Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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The mysterious object was illuminated by the moon light.

… Although the word “standing” to apply to it is difficult. Rather, he “was.” The word “was” meant to have at least the legs or feet, which he was not, as there was no handles. You can not make out whether he has the torso or head. He did not have any form and shape, even permanent, since the form of the object is constantly changing. It’s hard to even tell whether an object placed vertically or horizontally.

Toru ACURE stared at the mysterious object.

– …

The object now and then twitched.

The surface of the vague shapes, covered with dirt and fallen leaves, constantly shaking. Of course, she had no eyes, no nose or mouth.Perhaps, if the Torah was asked what it was, he could only say the word “heap”. This self-propelled pile of dirt looked so strange, that did not give no clear description.

– Seagull …

Thor’s voice was cold and gloomy. Maybe blame the cold and darkness of the night.


It was a girl’s name, which he decided to assume his mistress, and which should serve.

Silver hair, small brittle figure, an aura of mystery. Princess perished country.

Her features were so perfect, as if the doll belonged, created a master of world renown.

Her hands were so fragile, as if she could fall apart in the arms of unwary.

Her skin was so white and smooth, as if the dirt does not even dare to approach her.

We pile in front of him missing all of the list.

Only dirty “heap” no humane drop.

– This is … your … – dumbfounded continued Torah. – Your …

Tohru blinked again.

In fact, what he saw, it was hard to believe. He even thought that if he seems to be screwed up and then suddenly open the eyes, this picture is finally disappear.

Finally, he was forced to give up and finish his question:

– Pajamas … or something?

– Mmm.

From the “heap” thought the girl’s face.

It seems that the heap somewhere there was a cut, or rather, a hole under his head. However, there is nothing surprising.

Long silver hair, purple eyes, white skin – the girl looked the same as before.

The only part was changed her clothes.

– Exceptional thermal insulation, – answered the face Seagulls Trabant, leaning out of the “heap”.

– No, but with this I do not intend to argue, but …

– Exceptional zamaskirovannost.

Seagull does not speak very well English and a continental confused in accents and emphasis, but her tone perfectly aired that she is proud of this thing.

– And with that, I also argue not going to, but … – grimly said Toru. – You’ve got to taste all right?

– Important usability. The highest priority.

– …

Thor once again looked at the “pajamas” Seagulls.

It was, rather, the clothes do not, and sleeping bag. To put it more precisely – simply a bag in which he could completely fit one person.Unlike conventional cylindrical bags, this has provided a pretty good leeway man took it.

Front cover its fine mesh layer 2-3. Seagull was enough to climb in and ride a little on the ground to grid hooked for leaves and dirt, which served as an additional means of camouflage.

In addition, this bag does not repeat human shape, and from a distance it is difficult to accept for someone’s shelter.

– Well, if you’re a mage, you probably have to dress up as.

– Own production. Pride. Masterpiece – confirmed Seagull guess that this thing was proud and self-satisfied nod.

– The best defense – not to give the enemy to discover yourself, huh?

– Confirm.

– But now you do not need to dress up as. Get out, your view of the melancholy drives.

– Mmm?

– Precautions leave us – Toru said.

From all sides they were surrounded by trees, fallen leaves and dirt. Before we break camp here, the Torah set several “barriers” along the perimeter.

Of course, they are fundamentally different from those barriers that exhibited for the defense sorcerers. They were much easier. The barrier consists of brittle twigs, hidden under fallen leaves, that would certainly crunched, if they occur.

In addition, between the branches of the trees were stretched thin filaments attached to him with a small bell.

They hung on the case, if a potential enemy will try to get to them, without touching the ground, well, just as an extra security measure.

– And one more thing. Maybe she and warms you, and masks, but I am concerned about the fact that because of it you can not quickly get ready for the battle, if something happens.

– Um … – Seagull frowned.

Obviously, she did not like criticism of the beloved “pajamas”.

– No problem. I can move with lightning speed.

– Oh .. – handed the Torah, squinting. – Come on try to make a circle around the tree. As fast as possible.

– Um – Seagull replied, as if to say, “Yes, no question.”

And then he ran at full speed to the specified tree.


– Gya-eh?

Already in the third step is picturesquely stumbled and fell.

However, she literally hit the dirt face. Dirt and leaves covered with not only a beautiful face, and silver hair.

– I told you.

– Ooh. Impossible.

– Now you know why the clothing is usually repeats the shape of the body? You now, in a sense, trying to run, stepping on the hem of her own skirt.

In addition, due to the fact that her clothes were wrapped in netting, collect leaves and dirt, she could easily be hooked to it for any branch.

In other words, her pajamas perfectly old enough to dress for the role of a stationary state in the hope that you will not notice, but for fast movement (more precisely, the flight) does not fit perfectly.

– So proud … – sadly she whispered Seagull.

Her favorite pajamas blurs the line between themselves and the land so well that it looked like a seagull is owed severed head and looked not the most pleasant way.

– Take off your clothes already – the Torah said, handing lying on the ground Seagull hand.

And in the next moment …

Very near to the Torah fingers flew blade and stuck in the fallen leaves.

… Hatchet.

– Ah ?!

Toru reflexively took a hand and prepared for battle.

Generally, these axes designed for Cutting through the road through the thicket, chopping wood and butchering a small production. But in order for them to be not only universal, but also effective, they do a pretty heavy. They are cut and substantially not by the blade sharpness, but due to its gravity.

And if this was a little ax flown metche … that this day the Torah would be remembered as the one in which he lost a couple of fingers.

– Brother … – indifferent voice came from somewhere in the frozen darkness of the surrounding trees.

He was so smooth that it did not feel any sense.

– What are you doing there?

– It’s me you fit to ask, you fool! – Howled Torah. – What the hell are you doing ?!

– No, it’s still the question I should ask.

With these words from the trees to them came a tall, slender woman.

Due to the narrow eyes and neat lips she seemed very mature, but in fact she was only 17 years old. Her long hair was tied in a ponytail at the back, which is why it is a bit like a guy and immediately began to make an impression very active person.

Although she was slim, but it did not seem weak, but because of their clothes – a light leather armor – it became like a strong young doe.

Akari ACURE.

The younger sister of the Torah. But she was a half-sister, is not related to him by blood.

She went on the hunt and just returned.

In her left hand she held a poultry carcass. It seems that it is gutted and bled her on the spot, as the blood flowed only small drops. With this bloody image Akari production becomes even more impressive. If a girl at night on the road saw the child, he would undoubtedly have wet my pants, and then burst into tears.

– Why are you in the middle of the night – she continued, looking at the Torah with their black eyes – Woman pinned to the ground and ordered her to undress?

– … Eh? – Toru asked blankly.

No, he actually said Seagull “undressed”, but …

– And … wait a minute, you did not understand, – Thor shook his head. – Here there is not what you thought.

– Mmm? Stop undressing?

I have already begun to take pajamas Seagull bowed her head in amazement.

As pajamas – nightwear, then, of course, underneath Seagull was practically naked. In addition, because of the cool nights of her snow-white skin was painted blush, which only exacerbates the misunderstanding.

– Are you already beginning to undress ?!

– The Torah. Illogical – Chaika said sulkily.

– How do you hard, brother – Akari added, shaking his head.

Although her face was hard to catch at least something similar to the emotion of it, however, it exuded an eerie chill. Not that Akari was not able to experience any feelings, she just did not know how to express their appearance. As it turned out – I did not even know the Torah.

– Every time I look away, as you already rushed at little girls.

– Enough of this talk about me! – Howled Torah. – I do not …

– But if it’s your fetish, then nothing can be done.

– Hey, you. You are listening to me?

– What would be a pervert or a ladies’ man you are, how fast you may be finished, no matter how short it you may be, I will always love you, brother. I am well aware that my duty as a younger sister, – to take you just the way you are!

With that she spread her arms to the side, as if inviting the Torah to jump into her arms. And yes, in her left hand she was still clutching the carcass freshly killed birds. Because of this, the feeling that she did not want to hug him and strangle to death.

– Enough already … chance to utter any nonsense!

– Nonsense?

– Size does not your business!

And then, quickly or slowly – too. And all the rest.

– But it’s a very important question. That’s why I mentioned – minted in response to Akari. – And by the way, I would not hurt to know the answer. I’m your sister.

– Oboydeshsya!

– Come on, brother. Undress – quietly ordered Akari. – I firmly believe that my brother is not completely hopeless, and that if he tells anyone to undress, is willing to do it himself.

– Believe me, as much as necessary! – Angrily said Toru, then picked up the ax and threw it at Akari, who easily caught it in the air, deftly scrolling finger, and “drop” so that he hung on her belt.

– Oh … and what the hell do I do in these mountains?

– To camp? – Slightly incredulous voice asked Akari.

– Ah, yes, of course. Of course! – Sarcastically said Toru, then caught a bird carcass which Akari threw like in exchange for a hatchet. – Well, what we will do with it? Crude has complicated.

– But there is not a fire razvedeshsya – saw Akari.

And she was right. It’s hard to come up with something more significant than a fire in the mountains. And if they fire a muddle could still hide, then the smell of smoke and nothing can be done.

