Hold His Hand

Chapter 58: 58

In a certain tofu workshop in the west of Chongcheng, a young couple finally closed their stall after selling tofu for the day, and then pushed a cart to buy two hundred catties of soybeans.

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The owner of the grocery store selling beans was a little strange: “You guys bought a lot of soybeans recently…Business is good?”

The husband of this young couple smiled shyly: “Isn’t it new year?”

The owner of the grocery store nodded when he heard the words: “That’s right, it’s New Year after all.” Tofu is cheap and delicious, so it’s normal for customers to buy something to add to their dishes.

The young couple bought the beans and walked back. When they came to a place where no one was there, the husband said, “In the future, we should buy soybeans in several places and also buy some other grains.”

“Yes.” The wife agreed.

When the two returned home, they lit a fire and cooked the bean dregs in a large iron pot for cooking soy milk. When cooking, they added some rice into it, and finally cooked several barrels of bean dregs rice.

In addition to bean dregs rice, they also cooked a bucket of tofu soup, then went into the house, opened the cellar…

There is a cellar under his house. There are more than a dozen people crowded in it.

“It’s time to eat.” The young couple carried a few buckets down.

The people in the cellar immediately surrounded them. Zhu Haifeng walked in the front: “I’m sorry to trouble you.”

“No trouble, that’s the only thing I can give you to eat here.” They sigh.

They are just a husband and wife, it is okay to buy a little more food, but if they buy a lot of food and come back, they will definitely be watched.

Fortunately, they make tofu, so buying more soybeans will not attract suspicion.

Therefore, Zhu Haifeng and the others can only rely on eating bean dregs to satisfy their hunger every day. In terms of dishes, they are either tofu or bean sprouts.

But it’s good to be alive!

Who would have thought that the people of the Secret Service would work so hard that they would not rest during the New Year, they had been searching for them all this time!

Those informants who have hidden identities like this young couple are okay, but it’s really difficult for young adults who sneaked into Chongcheng to hide.

“I used to think that I was tired of eating too much pork…indeed, I’m getting sick!” Someone couldn’t help but say that. Although they used to pretend to be poor butchers, they still had money in hand, so they were actually not poor at all. They can eat stewed pork every day.

After eating too much, they can’t help getting a little tired of it, so they start to dislike pork. They started thinking about eating chicken and duck all day long.

But now…how delicious the pork is!

If they could go back in time, they would definitely eat more and bring more when they evacuated.

Everyone scooped up the bean dregs rice with bowls and ate it with the tofu soup.

The cellar was already dark and damp, and the excrement of so many people had to be collected and secretly thrown away at night, which made the environment here even worse…It was too difficult for them!

“Don’t be discouraged, at least we don’t have to be humiliated.”

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“Yeah, it’s better than that young master Lu. I heard that Xie Chengze likes to torture people!”

“That little young master Lu hasn’t been out of the house since he was captured. I don’t know whether he is dead or alive.”

After talking about this, they felt that the bean dregs rice in their hands was not so unpalatable.

Life is too bitter, they really need some gossip to adjust.

And just as everyone finished eating, the couple came down again: “Station Master, Shancha has sent another message.

When the previous operation failed, they sent a telegram back. They were reprimanded by headquarters on the spot.

Fortunately, Shancha quickly sent back some information. After they sent it back, headquarters was not so angry at them and said that they would arrange some people to come and help them.

Now Shancha has sent another piece of information…Zhu Haifeng went to see it immediately.

There are two pieces of information.

One is that the Yan’s people are instigating a certain general of the DaQi, so he told them to pay more attention.

The other is that among the few people captured during their previous operations, three of them have joined the Secret Service, and the rest died during the torture…he telling them be careful.

There is no need to report the second information, but the first information must be sent back as soon as possible!

Zhu Haifeng and the others got busy.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhou, who was considered to be living in dire straits, was talking about getting some experimental equipment with Xie Chengze in Xie Chengze’s room.

