Hold His Hand

Chapter 210: 210


Ever since Xie Chengze entered the hospital and Xie’s stock price plummeted, Tan Shaojun became very proud.

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As long as something happens to Xie Chengze, Xie Company will inevitably have a problem. When the time comes, he could try to acquire Xie Company!

When Xie Company becomes his…he wants to see who will say he is not as good as Xie Chengze!

As for Lu Yanzhou…Tan Shaojun has always hated Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou ran to contact Xie Chengze because he wanted to rely on Xie Chengze to deal with him, right? If Lu Yanzhou hadn’t given Xie Chengze the benefit of the doubt, Xie Chengze probably wouldn’t have come against him some time ago.

Now that something happened to Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou must have a very good look now!

Because his mood had improved, when Tan Shaojun went home and saw Jiang Mi, he was no longer as fond of finding trouble as he had been some time ago.

However, he also didn’t care for Jiang Mi as much as before.

Jiang Mi has become much more obedient recently, and even started to learn to cook…This kind of Jiang Mi is no different from the men and women he came into contact with in his early years.

Of course, he won’t let go of Jiang Mi too.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were probably together to take Jiang Mi away from him, he won’t let Lu Yanzhou succeed.

With this in mind, Tan Shaojun transferred 100,000 yuan to Jiang Mi.


Jiang Mi was originally a little unhappy because of Tan Shaojun’s neglect during this period, but when 100,000 yuan came into his account…his dissatisfaction immediately dissipated a lot. He began to think about obeying Tan Shaojun in the future.

A young master like Tan Shaojun has never been angry before. He really shouldn’t go against Tan Shaojun.

As for Lu Yanzhou…Xie Company is now in trouble. Who knows what Lu Yanzhou’s life will be like in the future!

Maybe he would even ask him for help when the time comes…

In the past, Lu Yanzhou would give money to Jiang Mi, but he would never give 100,000 yuan at a time. This was the first time he got such a large sum of money, so Jiang Mi couldn’t hold back and went to buy those former shoes that he couldn’t bear to spend money on before. After buying them, he wore it for Tan Shaojun to see.

Tan Shaojun’s mouth said yes but his heart doesn’t feel love for Jiang Mi anymore.

The Jiang Mi he likes is obviously an orphan but is still as warm as a little sun. He doesn’t care about his money and loves him for who he is, not the Jiang Mi in front of him who hates poverty and loves wealth.

Tan Shaojun simply spent a lot of time with Xie Ruanxin, and then Xie Ruanxin did something that shocked other Xie’s shareholders — she wanted to sell her Xie’s stock to Tan Shaojun.


Those who speculate in stocks, after buying stocks, most of them do not expect the company to make money by paying dividends, but make money by pointing to the skyrocketing stock price.

However, Xie Ruanxin is one of Xie’s major shareholders!

If Xie Company loses money every year, it may be normal for her to sell the stocks. However, Xie Company has been making money. Why is she selling the stock?

Besides, she is someone who knows that Tan is targeting Xie. In this situation, she actually sold her shares to Tan Shaojun…

Speaking of which…can Tan Shaojun afford to buy so many stocks from her?

This matter is no small matter, a shareholders’ meeting needs to be held!

Therefore, Xie Chengze learned about the incident immediately, and his first reaction was to contact Xie Ruanxin and ask her not to do this.

However, Xie Ruanxin was determined to sell the shares in her hand. She even said that she felt that Xie Chengze didn’t allow her to sell because he could not bear to see her be better.

Xie Chengze was speechless: “Are you really going to kill the goose to get the eggs?”

Xie Ruanxin replied unhappily: “how is this killing the goose to get the eggs? You are planning to donate Xie’s shares, why can’t I sell them?” She signed an agreement with Tan Shaojun. From now on, Xie Company dividends will be Tan Shaojun but he will also give a part to her, and he will also marry her. In this case, these shares will belong to her children sooner or later.


Besides, Xie Ruanxin had no choice but to do this. Her mother owed a lot of debts. If she continued to pay them, she wouldn’t be honest anytime soon. She also had a lot of debts outside and had to pay them back.

In addition, her attack on Xie Chengze was equivalent to giving Tan Shaojun a handle. If Tan Shaojun wanted the shares, could she not sell them?

And now Xie’s stock price has plummeted…What if it keeps falling like this and her shares become worthless?

Thinking like this, Xie Ruanxin continued: “Xie Chengze, if you don’t let me sell Xie’s shares, I will definitely tell others about you and that Lu Yanzhou as a shareholder of Xie Company!”

