Hold His Hand

Chapter 224: 224


Xie Chengze felt guilty for his behavior, so he was lost in thought for a moment.

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Then the demon cultivator’s spiritual qi in his body began to surge and show its presence immediately.

Xie Chengze restrained his thoughts, then used his cultivation to fight against it, and endured wave after wave of pain.

However, he did not take back his divine sense. His sense was still on Lu Yanzhou, sensing everything about Lu Yanzhou.

This calms him down and makes him feel less uncomfortable.

Over the years, he has been living in pain, and sometimes he even wants to die to just get over it.

But Qingyun Sect needs a nascent soul ancestor.

Even if he is injured, he is still a nascent soul cultivator, not to mention that people outside don’t know the extent of his injury…

As long as he is around, others will not dare to attack Qingyun Sect.

His master saved his life, and Qingyun Sect also spent a lot of resources to train him. He should also give back to the sect.

Xie Chengze closed his eyes.

In the past, at times like this, he would completely release his divine sense, and then all kinds of noisy sounds in the sect would converge on him, buzzing and humming, diverting his attention, so he wouldn’t feel so much pain.


But now…his attention is entirely on Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou looks really good. He looks forward to seeing Lu Yanzhou from time to time.

Watching…Xie Chengze noticed that Lu Yanzhou was taking pills. It’s a pity that he no longer has any spirit pill that can be given to Lu Yanzhou…

Lu Yanzhou took the time to improve his skills a little more.

The amount of spiritual qi needed to cultivate from the early stage of foundation establishment to the later stage of foundation establishment is several times more than from Qi refining to foundation establishment.

In addition, the original owner was only in the beginning stage of foundation establishment, and his cultivation speed was also not very fast. It would take about ten days to reach the last stage of foundation establishment.

Ahem…well, he feels a bit embarrassed to say this.

Lu Yanzhou planned to go meet Wei Yuzheng for a while when he reached the last stage of foundation establishment.


There’s definitely a problem with Wei Yuzheng.

Not mentioning other things, just changing someone’s spirit root…even those nascent soul cultivators won’t be able to do it, so how did Wei Yuzheng do it?

Lu Yanzhou’s divine sense is very strong, so he can directly use his divine sense to investigate Wei Yuzheng. However, Qingyun Sect has many ancient formations. He may be discovered if he uses his divine sense arbitrarily, so it is best to go and see it in person.

What’s more, if he only uses divine senses to look from a distance, sometimes he may not see everything. Xie Chengze’s divine sense has always been covering him, but he didn’t discover anything wrong with him, right?

After Lu Yanzhou cultivated for a while, he got up to feed the chickens and ducks and take care of his spiritual field.

After walking around in the valley, he naturally…went to find Xie Chengze again.

“Shizu, what do you want to eat today?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze asked: “Rabbit?” He had already eaten chicken and duck. Now it’s rabbit and pig’s turn, right?

Lu Yanzhou smiled: “Shizu, I’ll roast them for you right away.”

The rabbits and piglets were very cute. Lu Yanzhou was worried that Xie Chengze would be reluctant to eat them, but for Xie Chengze, eating seemed to be more important.


Then let’s have a roasted whole rabbit!

As Lu Yanzhou was picking up the rabbit, he could feel that Xie Chengze’s sense was always by his side.

This really motivated him to work! Lu Yanzhou took out the alchemy furnace, controlled the heat with his divine sense, then started roasting the rabbit. By the way, he also used another alchemy furnace to cook.

Alchemy furnace has the function of absorbing the surrounding spiritual qi, so it’s perfect for cooking! Of course, being able to use the alchemy furnace so well must be attributed to his divine sense.

Lu Yanzhou quickly prepared the dishes and took them to Xie Chengze.

At this time, Qingyun Sect’s sect master also arrived.

In the past two days, Qingyun sect master has been purging the bad rumor about Lu Yanzhou’s father.

This rumor is not only detrimental to Lu Yanzhou’s father, it will also affect the image of Qingyun Sect – the sect’s golden core cultivator can force the sect’s foundation establishment cultivator to be his son’s plucking target. Who dares to come to such a sect?

Fortunately, it is not difficult to clarify this matter. Now no one in the sect believes this matter anymore!

However, Lu Yanzhou said that there’s a problem with Wei Yuzheng, but the sect master didn’t see anything at all.