Torah, Akari and Seagull were on the run. Forget about the dangers and precautions impermissible.

– It would be possible to pickle … but we have no salt, no banks …

– The Torah.

Seagull suddenly gently tugged the hem of his garment. At some point, she still had time to change clothes and was not half-naked, and in his usual black-and-white dress.

– Cooking. Practical Magic, – she said, pointing a finger at himself.

– Oh … Well, you could. You can do it?

– Mmm.

Seagull with a happy face nodded, then reached for the black box, leaning against a nearby tree.

It was delivered vertically hexagonal box in which he could fit people.


But Gull, of course, benefited from it is not the body, and made of wood and steel instrument. A long tube. The complex mechanism. The handle of the treated wood. Seagull start habitual movements of the device to connect to each other.

And very soon she picked up a finished tool.

He was long. Perhaps longer herself.

Magic outfit called Gundo.

It was a kind of magic wands, mages are used to cast spells. Thanks Gundo spells that previously required lengthy rituals have become much simpler and therefore more useful.

– The Torah. Meat. Vaughn. Branch. Hang – Chaika said, reeling on the neck of the so-called patch cord, and then pointed to the tree next to the Torah.

– Like this?

– Uh-huh.

Nodding, Seagull directed gun hanging on the carcass.

And then…

– Aymr, iai, daring, IRG … – start intones Seagull, clinging to the sight and shut the other eye.

Besides the fact that the cast has focused minds, it is also conducted in the language, uttering words that switches on the brain “magic” mode. However, the Torah, as a layman, all the details of what is happening could not have known.

– Fifa, Ax, eksepus, res …

Finally, around the girl appeared dim blue glow.

It was not flame and lightning.

This light, the essence of which bordered on the void, suddenly began to expand, and then began to draw in the air difficult letters.

This was the route that was appointed by the spell, and that was to go to magic power.

At first the letters were cut off from each other, but then began to slowly rotate around Gundo, and then completely merged into a single chart.

– Appear, “Kipyatitel” – confident tone said Gull.

And in the next moment something invisible, but obviously highly compressed, poured into the hanging carcass.

There was no light. There was no sound.

But the Torah understood that launched some force.

And then…

– Oh … great – I dropped the Torah, when he heard the smell of fried bird.

The magic that can in such a short time to cook food without fire, no doubt, extremely useful.

Toru enthusiastically turned to the Seagull …

– A…

… Which surprised clapped eyes.

And in the next moment … bird bird exploded.

– Ah ?!

Naturally, since the Torah was standing next to a tree, a few lumps flew in his direction. No matter how clever acrobat he was, but to dodge all, even he could not.

– Oh, it’s hot! Wh-what happened ?!

After dropping off the face of adhering oshmetok, Thor turned to the suspended carcass.

The picture was, frankly, pathetic. Most of the meat and viscera scattered around, and hung from a branch just skin and bones.

– What happened ?!

– …

Seagull some time sat motionless with round eyes, and then …

– Hee-hee – dropped it and smiled sweetly.

– Do not think it will help – roared in fury Torah.

It looks like she made a mistake somewhere. Apparently, the rate of heating.

Due to the fact that the temperature inside the poultry has risen sharply, the whole contained in it boiled water and instantly turned into steam, which quickly inflated carcass. As a result, it exploded.

Only now the Torah remembered that this girl named Seagull possessed extraordinary strength of will only in critical moments, and in the rest of the time was very clumsy (and it was not just about magic) and suffered defeat after defeat.

– How could I have forgotten? .. – Handed the Torah, scraping leftover meat with clothes.

– I tried in vain, – summed Akari.

Indeed, even though they could put out the smoke from the flown apart in all directions undigested lumps, but the smell of anything about it was no longer possible.

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– Damn … – Tohru looked at the hanging in the night sky the moon. – So … I should not have such a hurry.

Toru ACURE, saboteur.

His journey was so difficult that at times he almost began to regret his own choice.


A long, long war left behind.

It lasted more than 3 centuries and ended only when the Northern Empire Gas is always in the whirlwind of events, was completely destroyed.

Arthur Strip Emperor Empire Gas, known as Emperor of the Damned, the Devil King Immortal, the Great Sage … and, most importantly, as the greatest magician.

But even monstrous Emperor could not stand against the combined might of the armies of his enemies, and was defeated. Officially, it was reported that his body was burnt to ashes. As Arthur Gas, one might say, the rules of their country alone, the Empire immediately broke up brick by brick. Half of his vassals was killed and the other fled across Ferbistu.

The rest of the state was divided between the territory and resources of the former Empire, and then embarked on the development of the stolen magical technologies. In addition, they were attacked, and a heavy load of recovery of economic problems, and would not have to fight anyone.

It is time to begin peace.

But … it is not in the history so that any line could completely distinguish one era from another.

Despite the fact that on the wave termination announced quite officially, it does not mean that the next day lives have changed radically. For people living in war time has become so familiar that the world seemed to them something unusual … and there were many people whose being turned so suddenly and unexpectedly that they could not accept the fact of occurrence of peacetime.

These include, for example, includes all the artisans that for many years supplied the army of necessary supplies.

Another example was the merchants who lived in that traded with soldiers in their camps.

People like the Torah and Akari ACURE also belonged to these people – they are saboteurs of ACURE. All my life I have made a living weapon that can turn the tide of battle.

They were the people who are building their lives solely of benefit considerations, they could bring the war. In peace time, they, like all the other saboteurs, immediately becomes useless. But even though they knew it all, we could not just change the way of life, who have dedicated all their time. Their education has left on the body and soul such prints, from which they could not escape.

They were a relic of the past.

And it was …

Chaika Trabant.

She – Seagull Gas.

Being the successor of Arthur Devil Strip, it also applies to those people who had no place in the new world.


After some simple dinner meeting began.

– So … the question is, what do we do next, – the Torah said, sitting on the ground and leans back against the tree trunk.

Akari sat beside him, and the gull – on the contrary. The fire they could not breed, but the moonlight is still enough to make out faces in the darkness.

In fact, it’s been 5 days since they left Delsorant, but had the opportunity to talk to them just now. The rest of the time they were running day and night, trying to break away from his pursuers, and because it was not up to talking. If the Torah and Akari were still in order, Seagull already falls from weariness feet.

– We need to decide where we are going to move, at least approximately.

– M? – Surprise dropped Seagull, which was kind of like better than others to understand what is happening.

It looks like she was going to do the same as before – lightly walk in search of the “souvenirs” of his father …

– I understand that he rashly promised to follow you regardless of whether you’re looking for “souvenirs” or simply run from those nasty guys, but nothing we can not help, unless we understand, are in what kind of situation – with frown said Toru.

Seagull chasing.

There was a band of knights, mercenary, assassin, and God knows who, who hunted Seagull Gas, daughter of the Emperor of the Damned … and at the same “souvenirs”.

And as the Torah and Akari, they are half due to circumstances fought with the detachment thus, resulting began to follow the Chaika and defend it …

– I understand … – Chaika said, nodding obediently.

When she did that, then it became so charming that resembled an elegant doll, who can not offer anything but pleasant appearance. Of course, she could confidently call himself a magician, and magicians in the world was not so much, but it is by no means unique.

In other words … they clearly do not like a dangerous person for whom you want to send a squad led by a knight. Of course, people sometimes looks can be deceiving, and persecute not only the bad people, but also good.

– So after all – the Torah, squint said. – You really the daughter of Arthur of Gaza?

– Confirm – Seagull nodded, then proudly thrust out his chest a little and added. – I’m really a princess.

It seems that it is, in spite of its position, it is not felt the strain.

– I Do not know if you can be proud of.

– Revered. It is necessary, – said Gull, showing the finger.

Let her and the mistress, but as evident under them, the Torah spoke to her very familiarly. In addition, even though she called herself a princess, the Torah had not the slightest idea how to talk with all kinds of the royal family. Perhaps these features of his irritated Seagull.

– So … what is your ultimate goal?

– Collection. Collect the remains of his father – Seagull replied confidently.

Indeed, Seagull collected the remains of his father, Emperor Arthur Strip, nicknamed the Devil.

After the death of Arthur Strip in the battle for the capital of the Empire Gas won his “heroes” dismembered the corpse and pick up a part of it.

Objects, for a long time served as the seat of powerful thoughts, were the source of magical energy and fuel were magical.

The most common fuel used recycled fossils of creatures that have a certain level of intelligence (so-called “dry fuel”), but the remains of Arthur Strip, the strongest mage in history Ferbista were much more powerful source of energy. And, of course, a clean fuel that can accommodate a lot of magical energy cost by orders of magnitude more expensive than usual.

In other words, Gaza Emperor remains were trophies that are divided between the “heroes”.

Of course, it was never mentioned publicly.

Stated it was that in the course of the battle with the emperor heroes destroyed his body with the help of magic, and he did not even ash remaining.

Questioned the need for such stringent measures only person he could, who has not heard the legend of Emperor Gaza. Some have argued that the Devil, keep at bay the rest of the state, was not a man at all.