It’s okay if Xie Ruanxin didn’t say this, but when she said it…Xie Chengze laughed: “Okay. I won’t stop you.”

Such a large number of stock transactions is quite troublesome, but Xie Ruanxin was determined to sell, so Xie Chengze talked with the other Xie shareholders and didn’t stop her…Xie Ruanxin quickly sold the shares in her hands.

Tan Shaojun suddenly became one of Xie Company major shareholders, second only to Xie Chengze in terms of shareholding in Xie Company.

Before Xie Chengze’s father passed away, he divided Xie Company shares equally between Xie Chengze and Xie Ruanxin. However, Xie Chengze later purchased some otherXie Company shares, so his shares in Xie Company were larger than Xie Ruanxin’s.

But even so, Tan Shaojun instantly became a popular figure and was considered a wizard in the business world.

Some people in the industry continue to praise him. In short, he has far surpassed Xie Chengze.

However, just when Tan Shaojun was at his most prosperous, someone reported Tan Company for tax evasion with their real name. He was also suspected of embezzling state-owned assets.

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This incident caught Tan Shaojun off guard.

What made him even more panicked was that the other party’s evidence was solid, and the relevant units responded very quickly. Before he and his father could do anything, they were already arrested.

The investigation team also immediately settled in Tan’s house.

Things developed so fast that both Tan Shaojun and his father were a little confused.


This is definitely someone targeting them. As for who that person is…

Tan Shaojun once told Jiang Mi that Xie Ruanxin knew his handle, but that handle was actually given to Xie Ruanxin himself. In order to make Xie Ruanxin trust him.

But in reality? Xie Ruanxin has no evidence at all!

He had indeed done this. The Tan family was not the only one who had done this. As long as there was no evidence, what could Xie Ruanxin do to the Tan family?

What’s more, he and Xie Ruanxin haven’t broken up yet. There’s no benefit for Xie Ruanxin to do such a thing.

Therefore, the person who reported him and his father should not be Xie Ruanxin.

Since Xie Ruanxin didn’t do it, then who did it?

The answer is already clear — Xie Chengze!

No wonder Xie Ruanxin sold his shares to him but Xie Chengze didn’t stop her!

No wonder Xie Chengze is so low-key these days!

He actually held back his ultimate move!

The Tan Company and Xie Company situation suddenly changed.

After learning that Xie Chengze was in poor health, those who wanted to tear off a piece of flesh from Xie Company and who no longer had any respect for Xie Chengze were even more shocked.

Tan Shaojun used underhanded tactics. They heard that Xie Chengze was hospitalized because his medicine was tampered with.

Xie Ruanxin…He coaxed a girl who was ten years younger than him to sell her shares to him. His methods were not bright.

It’s hard to admire such a person, but Xie Chengze is different.

Xie Chengze makes sure to hit the target with one hit. His methods are fair and just, so it makes it impossible for people to avoid him!

Old ginger is still spicier, Xie Chengze is worthy of being Xie Chengze!

After Tan Shaojun and his father go in this time, they may have to shed their skin even if they didn’t die!

Of course, what shocked everyone even more was that there were too many people helping Xie Chengze this time. Even the government made it clear that they were on Xie Chengze’s side.

Xie Chengze’s energy is too great!

People from the government: “…” They are really not on Xie Chengze’s side, but are helping Mr. L.

However, Mr. L’s request does seem to be helping Xie Chengze.

In the hospital.

Xie Chengze has been hospitalized for a long time.

In fact, his situation can no longer be regarded as hospitalization…The private hospital he went to had a special sanatorium area. He stayed in the ward for a few days at first, and then went to the special sanatorium area.

The suites in the health care area are no different from hotel suites. The two bedrooms and two living rooms can also be used for cooking. The downstairs is lined with trees for walking. There are also various fitness equipment throughout the building.

Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou lived together. He gave up most of his work and lived here. He lives a constant life every day, so his health is much better now.

But these days, Xie Chengze was not in a good mood.

The Tan father and son fell too fast!

The investigation against Tan Company and the Tan father and son had actually started a long time ago, thus it was quickly discovered how much tax Tan Company had underpaid, so a huge fine had been issued against Tan Company.

In order to buy shares from Xie Ruanxin, the Tan father and his son already owed a large amount of debt, and now they have to pay fines…He’s afraid they may be bankrupt.

Not to mention, now the Tan father and his son were also jailed!

