Hold His Hand

Chapter 208: 208


Lu Yanzhou felt a little guilty about leaving them alone.

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However, every time he contacted Yaoshi, he would put layers of ‘vest’ on himself to prevent Yaoshi’s people from discovering his IP address. Under such circumstances, he could not use his mobile phone to contact them.

It can only wait.

Lu Yanzhou went out with Xie Chengze and did not separate after arriving at the company. They entered the elevator and went upstairs together.

Yesterday, Xie Chengze went to a department dinner with him. His relationship with Xie Chengze was probably already known to everyone, so there was no need to hide it anymore.

Lu Yanzhou was right. His relationship with Xie Chengze was no longer a secret in Xie Company.

Yesterday, one of his colleagues took a photo of him and Xie Chengze having dinner together and sent it to the company group. As of this morning, at least half of Xie’s people had seen the photo.

Everyone has been curious about Mr. Xie’s mysterious other half, and he’s actually an ordinary employee of their company!

That employee is also a man too!

But this guy is really handsome!

“I know him. He is a new employee in Old Zhang’s department. He wears suits and ties every day. He is quite conspicuous among the geeks in plaid shirts.”

“I have also seen him. He looks like a celebrity. He is very handsome.”


“He gets off work early every day, it turns out he has a backer…”

“Get off work early? There’s truly a lot of people who come to the Xie company to hang out.”

Lu Yanzhou has an outstanding appearance. Basically, people who have met him will recognize him. His photos have just been exposed, so many people expressed their impressions of him in the group.

Speaking of this…everyone thinks that this is a person similar to Xie Ruanxin, who relies on his background to get by in the company.

But soon, Lu Yanzhou’s colleagues spoke for him: “Brother Lu and Xie Ruanxin are different!”

“Brother Lu is a technical boss. The people in our department admire him the most.”

“You don’t know Brother Lu, so don’t make random guesses.”


“Brother Lu’s abilities are beyond the imagination of most people. Anyway, everyone in our department wants to kneel down to him.”

So this Lu Yanzhou is so powerful? However, thinking about it, if Lu Yanzhou really only has his face, how can Mr. Xie, who has been single for many years, like him?

Even if Mr. Xie likes him, he will not arrange for him to enter his company.

This is public. However, privately, there are other gossips circulating: “Did you know? Mr. Xie cooks for Lu Yanzhou every day!”

“Mr. Xie is quite romantic and dates Lu Yanzhou every day.”

“Our department had a dinner and when Mr. Xie was notified, he came immediately. He and Lu Yanzhou have a really good relationship.”

Therefore, as soon as Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze showed up at the company, they were surrounded.

Lu Yanzhou has experienced strong winds and waves and doesn’t care about such trivial matters. Xie Chengze is also very calm. He even sent Lu Yanzhou to where Lu Yanzhou works: “Yanzhou, come see me at noon, let’s have lunch together.”


“Okay.” Lu Yanzhou immediately agreed.

Xie Chengze smiled and then left.

Lu Yanzhou, who was watching Xie Chengze leave, turned around and saw all his colleagues looking at him with admiration.

Even Manager Zhang said: “Brother Lu, you are worthy of being Brother Lu!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Manager Zhang, you don’t have to be so polite.

Manager Zhang prepared a single room for Lu Yanzhou as a studio some time ago.

This single room is quite small, and the partitions are made of glass. Plus, people come to see Lu Yanzhou from time to time…it’s always lively inside.

But today, no one came to see Lu Yanzhou at all. If they had work, they would contact him online.

Go and talk to the boss’wife…their heart is scared.

Lu Yanzhou is very happy. After making various preparations, he tried to contact Yaoshi’s side: “Sorry, I was busy last night and couldn’t access the internet.”

“It’s okay, we’re not in a hurry.” There was always someone at Yaoshi’s side that will wait and immediately reply.

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Lu Yanzhou didn’t waste any time and sent the information he had prepared to the other party.

The technologies he sells are all written bit by bit by himself, so he can only sell them bit by bit.

After transmitting the information, Lu Yanzhou said: “The price will be according to what we have discussed before. It is still the old rule, donate it for me. The money must be used in practical ways.”

“Don’t worry, we have arranged special people to manage these funds!” Yaoshi was very sincere.


