Hold His Hand

Chapter 228: 228


After receiving Xie Chengze’s summon, the sect master and co. quickly appeared in front of Xie Chengze.

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“Shizu, are your injuries healed?” The sect master looked excited and asked as soon as She saw Xie Chengze.

All the killing arrays in this valley have been removed, and the person who did this is, unsurprisingly, Xie Chengze.

What does this mean? This means that Xie Chengze can already use his qi!

“I’m fine,” Xie Chengze didn’t have time to say more and asked immediately, “Do you have any medicine on your body that can heal injuries?”

Xie Chengze had already checked Lu Yanzhou’s situation. Lu Yanzhou was unconscious because his body cannot withstand the overwhelming qi.

If there is a real treasure that could heal his injuries and temper his body, he would feel much better.

“Yes.” The trio immediately took out some pills.

Xie Chengze waved his hand, collected all the spirit pills, and walked into the room.

“Shizu…” The sect master and co was a little worried, so they followed him and saw Lu Yanzhou lying on the bed inside. Lu Yanzhou’s body was still tumbling with powerful qi.

What’s going on here? What happened to Lu Yanzhou? The three leaders didn’t know what was going on. Then they saw Xie Chengze going to Lu Yanzhou, taking out the spirit pills, holding Lu Yanzhou in his arms and feeding him some.

The sect master looked at this scene in shock.


Xie Chengze has always been aloof and cold. In addition to cultivating, he rarely talks to others.

After he was injured, he has been living alone in the valley.

It was already unexpected that Xie Chengze let Lu Yanzhou stay in the valley before. Now he treats Lu Yanzhou like this…this…

The sect master thought about it for a moment, then finally only came up with the word ‘gentle’.

Her family shizu can actually be gentle?

Wait a minute! The sect master suddenly discovered something was wrong!

Lu Yanzhou was covered with a quilt, but under the quilt…he didn’t seem to be wearing any clothes?

Lu Yanzhou’s clothes were scattered nearby!


And their shizu’s neck is now covered with ambiguous marks!

The three leaders are all golden core cultivators and have lived for hundreds of years, they naturally know what is going on in the scene in front of them.

The sect master asked: “Shizu, you and Lu Yanzhou…”

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Xie Chengze sat next to Lu Yanzhou in silence for a moment before saying: “I used dual cultivation to transfer the demon cultivator’s qi in my body into Lu Yanzhou’s body.”

Lu Yanzhou is the one who thought of this method, however, Lu Yanzhou now uses a plundering method, so this could not be known to the sect master and others.

If they knew that Lu Yanzhou had cultivated the plundering technique, they would definitely have an opinion on Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze didn’t know how to explain it, so he simply took the blame himself.

The leader froze for a moment: “Shizu…you…”

The expressions of the other two golden core cultivators also changed again and again, which was extraordinarily wonderful.

Their shizu actually used this method to treat his injuries…No wonder they were asked to guard outside the valley, but Lu Yanzhou was left inside.


But…now that the demon cultivator’s qi has entered Lu Yanzhou’s body, can Lu Yanzhou still survive?

For Qingyun Sect, it was the most cost-effective thing to sacrifice a cultivator like Lu Yanzhou, who had lost his spirit root, to save Xie Chengze.

However, this matter…what shizu did was really not kind.

This is no different from plundering Lu Yanzhou!

How could their noble and benevolent shizu do such a thing!

The sect master didn’t know what to do for a moment, but when she looked up, she saw Xie Chengze hugging Lu Yanzhou. His usually expressionless face was full of confusion and worry.

What on earth happened to Zhizu? He didn’t seem to want anything to happen to Lu Yanzhou?

Then why did he do this?

“Shizu, how is Lu Yanzhou?” the sect master asked.

“He’ll be fine,” said Xie Chengze, “Go find more healing pills for injuries.”


In those previous hundred years, Xie Chengze was seriously injured and had a hard time recovering. He was unable to contribute to Qingyun Sect, so he was unwilling to use Qingyun Sect’s resources, and only occasionally collected things that are suitable for him but cannot be used by others.

But now that he has recovered from his injuries and can afford it, asking for some spirit pills from the sect is nothing.

The sect master responded and immediately went out to get it.

The remaining two golden core cultivators stood there, looking at Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

The noble and benevolent shizu in their hearts actually dual cultivate with a disciple and sent the demon cultivator’s qi in his body into the disciple. This…

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Not only were these golden core cultivators speechless, but also Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou’s bones and skin kept breaking and repeating, making him unable to move or speak.

However, he could hear the voice around him.

Xie Chengze suddenly took such a big blame, so he was quite speechless.

His AZe is too simple! Even words that would lead to misunderstandings like this were said so frankly!


He must get better soon, lest others regard his AZe as a scum.

Xie Chengze didn’t know what Lu Yanzhou was thinking.

He stayed with Lu Yanzhou, but his mood still hadn’t calmed down.

Because he discovered that Lu Yanzhou had cultivated the demon plundering technique, he felt that Lu Yanzhou must have ulterior motives for him, which he really shouldn’t have done.

Lu Yanzhou may have practiced that technique just to keep his strength from declining!

No matter what…now that Lu Yanzhou has reached this point, he must be sincere to him.