Xie Chengze has been sending people to keep an eye on Jiang Mi. Ever since Tan Shaojun’s accident, Jiang Mi’s life has been very unsatisfactory. He even went to Xie Company to find Lu Yanzhou several times.

If Lu Yanzhou went to comfort Jiang Mi at this time…

Just as he was thinking about this, Xie Chengze saw Lu Yanzhou humming a song and entering with some dishes, looking very happy.

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Lu Yanzhou was really happy. Tan Shaojun was jailed, and even if he could come out…After losing so much money, it would be difficult for him to be the president of Tan Group again. He would certainly not be able to target Xie Chengze.

What’s more important is that the merit to cure Xie Chengze is almost enough!

“AZe, we are eating shrimp today, what flavor do you want?” Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze said: “I like to eat everything you cook.”

“Then let’s make the simplest one, boiled.” Lu Yanzhou said, “I will make fried ones for you to eat later!”

When Xie Chengze gets better, he will make all kinds of food, sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour fish, etc., so that Xie Chengze can fully experience his culinary skills.

“Okay.” Xie Chengze smiled.

Then, Lu Yanzhou suddenly remembered something and said to Xie Chengze: “AZe, a few of my friends have always wanted to meet you. Are you willing to meet them?”

Xie Chengze was thinking about when Lu Yanzhou would leave him when he suddenly heard Lu Yanzhou words. He was a little surprised that he wanted to introduce his friends to him, but he quickly replied, “Of course I do. Should we treat them to a meal?”

“Okay, in that case, let’s invite them here for a meal.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

“Okay.” Xie Chengze agreed immediately, and then asked: “What do your friends do? Are they your former colleagues?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “They are all friends I have known since I was in the orphanage. They are all very nice people. ”

Lu Yanzhou briefly introduced the original owner’s several friends, including Zhou Hongxing.

The people he planned to invite this time did not have a good relationship with Jiang Mi. They had also been brainwashed by him and firmly believed that he was raising Jiang Mi as his child.

Because he kept saying in front of these people that his new partner was so good, these people wanted to meet Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou originally wanted to wait until everything was settled and Xie Chengze was discharged from the hospital before introducing them to each other, but it was a coincidence that Zhou Hongxing occasionally browsed financial videos and saw Xie Chengze’s photo and recognized that this was his boyfriend.

Nowadays, those financial videos make Xie Chengze sound like he will die soon…Zhou Hongxing was startled and started asking him questions…

Because of this, Lu Yanzhou plans to let them meet in advance.

Xie Chengze listened to Lu Yanzhou talk a lot, and then said: “Yanzhou, show me the photos of your friends and then tell me their names, so that I won’t mistake them tomorrow.”

Lu Yanzhou felt helpless after hearing this: “I don’t have their photos…but I can tell you their names.”

Lu Yanzhou simply drew a few portraits and wrote down their names for Xie Chengze to take a look.

Among the people Lu Yanzhou wanted to invite, not only did Jiang Mi not exist, but they were also not close friends with Jiang Mi…Xie Chengze was a little surprised.

He sent people to investigate Lu Yanzhou, but he did not investigate these people. After all, according to what the investigators said…these people were not close to Lu Yanzhou.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

It was the weekend, but not all of Lu Yanzhou’s friends had found jobs with weekend breaks, so they all made an appointment to come over for dinner that evening.

Lu Yanzhou went to buy groceries in the afternoon, so Xie Chengze asked a few people to come over and ask them to take care of his hair, trim his eyebrows and beard, etc.

Lu Yanzhou even saw Xie Chengze using lipstick to make his lips look better.

He was really attentive. Xie Chengze had never been so attentive before attending official meetings.

After those people had left…Lu Yanzhou leaned out half of his body from the kitchen. Seeing Xie Chengze’s radiant appearance, he couldn’t help but said: “AZe, your appearance make me want to kiss you.”

Xie Chengze smiled and came beside Lu Yanzhou and him.

Lu Yanzhou almost couldn’t react, then finally said: “will there be lipstick on my face if you kiss me like this?”

Xie Chengze couldn’t help smiling: “Don’t worry, the one I use won’t show.”

As the two were talking, Lu Yanzhou’s cell phone rang.

Lu Yanzhou answered the phone and learned that Zhou Hongxing and the others will be arriving soon. He looked at Xie Chengze and said, “AZe, Zhou Hongxing and the others are almost here. Let’s go pick them up.”

This hospital has strict management, so Zhou Hongxing and the others couldn’t enter.

Xie Chengze said: “Okay.”