The continuous flow of merits made Lu Yanzhou know that Yaoshi was not lying to him. Asking Yaoshi to help him donate money not only ensures that the money will be received, but also does not reveal his identity. It couldn’t be more perfect: “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome, this is what we should do,” the other party sent another message, “Mr. L, we have something to ask here.”

“What is it?”

“Can we resell these technologies?”

“Yes, but only domestically.” Lu Yanzhou replied.

“Thank you Mr. L. If you have any requests, just tell us!” Yaoshi’s people were very happy.

They ask this specifically because there are state-owned enterprises that want a certain technology.

Since Lu Yanzhou is so easy to talk to…they now have more business to discuss with those state-owned enterprises.

After finishing what he had forgotten last night, Lu Yanzhou started busy with work and writing new technologies.

He also took the time to send a sum of money to the orphanage where the original owner had lived since childhood.

The orphanage where the original owner lived was in good condition and there was no shortage of money, but for the original owner, the life in the orphanage was much better than the life he lived with his relatives in his early years. He had no family, so he simply made the orphanage his home. He saw that he would transfer 3,000 yuan back every month.

Just like how his colleagues honor their parents, he also honors the orphanage.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t neglect this matter, and even gave them more.

While Lu Yanzhou was busy, on the other side, Xie Ruanxin felt something was wrong.

The people around her exchanged glances from time to time, and occasionally whispered something, not sure what they were talking about.

One of her colleagues even took out their mobile phone and showed it to Secretary Zhang, the oldest person in the secretariat and in charge of the secretariat.

Xie Ruanxin’s first reaction was that they were talking bad about her. After thinking of this, she immediately became angry: “What are you talking about? Why are you so secretive? Why don’t you say it to me!”

With that, Xie Ruanxin quickly stepped forward and grabbed the colleague’s cell phone.

Then she saw a photo of Xie Chengze having dinner with a handsome man.

It didn’t seem like they were talking about her…Xie Ruanxin frowned and asked, “Who is this person?”

“Miss Xie, this is Mr. Xie’s boyfriend.” The person who had their phone snatched was a little helpless.

“Xie Chengze’s boyfriend?” Xie Ruanxin was so shocked that she was speechless. She was afraid that Xie Chengze would get married and have children, so she tossed and turned for a while, and accidentally offended Xie Chengze. As a result, Xie Chengze fell in love with a man?

This was originally a good thing, but she had already offended Xie Chengze, and talking about boyfriend…made her very angry.

Xie Ruanxin threw the phone she snatched onto the table with a bang and turned around to find Xie Chengze.

It’s such an embarrassment that Xie Chengze got a boyfriend. Why is he still occupying the Xie family’s property and not letting go?

However, when Xie Ruanxin arrived at Xie Chengze’s office door, she was stopped.

Xie Chengze had told his assistant before that Xie Ruanxin was not allowed in.

Xie Ruanxin couldn’t get in, so she could only return to her seat: “What’s going on with Xie Chengze? He is okay with making it known that he got a boyfriend, don’t he feel embarrassed.”

Regardless of whether they had work on hand or not, everyone lowered their heads and looked busy. No one cares about her at all.

In fact, when Xie Ruanxin first came to the secretariat, they thought about making friends with Xie Ruanxin. After all, Xie Ruanxin was a shareholder of the company.

However, a person who casually grabs other people’s mobile phones and throws them away at will…if it’s not someone who is starving to death waiting for the rice to fall into the pot, or has some ambition to get big benefits from her, otherwise who would be willing to serve her?

Isn’t this looking for trouble for yourself?

Xie Ruanxin didn’t know about Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou because she didn’t see the company group message, but now she went to the company group to take a look.

Only then did she realize that Lu Yanzhou was actually an employee of their company, and he also arrived late and left early in the company.

This is her company!

Xie Ruanxin went to the software research and development department angrily.

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When Xie Ruanxin arrived, it was almost lunch time. Lu Yanzhou packed his things and was about to go out to find Xie Chengze for dinner.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the door, he bumped into Xie Ruanxin.

“If you don’t work hard, what are you doing here?” Xie Ruanxin frowned and asked when she saw Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know why: “Miss Xie, you didn’t work hard either.”

