Hold His Hand

Chapter 54: 54

Lu Yanzhou knew that the people from Chongcheng Command Station would come to visit the site today, but he didn’t expect to meet them.

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The spy sitting at the table next to him is the young man who was kicked by him yesterday when he spoke out against him.

The young man who was dressed as a pig butcher yesterday wore a suit and waxed hair today. He looked gentle while looking around and eating noodles at this moment.

When the eyes of the two met, the spy smiled shyly at Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou rolled his eyes at him, snorted, then looked displeased at him, which made the spy confused.

“Sir, here is your noodle.” The shopkeeper bought Lu Yanzhou a bowl of noodles and a plate of cold beef.

Lu Yanzhou picked up his chopsticks and was about to eat when the noisy restaurant suddenly fell silent. He looked up and saw Xie Chengze coming in with two people from the Inspection Department.

Thinking of the original owner’s character, Lu Yanzhou immediately glared at him, his eyes seemingly bursting into flames.

Seeing this, Xie Chengze chuckled lightly: “Young Master Lu, how are you doing these days?”

Lu Yanzhou clenched the chopsticks in his hand tightly: “I’m fine, I don’t need your worry!” As soon as he finished speaking, he broke the chopsticks in his hand with force.

“You’re quite energetic.” Xie Chengze smiled. He sat down opposite Lu Yanzhou, pointed to Lu Yanzhou and said to the shopkeeper: “Give me the same as he ordered and bring him a pair of chopsticks.”

The restaurant quickly served Xie Chengze the meal like what Lu Yanzhou’s order, their speed was unbelievable. The plate of cold beef was full of beef.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” This is too much, Xie Chengze’s portion of beef is at least twice as much as his.

It had been several days since he last saw Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou glanced at the food in front of him, then glared at Xie Chengze again.

In the first two worlds, he and Xie Chengze were rarely separated. Even in the last world when Xie Chengze went to help in a closed environment, he would try his best to see him.

However, in this world, he has been here for more than three months and he has only met Xie Chengze three times.

“What are you looking at, eat quickly. If you don’t finish eating…believe it or not, I’ll take you back?” Xie Chengze frowned. He didn’t like Lu Yanzhou glaring at him.

Lu Yanzhou really wanted to put down his chopsticks and let Xie Chengze take him back, but the intelligence station was preparing to assassinate Xie Chengze…

He could only eat with a mouthful of humiliation.

People around: This young master Lu eats so fast, is he taking beef as Xie Chengze’s meat?

Lu Yanzhou: It’s delicious! It would be great if I could have dinner with Xie Chengze every day in the future!

Sitting opposite Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze saw that Lu Yanzhou ate so much that his cheeks swelled up, his mood improved inexplicably, so he pushed his plate of beef in front of Lu Yanzhou: “Eat more.”

Lu Yanzhou stuffed a chopstick of beef into his mouth, then gave Xie Chengze a sideways glance.

Xie Chengze was actually not hungry, but seeing Lu Yanzhou’s aggrieved look at this moment…He gained an appetite and slowly ate the noodles in front of him.

While eating, he also glanced at Lu Yanzhou from time to time.

He thought that Lu Yanzhou would be haggard after being tossed about by him and abandoned by his family, but he didn’t expect the reality to be the opposite.

Lu Yanzhou looks very good, is he doing well these days?

Seeing Lu Yanzhou, he was sure that Lu Yanzhou was fine…Xie Chengze felt relieved and continued eating noodles.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou had already finished the food in front of him, so he started glaring at Xie Chengze again.

Xie Chengze’s good mood disappeared in an instant: “Look again and I’ll dig out your eyes!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Just a look won’t make you lose a piece of meat, why be so stingy!

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But Xie Chengze was not happy. He had no choice but to lower his head.

Xie Chengze started eating again. When he finished eating, he turned around and left without saying a word to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou secretly sighed.

Xie Chengze specially accompanied him to eat such a meal, probably because he wanted to support him, so that Lu Tao’s enemies would not dare to bully him.