Holding Lu Yanzhou’s hand tightly, Xie Chengze leaned down and kissed Lu Yanzhou.

In the past, he would suppress his feelings, but not anymore.

The two golden core cultivators: “…” I didn’t expect you to be such a shizu!

The sect master who came back with the pills: “…” Why did shizu do such a thing? He hasn’t gone crazy, is he?

Xie Chengze ignored them, took the healing pills, and fed it to Lu Yanzhou again.

Qi can also heal injuries, but the qi in Lu Yanzhou’s body is too much and too chaotic. If he uses his qi to heal Lu Yanzhou’s injuries, it will only harm Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze could only wait quietly, feeding Lu Yanzhou pills from time to time.

The three leaders stood nearby, always feeling that they were a bit redundant, but Xie Chengze didn’t speak, so they couldn’t leave.

“Are there any more pills?” Xie Chengze asked again.

“I’ll go look for it.” After the sect master finished speaking, she left again.

Her pills for treating injuries have been given to Xie Chengze, but other golden core cultivators should have some pills.

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No matter what, they can’t just watch Lu Yanzhou die.

The sect master went around asking for healing pills.

“Senior sister, why do you suddenly want so many healing pills?” Everyone was confused.

The sect master said: “It’s not me, it’s Shizu who wants it.”

“Shizu’s injury is serious?”

“No…you will know after a while,” said the sect master.

Could she talk about Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze’s matter? Obviously not!

The sect master could only answer vaguely, then return to the valley with a bunch of pills.

Although what shizu did to Lu Yanzhou was immoral, he should not be completely unaffectionate towards him.

She just hope that Lu Yanzhou is fine.

Of course Lu Yanzhou was fine. If he had relied on himself, his recovery would have been slower, but with the pills that Xie Chengze had been feeding him, his body began to recover at an extremely fast rate.

Of course, it will take several days to fully recover.

At the same time, the outskirts of Qingyun Sect.

Qingyun Sect occupies a large area. Those center mountains are full of qi and are used by the golden core cultivators as residence. The inner disciples of the Qingyun Sect also live there.

The mountains in the middle are places like martial arts halls. Most of the outer disciples live and cultivate here.

The outermost mountains are for ordinary people who are attached to Qingyun Sect. Of course, some outer disciples in the Qi refining stage will also settle here because they know that there is no hope of breaking through.

There are large fields, mountains, forests, villages and towns here.

Wei Yuzheng was sitting on a tree in a mountain forest, communicating with the birds standing on the branches in front of him.

He originally chose Qingyun Sect to join because he had left some treasures where Qingyun Sect was located.

As a result, after coming to Qingyun Sect, he discovered that Xie Chengze’s divine sense was very strong, reaching the late nascent soul stage!

Fortunately, he later made extensive inquiries and found out that Xie Chengze was seriously injured, so he felt relieved.

From time to time, Xie Chengze would use his divine sense to investigate the situation of Qingyun Sect. However, his divine sense could not cover the entire Qingyun Sect, at least the outer areas of Qingyun Sect were where Xie Chengze could not see.

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After a fight with the mysterious man who suddenly appeared that day, Wei Yuzheng hid here where Xie Chengze’s divine senses could not reach.

He tried various methods to find out the identity of the mysterious man, but unfortunately he couldn’t find it, but he learned some other information.

For example, Xie Chengze…He seemed to be suffering from an old injury and was about to die.

Qingyun Sect’s sect master has been guarding Xie Chengze for half a month, and now she is looking for pills everywhere. Something must have happened to Xie Chengze!

Wei Yuzheng looked in the direction of the valley where Xie Chengze was, feeling a little pity.

He has no way to get close to Xie Chengze now. If he could get close to Xie Chengze and get Xie Chengze’s cultivation…

After Wei Yuzheng was reincarnated and recultivated, he originally wanted to concentrate on practicing the righteous way to avoid incurring heaven’s punishment again.

But his physical aptitude is not good enough. If he only practices the orthodox method, he will probably stop at foundation establishment until his death. He can only think of other ways.

Wei Yuzheng’s origin is not simple. He was a famous demon lord thousands of years ago, the legendary amorous demon lord.

Back then, he turned the entire cultivation world upside down with just him. After that, the cultivation world’s qi became much thinner, and the overall strength also dropped a lot.

Everyone thought that he was smashed to pieces by the heaven thunder, but they didn’t know that he used a secret method to make his lovers bear the punishment for him, so he retained his soul. After dormant for a thousand years, he was reborn.

Nowadays, the strongest people in the cultivation world are those nascent soul. Wei Yuzheng doesn’t take these people seriously at all, but recently…

Thinking of the person who suddenly came to attack him a few days ago, Wei Yuzheng frowned, recalling it again.

That man was very powerful and used all his killing moves when facing him. He was probably his enemy from his previous life.

It’s just that he doesn’t know who it is!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know that Wei Yuzheng had misunderstood.

Xie Chengze persisted in feeding him pills, speeding up his recovery. His body gradually improved and his qi became stable.

Then the sect master and the others realized something was not right: “shizu, Lu Yanzhou, he…he…”

Xie Chengze had already discovered Lu Yanzhou’s situation, and immediately said: “He advanced to the nascent soul stage.”

The sect master and co said: “!!!”

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