But whatever it was …

– I understand that in a good no one will give us, – he said with displeasure the Torah.

If more precise, since “Heroes” took home trophies, which should be divided among the winners, they zealously guarded the remains, and even refused to recognize the fact of the fact that own them.

– Well, do you know who they are?

– … – Seagull shaking her head.

– How it all started – said Toru, feeling it leans impotence.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the names of most of those heroes that defeated Emperor in battle, never disclosed. One reason for this was that the names of those involved in the actual killing of the Emperor, knew almost no one – including the detachment were like magicians who supported the other from a distance, and many other fighters that held back reinforcements trying to help the emperor.

Another reason was that the end of the Empire Gas put a united army of other kingdoms that have concluded a forced union. Immediately after the war began carve-up areas and pulling the blankets. All the countries have tried to play the card of “it is our knights and were heroes,” which is why the list of “Heroes” became even more arbitrary. Each country tried to present it in this light, to assert their rights to the maximum amount of land and booty.

It was believed that the actual battle with the emperor had entrusted a special squad of 8 persons, but the names of the people that were part of the squad, is also not disclosed due to the delicate political component of the question.

Of course, Delsorantu rumors that Earl, who ruled the city, one of the characters, but the ordinary citizen had no way to ensure their veracity.

– But. Share. INFORMATION – suddenly said Gull, raising a finger.

– A? Someone is sharing with you information? Who!

– Stranger.

– …

Thor frowned.

If the story Seagulls take at face value … it turns out that before Chaika periodically appeared a mysterious man who gave her information about the owners of the remains, and then disappeared.

But who could it be?

What is he persecuted?

– Maybe he was sent to those “forces trying to restore the Empire Gas”, which said that knight?

More specifically, the one knight said that there are people who plan to revive the state, using the Cursed Emperor child Seagull – a legitimate heir to the throne.

– ..

Seagull bowed her head in amazement.

Either she was trying to say that does not understand what it was about, or knight of the words she could not hear at the time. However…

– Sounds suspiciously, – she expressed her opinion Akari, sitting with arms folded.

Not only is this “someone” had knowledge, inaccessible to the majority of ordinary people, he must have had to understand who this Seagull.In other words, he had a huge supply of information and used it for their own purposes.

But if there was such a mighty Gulls assistant … why it is all the time looking for the remains of one?

After she met the Torah and Akari, they saw to it that there is no nothing wrong with her … but she might well die, for example, in the same mountains Delsoranta. Or it could overtake the detachment of a knight, and then executed as a dangerous person.

If this man had planned to use for the revival of The Seagull Empire Gas, its plan was too fragile, if it can be called up.

– What are you all going to do with the remains?

Its goal is to collect the remains of the Emperor Arthur Strip.

This goal was clear, but it is not clear what she was going to do with them.

Revive Empire Gas? Avenge the people of other countries?


– … Bury – Just said Gull.

– Ah … yes. That’s it – the Torah nodded.

Due to the abundance of lofty words like “empire”, “Emperor”, “Princess” and so on what is happening can be easily mistaken for something very complex and intricate. The process of collecting the remains of a preparatory stage seemed to some the next step.

But this girl wanted only to recover his father’s body to be buried.

Perhaps this way of thinking can be called natural.

It was a family affair that did not have nothing to do with the fact that her father was the Devil, and she – the princess.

That’s just …

– I’m afraid, even if you tell them that you want only this, they will not leave you alone.

– ..

As already mentioned, the Emperor’s remains were the strongest source of magic, but not only. They are – a symbol of Empire Gas … and if someone managed to collect them all, this person would quickly become perceived as the heir of the empire.

Anyway, this is what he was afraid of the knight.

Let the empire collapsed and gas, but it has existed for hundreds of years. Its existence was beneficial to thousands, millions of people, and among them there are still many of those who tried to revive the empire.

– Oh, you … – a little ruefully said Toru. – Do you realize in what a dangerous thing it was involved?

– ..

It seems that these thoughts did not come to her.

In her mind lived just one thought: “bury the remains of her father,” and because of that she is so clearly focused on her and not break on the way … and that’s why the Torah was afraid for her.

He knew how easily such sincere feelings can be operated.

– Father. Collect. Rest. Later. Will begin. My future … – Chaika said.

Something like she was saying a few days ago.

What time it stopped 5 years ago, the day of the death of Empire Gas.

What she could not get in the future, it is not will deal with the past.

Torah understood it.

Sometimes it is also bound hand and foot by the shackles of the past … even though they were not like the ones that tied Seagull.

– By the way … why Empire Gas all destroyed .. – Toru said, folding his arms.

Because life is Torah consisted of daily training in the village ACURE, get beyond it managed only after the war. Prior to that, he learned about the state of affairs only scraps of stories stray traders in the world. Picture of the world was only approximate in his head, and details about the affairs of each country he did not know.

– Brother. What are you stupid social issues.

Akari shook her head, and this gesture seemed feigned.

Thor knew that this girl is very rarely show their emotions, and her gestures were quite shameless, but even he could not help but get angry at her and did not snap.

– Sorry.

– But that you seem nice.

– Do not make me angry. Shut up, – reflex growled Thor, seeing as Akari clenches his fists, emphasizing his words. – And in general, you might think you have to behave in society get better than me.

Like the Torah, Akari did not leave the boundaries of the village ACURE until her death. Therefore, about the world she had to know as much as he did.

– I – a woman – said Akari, proudly sticking out his chest.

By the way, as opposed to Gulls, she looked much more mature. Her clothes are very well emphasized the line of her body, and even, perhaps, attracted to him too much attention …

– And women have a special female weapon.

– What?

– While we were in Delsorante and you spend days lying in bed, I used her feminine weapons to collect information.

– Wait, so your gun is …

Akari Torah and learned to engage in dirty work – the destruction of all things, the collection and manipulation of information, murders, provocations. saboteurs were experts in such matters, who preferred not to advertise. Suppose they did not manage to take part in these battles, prepare for them, they have dedicated their entire lives in the village.

And, of course, female saboteurs learned to use their bodies in order to entice the enemy commanders, to penetrate into the enemy camp disguised as prostitutes, and so on.

In addition, Akari better than many other saboteurs knew how to control his body and often joined the men’s field saboteurs for physical training …

– So you had time to …

Toru imagined Akari obtains information through the bed men, and realized that it is very difficult to imagine her in the role. However, for the saboteur, this should not be something out of the ordinary.

– Yes … – I replied Akari without shame drops. On the contrary, she said proudly. – I gossiped.

– If you’re proud of the fact that the information gathered in this way, then you clearly something wrong with the views of the world.

– I appreciate it.

– This is not a compliment! – Wearily handed the Torah.

– But still it is not necessary to look down on the flow of information exchanged between a lady’s brother. And men, they do not tell anything.

– That’s just in them as unproven and murky rumors that these flows are completely useless.

– No. It is because the rumors are muddy, the more of them, the more clearly emerges the truth. Unless you did not teach?

Really … can not be smoke without fire.

How dull and improbable nor would the hearing, there was still a fact on which it is based. On the contrary, it meant that no matter how rumors were transformed with time, having heard enough of, can be identified in their common points, averaged stories, cut off the excess tails and get very accurate information.

– But … most people think that the Empire Gas was the source of all evil in the Ferbiste destroyed and that’s why – Akari said.

– That’s what I already know. I am wondering why the only Gas Empire was defeated. The war was full, all the countries were at war with everyone, is not it?

– There is an opinion that the war dragged on for such a period because of the existence of Empire Gas.

– What …? – Thor frowned.

– More – thanks to the achievements of magical technology war has acquired such a scale.

– You have to develop a large-scale spell, to facilitate the movement and communication?

The scope of spells can be very different.

In addition to spells that could be used by a single person Gundo existed such that require the participation of several people and sophisticated equipment and allowed to raise a castle in the air, or to establish a connection with the point to which otherwise would have had to go a few days.

Most of all these magical technology was created Empire Gas. Frankly, until these technologies require the use of magic as much time and effort that it is practically not used … but researchers Empire led by the emperor Arthur Gas could create Gundo and related technologies.

Although the emperor feared and called the Devil and Damned Emperor, at the same time, he had other nicknames, such as the Great Sage, indicates how revered it. If Empire Gas is not spread developed within her magical technology, the level of civilization and culture Ferbiste would be much lower than today.


– Naturally, the achievements in the field of communication and transport in the countries awakened appetite for conquest of new territories.Previously, they were only restrained that they did not have the ability to manage effectively the distant lands. We can say that these technologies not only opened their eyes, but untied the hands of …

– Well, I understand what you’re … – Thor said with folded hands. – But it’s not a very convincing excuse, is not it?

Indeed, it is the magic of technology, developed by Empire Gas, played a crucial role in the emergence and spread of war.

But at the same time, it was very strange that because of this empire Gas announced the root of all evil.

Finally, use the magic of technology for military purposes decided the rest of the state, and not the Empire Gas. The fact that the sword has killed another person, always blame the one who swung the sword, not a blacksmith that forged it.

– Indeed, I find it unconvincing – Akari nodded. – But most people agree with this version.