“How can I be the same as you?” Xie Ruan looked Lu Yanzhou up and down, “How did Xie Chengze fall in love with you? You have nothing but your look, and you don’t even focus on work…”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Don’t Xie Ruanxin feel embarrassed saying this? This is obviously Xie Ruanxin! If nothing else, he has always done his job very well.

Being ignored by Xie Chengze during this period, Xie Ruanxin was already withholding her anger. At this moment, she poured all her anger on Lu Yanzhou: “Besides, being with a man, don’t you dislike it?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I like men. It’s better than you stalking a man who likes a man.”

Xie Ruanxin’s face darkened immediately. Tan Shaojun secretly raised a man, and many people knew about it, so she was often scolded by her sisters because of it.

But when the person in front of her said it, she still felt extremely ashamed.

Xie Chengze actually told this person such a thing. It was too much. Did he not regard her as his sister at all?

Seeing that Xie Ruanxin was angry, Lu Yanzhou said, “Ms. Xie is blocking my way, do you want me to tell your love story?”

Xie Ruanxin’s face changed drastically, then she left without looking back.

Manager Zhang and others: “…” Isn’t Lu Yanzhou too brave? How dare you say such things to Xie Ruanxin!

“Little Lu, that’s Mr. Xie’s sister, a shareholder of Xie Company…” Manager Zhang said cautiously, but couldn’t help but start gossiping — it turns out that Miss Xie likes a gay? He remembered that Miss Xie liked Tan Shaojun…

Damn it, it turns out that Tan Shaojun also likes men?

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “It’s okay, Mr. Xie won’t trouble me…Manager Zhang, I’m going to eat. I’ll be back later.”

Lu Yanzhou went to find Xie Chengze.

There were two assistants around Xie Chengze. They were both Xie Chengze’s confidants and they all knew about Lu Yanzhou’s existence. When they saw Lu Yanzhou coming, they immediately let him into Xie Chengze’s office.

In the office, Xie Chengze had already had lunch heated up. As soon as Lu Yanzhou entered, he smiled and called Lu Yanzhou over to eat.

During the meal, Lu Yanzhou told him about Xie Ruanxin coming to see him.

“Don’t worry about her, I don’t have a good relationship with her.” Xie Chengze said.

“AZe, if you don’t have a good relationship with her, you must be careful with her. Tan Shaojun is very good at coaxing people and may coax her into dealing with you.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze smiled bitterly: “She will still deal with me without being coaxed.”

Xie Chengze has always been proud and disdains using tricks, but according to his observation, Lu Yanzhou is the kind of person who will pity the weak.

He wanted Lu Yanzhou’s attention, so showing weakness was a good idea.

Even if Lu Yanzhou didn’t like him, he still hoped that Lu Yanzhou would pay more attention to him and worry less about Jiang Mi.

Xie Chengze told Lu Yanzhou about Xie Ruanxin’s situation.

Lu Yanzhou was stunned after hearing this.

He was wondering how there could be so much love brain like the original owner. Xie Ruanxin wanted to cooperate with the Tan to get Xie Company in the first place?

It’s a pity that in the end, she failed to draw water from the bamboo basket and attracted the wolf into the house.

According to what Xie Chengze said, Xie Ruanxin and her mother were actually quite gullible. It was alright if they only ate and drank, but they wanted to do something big…It was normal for them to go bankrupt.

“If we can bring down the Tan family, she will no longer have anyone to rely on, so she will definitely settle down.” Lu Yanzhou suddenly said.

Xie Chengze was stunned when he heard this.

What Lu Yanzhou is thinking about now is to get rid of the Tan family?

But this is normal…Lu Yanzhou came to him with the ultimate goal of dealing with Tan Shaojun.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking. He was very busy during this period. He was having dates with Xie Chengze and earning merit too.

Therefore, he didn’t pay much attention to the Tan family.

Now that he had talked with Xie Chengze, he came back to his senses and suddenly realized that if Tan was gone, it would really be over. He would no longer have to worry about Xie Chengze being hurt.

As for how to bring down the Tan family…

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Maybe he can ask Yaoshi to help? If he could make contact with the officials, he really wouldn’t have to worry about anything.

Lu Yanzhou began to think about it. When Xie Chengze saw this, he leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth: “What are you thinking about?”

“I miss you!” Lu Yanzhou laughed, hugged Xie Chengze, kissed him, and asked Xie Chengze: “AZe, do you feel uncomfortable today?”

