Hold His Hand

Chapter 202: 202


By the time Xie Chengze came to his senses, he already had a boyfriend.

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This boyfriend…came really quickly.

All the things that have happened in recent days are actually a bit unbelievable to Xie Chengze.

He has always been a rational person. He used to think that love is illusory and that what makes a marriage strong are interests and responsibilities.

As a result, when he was nearly forty, he went crazy and fell in love with a young man.

But this is normal.

His life is not as long as that of a healthy person. There is not much time left, and he may lose his life at any time. In this case, in the last stage of life, it’s better to go crazy.

In those previous years, he spent all his time making money.

He is very busy every day, but looking back, he always feels that time has passed by strangely.

Company stock prices, various meetings, asset figures…these things filled his life, but he couldn’t find any bright spots among them.

Time passed by his fingertips, and he seemed to be thirty-eight years old without doing anything.

He was confused for a time — did he come to this world just to live for those trivial things?


It wasn’t until he met Lu Yanzhou that he felt like he was really alive.

Lu Yanzhou’s every move, every frown and every smile were engraved in his heart. He could recall them very clearly.

Xie Chengze knew very well that a large part of the reason why Lu Yanzhou confessed to him and stayed with him was because of his money.

But he doesn’t care.

He likes Lu Yanzhou’s face, likes everything about Lu Yanzhou, so he is willing to spend money for Lu Yanzhou.

He was even glad that he had money. As long as he controlled the situation and didn’t give Lu Yanzhou too much money at once, Lu Yanzhou would always be with him.

When the two got home, the nanny had already prepared dinner.

Xie Chengze asked the nanny to leave and looked at Lu Yanzhou gently: “When did you fall in love with me?”


“AZe, I fell in love with you at first sight. The first time I saw you, I wanted to kiss you.” Lu Yanzhou’s eyes reflected Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze liked hearing Lu Yanzhou coax him very much, so he couldn’t help but smile.

“So, can I kiss you?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

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Xie Chengze didn’t answer. He stood up and kissed Lu Yanzhou’s lips.

Lu Yanzhou was naturally not polite. He hugged Xie Chengze and deepened the kiss.

The two of them spent a lot of time eating this meal.

During the meal, Lu Yanzhou kept saying sweet words: “AZe, you look so beautiful when you smile.”

“AZe, you are the person I love most.”

“AZe, looking at you, I feel like I don’t even need food to eat.”


Xie Chengze felt a little helpless because of his little lover: “You…I’m older than you, and you still call me AZe?”

After spending time with Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze has known Lu Yanzhou’s age.

26 years old, a little older than he thought, but still young in his eyes.

“I like to call you that. Do you have any objections?” Lu Yanzhou smiled.

Xie Chengze chuckled: “Okay, I dare not have any objection.”

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t hold back and kissed him again.

Neither of them mentioned going downstairs for a walk, they just stayed on the sofa.

However, at nine in the evening, Lu Yanzhou said: “AZe, go take a bath and go to bed early.”

When he was close to Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou had already checked Xie Chengze’s pulse.

Xie Chengze’s current physical condition is really not good.

He wanted to get close to Xie Chengze, but he didn’t want to be a beast.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou and his eyes flashed: “Do you want to sleep with me?”

Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze and showed some embarrassment: “AZe, our progress is too fast…”

Seeing Lu Yanzhou’s embarrassed expression, Xie Chengze asked, “You haven’t been in love before? You’re so innocent?”

“I have never been in love before meeting you.” Lu Yanzhou coughed lightly.

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Xie Chengze was in a good mood: “That’s pretty good.”

Seeing that he was happy, Lu Yanzhou kissed him again before going back to his bedroom.

Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze to take a bath and go to bed early, but he was not in a hurry to go to bed. After returning to his room, he turned on the computer and started to work.

He planned to get some information, send it to Yaoshi Group, and try to contact this group.

Besides, he had some other things to deal with.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t sleep with Xie Chengze because he is working.

At the same time, Xie Chengze’s bedroom.

Xie Chengze turned on his computer and held a video conference with someone to discuss the next direction of Yaoshi Group.

Xie Chengze’s father and his mother did not have a good relationship.

In addition, he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes just a few years after he was born. His father cared even less about him and wanted his mother to have another child.

His mother was unwilling and quarreled with his father for several years. The two eventually divorced and each remarried. A few years after his father remarried, Xie Ruanxin was born.

His father liked Xie Ruanxin very much. At that time, he was ill all day long. His father thought that he might die young, so he wanted to cultivate Xie Ruanxin as his successor.

However, something unexpected happened. When he was in college, his father was diagnosed with cancer. Xie Ruanxin was still very young at that time.

Because of this, he joined the Xie company early and took charge of Xie company at the age of 28.

