Chapter 100 – What’s this?

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Side: Yuki

Delille was over the moon, knowing that her family member is alive.
Besides that, he’s a Dungeon Master, same as me.
With this, his cooperation is as good as assured.
If you’ve been alive as long as Delille, then I’m sure you’d have gathered plenty of useful knowledge.
This is really good luck!

And well, for that reason, I quickly put down a Transfer trap inside my new Dungeon and called Delille over.

(Raie)「A-aneue1)!! 」

(Delille)「Hey, Raie…… ! 」

That was 10 minutes ago. And since then they’ve just hugged each other and cried.
Delille’s younger brother made a Dungeon called Audax2).
The residential area in its inner part has decorations fitting of a palace.
Well, everywhere around that area is similar though.

But there’s one thing that seems off.
This situation.

(Yuki)「Fumu, say Lilli. Are you able to speak?」

(Lilli)「E-eto. 」

Currently, we’re around a table with Delille, Raie and Lilli. I began attacking Lilli with questions. Does this make her my sister-in-law?

(Raie)「A-aneue. Lilli is a very nice girl…… 」

(Delille)「Raie thou listenest. Mineself wants to hear about Lilli. 」

(Lili)「A-ano, I’m more or less a rank 7 adventurer. 」

In a way, there was an answer.
Oh, a rank 7 adventurer, isn’t that pretty amazing or something?

(Delille)「Mine heard about that. Well, isn’t an adventurer the enemy of a Dungeon Master? Isn’t she part of a plan to subjugate you?」

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(Lilli)「Th-there’s no such a thing!! I’m an adventurer for collecting information…… 」

Yes yes, gathering information is important.

(Yuki)「……in any case Delille, is there something bothering you?」

(Anna)「Stop right there!! You are not someone who can talk to her in such a casual manner!! 」

Out of nowhere, I was reproached by the maid Anna.

(Delille)「Be silent Anna. Yuki is Mine husband. 」


Anna rolled her eyes, bewildered by Delille’s words.
Well, it would be hard for the Princess with whom you were suddenly reunited with to so suddenly be married off.

(Anna)「Pr-princess. Per-perhaps….. 」

(Delille)「Umu, we art doing it in our sleeping quarters. Children are just a matter of time. 」

(Anna)「Th-this…… !3)! 」

(Delille)「Calm down. This matter is of mutual love. There is no reason for Anna to react like this. 」


Any words that Anna wanted to say, Delille stopped them.
Well, it’s fine to talk about that, but what is happening to Lilli?

(Raie)「A-aneue4). What aniue5) said… Is there something you don’t like about Lilli?」

(Delille)「First, she’s weak6). In this case, she can’t protect Raie. 」

(Raie)「Th-that’s because aneue is the Demon King, such a standard is pushing it!! 」

(Delille)「This is relative to the entirety of Yuki’s group, Mine strength is irrelevant.」

(Raie)「Well, it can’t be helped? Aniue and his party are unusual. 」

(Delille)「Well, that is natural. The man who Mine would call husband, managed to capture Mineself without harming Mineself in the least. Well, at the time Yuki had almost not moved at all. 」

She bragged about me to her sister-in-law. Lilli is still filled with tears, ready to cry.

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As expected, Seraria is also being emotional and interrupts the conversation.

(Seraria)「Calm down Delille. Your younger brother chose the person he likes. Anna-san after all, your ability seems inefficient? The only dissatisfaction Delille has is that her younger brother embraced an unknown child7)」

(Lilli)「Nuh, guguguguh」

(Lutz)「Lilli-san, please wipe away your tears. If you want to improve Delille’s image of you, then you must stop crying, straighten your back and be proud that you are someone special to her brother. 」

Lutz quickly followed up.

