Hold His Hand

Chapter 118: 118

Xie Chengze blinked, blinking away the soreness in his eyes, then raised a smile and asked Lu Yanzhou: “Are you going to marry me?”

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Lu Yanzhou said: “Yes! Do you want a wedding? If it is a wedding, it may take a while.” He is short on time, after all, the security base will usher in a wave of zombies soon.

No matter what, they have to wait until the zombie tide is over before they can hold the wedding.

When Xie Chengze heard Lu Yanzhou say ‘yes’, he felt elated, but when Lu Yanzhou talked about the wedding, he was a little dazed.

Lu Yanzhou even thought about the wedding?

They haven’t known each other for long, Lu Yanzhou has thought so much? In this case, why did he refuse when Chengcheng took the initiative before?

It made him think that Lu Yanzhou didn’t like him.

Xie Chengze was a little puzzled but he is now Chengcheng, he already gave up his sense of shame, so he simply asked directly: “Lu Yanzhou, do you really like me?”

“Of course, I told you already.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Lu Yanzhou did say it, but he thought Lu Yanzhou was coaxing the child: “Then why didn’t you want to sleep with me before? I thought you didn’t like me, so I didn’t dare come to see you.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” So Xie Chengze didn’t come to him because of this?

Lu Yanzhou said: “You are like a child, I am afraid you will regret it, I may have done something wrong then…”

Xie Chengze: “…” So that’s the reason!

Thinking about it carefully, with Lu Yanzhou’s personality, even if he likes Chengcheng, he will definitely intend to take his time, so he won’t think about taking advantage of the opportunity that comes.

No, based on Lu Yanzhou’s previous behavior…If Chengcheng didn’t take the initiative, he might hold back forever!

“Okay, let’s go to the cafeteria.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze to the most expensive canteen in the security base, which is the legendary No. 1 canteen.

After busting during the day yesterday, Lu Yanzhou left all kinds of things to Zhou Jingshan and went back to rest by himself, and of course his subordinates also went back.

People who had a good night’s rest came to the cafeteria in the morning. After they came, they got together to talk about yesterday’s events…So when Lu Yanzhou entered the cafeteria, he saw many of his subordinates in the cafeteria.

These people greeted him one after another when they saw him: “Boss!”

After saying hello, their eyes fell on Xie Chengze. Some of them had a good relationship with Lu Yanzhou, so they quickly asked, “Boss, who is this?”

Xie Chengze didn’t know how Lu Yanzhou was going to introduce him, so he was a little nervous. He grabbed Lu Yanzhou’s arm, then Lu Yanzhou said: “He is the one I told you about, the one I like.”

Xie Chengze was stunned again.

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Lu Yanzhou not only thought about the wedding, but also talked about him?

It was said that Lu Yanzhou liked Gu Tan, so he thought that when Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates saw him, they would think he was a mistress or something.

“So he’s sister-in-law…Well, it’s not bad to call that right?” Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates were a little dumbfounded.

Their boss used to be very straight, why did he suddenly bend?!

They thought that the person their boss liked was a big beauty, but now…this is obviously a man as tall as their boss!

“You can call him brother Xie…his surname is Xie.” Lu Yanzhou said.

“Brother Xie!” Everyone greeted Xie Chengze and looked at Xie Chengze curiously.

Xie Chengze has completely regarded himself as Chengcheng, so he happily looks at them.

He wished that everyone would know that Lu Yanzhou belonged to him.

“Brother Xie, why are you wearing a mask?”

“Brother Xie, what’s your name?”

“Brother Xie, are you from our security base?”

Everyone asked Xie Chengze curiously.

Lu Yanzhou said: “He’s so good-looking, I didn’t want to show you guys that’s why I asked him to wear a mask…His name is Xie Chengze.”

Seeing that Xie Chengze didn’t reject these people, Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze to sit beside them, took out his own card, then asked some people to buy all the varieties of breakfast provided today.

Even in the No. 1 canteen, there are not many varieties of breakfast provided. Of course, he and Xie Chengze definitely can’t finish it, so he could also give it to the people under him when the time comes.

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates went to buy immediately. Lu Yanzhou said to Xie Chengze: “Chengcheng, they are all my subordinates, you can get to know them. If you have any trouble in the future, you can ask them for help.”

“En!” Xie Chengze nodded obediently.

Lu Yanzhou stroked his hair, and then said to his subordinates: “Brother Xie is a space ability user with a lot of space storage.”

He was going to take Xie Chengze to register later, so he won’t be able to hide this matter anyway.

When Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates heard about this, they were surprised and delighted!

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Their boss is too powerful! Without Gu Tan, he could also find other space ability users.

Wait, their boss suddenly bent. Could it be because this person has space ability?

Although they think their boss is a good person, they also know that their boss often pays attention to the efficiency or benefit of the things rather than the thing itself.

Maybe their boss thinks that feelings are not important, but space ability users are important?

But this is nothing, now is the apocalypse, who is unrealistic!

Not to mention anything else, since Xie Chengze is a space ability user, they should have a good relationship with Xie Chengze!

Just as they were thinking, those who went to buy food came back with a few plates of food.

