Chapter 133 – Progress report.

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Side: Yuki

(Kiyu)『Nii-san. Nii-san. Can you hear me?』
(Yuki)「Ah, yes.」

Somehow I have to deal with the super-class challenge of having my way with Leia.
But I can’t get a clear read on her feelings, at all. Never in my life have I had to do something so difficult.
You see, running a dungeon, running a city, or even fighting. All of them are natural ways of the world and obey predefined rules. If you are ready you can map out your options and guide things towards your desired results.
All of that can be done with complete disregard of what anyone else thinks.

But the matter with Leia is a completely different beast, in the end, it’s purely about what she wants.
I have to guess what she has in mind and react accordingly, but I am clueless. How on earth am I supposed to make her love me!?

(Kovil)『Hey, you ! ! Kiyu and I are calling you but you’re totally ignoring us! !』


The voice from Kovil pulled me back to reality.

(Kovil)『To send my boyfriend out to the battlefield is crass enough already, but to even go as far as to be absent-minded when listening to his report is definitely wrong ! !』

(Kiyu)『Okay okay, calm down Kovil.』

(Kovil)『That’s not okay Kiyu! You need to be firmer with your big brother1)! !』

(Kiyu)『There’s no point, besides nii-san has to plan various measures and their corresponding commands, also there is the case with Leia.』

(Kovil)『But, but——-! !』2)

Before I knew what was going on, my younger brother Kiyu and that fellow Kovil, who has turned rather annoying lately, contacted me.
I sent Kiyu to intercept Rankus and after he had discovered something I ordered Kovil to join him. Ever since then she’s been mad with me.
I had no intentions of killing her, but I had to do something, so I lightly beated her.
And that’s the result, I learned of the relationship between these two.
In order to soothe Kovil, Kiyu took her in his embrace.
Since I don’t know the extent of the feelings between the two, I simply used the Dungeon to train Kovil and let her serve as Kiyu’s aide.
In addition to the fact that my younger brother has duties as a doppelganger, he also has feelings of his own and he is able to love.
Of course I have no intentions of obstructing him, rather I am delighted.
Well, I won’t be able to reliably use him as my double, so I’ll have to prepare another doppel for the future.
Kiyu’s rampage in Ritea made a name for himself anyways. As for whether I intend to continue using him as a double at all anymore, I’m not sure.

(Kiyu)『It’s all right Kovil. I won’t die because of this. I’ll come back to you, definitely.』

(Kovil)『Are you telling the truth?』

(Kiyu)『Yes, I have decided to be Kovil’s forever. It’s not my life to throw on some random mission.』

(Kovil)『There is only Kiyu in my eyes too! !』

Honestly, they’re noisy!

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To see a couple flirting like this is surprisingly irritating. 3)
No, it’s normal for girls to flirt and gossip, but what’s with this over dramatic scene? Honestly …

(Yuki)「Yeah yeah. I get it already, both of you are on good terms. So can I ask for the report now?」

(Kovil)『Hummmm!! Hummmmmmmmmmm!! Even though the mood was so good, Yuki can’t read the atmosphere!!』

It’s because I can read the atmosphere that I am being meddlesome you know?
If I didn’t say anything, knowing Kovil’s character, she would advance the scene all the way to the end, but my patience isn’t ascended tier.
By the way, I would have thought that the size of the fairies would have been too different to be able to do it with humans, but the fairies seems quite durable thanks to their bodies being composed of magical powers.
So in short, it’s possible for them to mate with humans. This is why it is OK for Kiyu.4)
Well, there’s still a different time length for the pregnancy compared to humans, but isn’t that irrelevant?

(Kiyu)『Let’s do it afterwards Kovil. Please be patient for now.』

(Kovil)『Okay, fine. But today you won’t get any sleep! !』

She’s irresponsible to the core. He has dangerous work you know?
That way with what I heard I can’t help but worry.

(Kiyu)『Sorry nii-san. I’ll start the report again.』

(Yuki)「Yes, please do…」

(Kiyu)『As planned Weed’s troops were deployed at Rochelle’s border. We are currently awaiting Rankus’ troops. Though we ended up deploying our troops one hour ahead of schedule. Aside from that, the rest of the situation is the same as the previous report.』

(Yuki)「I received that. So, how did the contact with Taiki go?」

(Kiyu)『We contacted Taiki-san with a call. His hero party has gone on ahead of the royal faction as the vanguard. So as of now the hero faction is ahead of the main force which consists of about 4000 men…』

Fumufumu, it seems that that guy Taiki didn’t want to risk dragging the royalists into the bombardment during his assault by accident, at the same time he shut down any attempts at sabotage by the royalists. The only trade off is 4000 meatshields with sticks, that kind of support is meaningless to Artillery bombardment anyways.
Moreover the royalists will be happy about not having to run into the Artillery head-first.
He played a good hand, he separated his friends and his enemies.