“A little bit but it’s okay.” Said Xie Chengze.

A little bit is good. Lu Yanzhou helped Xie Chengze rub his waist: “AZe, we still have to be more restrained in the future.”

Xie Chengze chuckled: “But I like it very much, don’t you like it?” Looking at what happened last night, Lu Yanzhou probably like it too.

He was not in good health, so Lu Yanzhou was very restrained throughout the whole process, fearing that he would not feel comfortable.

Look at it this way…Lu Yanzhou is really a good person. There is nothing inappropriate in taking care of him.

“Of course I like it, but your body is the most important thing.” Lu Yanzhou reluctantly kissed the corner of Xie Chengze’s eyes.

Xie Chengze probably did this because he felt that he wouldn’t live long, but he knew that was not the case.

After Xie Chengze’s illness was cured, Xie Chengze will be in good health, and with the help of merit…there would be no problem for Xie Chengze to live a long life.

Lu Yanzhou returned to his department after lunch.

And the fact that he and Xie Chengze had lunch together naturally aroused heated discussion in Xie’s company group.

Xie Chengze is in poor health, but not many people know about it, and he wasn’t married all these years. In fact, there are many speculations, and some people have long suspected that he likes men.

Now that his relationship with Lu Yanzhou has been exposed, everyone has a feeling that this is indeed the case.

Tan Shaojun naturally also got the news.

This city is neither small nor big.

At least, Tan Shaojun still has many ways to meet Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze went out to meet friends that day and met Tan Shaojun.

Xie Chengze is having a good time these days.

After Lu Yanzhou moved into his room, he never moved out again, and he was so considerate to him that he looked much better.

The only thing that made him depressed was probably when Lu Yanzhou had nothing to do, he would be watching the news related to Tan Company, and still thinking about destroying Tan.

Xie Chengze chose to indulge and even actively studied how to deal with the Tan.

He had already obtained Lu Yanzhou, so he should naturally get something in return.

Actually, if he thinks about it carefully, Lu Yanzhou is pretty good like this.

He doesn’t have long to live anymore. Being together with Lu Yanzhou, wait until Lu Yanzhou gets what he wants and break up with him, and then live the rest of his life well…He will not live this life in vain.

If Lu Yanzhou really loved him, he would worry that Lu Yanzhou couldn’t bear his departure.

Secretly, he didn’t want Lu Yanzhou to see him getting old.

Now he just wants to cherish every day with Lu Yanzhou.

It was rare for Xie Chengze to come out, so everyone came to greet him and said the same thing: “Mr. Xie, long time no see! You look much younger.”

Xie Chengze smiled and greeted them.

He does look a lot younger. Being with young people makes his mentality much younger and he has the vitality of young people.

Not to mention anything else, he has been to all the dating places that young people go to nowadays, so he has also played many of the things that young people play.

It’s really good.

Tan Shaojun came here at this moment.

Seeing Xie Chengze, he greeted him then said casually, “I heard that Mr. Xie has been in love recently? A boyfriend?”

“Yes.” Xie Chengze smiled.

“Mr. Xie, you have to be careful. Nowadays a lot of young people look for rich people, not for anything else, just for money.” Tan Shaojun meant to say that Lu Yanzhou had already paid back the money, and if there’s nothing unexpected, that money should be from Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was very calm: “Are you talking about Jiang Mi? You should be more careful. He is an orphan. He used my Yanzhou’s money to package himself into a young master. After he found a rich boyfriend, he turned against him and refused to recognize him…Mr. Tan must be careful.”

Tan Shaojun didn’t expect that the fire would burn him. His smile disappeared from his face.

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“What are you two talking about?” At this time, a potbellied boss came over.

“There was a young man who came from an orphanage and fell in love with Mr. Tan. He also said that he loved Mr. Tan as a person, not Mr. Tan’s money. He kept saying that he truly loved Mr. Tan.” Xie Chengze said with a smile.

The boss immediately said: “Mr. Tan, you can’t trust this. How many people in this world don’t love money? In fact, it’s better if they make it clear that they are after money. I’m afraid of meeting someone like this who keeps saying they don’t want money…Mr. Tan, aren’t you dating Miss Xie? If they don’t care about money, how can they still accept a mistress’s identity? Or maybe they want Mr. Tan gentle and considerate love?”