Xie Chengze is a good person, but if it were like this…he would have no reason to approach Xie Chengze!

Forget it, take one step at a time.

After waiting for Xie Chengze to leave, Lu Yanzhou rushed home with a look of rage.

On the other side, Bureau Chief Li asked Xie Chengze who had returned to the entrance of the restaurant: “Since Section Chief Xie likes that Young Master Lu, why didn’t he take him back?”

“Don’t worry, let’s grind his temper first.” Xie Chengze said.

Bureau Chief Li secretly sympathized with Lu Yanzhou upon hearing this. He felt that the reason the Lu family left impatiently and left Lu Yanzhou behind was because Xie Chengze did something in private.

Xie Chengze is playing with Lu Yanzhou, right? That Young Master Lu is innocent and young, so he will definitely not be able to escape Xie Chengze’s palm.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what other people thought, so he went home and slept. When it got dark, he rushed to the slaughterhouse.

When he reached there, Zhu Haifeng and the others were studying their operation plan.

They planned to hide in the safe house provided by Lu Yanzhou in advance, and then go out after dark to ambush Xie Chengze and others on the way home.

There are two roads at the entrance of the restaurant, so they have to divide their people into two groups.

“Separate operations like this disperse combat power, would it be successful?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

“Yes, when the time comes, we can also take a few scapegoats with us,” Zhu Haifeng said.

That being said, Zhu Haifeng studied the retreat route.

They discussed it for a long time. When the discussion was finalized, to liven things up, they talked about gossip, and the spy Lu Yanzhou met during the day even said: “Let me tell you, I met Xie Chengze and that young master of the Lu family during the day today. Oh, these two really have something going on! The way Xie Chengze talks to young master Lu, it seems like he is really interested in him!”

“Really? What was the situation at that time, tell me quickly!”

“I was eating at that time…” The man said vividly, describing Xie Chengze as a bully who robbed a civilian, and Lu Yanzhou was of course the unlucky one who was robbed.

Lu Yanzhou, who was forced to listen to his own gossip, was a little helpless.

On the other hand, there’s also people who say: “Xie Chengze attaches so much importance to young master Lu, if we capture young master Lu, can we use him to threaten Xie Chengze?”

“Don’t think about it, how can people threaten people like Xie Chengze!”

“Although this little young master Lu has a bad temper, judging by what he does, he is still a good person, and he looks handsome. It’s a pity that Xie Chengze has taken a fancy to him.”

“Xie Chengze is almost thirty, isn’t he? He is about ten years older than that young master Lu, is he considered an old cow eating tender grass?”

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

The people at Chongcheng Command Station were very active, and they didn’t have enough time either, so they all moved to the safe house provided by Lu Yanzhou the next night.

There is a cellar there where people can hide and weapons can also be stored. After they hide it, one day later, it will be the day when Colonel Tian of Yan Country treats guests to dinner.

On this day, Lu Yanzhou asked the bodyguards not to disturb him under the pretext of taking a rest, and then made a disguise early and came to the safe house.

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Seeing that he still wrapped himself up like this, Zhu Haifeng said: “Shancha, are you sure you want to fight like this?” Lu Yanzhou’s clothes looked cumbersome.

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou answered.

Another person said: “Shancha, you have never let us see your appearance…What do you look like?”

“You guys better not know my identity.” Lu Yanzhou glanced at the man.

Those spies heard the words and stopped talking.

Not all of them were dispatched for this operation. Some people were arranged by Zhu Haifeng to leave early.

All those who participated in the operation also did not know where the rest of the people went.

There were about fifty people who came to participate in this operation. They had two characteristics. One was their strength, and the other was that those who had betrayed them knew them.

After the deputy station chief surrendered to the enemy, his subordinates followed suit. After these people joined the Secret Service, there was no turning back. In order to perform meritorious deeds, they turned around and captured people from the Intelligence Bureau, making the life of the Intelligence Bureau even more difficult.

They were also desperate, so they had to fight desperately.

The men left the safehouse in the dark with their drugs either hidden in their collars or wrapped around their fingers.