Xie Chengze went downstairs and walked to the door. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw someone he didn’t want to see.

Jiang Mi actually found this place?!

Xie Chengze is here. Mother Tan told Jiang Mi, so Jiang Mi came over.

When Xie Company had problems before, Jiang Mi was quite happy, and even thought that after Xie Chengze died, he could ask Tan Shaojun to help Lu Yanzhou.

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However, what he didn’t expect was that Tan Shaojun and his father were actually arrested!

Tan Shaojun’s mother didn’t like him. After Tan Shaojun was arrested, she came to him directly and drove him out. If he hadn’t said that his friend since childhood was Xie Chengze’s lover and could help intercede, he may be homeless now!

But even so, mother Tan still kicked him out early every morning these days and asked him to go find Lu Yanzhou.

But he couldn’t find Lu Yanzhou…

He came here after mother Tan told him about this hospital. However, after waiting for a long time, he didn’t see Lu Yanzhou. Instead, he saw Xie Chengze, who looked very healthy and had no problems at all.

Jiang Mi opened his eyes wide in surprise and stared at Xie Chengze for a while: “Mr. Xie?”

Having been seen by Jiang Mi, Xie Chengze didn’t avoid: “Is something wrong?”

Jiang Mi said: “Mr. Xie, can you let Tan Shaojun go? I know he did something wrong, so I’ll apologize to you…Just let him go!”

Xie Chengze looked at Jiang Mi, who seemed like he was about to cry, speechless: “You want me to let Tan Shaojun go? Tan Shaojun was caught for tax evasion…What ability do I have to let him go?”

Jiang Mi said: “What company doesn’t do this? If it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t be caught, right? Can’t you spare him?”

Xie Chengze was even more speechless: “Tan Shaojun was caught because he evaded taxes.” If Tan didn’t do such a thing, how could he have the ability to put Tan Shaojun in prison?

“What company doesn’t do this? If you hadn’t reported it, Tan Company wouldn’t have been investigated…Did Lu Yanzhou ask you to do this? I want to see him.” Said Jiang Mi.

Xie Chengze has been jealous of Jiang Mi for a while now, but now that he actually met Jiang Mi, he was a little confused.

How could Lu Yanzhou like such a person?

He and Lu Yanzhou have known each other for some time now, and they have been getting along day and night in the past two months.

Lu Yanzhou is very knowledgeable and sees problems very clearly. Sometimes he even feels that Lu Yanzhou is more mature than him.

But…how could such a Lu Yanzhou fall in love with Jiang Mi, and still couldn’t let go?

Seeing that Xie Chengze didn’t speak, Jiang Mi added: “Mr. Xie, Lu Yanzhou is hostile to Tan Shaojun because of me. He must be doing this to get me! Mr. Xie, you really like Lu Yanzhou, right? If you don’t save Tan Shaojun, aren’t you afraid that I will choose to be with Lu Yanzhou? If I choose him, he would definitely break up with you.”

Xie Chengze could no longer care about those doubts and only felt his heart sinking.

However, before Xie Chengze could say anything, someone suddenly said: “Jiang Mi, did you think too highly of yourself? Lu Yanzhou doesn’t like you at all!”

Zhou Hongxing and the others had made an appointment to come here together. Therefore, when they got here, they saw Jiang Mi and Xie Chengze talking in the distance.

Jiang Mi looked like he was crying, while Xie Chengze looked calm and only showed his boss’s style.

The person Lu Yanzhou likes is really different!

Thinking about it carefully, Xie Chengze is really much better than Jiang Mi!

Such thoughts arose in their hearts, and then they heard what Jiang Mi said.

In order to make his friends believe that he really didn’t like Jiang Mi, Lu Yanzhou formed a group to show off his affection every day. He would show off in the group what he cooked every day and what he did with Xie Chengze.

After bombarding Zhou Hongxing and the others for several months, Zhou Hongxing and the others were convinced that Lu Yanzhou loved Xie Chengze deeply.

Jiang Mi spoke nonsense to Xie Chengze without any self-awareness at all. What if it ruined Lu Yanzhou’s relationship? They must stop it!

As soon as Zhou Hongxing said those words, the others said: “That’s right, Jiang Mi, your face is too thick, right?”

“Who said Lu Yanzhou likes you?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, okay?”

After everyone finished speaking, they then looked at Xie Chengze: “Mr. Xie, don’t listen to his nonsense.”

“Brother Lu doesn’t like him at all. He just saw that he is pitiful and raised him as his child for a while.”

