Hold His Hand

Chapter 166: 166


In the capital city, the sun slowly rose as dawn approached.

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DaYan’s morning court is about to begin.

DaYan morning court starts after dawn, even in winter, it’s after dawn.

However, when the emperor was still alive, he barely went to morning court because he couldn’t get up. He would only go to morning court on certain important occasions.

On the contrary, now, after Xie Chengze killed the emperor, he asked the officials to come to court on time.

In the capital, a certain low-ranking official who had already taken refuge with Xie Chengze was putting on his official uniform and preparing to enter the palace.

The official’s son couldn’t help but said: “Father, are you really going to morning court? Bow to that eunuch?”

The little official’s movements stopped, his expression changed again and again, then he finally sighed: “Lord Qiansui is cruel and ruthless, I didn’t do this just for my sake but for you as well.”

This little official is one of Xie Chengze people and has been trying to please Xie Chengze before.

However, he did this not because he was really convinced by a eunuch, but because he had no other way to go.

He was born in a poor family. Faced with the promotion channels monopolized by the gentry, he had no choice but to find another way to climb up. At that time, he had no choice, so he chose Xie Chengze.

However, at that time, he thought that Xie Chengze represented the imperial family. Rather than choosing Xie Chengze, he should say he chose the imperial family.


Who would have thought that five days ago, Xie Chengze would kill the imperial family without any warning?

When he heard the news, he almost broke his teeth and couldn’t relax for several days.

He admitted that after working with Xie Chengze, he changed his mind about Xie Chengze, an eunuch.

Compared to those influential families who only care about their own family, Xie Chengze really does things for the people sincerely.

In the past few years, he had killed many officials. The family felt that he did this because the eunuchs wanted to expand his power, but he knew very well that those officials really deserved to be killed!

However, those families determined that all the charges were fabricated by Xie Chengze, and they hold the power of speech, so Xie Chengze can do nothing about it.

Just like now, he knows that Xie Chengze killed the emperor because the emperor went too far, but others don’t know!

No one in the world knows!

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Xie Chengze, a eunuch, actually killed the emperor. This was treason and an unforgivable crime.

Thus, as a member of the eunuch party, he will probably be infamous for thousands of years.

In the future…as a regicide eunuch, he wouldn’t end well.

The little official was so upset that he wanted to kneel down and cry bitterly.

He did not want to surrender to a eunuch, he even wanted to commit suicide to save his reputation.

However, thinking about Xie Chengze’s past methods and looking at his family, this low-ranking official still went to morning court trembling with fear and feeling unwell.

The officials who had already taken refuge with Xie Chengze were like this. Those officials who had no dealings with Xie Chengze were even more unlikely to go to court obediently as Xie Chengze asked.

When Xie Chengze arrived at the court on time, he saw only two or three kittens below.

He laughed: “Tsk, tsk…It seems that many people are dissatisfied with me!”

The emperor has been killed and he is about to die, Xie Chengze has nothing to worry about now.


He flicked his sleeves, walked forward slowly, then sat directly on the dragon chair: “Send someone to invite them. If the living can’t be invited, then the dead will do.”

When the little official, who came to court unwillingly, heard Xie Chengze say this, his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

At this moment, he was extremely lucky that he had come to court.

Although his fate may not be good in the future, at least he is alive now!

At this time, countless people were coming and going in the capital. They were going to the official’s home according to the list of ‘invitee’

Zhou family.

The Zhou family is not inferior to the Wang family, so there are many people serving as officials in the court.

Now that Xie Chengze had killed the emperor, the Zhou family disdained to be complicit with him, so they naturally unwilling to go to court.

“We will never associate with an eunuch even if he is in power!”

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“Xie Chengze seeks to usurp the throne. I would rather die than go to court!”

“We will never obey his orders!”

Their family members have all agreed that they will never go to court today!

They even wrote many bad articles about Xie Chengze and spread them everywhere.

With the current situation…the new articles they write cannot be sent outside the capital.


How pathetic!

“I don’t know why Xie Chengze did such a thing!” A young man from the Zhou family was puzzled.

An eunuch has no heir, even if he usurps power and seizes the throne, it will be useless. Besides, officials in the court will never obey an eunuch.

This is also the reason why the emperor relies on Xie Chengze. As for Xie Chengze, it stands to reason that he should also rely on the emperor.

As a result, Xie Chengze did something beyond everyone’s expectations!

“Xie Chengze’s actions have always been unpredictable. When something happened to my Zhou’s son or daughter, they begged him at the door but he still kicked them out of the house!” Someone sighed.

