Hold His Hand

Chapter 52: 52

Xie Chengze fell asleep as soon as it was dark. When he woke up, it was already dawn.

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He hadn’t slept so well for a long time.

Even if he is just a simple ‘Section Chief Xie’, in such a position, it’s difficult for him because he could be assassinated from time to time.

Not to mention that he has another identity.

Bureau Chief Li was surrounded by experts from the Secret Service, but he couldn’t trust the people from the Inspection Department from the beginning to the end.

He can only fight alone.

In these years, he didn’t even have a single person to talk to. He had to walk on a tightrope every day with the determination to die at any time.

Over time, he had trouble falling asleep.

He was lying next to Lu Yanzhou yesterday because he was too busy these days and couldn’t sleep well. His heart felt a little uncomfortable, so he wanted to take a rest.

However, he didn’t think he could fall asleep at the time.

Even though he liked Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou was still a stranger to him, and it was always difficult for him to sleep with strangers by his side.

However, he not only fell asleep but also slept deeply, without any precautions during that period.

Waking up in the morning, Xie Chengze still felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

He used to feel that there was a fire hidden in his body with nowhere to vent because he couldn’t sleep well, but at this moment, that fire had disappeared without a trace.

For a moment, Xie Chengze really wanted to keep Lu Yanzhou behind and slept with him every day!

But that is impossible.

He has done a lot of things for Yan’s people all these years, so his hands were stained with many innocent people. However, he won’t harm people if it is not necessary.

If Lu Yanzhou stayed by his side, if something happened to him, Lu Yanzhou would have no choice but to die.

He can’t keep people who will make him lose his vigilance by his side!

Fortunately, this person is about to leave Chongcheng.

In fact, there was another reason why he showed interest in Lu Yanzhou at the beginning. That was because he found out that Lu Tao was dealing with some private properties.

Lu Tao wants to leave Chongcheng.

Lu Tao has some influence in Chongcheng, so he has a lot of money in his hands. If he wants to sell his property, anyone can guess that he is going to leave, however, Yan’s people will never let him go with so much money.

But if he left behind a large amount of property and left quietly, no one would stop him.

If Lu Tao is going to leave, Lu Yanzhou would definitely leave too. There are a lot of men in Chongcheng, but there are not many people who are as clean and extravagant as young master Lu. He has a tricky preference, so there will be no one he could accept like this in the future.

The pitiful one is this little young master Lu who was sent to his bed before he left.

“Woohoo.” Lu Yanzhou moved. Xie Chengze’s breathing changed, so he was clearly awake. He wanted Xie Chengze to untie him.

It’s uncomfortable to lie down like this.

“You’d better lie down obediently, otherwise…” Xie Chengze said threateningly.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t move, so Xie Chengze stretched out his hand and touched the bare skin on his face: “Poor thing…You should learn to behave yourself in the future, don’t provoke people like me.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He didn’t provoke Xie Chengze in this life, right?

Xie Chengze has no plans to let Lu Yanzhou free.

He looks ugly, even his adoptive mother, who raised him and has a mother-child relationship with him, doesn’t like his face.

Not to mention that he still bears the name of a traitor now.

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A young master like Lu Yanzhou must hate him so much that he won’t even look at him more than once, so he should just tie him up.

Xie Chengze lay on the bed for a while. He didn’t get up and go downstairs until he was hungry.

Last night he slept without eating.

As soon as he went downstairs, someone from the Inspection Department came to Xie Chengze: “Section Chief, Lu Tao has been waiting outside all night.”

Xie Chengze was helpless: “When did he come?”

“Section Chief, he came shortly after you returned to your room yesterday.”

“Let him in.” Xie Chengze said.

Lu Tao soon came in.

He came here by car and could rest in the car, but he didn’t sleep all night after all. He was also worried and frightened, so his complexion was not very good.

However, he still had a smile on his face: “Section Chief Xie, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit.”

“Don’t go around in circles,” Xie Chengze looked at Lu Tao, “Lu Yanzhou is in my room.”

The corners of Lu Tao’s eyes twitched, he felt a little uncomfortable.

After he got the news yesterday, he went to the Secret Service non-stop. When he learned that his son was with Xie Chengze, he hurried over again.