”Brother Lu already ignored him when he found out that he had raised a white-eyed wolf!”

Zhou Hongxing and the others know very well how much Lu Yanzhou likes Xie Chengze!

Now that Jiang Mi is bullying Xie Chengze aggressively, they must help.

Well, actually looking at the scene, it didn’t look like Jiang Mi was bullying Xie Chengze, but it looked like Xie Chengze was bullying Jiang Mi. After all, Jiang Mi is the one crying.

Xie Chengze: “…”

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Xie Chengze really felt uncomfortable when Jiang Mi said that, but when Lu Yanzhou’s friends appeared and said this…He didn’t know how to react now.

“You guys are talking nonsense. Brother Lu likes me the most!” Said Jiang Mi.

Zhou Hongxing sneered: “You’re talking nonsense…”

“You were bribed by Xie Chengze! Xie Chengze, I haven’t seen Lu Yanzhou all this time. Is it because of you? Did you lock him up? I want to see him!” Jiang Mi shouted loudly.

“How could brother Lu be locked up as a grown man!” Zhou Hongxing retorted. Lu Yanzhou showed off his love in the group every day. Sometimes they don’t even want to pay attention to him that he even gave out red packets to lure them out…

This doesn’t seem like he lost his freedom.

“I don’t care. I want to see Lu Yanzhou. If you don’t let me see him, I will call the police!” Jiang Mi was so angry that he gave up talking.

Xie Chengze looked at Zhou Hongxing and the others, then at Jiang Mi, and then thought of Lu Yanzhou…He suddenly realized something and said to Jiang Mi, “I’ll take you to see Lu Yanzhou. Follow me.”

After saying that, Xie Chengze called Zhou Hongxing and the others to leave together.

Zhou Hongxing and the others followed up and whispered to Xie Chengze, “Mr. Xie, our brother Lu and this Jiang Mi really have nothing to do with each other.”

“I know.”

He knew the past between Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi very well. Lu Yanzhou was also very good at taking care of others, which was probably trained on Jiang Mi.

Besides, Lu Yanzhou is very skilled in love affairs, so he has always felt that it should be related to Jiang Mi.

But now…it’s not?

Xie Chengze has always been decisive in doing things, but now that he has doubts, he simply takes Jiang Mi back.

“The environment of this place is really nice.”

“Is this a hospital? It looks more like a resort.”

“It looks better than brother Lu’s photos!”

Several of Lu Yanzhou’s friends sighed.

Xie Chengze said: “This area is considered a nursing home. Strictly speaking, it is not a hospital.”

After Xie Chengze finished speaking, he introduced the place to them.

Zhou Hongxing and the others all felt that they had learned a lot, but Jiang Mi’s expression was very ugly— these people were deliberately ignoring him!

When he sees Lu Yanzhou, he will definitely ask Lu Yanzhou to help him vent his anger.

He thought so in his heart, but Jiang Mi faintly felt panicked too.

He hadn’t seen Lu Yanzhou for several months.

Xie Chengze opened the door and led everyone in, and saw Lu Yanzhou coming out of the kitchen with a spatula: “AZe, you’re back…”

Halfway through his sentence, Lu Yanzhou saw Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou has not seen Jiang Mi since he came here. To him, Jiang Mi only exists in the original owner’s memory.

Seeing him now, he was a little surprised, and then immediately asked Zhou Hongxing: “Why did you bring him?”

Zhou Hongxing said: “We didn’t bring him, he was waiting at the door of the hospital! Brother Lu, please don’t accuse us unjustly!”

“Brother Lu!” When Jiang Mi saw Lu Yanzhou, he burst into tears and rushed towards Lu Yanzhou, throwing him into Lu Yanzhou’s arms.

Lu Yanzhou subconsciously stepped aside and blocked him with the spatula.

The spatula directly slapped Jiang Mi’s face, leaving Jiang Mi with grease all over his face and body.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Respect yourself and don’t pounce on others!” Really, now he has to wash the spatula.

“Brother Lu, you…you hit me?!” Jiang Mi couldn’t believe it.

“This can’t be considered a hit, right? You rushed up on your own.” Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to be blamed for beating someone. He didn’t even think about hitting him just now, he just subconsciously stopped him.

“Why did you do this to me? Don’t you love me anymore?” Jiang Mi asked.

Lu Yanzhou did not hesitate: “When did I love you?” Xie Chengze is here! His relationship with Jiang Mi must be cleared up!

Although Xie Chengze has been hiding it, he knows very well that Xie Chengze likes to be jealous!

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