Hold His Hand

Chapter 185: 185


Lu Yanzhou talked a lot, but actually didn’t spend much time.

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Then, after he finished saying loudly that Xie Chengran only deserved zero points, someone immediately came up to pull him out: “Professor Lu, you are drunk!”

“I am not drunk, everything I said was from the bottom of my heart. Xie Chengran, do you dare to paint on the spot to prove that these two paintings were painted by you?” Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengran.

Xie Chengran looked extremely aggrieved: “Professor Lu, why are you targeting me like this? These paintings were all painted by me!”

“Professor Lu! You can’t accuse the contestants without any basis!”

“The live broadcast has been stopped!”

“Professor Lu, how can you give someone a zero based on subjective assumptions!”

“Lu Yanzhou, even if you are jealous of Xie Chengran, you can’t do such a thing!”

“Professor Lu…”

Everyone at the scene gathered around Lu Yanzhou. Those who were friendly to Lu Yanzhou would persuade Lu Yanzhou to change his scores. Those who were unfriendly to Lu Yanzhou would accuse Lu Yanzhou, saying that they felt that Lu Yanzhou was jealous of Xie Chengran, so he deliberately targeted him.

In the original historical trajectory, after the original owner questioned Xie Chengran, he still gave Xie Chengran high marks. The show ended successfully, but many people were angry with the original owner afterwards, thinking that the original host questioned Xie Chengran like that because of jealousy.


At that time, everyone felt that Xie Chengran’s paintings could not be painted by others. The paintings that Xie Chengran sells are from bad to good. His painting style has matured but has not changed.

And Xie Chengran has released many videos of him painting.

Many of the paintings he sells were painted in his videos.

How could those paintings not be painted by him?

But now…Lu Yanzhou has made such a fuss, the live broadcast has stopped, and the competition has also stopped. Some people present are thinking about what Lu Yanzhou said, so they are also a little suspicious.

The main point is for Lu Yanzhou to make such a fuss out of jealousy…he can’t be that crazy, right?

This is a live broadcast! If Lu Yanzhou really lies during the live broadcast, his future will be ruined when Xie Chengran clarifies!

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Suppressing the juniors and sabotaging important competition…this will be a black stain that Lu Yanzhou will never be able to whitewash!


But even if they had doubts about Xie Chengran, these people felt that there was no need for Lu Yanzhou to do this — he could mention it on other occasions, or find evidence first.

The person in charge of the competition also came in a hurry: “Lu Yanzhou, apologize to Xie Chengran! You ruined the competition and spread rumors, you have to pay for a breach of contract!”

“I told the truth and in accordance with the law. There are stipulated points, so why should I pay the liquidated damages? As for apologizing, this is impossible.” Lu Yanzhou looked at the mess in front of him leisurely.

He noticed that a young man appeared next to Xie Chengran. The young man was looking at him with fierce eyes, as if he wanted to kill him.

Is this person the person behind Xie Chengran? Looking at the closeness between him and Xie Chengran…Is he Xie Chengran’s boyfriend?

The person in charge of the competition said: “Lu Yanzhou, if you do this, we will go to court and sue you!”

“Sue as you want, anyway, I will not change my rating!” Lu Yanzhou sneered, “This stage competition has such an inside story, I won’t stay here any longer either.”

Lu Yanzhou knew that if he continued like this, someone might come to drive him away, so he might as well leave now and walk away in style.

Lu Yanzhou strode out, while the person in charge of the organizing committee looked at Xiao Rong subconsciously.

Xiao Rong frowned and nodded slightly.


The person in charge did not stop him and allowed Lu Yanzhou to go out.

The driverless car was already waiting outside. Lu Yanzhou got in the car and directly reported his grandfather’s address.

His contact terminal was ringing frantically at this moment. His family, friends, and even people he only met once were all calling him.

Lu Yanzhou hung up on most of them and only answered his grandfather’s call.

Lu Yanzhou’s grandfather is Yu Qinshan, one of the living painting masters. He is over ninety years old, but he is still in good spirits.

Competitions like the National College Student Painting Competition are very important. One of the judges of the competition is his grandson, so Yu Qinshan specially watched the live broadcast.

When Xie Chengran appeared, Yu Qinshan actually liked this young and handsome boy, and thought that with his grandson’s character, he would definitely like Xie Chengran’s paintings too.

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As a result, his grandson said such shocking words. Yu Qinshan was shocked.

However, Yu Qinshan believed in his grandson.

His grandson wasn’t a perfect person, but he wouldn’t lie in a place like this.

For his grandson to say this, there is definitely something wrong with Xie Chengran!

Yu Qinshan believed in his grandson, but was afraid that his grandson would suffer, so he contacted his grandson immediately: “Yanzhou, are you okay?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I’m okay. Grandpa, I have something to tell you…I’ll be there soon!”

“Okay!” Said Yu Qinshan.

Lu Yanzhou thought for a moment, then called his parents and told them that he would go to his grandfather’s place.


After the original owner questioned Xie Chengran, he never expected that Xie Chengran would hold a grudge against him. Neither did the original owner’s family, so his family naturally had no time to make any preparations.

But now that Lu Yanzhou has made up his mind to confront Xie Chengran, it won’t be that simple.

Lu Yanzhou also called the police after that.

What Lu Yanzhou caused was really not a small matter.

When he gave out zero points, everyone watching the live broadcast was already shocked. When he accused Xie Chengran in public, the live broadcast stopped immediately, so the Internet suddenly became a commotion.