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She met Wei Yuzheng once, and Wei Yuzheng behaved very well in front of her, saying that he was talking nonsense from being hot-headed. He.also expressed his willingness to compensate Lu Yanzhou and clarify the matter…It’s not easy for the sect master to do anything about it.

Wei Yuzheng is now an inner disciple trained by the sect, and with the protection of a master who is almost as powerful as her, she can’t do anything to Wei Yuzheng.

This time, she came to the valley because she wanted to meet Xie Chengze and give Lu Yanzhou the compensation Wei Yuzheng gave to Lu Yanzhou.

As soon as she entered the valley, the sect master discovered that the valley was different.

At the entrance of the valley, there were a few places circled with simple formations that a Qi Refining cultivator would use, and inside were chickens, ducks, rabbits, and pigs respectively.

After walking a few more steps, she can see the cultivated spirit field. Probably because of the abundant spirit qi here, the seeds that have just been sown have already sprouted.

When she got inside…

Xie Chengze was still sitting by the pool, but in the pool next to him that used to be calm and waveless like a mirror, a fish suddenly jumped out, turned over in mid-air, and then fell into the pool again.

The valley that was not lively before suddenly became alive.

The sect master was previously worried that Lu Yanzhou would disturb Xie Chengze, but now she found…that this was good.


Just as she was thinking this, the sect master smelled a strong fragrance. She looked up and saw Lu Yanzhou coming over with an alchemy furnace and a food box. The rich fragrance came from the alchemy furnace.

The sect master still remembers that Lu Yanzhou asked for this alchemy furnace from Liu Ruoxian.

This alchemy furnace is quite good, and it’s enough for a golden core cultivator to make spirit pill. As a result… Lu Yanzhou used it to make food?

What an idea!

Although most people in the cultivation world do not pay much attention to food and drink and focus on cultivation, there are some people who don’t feel like they will do well just by culitvating.

For example, many outer disciples of the Qingyun Sect, knowing that there is no hope building their foundation, they simply stopped cultivating and focused on doing other things, such as doing business, painting, playing the qin, and so on.

Qi refining cultivators can live for two hundred years, so they are already very satisfied!

Among these people, there are naturally those who specialize in culinary arts because they love food.

There are even some golden core cultivators or nascent soul cultivators who will study what tastes good because they are bored.

Therefore, there are many delicacies in the cultivation world with a lot of seasonings available.

At first, Lu Yanzhou didn’t have any seasonings, and the food he made tasted average, but today’s roasted whole rabbit really smelled quite delicious!

“Sect master, you are here too. Do you want to eat together?” Lu Yanzhou asked with a smile.

Since the junior had invited, of course it was hard to refuse, so the sect master agreed: “Okay.”

Xie Chengze: “…” Why is Lu Yanzhou smiling at the sect master?

Xie Chengze said to Lu Yanzhou: “Lu Yanzhou, the sect master is truly our elder. You should choose the best part of this rabbit and prepare a portion for the sect master.” He was reminding Lu Yanzhou that the sect master is not young!

“Okay!” Lu Yanzhou agreed immediately. He took out a dagger and cut off one of the rabbit’s hind legs, sliced ​​off the meat and put it on a special plate for the sect master. He also followed the same pattern and prepared a portion for Xie Chengze: “Shizu, you also eat too.”

Xie Chengze: “…” His age, it seems, not young too?

The sect master didn’t know Xie Chengze’s struggle and little thoughts, she just felt happy – Xie Chengze still thinks of her too.

Her picked up a piece of rabbit meat with the chopsticks and put it into her mouth. The sect master was a little surprised.

Not only does this roasted rabbit contain spiritual qi, it also tastes really good.

As for the attributes of spiritual qi that are different from hers…In fact, it can be transformed to a certain extent.

It’s really good to have Lu Yanzhou accompany Xie Chengze. Unfortunately, Lu Yanzhou has no spirit root and his lifespan is the same as that of a mortal. He can live up to a hundred years at most…

The sect master originally wanted to ask Xie Chengze some questions, but in the end she didn’t ask anything. She ate, gave the compensation given by Wei Yuzheng to Lu Yanzhou, then left.

However, it wasn’t long before Lu Yanzhou received a transmission – the sect master’s disciple sent him another batch of materials, which not only contained various common ingredients, but also the meat of several water attribute demon beasts.