The head of the Zhou family said at this moment: “Wang Tingyun is indeed Wang Tingyun. He got out of this quagmire directly. It’s a pity that I was a step too late! Now I’m afraid that Xie Chengze will act crazy and do something terrible!”

The Zhou patriarch’s son said: “Father is worrying too much. No matter how crazy Xie Chengze is, he won’t go against all the influential families! As long as we stay behind closed doors, nothing will happen!”

Everyone thought the same.

Doesn’t matter how many years, as long as the influential families united together even the emperor had no choice but to obey, right?

The Zhou family was relieved, but strangely uneasy too.

There was a sudden noise outside at this moment. A servant immediately came to report: “Master, it’s not good, the eunuchs have surrounded us!”

The head of the Zhou family suddenly stood up, his face changed drastically.

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Before the Zhou family could react, Xie Chengze’s troops had already broken in.

The leader was a young general in his twenties and thirties. As soon as he came in, he said: “Lord Qiansui has an order. Doesn’t matter if you’re dead or alive, everyone who has to go to morning court must be present!”

He was wearing armor with what seemed like bloodstain on it, making him look murderous.

Patriarch Zhou’s eyes were about to burst: “Tian Qi, are you really going to work for an eunuch? Aren’t you afraid that you will die without a burial place in the future?”

The young general named Tian Qi said: “Patriarch Zhou don’t have to worry about that! Patriarch Zhou, are you going to go by yourself, or should I invite you?”

Some of Xie Chengze’s people were trained by him, so they are loyal to him.

However, there are also some who were instigated by him to rebel.

The Tian Qi in front of them was one of the people Xie Chengze instigated to rebel. Xie Chengze was able to instigate Tian Qi because he had a letter from Lu Yanzhou in his hand.

He told Tian Qi that he was working for Yan Hang.

Tian Qi accepted the recruitment and was willing to work for Yan Hang and kill the imperial family. He. Naturally did his best so he was not afraid that he would not end well.

When Yan Hang comes, he will naturally surrender!

“What are you going to do if we don’t go?” asked Patriarch Zhou.

Tian Qi laughed: “Come here! Tie them up and send them to the palace!”

The Zhou family cursed, from Tian Qi to Xie Chengze, non-stop.

Tian Qi sneered and said, “Stop their mouths.”

The graceful and elegant Zhou family were tied up and sent to the palace.

Scenes like this were staged in various places throughout the capital.

Most of the people who did not enter the palace at first were taken away after someone came to tie them up.

However, there were also some people who refused to leave. Before Xie Chengze’s men tied them up, they had already hanged themselves, or hit their head and bled, insisting on maintaining their family dignity.

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Xie Chengze’s people didn’t care about it, so they brought all these dead or injured people into the palace.

There were also some people who escaped secretly and mingled among the common people. If they were caught, that’s that, but if they could not be caught…Xie Chengze’s people directly took the family members of the escaped officials and sent them to prison.

Xie Chengze sat on the seat above, supporting his chin with his hand and looking leisurely at the howling officials.

Those who came to court obediently were given seats, but those who were tied up and taken in were thrown together.

These people were all originally of honorable status, but now they lost all sense of decency. What’s even more terrifying is that there are corpses among them, and those who were bleeding and bruised are all from injuries!

“Xie Chengze, you will die a good death!” The pieces of cloth in these people’s mouths have been removed, so they are now shouting curses.

Some of them cursed like street shrews but some of them didn’t use a single curse word when they spoke, but they still curse.

Xie Chengze listened with a half-smile.

When the sun was 3 pole high, most of the people were gathered.

Tian Qi knelt on the ground and reported to Xie Chengze.

After listening to the report, Xie Chengze smiled and said: “These people scold me and give me a headache. Let’s catch a few and chop them up. As for the rest…let them watch the execution.”

Tian Qi answered: “Yes!”

After Tian Qi finished speaking, a few people were captured and dragged outside, their heads were chopped off. As for the rest, Tian Qi’s people carried them to watch the execution.

Xie Chengze did not mention anyone by name, as if he was letting Tian Qi arrest and kill people at will, but this was not the case.

Xie Chengze had already told Tian Qi to kill a few fixed people.

These people have done many evil things, and some even fled to the capital after extorting excessive taxes and forcing their tenant farmers to rebel.

They have been killed long ago!

However, Xie Chengze and Tian Qi knew this, but others did not. In their opinion, this was because Xie Chengze was unhappy and just wanted to kill people!

There were corpses lying around, and some people were also dragged out and beheaded…People who saw this scene couldn’t let out a single curse word. They kept trembling, some even became incontinent.

Xie Chengze laughed when he saw this: “Come here, clean up all these officials! They should be able to attend court now!”

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