Lu Yanzhou followed the team responsible for assassinating Xie Chengze, and lay in ambush by the side of the road.

Xie Chengze is actually not their only target. Xie Chengze is not the only one who will pass this road after the banquet. By then…they will kill whoever shows up.

The cold wind was blowing, people’s eyes gradually filled with tears unconsciously, and their hands and feet gradually became cold.

Lu Yanzhou hid in the corner, motionless, as if he had merged with the night.

The people who came with him to participate in the operation looked at him with admiration. They thought that even if this Shancha was skilled, he couldn’t match them in a place like hiding his body. As a result, they couldn’t keep still, but this person was silent like a rock.

At the same time, the restaurant Colonel Tian used to entertain guests was brightly lit. People exchanged cups, making it very lively.

There was a fireplace in the room, and the temperature was much higher than outside. Bureau Chief Li took off his coat after drinking some more wine.

He toasted this person for a while, then toasted that person for a while, so he was very busy.

Xie Chengze did not cast a wide net like him. He only chatted with a few of them.

He can speak Yan’s language, understand the customs of Yan country, and imitate his father’s language, which is more likable than Bureau Chief Li.

After all, everyone who should know knows that he is actually from Yan country.

After the meal, many guests were already drunk. Bureau Chief Li blushed and came to Xie Chengze’s side reeking of alcohol: “Section Chief Xie, time to get ready.”

“Let’s go.” Xie Chengze said.

The people of DaQi hated the Yan people, but they hated the traitors even more.

Well-known traitors like Bureau Chief Li and Xie Chengze were hated to the core.

Just walking on the road and there would be a possibility that a loyal man would suddenly appear and want to die with them.

Xie Chengze didn’t care about it, he had already thought about it. When his mission was completed, he would find a chance to die in these people’s hands.

However, Bureau Chief Li is different from Xie Chengze. He cherishes his life very much, especially his life.

Bureau Chief Li not only arranged many people to protect him, but he also never took risks.

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This time, Colonel Tian invited them to dinner. After he took over the security work, he even searched the people in the restaurant to the horizon. If they were not reliable, he would drive them away and replace them with his own people.

Now those who serve the food in the restaurant are all from the Secret Service.

Bureau Chief Li did more than that. In the past few days, he also checked around the restaurant.

He didn’t find any problems, but he was still worried, so he decided to find someone to get in the car with them. Before Colonel Tian and the others finished eating, they already left the restaurant first.

There will be assassination from Chongcheng Command Station from time to time. If they come this time, they will definitely do it when they see the car leaving, then they will fall into their hands by then!

This matter was arranged by Bureau Chief Li from the beginning to the end. Xie Chengze didn’t know Bureau Chief Li’s plan until the banquet started and he met with Bureau Chief Li.

Therefore, even if Hei She is still here, Xie Chengze has no time to inform Hei She, let alone now that Hei She is dead and he has no liaison officer.

Let’s just hope that the people from Chongcheng Command Station don’t come this time.

“Section Chief Xie, let’s take the lead with our two cars.” Bureau Chief Li said to Xie Chengze.

“It’s all up to Bureau Chief Li.” Of course, Xie Chengze would not object. This time, Bureau Chief Li was in charge of the security work, so he shouldn’t get involved.

Bureau Chief Li smiled. He makes the people dressed up like him and Xie Chengze get into their car and leave the restaurant.

Behind their car, there were several other cars belonging to important figures in Chongcheng, all of which were disguised members of the Secret Service.

This is in the open, and hundreds of people from the Secret Service are hiding in the dark.

Watching the car leave, Bureau Chief Li looked at Xie Chengze: “I don’t know if those people at Chongcheng command station will do anything! I hope they will come!” He couldn’t wait to capture people!

Even if no one can be caught, the assassination attempt to destroy the Chongcheng Command Station is still a great achievement.

Xie Chengze lit a cigarette for himself. He looked towards the dark road in the dark night: “Let’s follow and have a look.”