“What’s going on with Lu Yanzhou?”

“He said that Xie Chengran’s paintings were not painted by Xie Chengran? How is that possible!”

“I am a fan of Xie Chengran. I watched him grow up little by little. My family Ranran painted the paintings. You can find a lot of videos online. How could Ranran’s paintings not be painted by him!”

“Yes! Every time Ranran goes somewhere to play, he will draw the scenery of that place. The two works he took to participate were paintings of places he has been to, how could it not be painted by him?!”

“Is Lu Yanzhou crazy? Ranran was born into an ordinary family, so it was well known that Ranran couldn’t even use good paints in the beginning! On the contrary, Lu Yanzhou, who doesn’t know that his family is rich and powerful? He is the one with a backer but instead falsely accuses others of having a backer, he simply stinks!”

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“Lu Yanzhou is just jealous of my Ranran. Is he afraid that my Ranran’s grades will surpass his? How disgusting!”

Although there are also Lu Yanzhou’s fans who speak up for Lu Yanzhou and felt that Lu Yanzhou will not talk nonsense on such an important occasion. However, Xie Chengran’s fans were so powerful that he scolded these people into oblivion.

The most important thing is that most of Lu Yanzhou’s fans are older, so they don’t really want to argue with some children.

Of course, there are also some people who are clamoring that they weren’t Lu Yanzhou fans anymore, but who knows if they were really fans of Lu Yanzhou before.

In short, there are countless people on the Internet criticizing Lu Yanzhou. Therefore, more and more people are paying attention to this competition.

Many people also checked Xie Chengran and Xie Chengran’s parents’ accounts because of what Lu Yanzhou said.

Then they all thought…those paintings were painted by Xie Chengran, right? If it wasn’t painted by Xie Chengran, who could have painted it?

In short, ordinary passers-by, after understanding the situation, basically expressed their good-will to Chengran.

“Although Xie Chengran’s paintings in the beginning were so soulful, they were very immature. You could tell at a glance that they were painted by a beginner. Later, his paintings gradually got better.”

“If it were painted by someone else, how could someone who draws so well be willing to give their work for someone to pass off as their own?”

“Lu Yanzhou is just talking nonsense, right? He has no works for a long time and has no traffic. Is he planning to take the infamous route?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t look at Starnet, but he can make a rough guess about how he was evaluated on Starnet.

Xie Chengran’s disguise is too good. He should have been learning Xie Chengze’s style of painting too, so outsiders naturally would never think that all of his paintings were actually painted by someone else.

The car stopped, Lu Yanzhou got out of the car and strode towards the villa where his grandfather lived.

As soon as he walked to the door, a robot opened the door of the villa. Lu Yanzhou went in and saw Yu Qinshan sitting on the sofa looking at him.

“Grandpa.” Lu Yanzhou called.

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“Yanzhou, what happened to you? Why are you so impulsive?” Yu Qinshan asked with a frown.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Grandpa, I fell in love with someone, and then…discovered a secret.”

Yu Qinshan was surprised when he heard this. His grandson like someone?

In fact, Yu Qinshan has always known that his grandson has been in poor condition over the past six years.

He also tried to help his grandson find a way and even tried to persuade him, but his grandson’s condition did not get better, but became worse and worse.

Yu Qinshan had no choice but to wait for his grandson to open up on his own.

Those who engage in art basically have a trough period. His grandson is still young, so it doesn’t matter if he wastes a few years.

He believed that when his grandson figured it out or encountered some opportunity, he would be able to rise from the ashes.

Yu Qinshan’s thoughts were not wrong. In fact, the original owner had some ideas after seeing Xie Chengran’s paintings.

He wanted to get back to his childhood self, who simply loved painting. He planned to leave everything behind and start painting regardless of anything.

This is why he couldn’t wait to find Xie Chengran, but found out that there was something wrong with Xie Chengran.

Yu Qinshan asked Lu Yanzhou: “What is going on?” Based on his grandson’s current situation, it stands to reason that he shouldn’t be in the mood to fall in love.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Grandpa, you also know that I have been in poor condition in the past few years, but since I saw the paintings that Xie Chengran took out, I found that I have regained my original intention of painting, and my inspiration has continued. Later, I went to watch a video posted by his parents on starnet, which was said to be a video of him painting, then I fell in love with the painter.”

Yu Qinshan was confused. His grandson fell in love with Xie Chengran? Then why did he make trouble for Xie Chengran?

Lu Yanzhou continued: “I fell in love with him, so I naturally observed him very carefully…I found that the person painting in the video was not Xie Chengran! That person should be Xie Chengran’s younger brother Xie Chengze.”

“Xie Chengran also have a younger brother?” Yu Qinshan asked.

“Yes, Xie Chengran has a twin brother who suffers from autism.” Lu Yanzhou smiled bitterly, “Because he has autism, the paintings he draws are so pure. Xie Chengran is different. He is vain, hypocritical, utilitarian, greedy… Underneath his beautiful skin is a rotten stinking soul. He is definitely not the one who painted those paintings.”

“Do you have evidence?” Yu Qinshan asked. He believed his grandson, but this kind of thing requires evidence.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I don’t have evidence, but talent cannot be faked. I can guarantee that Xie Chengran can’t paint like that. Grandpa, you don’t know, I went all the way to see him paint, but it turned out that his skills are not even one-tenth of his brother’s!”

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