossomed under his hands.

The pleasure that seemed to be a dream yet not a dream made ZiLi, who could not endure it anymore, curl his toes. He felt he should open his eyes and wake up, but the feeling of powerlessness throughout his body, as if he had fallen into cotton, made him unable to muster the strength to open his heavy eyelids. The pleasure continued and concentrated on a particular place in his lower body, where it was as hot as boiling lava and tingled as if a feather were slowly stroking over it. A comfortable but unbearable alternating movement made him want to scream for it to stop and yet also beg for it to continue. ZiLi was totally unaware that his body was gradually showing its charm like a Begonia blooming for the first time, under the extreme entanglement of pleasure. Suddenly he trembled all over his body and a flash of white light enveloped his mind. It was a feeling too wonderful for words, and he lost his soul for an indescribable brief moment!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 29 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi suddenly opened his eyes, gasped for air and, lying in bed, looked with unfocused eyes at the carvings above him. It took him a moment to regain his senses, then he sat up in a daze. There was no one in the bedroom except the morning wind that kept stirring the curtains.

“Was it just a dream?” ZiLi said to himself, frowning and slapping his forehead.

Just at that moment, the door was pushed open, and Ming Yue, Chun Lan and several other maids walked in with a washbasin, a salt cellar, a tea bowl 2 , a spittoon 3 and other washing tools.

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“Your Highness, you are already awake! I just said that if you were still asleep, we would have to yell until you woke up!” Chun Lan teasingly said.

“Your Highness, please rinse your mouth quickly, you must take the medicine sent by Imperial Physician Li on time, after eating breakfast!”

“Why do I still have to drink that! This Highness’ fever has long since subsided!” ZiLi complained with a crying face. He could not help but get stomach cramps at the thought of the dark, bitter traditional Chinese medicine that could cause someone’s death. He had been drinking the medicine for three days, and now he still had to take it!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 29 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Ming Yue saw his sour expression on his face and knew that he was afraid of the bitter medicine, so she pursed her lips, smiled gently and said, “Your Highness, if a medicine is bitter, it means it is a good medicine. The more bitter it is, the more effective it is. Although His Highness’ fever has subsided, Imperial Physician Li has said that His Highness is still weak and needs to be treated with medicine to get better!”

ZiLi sighed helplessly, took the salt cellar, and began to rinse his mouth and wash his face. As the maids retreated with all the items, ZiLi suddenly stopped Ming Yue and asked, “Did someone just come into my room?”

“Yes, me and Chun Lan.”


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“I’m not talking about you two!”


“Ah, His Majesty came here this morning too!”


“Hmph, I knew it, that pervasive gray wolve.” ZiLi muttered angrily.



“It’s nothing. Ming Yue, if he wants to come in again in the future, you must remember to wake me up, okay?”

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“Eh, yes!”


Translator Notes
A new Volume ヾ(⌒▽⌒)ノ, and things started out spicy right off the bat.
By the way, I continued the chapter count at the beginning and did not start at chapter 1 again, because I personally find it more convenient to know exactly what chapter you are at overall.

Translation Notes 

 心猿意马 – Xīn yuan yì mǎ. - Heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse. - Adventurous and uncontrollable.   茶盏 – Chawan – Something like this, I think:
 痰罐 – TánGuàn – Something you can spit into, for example after chewing or during Wine tasting. 

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