(Kiyu)『Today there was an assault assumed to be an advance Rankus division numbering 600 people. We annihilated them once they entered the killzone.』

(Yuki)「Well, of course. Regardless of your numbers, if you move them en-masse into an artilleries killzone, it’s just pointless loss of life.」

(Kiyu)『That’s true. Now that the tanks can predict their route and pinpoint where to attack, even a mass of 4000 people is just plain. We used several launchers and we used a total of 132 rounds. There were no survivors.』

(Yuki)「132 shots, I think 10 shots per launcher would have been enough.」

(Kiyu)『From another viewpoint, it’s about 4 salvos per launcher since 30 launchers were fired simultaneously in the battalion. Overkilling is just par for the course. They can’t see the future and know what enough is, it’s better to just ensure they fired either enough or more than enough.』

(Yuki)「Ah, I see.」

I guess it’s alright. If 132 launcher salvos were to rain down on them at the same time, it would probably be the apocalypse for them.
The purpose this time is only show of force through annihilation. Was it enough to guarantee that?

(Kiyu)『That’s why we are going to meet with Rankus with Taiki as planned.』

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(Yuki)「Stay on your toes. “Irregularities” can appear from anywhere at any time.」

(Kovil)『Leave it to me! ! No one will lay a finger on Kiyu! !』

(Yuki)「Oh, Kovil. I’ll entrust him to you. Kiyu can be a little hard headed so if you think it’s dangerous please bring Kiyu back down to earth and back to Weed if necessary. Of course Kovil, you also need to return safely. If my brother’s wife is killed it would be awful.」

(Kovil)『Yes, I got it. Eheheh, I’m his wife after all. I got Onii-san’s5) official recognition! !』

And now you began to call me onii-san…..

(Yuki)「When you travel through Galtz, don’t forget to join forces and cooperate with Prince Teak. Because we’re committing to a justifiable cause, he won’t mind.」

(Kiyu)『I already know. Disallowing Rankus to advance through Galtz and thereby denying them reaching the three countries, this is our mission. Together with this failure and with the hero Taiki-san’s backing we will be able to make Rankus’ citizens realize their own Royal families outrageous actions. 』

(Yuki)「Yes, if you don’t manage to do that then Taiki will be forced to go on a rampage. We will need to allow time for Rankus’ royal family to escape. Rankus’ citizens will want someone to direct their anger at after all.」6)

(Kovil)『I’ll smash them without fail!』

(Yuki)「Let me remind you again about Taiki, what happens in the battlefield, remains there, don’t hold a grudge. Because I know, with your character, you will go to anyone’s help. He is forced into his situation. He is not the enemy, but the opposition.」

(Kovil)『That’s ok. Moreover we’ll keep everything strictly confidential as we’ve been told, we will speak again when this matter is over. Speaking of which, we’re going to end the call 7).』

(Yuki)「Kovil, especially you please be careful.」

(Kovil)『What are you hinting at again?』

(Yuki)「If you happen to leak anything by chance, your wedding with Kiyu will be put on hiatus indefinitely.」

(Kovil)『My lips are sealed!!』

Dear Taiki, I wonder if you are going to be fine with this.

(Yuki)「Kiyu, the schedule for Rankus forwards as planned, shear off as much of the royalist troops as you can, as well as troops from Taiki. But don’t overdo it.」


(Yuki)「Kovil, I’ve told you many times but don’t push yourself too much either. As you are my brother’s wife, a death in battle would be no laughing matter.」

(Kovil)『Yes, I won’t.』

(Yuki)「Well then, I leave it all to you.」


(Kovil)『On duty!』

In this way, Kiyu’s report ends and the call is cut off.

(Yuki)「Now then, next would be Rumel……」

As I start switching gears to Rumel’s matter, I open the image of our reconnaissance team.
Before our eyes lies the still full-spirited army of the Demon King that have yet to attack.
And on the other side is the army of the united forces containing 300 000 volunteer normal soldier to defend against them.
They probably harbor considerable resentment against the demon army because normally not even one tenth of them would volunteer to fight outside fortifications.

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In the course of the last 2 weeks, they have had a hard time in battle, losing 100 000 out of the 300 000 as pure casualties.
The loss of about 30% of your force would translate to annihilation in modern times.
That seems to not be the case in this era where the concept of power is different, so it’s still possible to draw this fight on for longer. 8)
But, in fact, the demons are on the edge as well. In this place there’s only a small number of monsters that the demons can manipulate. 9)
I guess the balance’s looks are deceiving because Rumels vanguard lost 100 000.
Actually, there’s a lot more reinforcements available to Rumel’s army.
Though that’s true for the normal soldiers, not that many tanks are left. Many of them have been crushed and it looks like it was done by someone’s skill,.
For the time being, it doesn’t look like either side will be able to immediately annihilate the other, though both look like they will lose a lot of strength.
Assuming this battle ends up as a draw, would that be the Demon King Army’s total loss?
So at present, there doesn’t seem to be a need to advance our plans…..