Then they saw their boss looking at Xie Chengze tenderly: “Chengcheng, you can eat whatever you want, if you can’t finish it, give it to me.”

Wait, their boss has always been a bit stingy. He was not generous at all when he was courting Gu Tan, but today he not only bought all the food, but was also so tender…This attitude is so much better than when he was treating Gu Tan!

Everyone began to doubt again, feeling that their previous guess was wrong.

Of course their guess was wrong.

The original owner pursued Gu Tan because of Gu Tan’s ability, so he didn’t have much sincerity towards Gu Tan. Compared to Gu Tan, the original owner still felt that his career was more important, so he treated Gu Tan like that.

But for Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze was different.

Xie Chengze hasn’t seen so many delicious foods for a long time, but he can’t eat them all…

The food that Lu Yanzhou prepared for him before were all easy to carry. He had already eaten the stuffed buns and rice balls here, so Xie Chengze ate the noodles.


Xie Chengze ate in satisfaction.

Lu Yanzhou was not in a hurry to eat, but instead recommended another thing too: “Would you like to try fried rice?”

Xie Chengze was a little hesitant.

“If you can’t finish eating, just give it to me.”

Lu Yanzhou has said that twice! Xie Chengze pushed the noodles in front of Lu Yanzhou and happily started eating the fried rice.

Also delicious!

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Well, soft bean curd is also delicious!

But Xie Chengze didn’t dare to taste too many kinds, lest Lu Yanzhou couldn’t finish his leftovers…

Xie Chengze ate four kinds of food, including noodles, fried rice, soft bean curd and vermicelli soup. Some, he ate half of it. Some, he ate a third of it.

Lu Yanzhou ate what he couldn’t finish.

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates: “…” They were wrong, this is definitely true love!

“Lu Yanzhou, these are delicious!” Xie Chengze said sweetly.

“Eat more if you like it. I’ll bring you to eat something else tomorrow.” Lu Yanzhou said.

“Mm. You’re so kind, I like you so much!” Xie Chengze directly kissed Lu Yanzhou’s cheek.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” This feeling is too good!

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates: “…” They know why their boss is bent, if they meet such a cutie, they will bend too!

Xie Chengze wore a mask, so he was more open. He said all kinds of sweet speech and honeyed words without any demand: “Lu Yanzhou, I want to eat with you every day.”

“Lu Yanzhou, I’m so full that my stomach is protruding.”

“You will definitely make me fat. Will you dislike me by then?”

While he was talking, he was still clinging to Lu Yanzhou’s arm.

Lu Yanzhou felt a little overwhelmed: “I won’t dislike you, I like you the most!”

“I like you the most, much more than you like me!” Xie Chengze said immediately.

Among Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates, those men felt that…Although this Xie Chengze is a man, he is strangely cute?

As for those girls, they feel…well, he seems like a green tea.

Haha, man, only their mouth is good.

While talking, Gu Tan and Zhou Jingshan came.

Zhou Jingshan followed Gu Tan and kept explaining to Gu Tan: “Tantan, I really don’t know about those things.”

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“So you want me to know that you are stupid?” Gu Tan said.

Zhou Jingshan: “…”

Zhou Jingshan was feeling ashamed when he saw Lu Yanzhou, and all the old and new grudges welled up in his heart.

At the same time, he discovered an important point: “Look, Gu Tan, Lu Yanzhou is cuddling with a man, I think he might be bent!”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I’m bent, what’s wrong?”

Zhou Jingshan sneered: “Then you still pursue Tantan? What were you planning before?”

Lu Yanzhou looked innocent: “At that time, I just wanted Gu Tan to join the group.”

The original owner did pursue Gu Tan, but he was embarrassed and never confessed his love.

Lu Yanzhou insisted on saying that he was just trying to win over Gu Tan…it seems to make sense.

Speaking of which, the fact that the original owner likes Gu Tan is because Zhou Jingshan had a conflict with the original owner, which made it known to all.

Zhou Jingshan: “…” Why does this make him seem like a noisy person?

Xie Chengze was still hanging on Lu Yanzhou. He leaned into Lu Yanzhou’s ear and asked, “Brother Yanzhou, who is this?”

“A boring person.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze nodded, then smiled at Gu Tan.

He believed that Gu Tan would not recognize him, after all, when Gu Tan met him, he was wearing a mask that revealed the upper half of his face, but now he was wearing a mask that revealed the lower half of his face.

In addition, his expression was completely different from before.

“Oh! He looks so fierce!” Xie Chengze said.

“Don’t be afraid, he can’t beat me.” Lu Yanzhou comforted him.

“Mm. Brother Yanzhou, you are the best!” Xie Chengze kissed Lu Yanzhou again, declaring his sovereignty.

Lu Yanzhou felt very good.

Zhou Jingshan…Zhou Jingshan’s goosebumps are about to fall off!

He really didn’t expect Lu Yanzhou to have this taste!

Now he doesn’t have to worry about Lu Yanzhou snatching Gu Tan from him!

Tsk tsk, he is handsome, unrestrained and suave, who else could Gu Tan choose besides him?

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