(Lilli)「Higuh, what did you say? And if I become Raie-sama’s wife?」

(Lutz))「I don’t mind. Rather, wouldn’t it be you disliking us instead if we were to oppose you?」

(Lilli)「Noo!! I would despise you!!8) 」

(Lulu)「Yes, that’s right. I’m the same. Delille also can’t be separated from her husband. Right, Delille?」

(Delille)「Of course not!! Who wouldst try to tear us apart!! 」

(Lulu)「Then, are you still going to find fault with Lilli?」

(Delille)「Th-that is….. 」

After all, it’s what you call an overprotective family.
Isn’t she a perfect sister-in-law?

(Yuki)「Well, since you’re aware of it, you’d better get along. Lilli, I know it’s also painful for you, but can you please bear with Delille’s stubbornness and not hate her?」

(Lilli)「Yes, I often heard stories of onee-sama from Raie-sama. She’s a tender and wise9) person. Even now In this place, you anxiously showed your kindness to Raie-sama. I will do my best and absolutely recognize Delille!! 」

Lilli promptly answers.
Ou, she’s quite reliable right?

(Yuki)「She’s a pleasant and good child. She will make a good wife, don’t you think? What about it, Delille?

(Delille)「…… Well, Mine certainty hasn’t recognized her yet. However, there are other points one should seek in another. 」

(Seraria)「…… Strange, no matter how you look at it, she’s a brocon. 」

(Lutz)「The siscon Seraria has no right of speech. 」

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Ou, I agree with you.
Although Aslin accepted it with pleasure, Philia’s eyes feel dizzy when she forcibly hugs and carries them.

(Raie)「Then, it’s fine aneue!! Lilli will be my concubine10)!! 」

(Delille)「……Fine. 」

(Anna)「I’m glad. Lilli, that’s wonderful!! 」

(Lilli)「Thank you very much!! Anna-san!! 」

A splendid way to end this.
From now on, this sister-in-law will receive Delille’s bullying.
However, these 3 people, I’m certain they can overcome it. 11)

(Seraria)「Then, the marriage is settled. 」

(Lutz)「Isn’t this supposed to be a happy story?」

(Lulu)「I agree. I’ll also talk about danna-sama’s story anytime. 」

(Raie)「…… Are you going home soon?」


Everyone else stood up.
Kur has been standing at the entrance as an escort this whole time.

(Raie)「Thank you very much everyone. I will call when it’s time for the ceremony. 」

「「「Ahh, please do. 」」」

Everyone else in the room nods.

(Yuki)「You’re not leaving righttttt!! 」

「「「!! ?」」」

Everyone’s surprised.
Yes yes, they had perfectly forgotten our purpose.

(Delille)「Ohh, Yuki is something the matter?」

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(Yuki)「Ah, have you understood Delille?」

Fuu, it seems that everyone was just going with the flow. Delille is also a brocon, that is a guaranteed truth.

(Delille)「That woman still doesn’t look worthy!! 」


And, Delille lunged at Lilli’s face.
Oh, I’m getting dizzy.
This isn’t good.
She doesn’t seem able to calmly consider things when her brother’s involved.

(Yuki)「Ahh, I get it stop!! Let’s start talking about what to do with the Dungeon already!! 」

「「「Yes. 」」」

My wives are useless.
The story of the marriage among other things, was it that immersive that you would forget everything else!?

(Yuki)「And you, Raie!! 」

(Raie)「Ye-yes!! 」

(Yuki)「The thing is, I snatched control of your Dungeon you know? Don’t forget that so easily. Do something about it.」


(Yuki)「……For the time being. I’ve heard that you are a Dungeon Master. The reason we chose this Dungeon to invade, was the possibility of a Dungeon Master being here. 」


(Yuki)「From now on, I’d like to talk about your future….. Is that okay?」

(Raie)「…… I’m sorry for the inconvenience. 」

…… Is there any profitable information?
You have some, right? Because you’ve been a Dungeon Master for more than 200 years, right? I don’t want the hours I spent working here to end up useless.

While thinking that, we finally reached the main subject.

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