(Yuki)「Next it is about Tori and Riel’s policy…..」

According to the official documents I received, there are other demon trespassers aside from Liliana in Weed.
Three out of three identified invaders were successfully captured.
We don’t know if there are any more so we’re remaining on alert for the next 24 hours.
As for the three we captured, after I interrogate them, I will have Liliana-san review the information.
There is no problem.

(Yuki)「The response of the residents to the extra alertness…..」

The report from Millie and Kaya says that there’s no confusion running rampant.
Considering we have temporarily increased the patrols the police make, it is important to not cause conflict with the adventurer guild.
Mauve and Orvik are on the move, so the usually rough adventurers are also being made quiet. Perhaps I can say that they are contributing to the security as well.

(Yuki)「The united army’s direction……」

This seems to be the biggest problem.
Lulu, Herge and Shera are the three this task was entrusted to. But for the past couple of days, Lulu hasn’t been able to rest at all and Herge is being confined as the general of the allied forces.
In short, Lulu and Shera are the mediators for all conflict between the country’s armed forces, apparently it’s tough on them.
In the meantime, Ritea and Rochelle are becoming extremely alert around the Demon King’s borders.
That’s unavoidable since the enemy has become active, even though they are currently advancing in the direction of Rumel.
Galtz is too busy assisting against and containing Rankus after their betrayal of the various countries. And besides, they have to watch their own borders.
Although moving through each of the countries is proving difficult, it is easy for everyone to contact me, so nothing has gone wrong yet.
For now it’s the usual.

(Yuki)「Then, as for the waiting group in the Government Building…」

Ellis, Delille, Labiris and Lutz.
The extra consumption of the goods in Lutz’s shop was less severe than I had expected. I suppose that the residents were not as panicked as I had thought after all.
Millie’s and Kaya’s abilities are to be thanked for this.
Yet, the issue is something else.
We suggested trade via gate to our neighboring countries. We requested to be allowed to connect the cities via gate in order to export goods, which would otherwise only be accessible through caravan traders and the like. This has lead to a lot of people coming here for the first time.
Compared to that it can be said that the issues in Rankus are only superficial.
Speaking of Rankus, some of the merchants that went there have been assaulted or confined on their way there.

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Owe this up to Rankus being covered in enemies.
Hey Rankus, this is like wrapping a noose around your own neck, right?

(Yuki)「Lastly, the preparations for the march……」

This is something Herge is supposed to do.
Well, she lacks the talent and knowledge to do so, so in actuality it’s Seraria, Crack, Lowell and Ares that are taking command.
It also seems that Naruja and the other fairies have been diligently spreading their enchanted weapons and armors.
The preparations for the heavy squadron are also just about done.
I think we’ll be able to march in just one day as planned.

(Yuki)「So, the most problematic super-hardcore-difficulty challenge of all…..」

The plan to rape Leia as well as making her fall head-over-heels in love with me needs to be put into action and finished ASAP. 10)The heinous super-hardcore-difficulty stratagem Labiris and Lutz plotted.
No matter how much I stretch my head about this and how to bring the feelings of LOVE, I don’t understand.
I’m not sure that we are randomly going to fall in deep love during the next five days, so i’m going to have to make it happen. Well, do we think I will be able to do it consciously?
While thinking so, I watch Leia practicing with Seraria outside.
She’s been doing her best recently.
Grinding to level 120 in one go, who or what put you up to that?
What I do know is that I’m not the driving force behind it.
I can understand that much. After all, I have only had miserable displays whilst in front of Leia.
This MO is simply strange.

(Yuki)「Oh, Seraria lost her sword. How unusual. No, this just proves that Leia is doing her best.」11)

Instead of focusing on Seraria’s mistake, I should compliment Leia who successfully used the mistake.
After a display like that, it makes me wonder if it would be okay to take her along to the frontline?
While thinking about various things, I sign the documents in front of my eyes one after the other.
Before I noticed, Seraria and Leia have stopped training and disappeared off somewhere.

(Yuki)「*Sigh*, it’s not me but a female companionship that has higher chances.」

After I said that, I deeply sink back into my chair and drink tea.
Afterword of the author
It is an overall progress report.
I think you know how busy is Yuki Lol.
So, it’s a remark from a long time ago but once there was someone who proposed to Naruja saying he was her boyfriend, and now the guy no longer exists.
Kovil had of course levelled and is now a first-class fighting force for the front line.
But she tends to be emotional so she needs limiters.

Regarding the story of the wedding ceremony, it will be a grand flag so I will not write it until a certain period of time.
Ellis, Tori and Riel never had their own individual event, I will resolve this soon, it’s scheduled.


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