After that, the people from the Inspection Department refused to let him in. He was afraid that he would offend Xie Chengze and his son would not come back, so he could only wait outside.

Now…the Secret Service didn’t lie to him, Xie Chengze really fell in love with his son?

Lu Tao hated Xie Chengze to death. He was already thinking about what kind of lesson he should teach Xie Chengze in the future, but he still have a smiled on his face: “Section Chief Xie, my youngest son is the treasure of my old wife, if I can’t take him back, my old wife won’t let me go home. Section Chief Xie, please be magnanimous.”

As he said that, Lu Tao also took out a bank check and handed it to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze took a look at the check, and chuckled: “It’s not good to keep your old wife waiting for a long time, I’ll call him down.”

20,000 western currency…that’s a lot of money!

Western currency is the Western Country’s currency, which is much more valuable than DaQi’s silver coins.

Lu Tao attaches great importance to Lu Yanzhou, so if that kid was taken away from Chongcheng by his father, he shouldn’t have a hard time.

“Section Chief Xie, please.” Lu Tao smiled apologetically.

Xie Chengze took the check, turned around and went upstairs.

After opening the door and entering his room, he cut the ropes on Lu Yanzhou’s hands and feet with a stroke of the knife, then cut the cloth on his face lightly.

After regaining his freedom and seeing the light again, Lu Yanzhou immediately took out the handkerchief in his mouth and got up, wanting to talk to Xie Chengze.

But Xie Chengze’s bedroom door was open.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to curse, so he just sat and looked at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze looks like he’s in a good mood today, probably because he had a good night’s sleep last night.

However, in the next second, Xie Chengze pinched Lu Yanzhou’s chin: “What, I’m very good-looking?”

Lu Yanzhou’s straight gaze made Xie Chengze uncomfortable — he didn’t like being looked at by others.

What’s more, he is so ugly, he doesn’t know if Lu Yanzhou is scolding him in his heart!

Before Lu Yanzhou could speak, Xie Chengze continued: “Your father is here to pick you up!”

After speaking, Xie Chengze turned around and left.

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Lu Yanzhou could only follow behind Xie Chengze and walk out.

As soon as Lu Yanzhou went outside, he saw Lu Tao, and Lu Tao naturally saw him too.

After getting stuffed with a handkerchief and tied up all night, Lu Yanzhou’s mouth was a little red, and there were also a few red marks on his face…When Lu Tao noticed this, his whole body trembled.

“You can go.” Xie Chengze sneered.

“Thank you very much, section chief Xie.” Lu Tao finally couldn’t smile anymore, he pulled Lu Yanzhou and left.

He took Lu Yanzhou into the car. After driving for a while, Lu Tao said, “AZhou, you’ve been bitten by a dog. It’s just some physical humiliation. As long as you’re still alive, you can get it back.”

Lu Tao was born at the bottom. When he was young, in order to make a living, he suffered all kinds of grievances and suffered all kinds of hardships.

When his son’s experience happened to him, he didn’t care too much about it, he just thought about how to kill the person who treated him like this.

However, his son had never been wronged since he was a child, so he was naturally different from him. He was a little afraid that his son would be overwhelmed.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Why was he bitten by a dog? Although Xie Chengze said and kissed him for acting, he was also very happy.

Of course, Lu Yanzhou knew why his father said that.

It was inconvenient to talk in front of the driver along the way, so when they returned home, he was brought into the room by his father. Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, nothing happened last night.”


“Dad, nothing happened last night. Xie Chengze just tied me up all night,” Lu Yanzhou said. “The Secret Service must have sent me to Xie Chengze with bad intentions. I just had bad luck and became a tool for them to fight…Xie Chengze didn’t untie me or give me food all night, I’m starving to death! None of those traitors are good!”

Traitors are not good people, but Xie Chengze is not a traitor!

Lu Tao thought about how to comfort his son all the way, but seeing his son calm now, he believed his words.

He knew that if his son was wronged, he wouldn’t behave like this.

Lu Tao said: “That’s good…but they came to touch my son casually, I won’t let them have a good time! I will definitely give them a bit of trouble before we leave!”

“Leave?” Lu Yanzhou was taken aback.