Bureau Chief Li laughed when he heard the words: “Section Chief Xie can go. I’m a little dizzy after drinking, so I won’t join in the fun.” He won’t go to such a dangerous place!

Lu Yanzhou and the others have been lurking for more than two hours.

Lu Yanzhou only moved slightly a few times when his body was numb, then remained very still at other times.

The people from Chongcheng Command Station next to him wanted to talk several times, but when they met his gaze, they stopped talking.

Fortunately, they didn’t move at all!

Before they could talk, this Shancha stopped them with his eyes. They were feeling a little uncomfortable when they saw someone from the Secret Service walking on the road outside, probably on patrol.

They were almost spotted!

As the night deepened, the weather was getting colder.

It’s good that Lu Yanzhou wore more clothes for camouflage, but the rest of the information station couldn’t help but tremble.

At this time, several cars drove towards this side.

They all recognized that the car in front was Xie Chengze’s car! Although they didn’t know who owned the two cars behind that car, someone who could ride those cars is not simple.

They are ready to act!

Although Lu Yanzhou followed, he was not the commander of this group of people. He hid behind them and was always on guard, trying his best to protect Xie Chengze.

The place where they were was far away from the place where the car drove by. The weapons at this time were not that good, and the night was very dark. Xie Chengze’s car was also modified…

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It is very difficult for the people at Chongcheng Command Station to hit him with a single blow. Their plan is use the firepower as cover, then rush up and use various weapons in turn after getting closer.

Assassination is very difficult, and it is possible to succeed only with the determination to die. If it were not for this, all the senior officials of Yan Country would have been killed long ago.

Of course, since Lu Yanzhou is Zhaojun’s liaison officer, no accidents can happen, so he only needs to shoot with a gun from a distance. There is no need to rush up desperately.

The person in charge of directing this operation waved his hand and told everyone to act.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou grabbed him quickly: “This is a trap, leave!”

Lu Yanzhou’s five senses far surpassed that of ordinary people. He noticed that when the cars came, some people followed.

How many are there in total? Rushing up at this time is seeking death!

Of course, he did this mainly because…he didn’t want the Chongcheng Command Station to confront Xie Chengze at all.

Among his many plans, he will persuade these people to leave after finding something wrong.

Because the sound of cars passing by was loud, Lu Yanzhou’s words did not spread, only a few people around him heard.

However, they didn’t take it seriously: “The matter has come to this, even if it is a trap, we still have to take advantage of it!”

After the words fell, their hands moved.

And as they started, many people immediately came out of the dark and attacked them.

For a while, the sounds of guns can be heard endlessly.

Lu Yanzhou was afraid that something might happen to Xie Chengze in the car, so he didn’t dare to leave, he could only observe from a distance. Then, he saw the window of Xie Chengze’s car open. The people inside started to attack Chongcheng Command Station’s people. Another person was guarded in the middle. They bend their body down and being blocked by the ground, it should be Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was so tightly guarded that he shouldn’t be injured…Lu Yanzhou relaxed and started shooting the people from the Secret Service around him.

These are all enemies!

This operation was expected by the Secret Service. He’s afraid it will be difficult to succeed, but it would be good to kill a few more people from the Secret Service.

Lu Yanzhou’s shooting skills were excellent. He shot and killed several people very quickly. At this moment, someone from the Secret Service shouted: “Someone is hiding in the dark! Chase him!”

As soon as the words fell, someone came towards Lu Yanzhou’s direction.

Lu Yanzhou hit a few more people, but he didn’t know whether the opponent was dead or alive.

It’s just that this operation was a complete failure, and those who rushed out from Chongcheng Command Station could hardly escape.

Lu Yanzhou made a decisive decision and planned to leave.

He had come here before, he had arranged a special escape route for himself — he didn’t intend to die in such an operation.

However, just as Lu Yanzhou was about to leave, footsteps suddenly came from ahead.

He raised his gaze, just in time to meet Xie Chengze’s gaze.

Xie Chengze, who was supposed to be sitting in the car and protected by people, came out of an alley at this moment and was looking at him coldly.

Lu Yanzhou ran away.

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