This is all good stuff! Let’s eat it tonight!

In the evening, Lu Yanzhou not only grilled demon beast meat, but also spread out some small flatbread with the pastry that were sent along with it.

“Shizu, this demon beast meat should be wrapped in flatbread. Let me wrap it for you.” Lu Yanzhou said, wrapping a piece of meat in the flatbread, adding seasonings and dipping ingredients, then handing it to Xie Chengze’s mouth .

Even if he helps wrap it, he doesn’t need to feed him, right? Xie Chengze knew that he should refuse, but Lu Yanzhou looked at him expectantly…He unconsciously took a bite of the wrap meat in Lu Yanzhou’s hand.

While biting, his lips touched Lu Yanzhou’s fingers.

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Or he shouldn’t have said that his lips touched Lu Yanzhou’s fingers, it was Lu Yanzhou who deliberately touched his lip.

Lu Yanzhou was seducing him again!

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou with a pair of gray eyes.

Xie Chengze looks like a cute doll, obviously acting indifferent, but unexpectedly well-behaved and obedient.

Lu Yanzhou really wanted to kiss him, so it took quite an effort for him to restrain his mouth from moving.

He stretched out his hand again and handed the meat wrap over: “Shizu, have some more.”

Having already had the first bite, Xie Chengze didn’t care about the second and third bites. He might as well let Lu Yanzhou feed him.

Xie Chengze once visited a nascent soul cultivator. The cultivator was quite old but had a young man by his side.

The cultivator did not become dao companion with the young man next to him, but he would practice dual cultivation with the young man and give him benefits. The young man would always treat him as his main support, being gentle and carefree.

At that time, the young man would also feed the nascent soul cultivator. At that time, Xie Chengze felt that doing this was meaningless, but now he understands it.

If he hadn’t been injured, if Lu Yanzhou hadn’t lost his spirit root, they might have been able to do the same. He wouldn’t even mind becoming dao companion and concluding a contract with Lu Yanzhou.

With his full support, it would be much easier for Lu Yanzhou to become a nascent soul cultivator.

But now, they have no chance to be together.

Lu Yanzhou can only plunder from others now. However, in his condition, if he was plunder, he will definitely not be able to suppress the power left by the demon cultivator in his body.

Xie Chengze sighed darkly.

He should reject Lu Yanzhou, but he couldn’t do it.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking, he only felt happiness.

Xie Chengze treated him differently. Although he looked cold, he was actually very close to him.

Next, he will continue to work hard and get closer to Xie Chengze!

Time passed quickly, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these ten days, Lu Yanzhou pretended not to know that Xie Chengze was paying attention to him with his divine sense, and did all kinds of seductive behaviors.

Although Xie Chengze still looked cold, he felt that if he confessed his love at this time, he should be accepted.

But before he confesses his love…he has to go find Wei Yuzheng.

Lu Yanzhou relied on various resources to reach the late stage of foundation establishment. Today, he greeted Xie Chengze, then left the valley.

He felt Xie Chengze’s sense following him.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He likes that Xie Chengze follows him, but with Xie Chengze’s divine sense, he can’t do many things.

For example, he couldn’t sneak into Wei Yuzheng’s master’s peak and then secretly observe Wei Yuzheng.

In the end, Lu Yanzhou could only take out a jade pendant that could hide his figure. Therefore, after activating it, he hid under Wei Yuzheng’s master’s peak.

Wei Yuzheng is not the type to stay in the cave every day and concentrate on cultivation. He likes to make friends and walk around.

There is a high probability that he would see him by waiting here.

Lu Yanzhou was ready to wait and see, but he didn’t know that on the other side, Wei Yuzheng had already received the news.

A bird landed on Wei Yuzheng’s hand. Wei Yuzheng stared at the bird for a while, then suddenly laughed: “Lu Yanzhou came out? Trying to ambush me?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t get to wait long before he saw Wei Yuzheng walk past him.

If Xie Chengze’s divine sense was not around, Lu Yanzhou might have tried to test the water, but Xie Chengze’s was here.

Lu Yanzhou could only watch Wei Yuzheng from a distance until Wei Yuzheng walked away.

There was nothing unusual about Wei Yuzheng throughout the whole process, and he couldn’t see any problem with him.

