Hold His Hand

Chapter 216: 216


Ever since Yaoshi held the banquet, Xie Chengze has been out of the loop.

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The present financial bloggers and those who make videos are in urgent need of material, and Xie Chengze, who is not only handsome but also capable…many of them regard it as a traffic code and make related long and short videos.

Therefore, everyone knew that Xie Company had a super handsome president.

If this is just the case, over time, everyone may gradually forget about Xie Chengze. After all, Xie Chengze is not involved in the entertainment industry and does not appear in front of the public very often.

However, they can’t do it…Yaoshi is too dazzling.

As long as one is concerned about the economy and technology, they cannot avoid Yaoshi.

Yaoshi finally went public. Before the listing, the official took a stake in Yaoshi and became the largest shareholder of Yaoshi, making Yaoshi a state-owned enterprise in a sense. However, the official did not participate in the management. The development of Yaoshi depends entirely on Xie Chengze.

In addition, Xie Chengze’s company should now be called a group. It still owns a large amount of Yaoshi’s stock, which is not much less than the official one.

Therefore, as soon as it went public, Xie Chengze’s net worth skyrocketed, and the next year he ranked among the top five in the domestic wealth list.

His assets are increasing rapidly.

After all, Yaoshi comes out with new technologies from time to time. Not to mention becoming the leader in the country, it’s about to become the leader in the world!

Not to mention, Xie Chengze still has Xie’s stock price in the past few years, which has been rising all the way.


Soon, Xie Chengze became the richest man in the country.

For a time, countless people called Xie Chengze dad or husband, so everyone’s attention to Xie Chengze remained high.

Netizens paid attention, so the media naturally paid attention. With this attention, they discovered the existence of Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou were not actually public, but they were often photographed when they went on dates. Lu Yanzhou still went to pick up Xie Chengze every day…

After some good media published relevant news, Lu Yanzhou also entered the public views.

Dad Xie is really different. After being single for many years, he found a handsome boy!

Netizens are convinced by Lu Yanzhou’s appearance, then Lu Yanzhou has many fans.

Of course, there were a lot of sarcastic words, especially after someone later revealed that Lu Yanzhou had only graduated from high school, and was assigned by Xie Chengze to work in Mr. L’s laboratory.


Then one day, public opinion suddenly began to attack Lu Yanzhou.

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“Mr. L’s laboratory is so difficult to enter. Even the professors from our school can’t go there, so why was Lu Yanzhou allowed in?”

“Isn’t Xie Chengze too good at pretending to be a civil servant for personal gain?”

“Mr. L is too unlucky. The laboratory actually allows a person who only graduated from high school to enter!”

“Lu Yanzhou leaves early every day! Did you see it? He clocks out and leaves the laboratory at around four o’clock every day!”

“Why does Xie Chengze like such a person?!”

As Mr. L has researched more and more things, he has now become a national idol. Therefore, under the guidance of caring people, everyone is complaining for Mr. L.

There are also many people calling for Mr. L’s laboratory to be completely separated from Yaoshi.

Neither Lu Yanzhou nor Xie Chengze cared much about the news on the Internet. In the laboratory, the person in charge of Lu Yanzhou’s security noticed the matter and hurriedly came to tell Lu Yanzhou.


Lu Yanzhou is actually Mr. L. Those people actually think that Mr. L should not go to the laboratory…What is this?!

“Tell me carefully.” Lu Yanzhou stopped what he was doing.

The man started talking immediately.

Lu Yanzhou asked: “They are trying to catch Mr. L?”


Lu Yanzhou curled his lips and said, “There have been a lot of people wandering around the laboratory recently, and many people have tried their best to contact me…I guess someone is looking for Mr. L and they want to know Mr. L’s information.”

“It’s true that people from many countries are looking for you, but is it okay to lead online public opinion this way?”

“Maybe they want to make Mr. L dissatisfied with Yaoshi? Lu Yanzhou, an ordinary person, may not be able to stand cyber bullying, and then they will have a breakthrough,” Lu Yanzhou said. “Of course, since they did this, they may not have any other way. They can only play with public opinion and say it everywhere that the country treats Mr. L badly, the country is not good, and so on.”

“Then what should we do now?”

“What should we do? Isn’t this good? Until now, no one has doubted that I am Mr. L.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

He has been working in this laboratory for several years. In the past few years, he has been quite hated because he has researched a lot of things.

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For his safety, no one in this laboratory knows his identity except the researchers who follow him.

Like this, no one doubted that Lu Yanzhou was actually Mr. L from beginning to end.

“But there are many people on the Internet accusing you…” The man frowned. He felt that someone like Lu Yanzhou, who had made great contributions to the country, should not be criticized.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Those accusations make me feel quite uncomfortable, but don’t worry, I have a solution.”


“Do you have a solution?” the man asked.

Lu Yanzhou said: “There is a way! Just watch and don’t take action, lest they doubt my identity.”

The security in charge nodded hesitantly.

Lu Yanzhou really has a way to deal with those who are accusing him now.

He called Xie Chengze on the spot: “AZe, there are many people scolding me on the Internet, and I feel uncomfortable after seeing it.”

Xie Chengze actually knew about this, so he immediately said: “Don’t worry, I have asked the people from the public relations department to deal with it!”

“Okay! AZe, please make it clear online that you will teach anyone who bullies me a lesson,” said Lu Yanzhou.