Lu Tao said: “Yes. With Chongcheng like this now, we can’t stay here any longer. I have been preparing for this for a long time, intending to take you away to live in the Western Country. However, I originally wanted to wait until the New Year was over before leaving. Now that I think about it, it’s better to leave quickly to avoid any surprises.”

As Xie Chengze thought, Lu Tao wanted to leave Chongcheng a long time ago.

It’s just that he has been living here. Although he decided to leave before, he was always reluctant and wanted to live another year.

Lu Tao’s eldest son and second son knew about this matter, so they had made a lot of preparations. However, they didn’t tell Lu Yanzhou because they were afraid of leaking the news.

But now something happened to Lu Yanzhou…they have to leave as soon as possible!

Lu Yanzhou knew nothing about the fact that the Lu family was leaving Chongcheng. According to the original historical trajectory, after the original owner was determined to be someone from Chongcheng command station, the Secret Service arrested all the Lu family members.

Because there was no evidence, the Secret Service did not dare to touch Lu Tao. After all, Bureau Chief Li was just a dog in Yan people’s eyes.

But as long as there is evidence, let alone Lu Tao, even the mayor of Chongcheng, the Secret Service can arrest them.

After his transmigration…he goes out early and returns late every day, so he naturally doesn’t know Lu Tao’s plan.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, you go, I won’t go.”

“What nonsense are you saying!” Lu Tao said.

“I’m not talking nonsense. Dad, I’m from Chongcheng Command Station.” Lu Yanzhou looked serious,

Lu Tao’s eyes widened in shock. He knew about Chongcheng Command Station. He also knew that the Secret Service was crazy from arresting people in Chongcheng Command Station.

This time, his son was also unlucky to meet the Chongcheng Command Station, so he was taken away by the Secret Service.

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But now, his son is from Chongcheng Command Station?

“Dad, now that the country is in crisis, I want to contribute to my country. I will never leave.” Lu Yanzhou looked at Lu Tao firmly.

“You little bastard, you…you have no skills, what can you contribute? Being killed by someone?” Lu Tao was furious.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, don’t underestimate me, I am a Jinyiwei spy. All my previous performances were me acting…”

“What crazy words are you talking about! Alright, you have to reflect on yourself at home and don’t even think about going out!” Lu Tao turned around and left after finishing speaking.

His country was invaded and his compatriots were bullied, of course Lu Tao felt uncomfortable.

But he is not someone who is willing to die for the country. He himself is not willing, let alone let his son do it.

Lu Tao has already made up his mind that even if has to tie him up, he will tie up his son.

However, seeing that Lu Tao was about to go out, Lu Yanzhou took a step ahead and got out.

“Stinky boy!” Lu Tao was furious when he saw this, then immediately said: “Come, capture the young master!”

As soon as Lu Tao finished speaking, the four bodyguards who were staying at Lu’s house moved, trying to catch Lu Yanzhou.

This is not a difficult task, they all know that the young master’s strength is not very good.

But they were wrong!

These people only want to catch him, so they won’t use hot weapons, and they also won’t be cruel to him…So, Lu Yanzhou resisted without hesitation.

He was a member of the special forces back then. Though he lacked both combat skills and practical experience, his intuition was far sharper than ordinary people.

The Lu family’s four bodyguards were beaten to the ground one by one by him.

Lu Tao was stunned on the spot, then Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, let’s have a good talk.”

Lu Tao brought Lu Yanzhou back into the room again to talk with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, I want to stay.”

“Don’t even think about it!”

“Dad, even if you take me out of Chongcheng, I will come back.” Lu Yanzhou looked at his father firmly, his eyes full of determination.

Lu Tao stared at his son for a long time, then finally looked depressed.

Lu Tao didn’t want his son to stay, but his son insisted, so he couldn’t help it.

The main reason is that he discovered that his son had grown up in a place he didn’t know, and he had grown into someone he couldn’t control.

Among other things, with his son’s skill, the strongest person under his command may not be able to beat his son.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, if you want to leave, you should leave as soon as possible. It will become more and more chaotic, so you may not be able to leave even if you want to.”

Lu Tao sighed: “Okay.”

After making a decision, Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, if you want to leave, I can help cover it. As long as I’m still in Chongcheng, no one can think of stopping you from leaving.”

Lu Tao took a deep look at Lu Yanzhou.