This time, he’s afraid he won’t get any results…Lu Yanzhou thought for a moment, then turned around and left.

Little did he know that because he had left too quickly, Wei Yuzheng couldn’t react for a moment.

Wei Yuzheng thought Lu Yanzhou would ambush him, but in the end…Lu Yanzhou didn’t do anything?

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Lu Yanzhou returned to the valley and first took a look at the livestock he raised then the fields he planted.

Xie Chengze actually didn’t need to eat. At first, he cooked two meals a day for Xie Chengze, but later Xie Chengze said one meal a day would be enough, so he changed it to one meal a day.

At other times, he was either chatting with Xie Chengze or taking care of the valley. Under his care, the valley has now changed from a natural scenery to an idyllic scenery.

Lu Yanzhou was back. Xie Chengze felt relieved, but he still did not withdraw his divine sense.

Previously, because he didn’t pay attention, Lu Yanzhou was bullied by Wei Yuzheng, and even his temperament changed because of it…Now he must watch Lu Yanzhou to prevent anything from happening again.

Now that Lu Yanzhou was only a Qi refiner, if he confronts Wei Yuzheng again…Xie Chengze is afraid that something will happen to him.

Fortunately, Lu Yanzhou did not act rashly.

When Xie Chengze saw Lu Yanzhou again, he asked, “Where did you go when you left the valley today?”

Didn’t you follow the whole way? Lu Yanzhou was a little amused, but he still replied: “I went to see Wei Yuzheng.”

Xie Chengze added: “Can you tell me about the matter between you and Wei Yuzheng?” Xie Chengze knew that there was a conflict between the two, but he didn’t know the specific situation. He wanted to hear from Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou did not hide anything, and told everything about the original owner and Wei Yuzheng. The content of what he said was almost the same as what he had said to the sect master before.

Xie Chengze believed Lu Yanzhou’s words and began to recall Wei Yuzheng.

However, although he used his divine sense to see the situation in Qingyun Sect in the past, except for Lu Yanzhou, he didn’t pay attention to anyone else, so he had no impression of Wei Yuzheng.

If Lu Yanzhou’s spirit root were really dug by Wei Yuzheng, then Wei Yuzheng is really a bit scary!

With this in mind, Xie Chengze released his divine sense and prepared to keep an eye on Wei Yuzheng in the future.

At the same time, Xie Chengze asked Lu Yanzhou: “Do you want to take revenge on Wei Yuzheng?”

Lu Yanzhou said without hesitation: “Yes!”

Although he did not like the original owner, Wei Yuzheng dug up the original owner’s spirit root. This action is no different from murdering in the cultivation world.

He will definitely avenge the original owner!

Xie Chengze was in a complicated mood. With Lu Yanzhou’s current strength, there was no way he could take revenge on Wei Yuzheng. It was probably because of this that after Lu Yanzhou went to find Wei Yuzheng, he quietly came back without doing anything.

It would be great if he could help Lu Yanzhou, but he couldn’t.

“How are you going to take revenge without your spirit root?” Xie Chengze asked.

Lu Yanzhou said: “This matter can be taken slowly, I’m not in a hurry.”

Xie Chengze frowned.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t like seeing him like this, so he reached out to smooth Xie Chengze’s brow.

Xie Chengze was shocked, and then said: “Don’t always touch me.”

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “I can’t help it.”

Xie Chengze: “…”

Lu Yanzhou suddenly leaned over and kissed Xie Chengze’s brow: “Shizu, I really like you.”

Xie Chengze didn’t know why he didn’t hide.

However, he didn’t hide and looked at Lu Yanzhou seriously.

His eyes could not see Lu Yanzhou’s expression, but his sense completely enveloped Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou’s eyes were full of seriousness, and when he said this, there was no other sign of guilt.

Lu Yanzhou, is it true that he simply likes him?

If this is really the case…

“Shizu, I like you, do you like me?” Lu Yanzhou held Xie Chengze’s hand.

In the past in World Management, Xie Chengze was also like this. But at that time, Lu Yanzhou did not dare to take a step beyond his reach.

But now he has been together with Xie Chengze for so many worlds…let alone just shaking hands, kissing is not impossible!

Xie Chengze suddenly asked: “Do you know how I got my injury?”

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“What happened?” Lu Yanzhou asked immediately. He had always wanted to know what happened to Xie Chengze’s injury.