– Hmm …

In fact, it’s hard to believe that a detachment of knights pursued Seagull for fame or just by mistake.

Someone sent them to her precisely because he considered it a real threat.

– Well … to some degree, I realized what was happening.

Rather, he knew that now they need not to think about the relationship between the two countries, and how to ensure their own safety.

– I wonder how far we have managed to break away from those nasty guys …

Torah could not help remembering that the young knight, chasing seagulls, had a truly excellent technicians, and sadly sighed.


Agency to accelerate the post-war reconstruction, “Kliman.”

Perhaps this is the only organization in the whole Ferbiste, which can be called an international shamelessly. It was an amazing nature in which the money provided by the different countries, working people towards their governments.

However, despite its grand name, the organization can not be called a large scale or in terms of capital, nor in terms of human resources.

In reality, the agency “Kleeman” was rather a monument of those times when the different countries presented a united front in the battle against Empire Gas. And in fact used as a place where rulers occupied post-war reconstruction could redirect things that were too tough for them … or, to put it simply, so that they can justify to their citizens that they are “not that that is not deal with these issues. “

The lack of people. The lack of budget. The lack of powers.

It is with these three challenges small agencies had to face more often.

Naturally, the fact that the people concerned, the state often sent to work in skilled human agency, but too wayward to benefit the country.

The assistant by the name of Karen Bombardier was just such a person.

– We have received a report from Gillette detachment about how they met themselves know someone, – said chairman of the agency she Konrath Steinmetz, who had just returned to his office after the break in the yard.

– With whom?

– With Seagull Gas, – she said, as if explaining something obvious, and adjusted her spectacles, adorned her nervously looking face.

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It was a middle-aged woman, who spoke all kind that everything new, it gets used with great difficulty. In fact, it was truly a perfect example of a man who always did everything by the rules. She brilliantly coped with a desk, but was absolutely sure that everyone else can not work less hard than it, and because this was a man who did not develop any relationships with superiors or subordinates. It has a strict both with itself and with the rest … but consistent and logical.

In her hand she held a few sheets of paper fastened.

Most likely, it was a report received from the unit Gillette … or rather, its copy.

– Devil’s Daughter? – Konrath said, passing by Karen and sat down at his desk.

– …

Karen grimaced from tobacco smell, but did not complain.

The smoking ban was in the office of her sentence … or rather demanding. She stubbornly argued that the poor air quality adversely affects productivity. Konrath reluctantly agreed with her … but even the Karen knew that big concessions he will not go for nothing. If Conrat force quit, it will not only begin to work less – at a pace all activities “Kleeman” could simply stand up.

– I did not think it would happen so fast – Konrath said, looking at the paper. – I hope this time it’s real.

His voice could be heard clear Conrat irritation.

Seagull Gas, daughter of the Emperor of the Damned Arthur Strip.

In fact, it was looking for not only a detachment of Gillette. One agency has allocated only to find her another 2 unit. And Konrath has repeatedly read their reports, in which they were told that the Devil caught daughter.

That’s just every time you catch them quickly understood that they found fake.

Actually … information that Arthur Gaza has a daughter, appeared after the war.

Prior to that, no one even heard of that Emperor of the Damned had any relatives.

Therefore, it was not even sure that a girl named Seagull Gas existed at all.

But despite … or rather, precisely because of this was worth the war ended, people started to appear everywhere, who enjoyed the postwar turmoil to proclaim himself the Crown Princess Empire Gas, and even regular arrests could not stop these fools. Of course, due to the fact that the Empire fell, convinced of falsity of those deceivers was difficult, but Konrath sincerely do not understand why all of them so liked to pretend to be relatives of the Emperor of the Damned.

– Apparently, she had her assistants.

– Are they going to scam some crank? – He said Konrath tormented voice, leafing through documents.

He read a little about unscrupulous fraudsters messages that were associated with merchants and nobles, were told that they are going to revive the Empire Gas, promised them a decent reward, when the task is executed, obtained from their finances and hiding immediately. We can say all the Devil’s daughter, who is caught in their nets, hunted just that. Of course, not all of them promised to restore the empire.Sometimes they lulled the attention of their victims with stories of raising funds for the search of the treasure, which is hidden by Arthur Gas, and so on.

Whatever it was, to give credibility to their stories, they always pretended to act led to any organization. It is hard to imagine that there is a fool who believed nowhere who took a girl who seems the princess and asks for money. For such fraud should be a remarkable acting skills … and “assistants”.

– Looks like they fought with a group of Gillette – Karen said indifferently.

– …

Konrath stopped flipping the paper.

He frowned and looked at his assistant, obviously expecting her to continue.

– And?

– It seems that the Seagull Gas somehow they hired assistants Delsorante. Young Man and Woman. We know nothing about them, but as a result of their battle with a detachment of Gillette, and they themselves, and Seagull gas could escape.

– Detachment from Gillette?

– Yes.

– Hmm ….

Although the “Gillette force” led by Alberico Knight Gillette, we can say, consisted of random passengers, it was a very skilled people.Especially effective they were in combat. And, nevertheless, decided to join their opponents in battle … and were able to escape.

Most likely, the man and woman is not the ordinary people.

Mercenaries? Perhaps saboteurs? Whatever it was, it is people with the skills, redundant for scams. But more importantly, they do not run away at the sight of a knight, and it does not matter that he was not acting on behalf of the state. At least, he had to make it clear that his commanders – the official organization and no scammer will not persist and speak out against the government forces.

And that means …

– Is this true?

– We can not say this with certainty – Karen replied. More than anything, she hated to give conjectures as facts. – As stated in the report unit Gillette, she stole the remains of Arthur Gaza, kept Count Robert, and fled.

Of course, there was the likelihood that a man named Seagull Gas really existed.

Actually, Gillette squad was sent on a mission is due to the fact that in the worst case, this could really be true.

– We need evidence.

– Currently Gillette squad pursues her, – said Karen, leafing through documents. – What would you do?

The real question is, is behind these words, was: “You want to give them any more orders, or do you want another detachment to assist the detachment Gillette?”


– Nothing, – Konrath said, again looking down on paper. – We can not say whether or not it is true, is not caught her. But regardless of the answer to this question, this daughter of the Devil – a person representing a threat to society. Therefore, our current plan remains in force. Let continue to haunt her. If after capturing it turns out that it is true … then we will think about what to do next.

– I Got you – Karen nodded.

It seems that it was in full agreement with the instructions Conrat.

– I’ll let the magician, so he gave them your word.

This conversation about that daughter of the devil, which haunted squad Gillette, ended.

Agency to accelerate the post-war reconstruction, “Kliman.”

This organization, which existed primarily to serve as a convenient excuse for rulers of states and experience eternal shortage of people, was surprisingly a lot of work. Stack requiring approval of documents on the table do not fail.

Konrath and Karen immediately turned their attention to the following matter.


From under the feet came the rumble of wheels, is repelled by the uneven ground.

On the road, illuminated by the afternoon sun, rode horse carriage with passengers.

It was a large caravan type wagon, pulled by 8 horses … but it moved only slightly faster than a human.

In part, this was to blame for the heavy wagon … but the main reason was that local roads rather defilement. Everywhere the rocks have been scattered, and easily riding the wagon could simply roll over.

Typically, the state of the roads followed by local rulers … but after the war they were often not up to the road, and some land and all left without owners.

And in this case it is the latter is true.

On both sides of the road went off into the distance abandoned wasteland.

And … everything. only the sky and the earth could see to the horizon.

Of course, this space in some ways feast for the eyes, but this total emptiness seemed unnatural. From the land did not grow even grass.There was no relief and – only endless flat surface.

Once there was a battlefield.

Due to the powerful magical weapons, began to be applied to the end of the war, there is not just a blade of grass.

Not everyone will believe, if he is told that once here was located the town and castle of the local lord. It was a city that flourished due to the good location near the road … but now it is completely erased from the face of the earth, and he survived only one name.

Magic was to blame and that for 5 years on this earth does not add a single germ-ground like a huge flat stone covered. Plant seeds got here with the wind and bird droppings, but here there was a soft soil, where they could take root. This land can be restored soil enrichment and laying water, but none of the feudal lords, who lived not far from it, there was no time for it.

On this land given up even the government.

One of its kind drives the disheartened.


– …What are you talking about?

– Get out of. You see? ..

– Fu … how disgusting …

Passengers carts quietly whispering to each other.

Since the outside does not look at that, the passengers involuntarily began to regard each other. And since in the long road topic of conversation inevitably ran low, of course, that even those who initially struggled pretended that no one notices, pay your attention to the other.

– …

“At such moments, you realize that a good ear – not always good” – thought the Torah.

He could not relax – to his ears and then came the unwelcome sounds. Of course, he could behave as if nothing had happened, but he kind of understood why the other passengers looked on with suspicion, and even began to regret his decision.

As planned … such large wagons intended for use by ordinary citizens.

Unlike urban carts, these are used to move between towns and villages, ie for longer trips. Know and traders for these trips used personal cars or coaches.

However, ordinary citizens were hardly any reasons why they would want to leave their town or village.