However, he himself was not very interested in Xie company.

Xie Company is a listed company with many shareholders, and the various relationships in the group are even more complicated.

He was tired of taking care of it and wanted to find something else to do, so he opened another investment company and invested in Yaoshi…

He didn’t expect that Yaoshi would develop so well at first.

Xie Chengze didn’t care much about Yaoshi’s affairs.

He is the person who owns the most shares in Yaoshi, but someone else manages it, he only occasionally participates in decision-making.

After contacting Yaoshi’s people, Xie Chengze asked his lawyer to change his will.

His original will was to donate all his assets, but this time…he planned to leave the house where he lives now and some money to Lu Yanzhou.

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Since Lu Yanzhou accompanies him for a while, he has to leave something for Lu Yanzhou.

The next day, when Xie Chengze woke up in the morning, he saw Lu Yanzhou cooking.

Lu Yanzhou made breakfast suitable for Xie Chengze, and specially made lunch that suited Xie Chengze and put it in the lunch box.

“AZe, you must eat on time at noon, and don’t forget your medicine. By the way, AZe, how do you store your usual medicine? Are you sure it’s safe?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze liked being cared for by Lu Yanzhou: “My medicine is well kept and is very safe.”

“That’s good. Tan Shaojun is unscrupulous in doing things. I’m afraid he will use some despicable methods to hurt you.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Whenever Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou talk recently, he often hears Lu Yanzhou complaining about Tan Shaojun.

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou really had a grudge against Tan Shaojun. Young people are always more vindictive…He said: “Don’t worry, I will guard against him.”

Lu Yanzhou kissed him: “Remember, your body is the most Important.”

Xie Chengze also believe that.

If he wants to survive, he must take good care of his body.

In the future, he can increase the number of visits to the hospital for check-ups.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze came together naturally. They were sweet, very sweet, but Jiang Mi, who couldn’t find Lu Yanzhou, was really anxious.

When he was a teenager, he began to accept Lu Yanzhou’s protection and was protected by Lu Yanzhou for more than ten years.

Now Lu Yanzhou suddenly disappeared…it’s surprising that he can adapt!

But Lu Yanzhou’s friends refused to give him Lu Yanzhou’s contact information.

Jiang Mi felt that Lu Yanzhou was too heartless. He also felt that Lu Yanzhou was too much.

Is Lu Yanzhou forcing him to make a choice? But he has always liked Tan Shaojun, and he has never liked Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Jiang Mi thought. When Zhou Hongxing told him the news about Jiang Mi again, he happily told Zhou Hongxing that he was taken.

“Congratulations!” Zhou Hongxing was really happy for Lu Yanzhou, but also a little worried: “Lu Yanzhou, I heard Jiang Mi say…you owe a lot of money?”

“I owe money but it’s nothing. I will pay it off soon.” Lu Yanzhou didn’t care much about owing money.

“That’s good.” Zhou Hongxing felt relieved.

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Lu Yanzhou chatted with Zhou Hongxing, and while having lunch, he sent another message to Xie Chengze: “AZe, I miss you so much.”

Xie Chengze: “…” his little lover is really too clingy!

But he really likes it… “I miss you too.”

The two were chatting when Xie Ruanxin came in from the outside: “Brother, what do you mean? You ask me to serve tea and water all day long, you don’t give me any real work to do at all!”

Xie Chengze frowned slightly: “Real work…can you do it?”

“Just keep doing it, won’t I be able to do it?” Xie Ruan thought to herself.

Xie Chengze didn’t turn her away. He looked at the assistant beside him: “I remember that I need a ppt for the meeting tomorrow. Give her the information and let her do it.”

The assistant immediately agreed.

Xie Ruanxin was dumbfounded: “This is not what I want to do!”

“You don’t know how to do this, what else could you do?” Xie Chengze was helpless.

Xie Ruanxin was furious and said: “I won’t do anything, okay?! Brother, my mother asked you to go back for dinner on Saturday, don’t forget!”

“I’m busy…”

“Saturday is grandma’s death anniversary.” Said Xie Ruanxin.

Xie Chengze was not familiar with his grandmother, but Xie Ruanxin’s mother seemed to have made up her mind to make him go back…Xie Chengze agreed: “I know, I will go back.”

Xie Ruanxin left with satisfaction.

After Xie Ruanxin left, Xie Chengze’s attention returned to his mobile phone.

Lu Yanzhou sent him some sweet words.

This guy is not doing his job properly in the company every day, isn’t he afraid of being fired?

But it’s good to be fired? If Lu Yanzhou is fired, he will let Lu Yanzhou be his life assistant and stay with him all the time.

With this in mind, Xie Chengze immediately decided to harass Lu Yanzhou during work hours in the afternoon.

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