Gently rubbing against the soft lips, with a hint of tentativeness, the tip of his tongue probing into the slightly opened mouth that was still in a state of astonishment, Mo CangJing took only a moment to reflect on his misconduct, and then without the slightest hesitation, he clasped the back of ZiLi’s head to taste the seductive lips.

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ZiLi opened his round black shining eyes and stared in a daze at the small droplets of sunlight on the other’s lowered eyelashes. He knew that Mo CangJing was kissing him, he knew that Mo CangJing was doing intimate acts that only lovers would do, yet he did not seem to feel disgusted at all. The passionate attack that blossomed between his lips was different from Hong Xu’s forcible seizure. This was pure passion and careful cherishing.

The clip-clopping of the horses’ hoofs was like a piece of vocal music that had inadvertently found its rhythm, and for a long time the two of them were very careful not to disturb this interesting interlude. The occasional intimate rubbing of the heads of the horses running side by side, made the two, who had just been tinged with ambiguity, blush.


“Your Highness, you have returned!” Before reaching the gate of the residence, the always rigorous steward, but now with an anxious face, came out to greet them.

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“Why are you in such a panic?” Mo CangJing asked after nimbly jumping off his horse and throwing the reins to the domestic servant.

The steward cast a seemingly unwittingly glance at ZiLi, who was standing next to Mo CangJing, not knowing whether or not he should answer right away.

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“All right, let’s talk about it inside!” Mo CangJing said, seeing the steward’s dilemma.

ZiLi shrugged his shoulders and followed the two into the residence.

As soon as he stepped through the inner gate, he saw a man dressed in red standing in the garden, his long, ink-colored hair casually tied back with a piece of silk, his red robe, more colorful than a hundred flowers, fluttering in the wind, the fabric clinging to his body, outlining his slender but handsome figure.

While ZiLi looked curiously at the visitor, he saw Mo CangJing, while uttering the phrase ‘How troublesome’ in a deep voice, walking quickly towards him.

The other slowly turned around, and the face that gradually appeared made ZiLi heavily stunned for a while. He had never seen such a breathtakingly beautiful face. Such an indescribable appearance, like smoke and mist 1 , and yet also captivating. Even in modern times there was no celebrity that could match him!

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ZiLi stared in a daze at this beauty in red, it was only when the other staggered away from Mo CangJing and walked straight towards him that he realized his rudeness, which made him blush slightly.

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The beauty’s eyes were cold, but he could not hide the trace of contempt in them. He arrogantly lifted ZiLi’s chin and looked him up and down, then said with a sneer, “This kind of trash cannot even compare to the eunuchs in the palace. What on earth does cousin 2 see in you?”

When ZiLi heard this, his face reddened through and through, but of course the redness was not from shame but from anger. He had not expected that the first words of this beauty would be so infuriating! Even if he was a beauty, ZiLi decided not to give face, for the other had greatly insulted his dignity. ZiLi reached out his hands, ignoring the gasps of the servants around him, grabbed the beauty by the collar, and said with glaring eyes, “Watch out what you say to the great me, you bitch!”

There was a flash of shock in the beauty’s eyes as he looked down at ZiLi’s hands gripping his collar, then raised his head again to look at the person who was clearly in a state of anger, then said, fuming with rage between gritted teeth, “Let go!”

“Bitch, I won’t let go unless you apologize!”

The beauty glared at him with a dangerous look on his face, then grabbed his arm too and twisted it viciously with force.

ZiLi clawed scornfully at the cruel beauty. It really hurt though!

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“Let go, let go quickly, you two――” Mo CangJing, full of dismay, rushed to separate the two who had suddenly become like this.

Ah , ZiLi screamed in his mind. That damn bitch, even though he looks so skinny, he turns out to be really strong. He twisted my arm so hard it hurt to death! To not lose out, he grabbed the other’s delicate neck and squeezed it tightly.

The beauty was stunned, then twisted ZiLi’s arm even more ruthlessly. How dare this man try to choke me?

The servants around them were so shocked that they dislocated their jaws as they watched the two in the courtyard fighting each other with faces full of hatred, but they did not dare come forward to help. Mo CangJing helplessly tried to stop the fight from the sidelines, “Big brother ZiLi, please let go――”, but when he came into contact with ZiLi’s resentful eyes, he quickly shut his mouth and turned to the beauty in red, but before he could even open his mouth, he was silenced by the glare of the other. Even though he was the notoriously capable prince of Chi Xiang, he was now at a loss as to what to do and could only stand by, helplessly worrying for fear that one of them would get hurt!

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*Pa* A loud slap sounded and ZiLi stroked his hot cheek, glaring at the smug beauty in red.

“Hmph, want to fight me? You are not even qualified!”

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ZiLi took a deep breath, a gentleman would rather die than be humiliated 3 . Damn it, I have been scolded for no reason, and now I am getting slapped in the face!

“You bitch, I’ll kill you!” ZiLi was so mad that he was fuming with rage. He rolled up his sleeves and threw the other into the flowers and sat on top of him.

*Pa* He returned a slap in the face as revenge.

“Ahhh――” with a cry of pain, the beauty touched his face and burst into tears. “You― you hit me? Booohoo――”

“Didn’t you hit me first?” ZiLi smugly raised his hand to add another slap, but before it could land, his wrist was gripped firmly. When he turned around, he saw Mo CangJing looking at him with a gloomy and cold expression.

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With his wrist still in the air, he was pulled away from the beauty by Mo CangJing and then thrown aside. ZiLi watched in astonishment as the other nervously helped the beauty in red to his feet, coaxing with kind words.

ZiLi was somewhat puzzled as to why the man who had just a moment ago been horse racing with him, had a heart-to-heart chat with him, and had even kissed him and confided his love to him, had now become so unfamiliar with him! He wanted to soothe his swollen cheek, but when he raised his hand, he found that his wrist was dislocated!

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