Of course, their life is not completely self-sufficient, but in everyday life and their homes completely suits them. Sometimes it happens that a man lived all his life, a single step without leaving their hometown.

So … the majority of passengers travel must be a reason for which they were in it. Some were going to take part in some solemn event, the other – to visit relatives and friends, who was engaged in religious pilgrimage, someone might just went to see the world.

But even with all this … one of the passengers has attracted particular attention.

Simply put, a denunciation of him feeling was in the air, filling the entire wagon.

– Thor … – called the same passenger, bowing his head in bewilderment.

If possible, the Torah would like to pretend that he is here at all to do with it, but it was not so easy.

– What? – He said irritably.

– Face. I do not like.

– …

Thor squinted and looked away from the window, placing it first on myself … and then sitting in front of his girl.

On the Seagull.

Whichever way he looked at her no, she was really beautiful.

Her beauty was so exquisite that she looked like a work of art.

The first thing that attracted attention to her, had long silver hair. Her skin was too pale and smooth, and it is against this background violet eyes seemed especially bright. They sharpened corners, reminding cat eyes, but they did not have to drop and severity. On the contrary, all of it was so graceful and fragile, it seemed, could crumble into the arms of unwary.

She was like a statue carved out of snow and ice.

Her black-and-white dress only further emphasized image. Her collar and looked like a butterfly in her hair decoration, framed blue stones, but they could not change the fact that the only element of color in her eyes seemed way.

In general, it was cute. Very cute.

So … it attracts increasing attention, even when sitting in the corner of the wagon.

– Oh-ho-ho – Thor squinted and stared eye to the Seagull. – Whose. There. Face. You. I do not like?

Torah deliberately separated the words from one another, so that it can not pretend to be, if he had not heard him.

But Gull quite frightened. On the contrary, in response to a gesture sure she threw forward a finger pointing at the nose Torah.

– The Torah.

– … Do you think that I have so distorted face, that we can talk about what it is you “do not like” and poking a finger at me?

– Gloomy. All mown.

– …

Toru stifled the urge to a prolonged groan, and then replied, trying not to show anger (because they attract more attention he did not want):

– Seagull. To begin, I will correct you.

– M?

– Look askance at you.

– …?!

Seagull dumbfounded raised his hands to his face. She felt her cheeks and forehead … and then in awe said:

– A shocking fact.

– And it’s not in the face.

– In body?!

This time Seagull patted himself on the chest and the hips … and then, as if suddenly realizing something, nodded and said:

– Hope for the future.

– What are you talking about?

– With gasket – Chaika said, pointing a finger at his chest.

– Eh? If it is packed, it really is actually you do not even … ugh! – Somehow unyav desire to break out screaming the whole cart, Toru said quietly, – Your body is nothing to do with! In general, such things are better not speak out loud!

– Mmm?

– Yes, do not you understand ?! Case in your luggage! You could not remove it on the roof ?! – Toru said, pointing to the goods Seagulls.

Inside the wagon along the side walls placed benches on which the passengers sit. Rather, the “benches” were actually a wooden box nailed to the floor, and the passengers are usually piled my luggage inside these boxes, while they themselves sit on top.

Thor sat in the back of the wagon, and Seagull directly across from him. They were so close that if stretched out his arms, it would be able to concatenate them.

Rather, it can be said about the Seagull that she was sitting, just because of other words to describe her position, did not come to mind.

In fact, it was in the air.

The box, which served her bench, her cargo was located.

The same coffin in which she kept her Gundo.

Seagull carried him on his back. But now he was standing on the coffin box, and Seagull hanging from it, sitting right on the air. Toru wanted to ask whether it is not hard … but Seagull looked surprisingly calm. It seemed she was in such balance that her knees and hips did not feel the load.

– Important. Necessary. Do not let go a single step.

– I know, I know.

Thor knew that this coffin for Seagulls is vital … sometimes more than her life. She always kept him in sight, but what’s there, reach, and could not calm down, if it was not there.

However, the girl who was carrying on his back a thing, designed for the transport of corpses could not attract the attention of the carts passengers. What of Seagulls already difficult to look away, only exacerbates the situation.

At first, the driver in any did not want to let into the Seagull with the coffin, but it is (of course) so much stubborn, he finally gave up.

… But of course, that the other passengers looked at her suspicious glances, trying to figure out who she is and what he does. Some of the people could read clear dissatisfaction. Only a fool would be glad that rode in a wagon with a clearly abnormal girl taschivshey on itself an ominous thing.

– Why do I do this … – handed the Torah.

Of course, they went on this wagon is not just.

They pursued the squad Alberic Gillette.

He was a knight, in whose possession clearly had its own carriage, and maybe even a car. Also, apparently, behind him stood a strong organization. If they tried to escape from him walking along the road, they would certainly have caught. That is why, even though the Torah squad and realized how hard the road they will, nevertheless decided to go through the mountains, and even hold them a few days to give opponents pass. They tried to use any methods.

… But of course, the Seagull, did not shine physical strength could not long endure such a pace.

Therefore, the Torah decided to go on the wagon, despite the risk of being discovered.


“Srebrovlasaya girl with a coffin on his back.”

Naturally, such an unusual person to quickly attracted attention. If the very Seagull they could still somehow hide from prying eyes, then the coffin was impossible to do anything about it.

This coffin served as a kind of flag that says “we are here”, which gave the fugitives with giblets. Walk around with such a flag is hardly a wise decision.

But when the Torah think about it …

– What’s up, brother? – Appealed to him Akari. – If you have a concern, you can always share it with me.

– Yes, there is nothing special to share …

– I know that my brother thought deeply of the deep sea and the lofty heavens themselves, and it is unlikely that someone like me can help, but still.

– Thanks for the flattery, of course – sadly replied Thor. – But my thoughts are often superficial.

Even the fact that he gave Seagull hire themselves … or rather, that he decided to go with her, he must attack the simple excitement.

– No. You do not spend – Akari looked straight into his eyes Torah.

– From what I’ve been trying to hold you?

– No matter how you shy, I know you’re only pretending brainless brother.

– What is the point I behave this way?

– To seem more friendly, is not it? – Suggested Akari, for some reason, saying these words majestic voice.

Because she did not shine diversity in the expression of their emotions, then he spoke always with the same person for whom it was impossible to tell, she says, “now I’m going to kill you” or “I’m going to walk.” Because of this, even when she spoke quite ordinary things, they can be mistaken for something important.

– How it’s called? It seems … – Akari frowned and put a finger to his forehead. For a while she silently pretended to think hard and then … – Oh, yeah. So you’re more … exciting.

– …

Thor looked at his sister, trying to explain to her eyes, what utter nonsense she said.

– A, no. Forgive me, brother – Akari raised her hand as if going for something to swear, and said, – I was wrong. “Excite” Do not.

– Good.

– A touches.

– … In fact, I do not care – handed the Torah and sighed. – I just think that this situation is not so easy to leave.

– That’s right – Akari nodded. – At this rate, the rest of the passengers will die because of you with emotion, brother.

– What kind of nonsense ?!

– Not at all. I already feel like dying from the emotion.

– Yes, shut up already, – growled the Torah and then voiced his thoughts – Do not you understand what I’m talking about what we can not attract so much attention?

– …I certainly understand. I’m just kidding.

– Exactly?

– Yes, probably.

– Why are you not sure?

“Maybe she does not understand what she says?” – Torah thought, but decided not to develop the idea.

– Ideally, I would like to never see those guys …

He talked about Alberico Gillette and his subordinates.

Knight, a mercenary and assassin.

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Surprisingly even the fact that such raznosherstaya company was in the same place, not to mention the fact that they fought shoulder to shoulder. But even more striking is that the art of each of them were given first-class soldiers.

Although the Torah and was able to win the battle with one of them … that did not mean that he would be able to win the next time.

It was not the game, not training, but the real battle, and win them depend on many factors. In other words, very much luck ran. A really strong warrior knew how to “win” no matter how he was lucky or unlucky. If a person was proud of his ability only defeat the enemy in a fair fight on an equal footing, he was a fool who did not reached and three days on this battlefield.

That’s why … the true art of war was that, in order not to fight at all. Key to frequent Wings of Victory in joining the fight only when it is absolutely necessary. Or, as the Torah teachers say:

“Remember that when the blade is removed from the sheath – the battle is already over.”

Whatever it was…

– We need to think about this when we get to the next town.

– Aha, – nodded Akari. – I also think that the Seagull have to sleep separately. As they say, the age of seven boys and girls have to sleep apart.

– So in fact you have long been in the same room with me spend the night, is not it?

– I’m your sister, I can.

– …Are you serious?

– I’m serious.

Glancing with some reason proud-looking sister on wasteland outside the window, the Torah a long sigh.

– Still, we need to “feet”, – he said in a low voice, so as not to hear the other passengers. – Coach, car or anything else. I do not think that we will always come across friendly caravan wagons. Gull.

– M? – Heard his name, Seagull blinked, then he leaned toward him.

– You got a lot more of Finance, in the sense that money?

– A lot of?