“Yes.” Xie Chengze agreed without hesitation. He doesn’t surf the Internet very much, but since Lu Yanzhou asked for it…Xie Chengze immediately asked someone to create an account for him, and also sent a message saying that he would get to the bottom of anyone who said bad things about Lu Yanzhou.

Xie’s legal department is not just for show!

The people who are targeting Lu Yanzhou: “…” Some of them are fans of Xie Chengze. They feel that Xie Chengze has been bewitched and deceived by Lu Yanzhou, but then Xie Chengze comes out to support Lu Yanzhou?

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yanzhou also registered an account, forwarded the content posted by Xie Chengze, and said: “Xie Chengze likes me and treats me well. What’s wrong with it? I didn’t eat your rice!”

Everyone: “…” Well, that’s true.

Of course, some people are still angry: “Then what about you staying in Mr. L’s laboratory? Don’t you know that this will disturb Mr. L?”

Lu Yanzhou replied to the person: “According to what you said, the aunties who are responsible for cooking and cleaning, and the soldiers who are responsible for security in the laboratory should all be withdrawn? Then Mr. L’s research team is alone so that they can’t even eat a hot meal? Mr. L himself doesn’t have a problem with it, so why are you guys worrying about it!”

Everyone : “…” It seems…that is indeed the case?

“That’s right, why are so many people suddenly targeting Lu Yanzhou?”

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“Didn’t someone say before that when Lu Yanzhou went to the research institute, he might be a gatekeeper. How could the gatekeeper affect Mr. L’s research?”

“Yes, the laboratory has no objection, so why are you jumping up and down?”

“Those professors can’t get into the research institute, but Lu Yanzhou got in, so what does it have to do with Lu Yanzhou? This is just like someone who can’t become a professor at Tsinghua University, but ends up complaining about the aunties in the Tsinghua’s cafeteria, thinking that the aunties in the Tsinghua’s cafeteria are not worthy of cooking in Tsinghua!”

“That’s right upstairs! The cafeteria aunties and the dormitory managers may not have any academic qualifications, but they can still get into Tsinghua University. What about it?”

Fans of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze spoke up for them.

These fans were also quite angry. They had been secretly following Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou for a long time, and they had been happily doing so, but suddenly a group of people appeared to attack Lu Yanzhou.

Where did all those people come from?

Those people’s accusations against Lu Yanzhou are indeed untenable. Lu Yanzhou obviously only goes to the laboratory to play. He usually gets off work at four o’clock, and does not go over weekends and holidays. He does not seem to be engaged in the research at all.

In this case, how could he disturb Mr. L!

He may not even get to said a few words to Mr. L!

As for the relationship between Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, as long as they are willing to fight, why should others worry about it?

“The Xie Company’s legal department is dispatched! Dad Xie really shows off his domineering style! He protects his husband with his own strength!”

“A lot of marketing accounts that accused Lu Yanzhou were sued by Dad Xie. I’m so happy!”

“Some people are really annoyed just looking at him! Why is Lu Yanzhou not worthy of Xie Chengze…How can a person with such powerful methods as Xie Chengze not know what he wants? If he chooses Lu Yanzhou, it must be that Lu Yanzhou is suitable, or he likes Lu Yanzhou.”

“That’s right! Xie Chengze’s vision is definitely better than those people who only know to fool around.”

Most people are still very sober. They are on Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou’s side.

After all, Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou really didn’t do much. They even kept a low profile. Some media had always secretly photographed them for the sake of traffic.

As for Lu Yanzhou going to work in the research laboratory…Lu Yanzhou is not short of money. He comes in late and leaves early every day. What he does in the laboratory is probably not important, he mostly just there to kill time.

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Xie Chengze is happy, and the laboratory has no objection. Why do irrelevant people keep jumping around?

As a result, quite a few people went to comfort Lu Yanzhou and complimented him on his good looks in passing.

Lu Yanzhou replied to someone who said he was handsome: “Xie Chengze thinks so too.”

Netizens immediately started laughing and envied Xie Chengze.

Alas, if they were Xie Chengze, they would definitely find a handsome young wolfdog too!

Those public opinions on the Internet that were deliberately aroused quickly disappeared.

The people at the laboratory were looking at Lu Yanzhou eagerly. As Lu Yanzhou continued to work, Lu Yanzhou packed up his things and prepared to go home: “It’s already four o’clock. I’ll leave first. My AZe is still waiting for me to go pick him up.”

Researchers: “…” They really didn’t expect that one day they would be able to work with a boss who didn’t let them work overtime!

Even if they don’t work overtime, the results produced by their laboratory far exceed those of other laboratories!

This laboratory is really great. Trying their best to get into it is really the most correct thing they have ever done in their lives.

The only depressing thing is that their boss shows off his love every day, and most of them are single.

What these researchers don’t know is that their boss, who shows love every day, is no longer satisfied with just showing love to them!

Lu Yanzhou plans to show his love to the whole world.

Next, he will study something that may be boycotted by some countries. For his own safety, he needs to hide his identity.

He doesn’t want to come into contact with various spies yet…

In this case, he might as well start a live broadcast to broadcast the sweet life of himself and Xie Chengze!

From now on, in addition to working time, he will concentrate on live broadcasting and becoming an Internet celebrity. He and Xie Chengze will go out on dates and live broadcast from time to time.

He wanted to see who else dared to touch him!

And…he believes that no one will think that an Internet celebrity is actually Mr. L!

However, if he wants to be an internet celebrity, he needs a personality. His personality…well, let’s just go with ‘the president’s little spoiled husband’!

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