“I have studied medicine, so I want to try to see if I can make medicine.” Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze in his arms.

Xie Chengze wanted to hide when Lu Yanzhou kissed him, but he didn’t.

However, he couldn’t help but wonder, he was so ugly, why did Lu Yanzhou still kiss him from time to time?

His face made him sick just from looking at it.

But he is happy to be treated like this, he still wants to continue like this: “You give me a list of what you want.”

Some of the things that Lu Yanzhou wanted were blocked by Yan and the Western, they were determined not to let them flow into the hands of the Han.

But it is not difficult for the Yan people to get what they want.

After Yan people occupied Chongcheng, many Yan people moved here one after another. There are doctors among these people. Xie Chengze can negotiate with the other party and ask the other party to submit an application. He can wait for the things to arrive, then buy it from the other party.

He can also discuss with the big hospitals in Chongcheng to buy some equipment from them.

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Or, he can contact Yan’ s smugglers and ask them to help him bring it.

There are many ways, and the best way is to get these experimental equipment separately.

Xie Chengze looked at the list in his hand and asked Lu Yanzhou: “I can get what you want for you, but how will you thank me?”

Lu Yanzhou had no choice but to say, “I’m all yours. I can thank you as much as you want me to.”

Xie Chengze always gave him things recently, and then asked for a reward.

And the reward Xie Chengze wants is basically related to sexual intercourse.

Lu Yanzhou especially admired Xie Chengze — sometimes Xie Chengze couldn’t stand still but still wanted to do it again.

After much deliberation, Lu Yanzhou felt that Xie Chengze in this world might have physical problems besides his face.

This can also explain why Xie Chengze suddenly forced him before.

“That’s right.” Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou with a smile, “You have to behave well at night.”

Lu Yanzhou sighed: “AZe, even if you really want to, you should try your best to restrain yourself. After all, it’s not good for your health.”

Xie Chengze glanced at him: “I have been restrained for many years.” He used to live in fear, can’t he enjoy it before he dies?

Lu Yanzhou had no choice but to say, “Okay.” Xie Chengze’s physique in this world should be very special, he might be prone to desire and dissatisfaction. According to Xie Chengze, he has suppressed it for many years, now he should not be able to suppress it anymore.

What can he do? He can only work harder and harder.

Speaking of which…After the laboratory is completed, should he find time to make some viagra?

Well, viagra, also known as Viagra.1The characters(name) are different but in english is just viagra

As soon as Lu Yanzhou had this thought, he suppressed it again.

He is young and could still do it!

But Xie Chengze really can’t continue like this. If this continues, Xie Chengze will be very uncomfortable in his later years.

Lu Yanzhou felt that he still had to stop Xie Chengze, no matter what, his body was the most important thing.

The next day, Xie Chengze spent money to build a laboratory for Lu Yanzhou in the place where he lived.

The entire laboratory is built with reinforced concrete, which is very strong with only a small window that could open…

The people from the Inspection Department looked at the room, then looked at Lu Yanzhou with sympathy.

It was said that the room was specially built by their section chief for Lu Yanzhou.

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This is a prison cell built for Lu Yanzhou!

The room is so well sealed and soundproof, is the section chief planning to do something special in it?

When Xie Chengze bought some weird things and put them in the room…the people in the Inspection Department felt more sympathetic to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” It’s really unnecessary, he doesn’t need sympathy!

For Lu Yanzhou, being taken by Xie Chengze is definitely a great thing.

Not only did he live a good life sleeping with his wife in his arms every day, if he wanted to do something, it also became very convenient.

For example, he wanted to set up a factory previously, but he couldn’t do it at all, but now…with the support of Xie Chengze, what can’t he do?

What’s more, when the Lu family evacuated from Chongcheng, they left a lot of properties undisposed of. He couldn’t sell those properties before, but now…he just showed a little sign of wanting to sell, immediately someone wanted to buy them at a high price.