– Well, I’m talking about whether you have enough money on a used car or a small carriage to travel.

– And … I confirm – Seagull nodded.

In fact it was quite rich. Given the fact that she was a princess, it was not surprising – apparently, it picked up with a money and jewels, when he fled from the palace. In any case, they do not need to worry about costs.

But … you can squander any wealth in the blink of an eye.

In addition, since they were on the run, the money they could still be useful. Then, at the critical moment when they would have to do something at any cost, they can count not only on brute force, but also to the power of money.

If you look with the future, the purchase of a vehicle at an early stage should save them a lot of money. It is unlikely that in the future they would have had other things on which they could rely. And not the fact that they would be given to use them.

– But mind you … – Tohru looked ahead for a cab where approximately walked ahead of the horse. – In contrast to the coaches, the machine can only manage a magician.

Machines can be considered a huge Gundo, sharpened by the movement. And since neither Torah nor Akari were not magicians, they could not control them.

– If we consider the movement speed and other factors, the machine – the best option. I would advise to make a choice in favor of the machine, not the coach. But mind you, Seagull – in this case you have to manage it. Do you understand?

– I see. Well – Seagull nodded emphatically.


Ibsom could be called one of the “standard” large walled cities Ferbista.

In other words, the structure of it is a little different from Delsoranta from which escaped the Torah squad. In size it is slightly inferior, and is not located in the mountains and in the woods … but in the city have any unique features to be found.

Whatever it was, they got to Ibsoma on the wagon and decided to spend the night in it. Of course, they could set up camp and outside the city, but the constant in the open air overnight took away a lot of effort. Fortunately, not far from the market found a few hotels, and they were able to pick the right room.

– Well … I’ll go look, – said the Torah and left the hotel.

He walked one. Seagull attracted too much attention, and the best she could not wander into a place full of people. Akari also was her bodyguard. Though Seagull and magician, but it was so completely defenseless in close combat. If she suddenly got a detachment of Gillette, then it probably would not have even had the opportunity to escape, not to mention and victory.

“Still, we need to avoid contact with them.”

In the battle on equal chances of winning the garrison Torah is likely absent.

Among friends Gillette could not only be a mercenary and assassin, in the worst case even a few magicians. And in such situations, most often won by the party, who had more power … that is, one in which there were more people. Squad Thor could beat them, just adjust the ambush … or at least preparing some clever plan or trick.

– …

Thor had a lot to think about.

All of the past few days after their escape from Delsoranta they just ran and ran – not enough time not only for reflection but also for a quiet conversation. Even the Torah and Akari, accustomed to survive in nature, had to sleep half as much as usual, to watch at night.

But if they had a car … with it would appear, and the time for talking.

Tohru looked up and saw a sign “the market.”

Most often near urban markets was “parking”, where merchants left their carriages and cars.

There’s also sold new vehicles and also offers repair services and sales of spare parts. Since the machine can manage only magicians use them not so much … but merchants merchants relatively simple carts, in which harnessed horses or oxen, was enough. Due to the fact that after the war it became a lot easier to trade, sellers of vehicles worked tirelessly, and often offered a very wide choice.

Apparently, the market started around the corner.

I expect nothing Torah rolled, and then …

– ..

Trying to behave as quietly as possible, it is absolutely natural to the movement took refuge in the shadow of the nearest stables.

In fact, he wanted to break away from the place, jump and hide as soon as possible … but he managed to restrain himself. Against the backdrop of the peaceful city streets fast movements would attract too much attention. He knew that when the enemy has not had time to notice anything, triggered panic hide even worse than trying to pass by indifferently.

– These are the times … – I whispered the Torah, leaning back against the stable wall.

He took a deep breath, trying to gradually merge with the surrounding landscape (too sudden and rapid disappearance attracted too much attention), and then carefully climbed inside the stables. In order to ventilate all the doors and windows were opened wide open. Getting up in the right place and at the right angle, you can see what is happening outside in every detail … and thanks to a dozen horses in the stalls note hidden inside the Torah was not easy.

– Do we have caught up with ..?

Thor looked out of the stables.

He saw a large warehouse.

Warehouse was not high, or rather, he was generally flat … but at the same time wide. And no wonder – you can see through the transport gate, that he stood in the ranks of carts and cars.

It was a warehouse merchants vehicles.

Naturally, the building in which the Torah was hiding, too, belonged to these traders. Standing in the stalls horses were heavy and clumsy – they were not intended for riding, and for zapryaganiya in carts.

– The second … is not the assassin?

At this very moment of the store it came out two people.

A man who was walking on the left, Thor learned immediately.

It was a golden-haired young knight named Alberic Gillette.

His grace and elegance were given a well-mannered representative of a noble family … but Thor knew that the sword deftly he handled exclusively. He could not say he would be able to win it in an honest duel one on one.

As is the case with horses and dogs … those noble family that earned its name of military glory, was strikingly different from ordinary people.They learned to use a sword before you start to walk. Not only their bodies, but the whole daily life designed to improve military skills.

Long War spawned fighters who battle was in the blood.

There was no doubt that Alberic Gillette descendant of one of these soldiers.


– … She is so inexperienced?

Near Alberico was a petite woman, which, perhaps, was not twenty.

She seemed calm, nice person, and her large blue eyes adorned very characteristic couple of small points. This was clearly not the assassin (it seems to be called Vivi), who was with Alberico during their last meeting.

It differs not only in appearance but also gait.

Roughly speaking, her movements were obviously not too sure. In any case, we can say that she is not good at martial arts.

But at the same time … it is strikingly different from ordinary citizens.

Her clothes were practically no decoration, and around the waist and legs were wrapped belt from which hung small containers. Because of this practical kind of impression that she artisan and makes a living by any art.

– M. ..?

Among magicians ignorance of martial arts is the norm rather than the exception.

If the unit Alberic already here … they obviously moved by car. And in this case, they certainly need a magician who can control magical engine. It seems that their driver was just this girl. Toru heard about magicians who specialized in using Gundo, namely, the management of large magical mechanisms and engines.

– So … all bad. Very bad.

He waited until Alberic and his subordinate pass by, hiding in the depths of the Torah stable long sigh.

If he was an optimist, it is not enough to believe that this meeting is purely coincidental.

Most likely, they were thinking about the same.

Toru squad could not have gone far on his feet and moving carts.

Their pursuers realized that they would try to get yourself a coach or car … and so arrived at the nearest market vehicles. Perhaps they have already managed to inform merchants that they immediately reported if they saw the Torah, or the Seagull Akari, but in any case, they should have already received an order not to sell anything fugitives. Knight was always able to explain their actions, “the affairs of national importance”, and ordinary citizens have had only obediently carry out his instructions.

– What do we do now?

It is no exaggeration to say that the vehicle it is absolutely necessary.

Over the last week they’ve tried all available means, but they are still caught up.

– Maybe to pick somebody force ..?

Not that Torah squad is not capable of this …

But like they would inevitably have raised a lot of noise and proved detachment Alberic that they in the city. As long as they still need to know that there Seagull. With some luck the way their opponents were to miss.

– No. It seems that the issue with the machine have to be postponed.

Torah was once again convinced that Alberic was out of sight, and then ran in the opposite direction. Not that he was going to make a long detour … he just wanted to go back to the hotel as soon as possible.

– We need to move out as soon as possible ..!

They do not even know how many people are at the disposal of Alberic.

Thor himself knew only two of his henchmen: a large mercenary and assassin-Woman. They could go away from Alberic to hotels, and even if Nicholas, the most mercenary, still recovering from wounds received in a fight with the Torah, then that detachment could be other people whom they do not yet know. Hardly Akari be able to single-handedly protect Seagull, if discovered.

– Heck!..

Tohru ran through the alleys, trying to move as quickly as possible and at the same time not to attract attention.

He was in a hurry.

Perhaps that is why …

He did not notice it.

– Hi, – suddenly turned to him a young man, with whom he has missed in a narrow alley. – You do not have to hurry, Seagull Gas yet safe.


The next moment the Torah quickly pushed off from the ground, braked soles on the ground and got into a fighting stance, gripping the handle of stilettos that hung from his cloak, and ready at any moment to put them into action.

– …

Who was that? What was it?

One young man who applied to the Torah, had disappeared.

At least, the Torah could not find a single trace of his presence.

People who have long trained stealth skills, learned over time so cleverly blend in with the surrounding scenery, that they can not be seen, even looking directly at them – they are so well blended with the background. In a sense, the Torah, trying to not so long ago be as inconspicuous as possible, too, aspired to something like that.


“Is he…”

If he really was trying to deliberately hide its presence … it is an expert in this incredible level.

Though the young man, and was exactly in front of the eyes of the Torah, his presence was felt so weak that we had now and then to remind himself that he existed at all, otherwise he started to disappear from sight.

It was not that he looked so ordinary.

On the contrary, he seemed to be very elegant.

He looked around 15 years old … about the same as The Seagull. His body was still in the androgynous stage and the language does not even bring myself to call him “boy.”

He had blond hair and amber eyes. Cute face. But at the same time it seemed that it unnatural. He looked like a doll … in his appearance as if there was something that is inherent in every human being. You could say it was so neat, that did not seem alive.