Xie Ruanxin has always regarded herself as Tan Shaojun’s fiancée, and Tan Shaojun also didn’t deny it.

After the boss came over and heard what Xie Chengze said, he thought it was Xie Chengze, the brother-in-law, who wanted to hit Tan Shaojun, so he naturally followed Xie Chengze’s wishes and hit Tan Shaojun.

In the circle, Tan Shaojun’s temper is recognized as bad. If the person really doesn’t care about money, why would they tolerate him?

Xie Chengze also said: “Yes, that person came from the orphanage, but while he was studying, his food and clothing were not cheap. He could spend tens of thousands a month, all of which were supported by someone else, but Mr. Tan still felt that he was so pure.”

The boss immediately echoed: “Mr. Tan, do you really think so? You don’t have a good eye for people.”

Tan Shaojun couldn’t stand it anymore: “Mr. Xie, you found a man who owed others a lot of money and only graduated from high school. You really have good vision!”

Xie Chengze smiled: “The person in my family had a high score in the college entrance examination. He had no money to study and didn’t ask for support. He found a job by himself and earned half a million yuan a year in his early twenties. He also taught himself programming and joined Xie’s software development department. It didn’t take long for him to be recognized by everyone in the department. I appreciate people like this.”

Xie Chengze once thought that Lu Yanzhou was just messing around in the software development department.

However, that time when he went to the buffet and saw other people’s attitudes towards Lu Yanzhou, he knew that he was wrong.

Lu Yanzhou is very capable.

This is not surprising. If Lu Yanzhou was incompetent, how could he have so much money to give Jiang Mi when he was an orphan?

Lu Yanzhou’s original proposal to join the software development department seemed to have been well thought out.

Xie Chengze verbally expressed his fondness for Lu Yanzhou. Xie Chengze never had a lover before…That boss could only bless Xie Chengze: “Mr. Xie have a boyfriend? With a boyfriend like yours, his future achievement will not be bad.”

This boss is much older than Xie Chengze. He has also climbed up from the bottom. There are many people like him in their circle.

Just by listening to Xie Chengze’s description, he knew that Xie Chengze’s boyfriend would have a good future.

Those who dare to venture, fight hard, endure hardships, and know how to seize opportunities like Xie Chengze’s boyfriend will definitely do well.

“Thank you for your good advice.” Xie Chengze smiled.

When Tan Shaojun saw Xie Chengze smiling happily, he felt as if he had been slapped several times.

He didn’t expect that Xie Chengze knew about Lu Yanzhou’s origins, and actually open with it, but looking at the two of them, they still have a good relationship.

What’s even more irritating is that after listening to what Xie Chengze said, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He even vaguely felt that what Xie Chengze said was right.

He had been sending people to keep an eye on Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou, so he naturally knew that Lu Yanzhou was really capable. On the contrary, Jiang Mi always made mistakes when he was an intern at Tan Company, and later broke up with him. After resigning from Tan Company, he simply didn’t go to work.

Tan Shaojun liked Jiang Mi, but he valued himself more. Jiang Mi embarrassed him, so he complained about Jiang Mi.

Of course, what he hates most is Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou.

Fortunately, these two don’t have many good days left!

Thinking of all the arrangements he had made in private, Tan Shaojun’s lips curled up.

When Xie Chengze goes bankrupt…he and Lu Yanzhou will look very good by then!

Xie Chengze didn’t know what Tan Shaojun was thinking.

After chatting with someone in a few words…he missed Lu Yanzhou a little bit.

He wonder what Lu Yanzhou is doing now.

Lu Yanzhou was in contact with Yaoshi to sell new technologies. When he learned that Yaoshi had contacted a state-owned enterprise, he was very happy and immediately expressed that he wanted to contact the officials.

Yaoshi learned of his request and immediately agreed.

Such a big boss is not something they, Yaoshi, can control, let alone offend.

Regardless, just make good friends!

“Sorry to bother you, I have something else to do, so I’ll get off first.” Lu Yanzhou chatted with the other party, packed up and prepared to pick up Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze didn’t actually need him to pick him up, but he wanted to make Xie Chengze happy.

With this in mind, Lu Yanzhou also bought a bouquet of flowers on the way.

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