Who told him to have Xie Chengze behind him?

Even the shelter that Lu Yanzhou made before…People used to use various excuses to go to the shelter to ask for money from time to time, but now no one dares to do so.

This world is really…

Lu Yanzhou doesn’t like this kind of world, but in it, he can only work hard to change it.

When the experimental equipment and raw materials were delivered, Lu Yanzhou said that he was busy, so he stopped obeying Xie Chengze several times a day.

Once is just barely enough!

Xie Chengze: “…”

Xie Chengze regretted helping Lu Yanzhou build this laboratory.

Of course, he just thought that in his heart. He knew what Lu Yanzhou did was a good thing, so naturally he wouldn’t stop him.

And…the way Lu Yanzhou concentrates on his research is really charming.

When he is free, Xie Chengze likes to sit by and watch Lu Yanzhou do his research.

His vision is really good. The person he likes is not only good-looking and skilled, but also first-class smart.

If the things Lu Yanzhou researched were known to outsiders…the people from West country and Yan country would probably fight to rob him.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that many of the various medicines used by Yan’s army are bought from certain pharmaceutical companies in the West Country at a high price. They have no ability to produce them themselves, so they also don’t know the ingredients.

But those medicines were researched by Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze also knew why Lu Yanzhou endured humiliation and stayed by his side.

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Looking at Lu Yanzhou’s past actions, one can tell that he has the world in mind. By staying by his side, he can save more people, so Lu Yanzhou is willing to follow him.

“Someone gave me a lot of money again today…you can use it.” Xie Chengze stared at Lu Yanzhou for a moment, then smiled.

Lu Yanzhou did not refuse: “Okay!”

It has been two months since he was snatched here by Xie Chengze.

In the past two months, Xie Chengze gave him a lot of money.

He gave half of it to Zhou Duzhong and the others, and the remaining half was used to help ordinary people in Chongcheng.

As a result, his shelter has accommodated more people.

Of course, now he only gives money, he will not go there.

He didn’t want to hear others say bad things about Xie Chengze, and he didn’t want to act like he hated Xie Chengze in front of others.

But Huzi and his four bodyguards were all arranged by him to help.

“Can you finish work early today?” Xie Chengze asked again.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze helplessly: “Okay.”

Xie Chengze has been very busy recently. He finished work late a few days ago, and the two of them really don’t have much time to spend together…tonight they can have a good time.

“Then I’ll wait for you.” Xie Chengze was in a great mood.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly asked: “AZe, do you want to learn medicine preparation with me? Otherwise, you can also do weapon research.”

“Why should I learn this?” Xie Chengze was puzzled. He was not young, and if he went to learn at this time, he might not learn much.

He has a lot to do and not much time.

“Just accompany me?” Lu Yanzhou said.

Yan people will definitely be driven away, and when the Yan people are driven away, they don’t need to be spies anymore, so they will naturally have to do something else.

Lu Yanzhou felt that they could do scientific research, whether it was researching weapons or researching medicines, as long as their results came out one after another, their status would be as stable as Mount Tai, and they would be closely guarded!

There is absolutely no problem for him to do this, so Xie Chengze…can also learn, right?

To accompany Lu Yanzhou? Xie Chengze became interested. He walked to Lu Yanzhou’s side and listened to Lu Yanzhou explain the experimental equipment.

“How do you know so much?” Xie Chengze couldn’t help asking.

“Because I’m a genius?” Lu Yanzhou smiled. He found a few things, talked about a few interesting little experiments, then asked Xie Chengze to explore it alone for a while.

Xie Chengze had never been in contact with these before, so after playing with it, he found it quite interesting. He asked Lu Yanzhou, “Do you want to make some aphrodisiacs?”

Lu Yanzhou: “…I’m done, let’s go to rest!” Xie Chengze was implying to him, right? Definitely yes!

1The characters(name) are different but in english is just viagra

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