– Wow, – in response to a sharp reaction from the Torah boy he turned to him and smiled. – Sorry. I did not mean to scare you.

– …

Thor was silent.

He could not figure out who this boy, and he could not solve, the enemy in front of him or not.

At least he knew the name of The Seagull, and who she was. And the fact that the Torah along with it. Otherwise, he would not refer to it.

But how he knew all this?

Is this one Alberic Gillette?

But then again, if so, why he said those words? He would just keep quiet and go grab Seagull.

– …Who are you?

– This is a very complex issue – the boy replied, smiling gently. – I’m afraid I can not give an answer that would suit you.

– What …?

– However, for convenience, I probably should in any way be presented. You can call me, like … yeah. Call me Guy.

Having said these words, the boy held out his hand for a handshake.


Alberic Gillette was a full-blooded knight.

Gillette family has always been famous for its unsurpassed wars, and Alberico from childhood was destined not only a good education and the study of behavior in society, but also martial arts training. He had no doubts that he would one day and on the battlefield.

But … the war ended before he was able to participate in his first battle.

Therefore, he did not know that there is a real battle.

At first he was not really thought about it. The world seemed to him as something a priori beautiful, and the people who lived in their lands, were glad that they stopped to collect war taxes. He understood that this can only rejoice.

When on the orders of the king have defined the agency “Kleeman”, he believed that it would be a great noble work related to the maintenance of peace. Anyway, he did not think “save” was considered quite a lot from him. And after Alberic perfectly converged character with new teammates, he even more strengthened the opinion that this work has a proc.

In this sense, Alberic really was a knight from head to toe.

Fortunately or unfortunately, as soon as he decided to serve someone else, then he moved forward and carried out orders given to him without any hesitation. He drowned doubts and discontent, replacing them with pride and stubbornness. He lived a life worthy of a knight.


“War I liking. I would not mind to go back to the era of World War II. “

Saboteur’s words that he had heard a few days ago, still can not come out of his head.

When he first heard them, I thought that he bears some nonsense.

He could not believe that someone could deny the world, the establishment of which took so much effort.

But on the other side…

“Saboteurs feel the same?” – Suddenly came to him with the idea.

Let them not look like a knight or a role or character, but they trained all his life to become warriors. It is no exaggeration to say that their meaning of life wing on the battlefield.

But the war ended.

Moreover – Alberic heard that the authorities were afraid of what is now the saboteurs will engage in riots and revolts, decided to destroy them along with the villages in which they lived. At some point, someone looked at all of what they have achieved, he said “no, we do not need is more” and rejected the saboteurs.

Although no similar fate touched not only knights and spies. Such people were a lot more.

In the end, the war was in fact hundreds of years. All the people take into account the war in their plans for the future and to life in general.There is nothing surprising in the fact that when the war suddenly ended, many people are left without a purpose in life.

Alberic We had money and power, which allowed him to be in the government’s ranks.

But if not that, then what would he do?

Alberic was meditating on this subject.

– Mr. Gillette.

– A? What?

After hearing how he was called by name, Alberic turned to his companion.

They finished the meeting with the sellers of vehicles and just went back to its mobile base – a large machine called “April”.

Alberic again convinced that all around him were many people everywhere were small shops. They walked on a relatively busy street, and Alberic immediately reminded myself that this is – one of the fruits of the world.

– Something happened? It seems you about something thought – asked him petite girl with glasses.

Zita Bruzasko.

An excellent magician and one of the squad members Gillette.

– No, nothing serious, – Gillette said, trying to smile gently. – It is better to tell me, Zita. As I understand it, more or less large cities we traveled.

They visited all the cities to which Seagull Gas and helped her saboteurs were in for a week to reach on foot or by walking carts.

In each of them, they visited all the traders of machinery and wagons, asking for information … but no one said that the fugitives have bought any vehicle. Before leaving, they left traders description Seagulls and saboteurs so that if they tried to buy a vehicle, dealers would have immediately reported, “Kliman.”

Thus, they tied their legs.

There was only snares and wait. But…

– What do you say? We did not miss anything?

– How do you say … – Zita bowed her head, and then said – I’m not very well versed in horse-drawn carriages, but I was a little concerned that we did not pass all the shops that sell spare parts for cars. However … assemble a working machine of the parts is almost impossible. At least, it requires a lot of time and a well-equipped workshop.

As already mentioned, it was the magician.

However, at the same time she was not impressive magical powers or good magic flair. Perhaps Mateus, also took place in the squad Gillette, was much more powerful mage than she.

But if we compare the knowledge and skills relating to Gundo, cars and all sorts of magical mechanisms – setting up, development and repair – the picture is quite different.

She was not only a magician, but also an engineer versed in a variety of mechanisms. Most likely, your skills she acquired during commissioning and maintenance (and perhaps create) Gundo and develop them in order to be able to experience the magic mechanisms with which to work.

In addition, Zita was able to care for komboklinkami, and therefore, even though she was almost useless in combat, without detachment of Gillette was like without hands.

– If traders do not want to lie to us, or if they do not affect the money or hostage, then we go out, unable to stop the Devil’s daughter. But if she has other helpers who can buy the vehicle at the place to which we have not yet reached, and then come here to get her …

– At the moment, all reports indicate that it had no helper except those saboteurs.

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– And yet … – Zita frowned. – There is also a more fundamental question. How it survived all these 5 years?

– …

In fact, Alberic, and he thought about it.

When Arthur killed Emperor Gaza, the capital of the Empire Gas is surrounded by the troops of the Allies, and even the castle was taken in a tight circle, out of it unnoticed unable to escape even a kitten.

How Seagull Gas managed to escape, and how could survive for the next 5 years?

In appearance she was 15 years old, which means that at the time of his escape from a castle near 10. Whatever hardy, no matter how strong it may be, one ten-year girl is a very characteristic appearance could hardly go unnoticed, do not die in the wilderness and not get caught in arms traffickers who have sold it on the black market.

Someone had to help her escape.

But if so … why this person was not present with seagulls now?

Is he dead? Or I decided at some point to throw Seagull?

– It is necessary, of course, make a reservation: if we are dealing with this Chaika Gas – said Zita.

Naturally, Alberic heard that some impostors posing as Seagull Gas.

Moreover, no one is safe did not know whether Arthur Gaza had a daughter.

Although the name of the Emperor of the Damned and rattled the entire Ferbist, about the personal life of Arthur Strip known almost nothing.Even the most basic facts, like the one where he was born, and whether he had a family, shrouded in darkness. The official records did not mention even his wife.

– I think there’s something wrong, – said Zita.

– You think she’s an impostor?

– Not really … how to express it … it feels as if we are wrong somewhere at a fundamental level.

– Err, you say? .. – Alberic said quietly, folding his arms across his chest.

“Mistaken on a fundamental level.”

Truth and falsehood. Good and evil. God and the devil. Light and shadow. Fire and Water.

All these things were pairs of antonyms, but very much like each other that expressed opposing things. That is why they are often confused with each other … and in the confusion of lost sight of the real situation.

– Probably.

At the head of Alberic inadvertently flashed the image of the Seagull Gas.

The delicate, graceful srebrovlasaya girl.

Despite all that, he said to the saboteur, Alberic himself weakly believed that this Seagull Gas really can become the heir “of the Devil.”

But at the same time they did not know too much about it.

It seemed as if in addition to the things that have occurred on the surface, in this case, was involved even someone invisible plan.

But Alberic did not know any of this plan … or to whom it belonged.

– …

At the head of Alberic again flashed the face of a saboteur.

At the very moment this noble knight first questioned his orders.

Of course, until the moment when these doubts have gained at least some form, it would take a lot of time.


Toru felt on the back ran a nasty chill.

“Who is he?”

Before the Torah was a young man who introduced himself as Guy.

He stood with his hand outstretched, waiting for a handshake.

In his appearance did not feel any hostility drop. On his face was a friendly smile … and besides, his body was so young, the muscles and bones have not even had time to develop. He did not have anything that could threaten the enemy.

But still…


Thor was afraid.

He looked exactly him, but did not feel anything. No. Rather, some sense still present, but it was quite unnatural, as if the man was standing in front of him.

After all the training, through which passed the Torah to become a saboteur, he had a kind of habit.

Whenever he looked at the man, then reflexively he assessed his breath, looking for weaknesses and subconscious thought through how it can overcome. Even if the opponent was much stronger than the Torah, he did not care. No matter how strong was no warrior, he could win even a baby with a needle if caught unawares. Given the fact that carelessness could bring victory over any adversary, the Torah was always thinking about how to lull a person.

To do this, he imagined in his head “victory” over the enemy and thought through the various ways in which it can achieve. But…

“I do not understand.”

He had no idea what to do in this situation.

He had a feeling that it was against the water or the air, took human form … and even he did not understand why all met this boy named Guy.

Torah never had to deal with something like that.

And so all his anxiety intensified and increased.

– I … – continuing to reach out, Guy stepped forward.

In turn, the Torah …

… I came to his senses when he pulled right out of the sheath komboklinok.