After all, only by knowing the condition of Xie Chengze’s injuries could he help Xie Chengze treat it.

Xie Chengze slowly told what happened that year, and then said: “So although I am a nascent soul cultivator, I cannot use my spirit qi. All spirit qi must be used to suppress the power in my body that does not belong to me.”

He wanted Lu Yanzhou to know that his situation is very bad, if Lu Yanzhou still has his original intention.

Lu Yanzhou asked: “AZe, can you let me check your body?”

Xie Chengze even accepted that he liked Lu Yanzhou, so naturally he wouldn’t mind Lu Yanzhou checking his physical condition: “Yes.”

Lu Yanzhou was already holding Xie Chengze’s hand, so after hearing Xie Chengze’s words, his qi entered Xie Chengze’s body.

There are indeed two streams of qi in Xie Chengze’s body, one is weaker but very pure, and the other is stronger but very messy.

The key is that the latter occupies Xie Chengze’s dantian, making it difficult for Xie Chengze to cultivate. If Xie Chengze wants to consume it, his own cultivation may be exhausted first.

Xie Chengze must have been in a lot of pain these years.

Lu Yanzhou’s expression was solemn, so Xie Chengze said: “You have also seen my situation. I can’t do anything right now. I can’t even get out of this valley. If I’m not careful, I may lose my life…”

“AZe, I have a way to cure your injury.” Lu Yanzhou suddenly said.

Xie Chengze was stunned.

Lu Yanzhou said: “AZe, let’s dual cultivate. Let the demon qi in your body into mine, you will then return to normal!”

The more Lu Yanzhou thought about it, the more he felt this was a good idea!

He is worried that he will not have enough resources to improve his strength in the future. What about those inside Xie Chengze’s body? There is a mass of ownerless qi in Xie Chengze’s body that belongs to a nascent soul cultivator!

If he could absorb the qi that the demon cultivator left in Xie Chengze’s body, would he be able to directly reach the nascent soul stage?

Xie Chengze doesn’t have to suffer anymore in the future too!

As for that messy qi that originally belonged to the demon cultivator…Lu Yanzhou really didn’t care.

It’s better than letting Xie Chengze continue to suffer!

And if the qi in Xie Chengze’s body is not resolved, Xie Chengze will never be able to use his strength in the future!

If that idiot demon cultivator from outside breaks in, is Xie Chengze still planning to blow himself up?

Lu Yanzhou realized how good his idea is.

Xie Chengze was stunned. He looked at Lu Yanzhou and couldn’t tell what he was feeling. He said in a cold voice: “Dual cultivation draws on my own strength, which makes me unable to suppress the demon cultivator’s qi.”

He couldn’t use his qi, so how can they dual cultivate by using qi?

What’s more, what Lu Yanzhou practiced was not a dual cultivation technique at all, but a plundering technique.

This technique is very similar to dual cultivation. However, when one dual cultivated with the person who learned this skill, they would unconsciously plunder their partner.

The demon cultivator he killed a hundred years ago had disguised himself as a righteous cultivator when he was young, coaxed many people to dual cultivate with him, and then plunder them cleanly.

If Lu Yanzhou really wanted to dual cultivate with him, problems might occur, not to mention that Lu Yanzhou actually wanted to plunder him.

If he were to really be plundered, he would probably die on the spot.

“AZe, I have a way.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

In fact, what he practiced was not a dual cultivation technique, but a plundering technique, coupled with his strong divine sense…Lu Yanzhou was sure that he would only absorb the demonic cultivation’s qi in Xie Chengze’s body without harming Xie Chengze’s own cultivation.

Xie Chengze’s heart felt cold.

Lu Yanzhou was very kind to him these days. He was very gentle, cooking with his own hands, and even clip and feed him food.

His originally cold valley became full of life under Lu Yanzhou’s care.

He thought that Lu Yanzhou was somewhat sincere towards him.

But now…the livestock that Lu Yanzhou brought back haven’t been eaten yet, and the spiritual plants that Lu Yanzhou planted haven’t grown yet…

Lu Yanzhou really can’t wait?

T/N: Sorry for the long wait. This year ain’t so lucky. I burned my left hand and broke my right wrist. The cast was taken off not long ago. Imma try my best to finish this novel quickly!

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