After talking with Lu Tao, Lu Yanzhou left the Lu family and continued to work in his shelter.

The people in the shelter didn’t know that he was sent to Xie Chengze by the Secret Service, and Lu Yanzhou didn’t say anything about it, but he acted like he was about to blow up, as if he didn’t like anything.

The people in the shelter didn’t know why, but those well-informed people in Chongcheng knew that the young master of the Lu family stayed overnight at Xie Chengze’s place.

They heard that after young master Lu returned home from Xie Chengze, he quarreled with his father and broke a lot of things. Afterwards, although he still went to the shelter as before, his face was gloomy and he didn’t allow others to ask about his situation that day.

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By the way, Young Master Lu also contacted some members of the gang, he seemed to be planning to do something…Did he want to take revenge on Xie Chengze?

The Lu family looked very lively. Those who had a good relationship with the Lu family sympathized with Lu Tao, and those who disliked Lu Tao secretly laughed at Lu Tao.

This Lu Tao was said to be sick from anger, not only did he call his children back, he also sold some properties, probably in order to raise enough money to make things difficult for Xie Chengze.

As a matter of fact, isn’t that just making trouble!

No matter how much he loves his youngest son, there is no need to confront Xie Chengze for his sake.

Everyone was thinking like this, when they suddenly realized…that Lu Tao, who was said to have fainted from anger, hadn’t seen anyone for several days.

The relatives and friends of the Lu family who were said to be going to the Lu family’s old house to persuade Lu Tao also disappeared.

Young Master Lu goes out with a bad face every day, but what about the rest of the Lu family?

When everyone came back to their senses, they found that the entire Lu family was empty.

Lu Tao took his family, some old friends, and some relatives, and left Chongcheng together. Only his youngest son, who is said to be his favorite, stayed in Chongcheng.

Lu Tao…is not following common sense!

After Lu Tao took Lu Yanzhou away, Xie Chengze was ready for Lu Tao to trouble him.

He has many enemies, so he doesn’t mind having one more.

Later, when he heard that Lu Tao was ill from anger, all the members of the Lu family went back to serve him, he felt a little guilty.

Lu Tao is not young anymore, he still angers him.

People from the Inspection Department asked Xie Chengze if he wanted to keep an eye on the Lu family. Considering that the Lu family was about to run away, Xie Chengze rejected the proposal, and then learned that…the Lu family members had all run away, except for Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze’s face turned dark.

He thought Lu Tao was a good father, but… Lu Tao didn’t take Lu Yanzhou away!

In the past, even with Lu Tao’s protection, Lu Yanzhou was still arrested and sent to the Secret Service. Without Lu Tao, how would this little kid survive in Chongcheng where fish and dragons are mixed together?

One has to know that Lu Tao also has enemies!

Now that Lu Tao is gone, won’t those people vent their anger on Lu Yanzhou?

Xie Chengze frowned.

On the other hand, Lu Yanzhou was also a little speechless.

The Secret Service’s method of arresting people by casting a wide net is very useful. They have recently arrested several people from Chongcheng Command Station, and thus exposed some stationpoint.

They don’t have many stationpoint, so it’s even more difficult to hide now.

The point is, DaQi Imperial Court was dissatisfied with Zhu Haifeng coming to Chongcheng for half a year and has been making small troubles. They wanted Zhu Haifeng to make a big mess.

Zhu Haifeng is not Zhaojun, so he can’t steal valuable information. His subordinates are better at assassination than collecting information. After much deliberation…Zhu Haifeng plans to assassinate a few important figures from Yan Country, then hand it over to DaQi.

And among the people he planned to assassinate was Xie Chengze.

The chinese new year will be in a few days, so there will be many activities in Chongcheng. Zhu Haifeng wants to know the movements of Xie Chengze and other people so that he can assassinate them.

Zhu Haifeng had obtained this kind of information through Zhaojun before, so naturally he could only ask Zhaojun for help now, so Lu Yanzhou, who was Zhaojun’s liaison officer, received the information from Zhu Haifeng.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” How would he know where those people were during chinese new year?

He hasn’t even contacted Xie Chengze yet!

What’s more, this Zhu Haifeng actually planned to do something to Xie Chengze…How can this be!

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