He stepped forward, accelerating the movement of the blade and transferring it from side-to-shoulder. He did not make any unnecessary movements. It was his favorite punch. It is usually the man dissected side, so that he will almost certainly die. Even experienced fighter would be able only to protect themselves from the impact. Dodge is almost impossible from him.

This technique can be called without hesitation deadly.

Use it against the man whom he had seen for the first time, and which did not even know whether he was an enemy, somehow too. If someone said the Torah that he was crazy, he would not have found the answer. His actions ran the instinctive fear of the unknown.

– …?!

Gone nowhere Toru momentum knocked off balance.

He did not feel his blade anything.

He saw the figure of Guy in front of him when the stylet removed from its sheath … no, he saw her at the very moment when it was supposed to touch the blade. But then it was gone – he vanished like a ghost.

Either that, or is the figure that the Torah had seen in the impact moment, was just left in the air behind him.

– … What kind of nonsense?

Toru felt unnatural presence behind him and turned around.

And I saw Guy.

He was as calm and breathing as evenly as if standing there the whole time.

It’s impossible. It is impossible.

By itself, the movement speed at which the air remained trace was not something impossible. Thor himself could develop it, under “Zheleznokroviem” that dramatically magnifies his abilities.

But … to move as fast possible only in a straight line.

Moving behind the enemy can not be attributed to such a movement, and with the acceleration and deceleration, accompanying movement along curves, to achieve the desired speed is unreal. For the same reason, the wagon and the car slow down before the turn – otherwise they just turned over.

But Guy was able to do it.

He was able to miss with the Torah in a narrow alley.

– No, no – Ki grinned cheerfully. – It is just right to ask me that kind of nonsense. What’s gotten into you?

Apparently, his mood did not suffer. He seemed not at all proud of the fact that the Torah escaped the attack. He did not even get up in the fighting stance and continued to look at the Torah with a smile.

– Maybe you felt something?

– What?

– If so, it can only be congratulated on such a finding.

Apparently, he spoke of the Seagull.

And about the Torah, he spoke as if he was her thing.

– Okay. We stopped on who I am, – said Guy, smiling playful smile. – So … if everything much easier, then you can consider me as an assistant Seagulls Gas. If this does not suit you, consider me a person who relies on her success.

– … Do not tell me – dull said the Torah. – Help? If so, then why are you forced Seagull seek help from us …

Thor broke.

“Wait, so this is it? ..”

He finally remembered.

Is Guy was the same informant, referred to Seagull?

– I’m sorry, but … I can not help you directly. Due to certain reasons, I can only share with you information. Use it or not – you decide with the Seagull.

– …

Thor’s eyes narrowed.

He wanted only to provide information, it is not interfering with what is happening.

In this case, it was, rather, not an assistant, and …

“Is he manipulating us as it is more profitable?”

People who dreamed about the revival of the Empire Gas, does not necessarily have to pray for a child of the Devil, and strive to Seagull sit on the throne.

It is not difficult to imagine the people who were going to use the Seagull for their own purposes, to eventually give it a formal title, but the true power keep.

– You want us to trust information from someone like you?

– The choice is yours. I only offer you information, you can either accept it or reject it. If I tried to get you, it’s could be regarded as direct intervention, is not it?

His words were ornate and mysterious.

It seemed as if it was not about what he could or could not do … and that he “decided”.

– Okay, let’s say you’re our assistant – said Toru, removing the stylet into the sheath. – Then why did you decide to appear before me?

– Because you seemed very dejected, – said Guy with a friendly smile.

– …What?

– You do a very “feet” need to move on, right?

– …

He was right.


– You mean, you give them to us?

– No no. As I said, my business – only to share information – some annoyed Guy shook his head.

Following this, a mysterious boy’s eyes narrowed slightly.

– To the south of this town there is a forest, right?

Indeed, far from Ibsoma it was forest.

Thor knew about this – he always tried to keep in mind a map of the battlefield.

– In the back there is a small pond. On its shore are a few cars.

– …What?

– Have you seen the scorched wasteland while traveling in this city? 30 years ago there was quite a big battle. After her several military vehicles abandoned in the woods. The retreat turned to flight crews left the car and ran away. All these machines are the same model, so if you search for them, details are still working, it is possible that you will be able to fix one of them.

– …

Torah … do not know if Guy telling the truth.

Anyway, at this very moment, he was not like their enemy.

If he was planning something bad against the Torah, or Akari Gulls, he would not have to tell it all. If he was able to so easily dodge attacks Torah, he could have just come to them and to attack head-on. Taking into account the element of surprise he would easily beat Akari.

– Seagull … told us – the Torah said, staring at the Ki – that from time to time someone shares it with information about the remains. This is about you?

– It is – immediately confirmed Guy. – And by the way, are you reminded me. I was able to figure out the identity and location of even one of the “heroes” who participated in the assault on the capital of the Empire Gas.

Guy pointed eastward and said:

– In the east, in two days’ drive away, there is another forest. She settled in the forest.

– In two days … it’s near Ratisuna? – Asked the Torah, paving the imaginary route on the map.

– Exactly. They call this “hero” Dominic Skoda. As obzavedetes machine, you can check on her.

– Thanks for the advice, – said Thor with a frown.

– Then I say goodbye to this – said Guy, put his hand on his chest and bowed pompous gesture.

And in the next moment … disappeared without a trace.

– How did he do it? .. – Whispered bewildered Torah.

The word “disappeared” was not an exaggeration. Thor did not take his eyes off him for a moment. Nevertheless, Guy evaporated so suddenly and completely, as if it did not exist.

Perhaps he was a ghost?

Toru heard of that magic allowed to create a ghostly image, and in addition, these projections can be created and project-based mechanisms in the lens … but all the same no matter how it may seem unnatural Guy looks like he still is material.

– What was it?..

But the Torah did not have time to think about the true nature of Ki.

He again ran into the side of the hotel.


Leaving Ibsoma, they went about 3 hours.

Toru squad did not even stay for the night, and immediately went to where they have Guy. Naturally, they did not trust him to the end, but at least in this forest they could escape from the unit Gillette.

– But…

In the very depths of the dense pine forest … or rather, just to the west of the center of the location it was really small pond. He was so small that if they did not know of its existence, it never would have not found him. Apparently, a pond fed the underground source – the water was crystal clear. Fish, however, was not.

– I never thought that we really find them, – said in the Torah, in disbelief.

In front of them, very close to the place where he again began coniferous forest, there were three military vehicles.

Judging by their appearance, they belong to the middle class or small, but they are not weapons there. Apparently, it was the machine supply. This is supported by an impressive trailers and sizes.

From a distance they could be mistaken for a huge angular snails.

– Cars! – Seagull cried and ran to him.

Carefully inspect one of them, she opened the door to the driver’s seat, tucked inside his head and began to dig.

Looking at this picture …

– Brother … – standing next to the Torah Akari asked him suspicious tone. – How did he know that they are here?

– That’s what I do not know …

Although the Torah and do not particularly like to talk about what happened Akari (remember that he could not even touch the guy, it was unpleasant), he nevertheless explained to her what had happened.

– But as you know yourself who have already reached the city, we had to run, and I decided – you never can tell.

– I’m surprised – Akari said. – You followed the advice of a completely unknown to you the man who sent you into the forest?

– Well, it turns out that the so – Thor shrugged.

– You did not think it could be a trap?

– I think if he wanted to, he could be right there and kill me, and take prisoner to torture. If at least I understood something about it, so it is something that is not felt there hostility – Thor put his index finger. – And one more thing. How to describe it …

Thor did not immediately find the words.

Even when he went on to say, every word was given to him with great difficulty.

– I do not know if he looks at what is happening is not so, as we are, and in mutually beneficial cooperation is not interested … something like that. Heck. I can not clearly describe.

– Something like that? .. – Akari bowed her head in bewilderment.

– I’m sorry, but I do on this occasion I can not say anything concrete.

Of course, what has happened does not mean that he has ceased to suspect Guy.

He still found it very strange type … and even thought that they should kill him opportunities. However, at the same time it seemed to him that, at least at this moment, this young man was not their enemy.

Rather … bystander-looking, as the board game unfolds.

– … Whatever it was, we found the car. Your intuition did not fail us, brother – said Akari, and the next moment …

There was a muffled roar of the magic of the engine that they felt not only the ears, but also your feet.

– Thor! – Seagull cried, leaning out of one of the machines. – Working! Can! Fix !!!

Of course, after so many years (30, according to Guy) inside the cars all covered with dust. And a pale face and silver hair were covered with gray spots Gulls.

And yet … sincere smiles Seagull looked just lovely.

– I see you are all well, – said the Torah with a grin.

– Collection of parts! Help is needed!

– Yeah, whatever you say. Tell me what to do.

Exchanged glances with Akari and nodded to each other, saboteurs headed to the car.

“Legs” they got hold of.

In this way they have found not only freedom of movement, but also a lot of time. Now they had the opportunity to ask Seagull everything in detail and carefully prepare for what lay ahead.

Such plans began to build the Torah, when rolled up their sleeves and climbed into the machine.

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