Hold His Hand

Chapter 62: 62

As soon as Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze, he found that Xie Chengze’s body was cold. He felt a little distressed: “It’s such a cold day, why don’t you go to bed and lie down to be warmer.”

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Xie Chengze frowned and looked at Lu Yanzhou.

He was too familiar with Lu Yanzhou. Although Lu Yanzhou had made a disguise, he could still recognize him at a glance, so…the person in front of him was not someone else in disguise.

They have been exposed, so his former identity can no longer be used.

He is no longer the section chief of the Inspection Department, and he has nothing but troubles. Why does Lu Yanzhou still look at him with such loving eyes?

Could it be that he was dreaming?

“Let’s go eat something then go to sleep.” Lu Yanzhou stuffed a piece of pastry that he got from someone not long ago into Xie Chengze’s hand, and dragged Xie Chengze upstairs.

He arranged identities for himself and Xie Chengze that could withstand the investigation.

This house has been around for some years, it belonged to the Wang family, a wealthy family in Chongcheng.

Xie Chengze’s current identity is the young master of the Wang family, who studied painting and doesn’t like to go out, and he is the bodyguard and housekeeper responsible for taking care of the young master.

In order to ensure that there were no mistakes, he would come here from time to time in the past year or so, and then used a disguise to chat with the neighbors, and complained that his young master didn’t like to go out.

In fact, he wanted Xie Chengze to participate in the whole arrangement, but when he discussed it with Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze always brought the topic to the bed and pulled him to the bed…

He couldn’t bear the seduction, and always went to bed with him, so the two of them didn’t have a deep discussion.

Xie Chengze held the pastry wrapped in waxed paper in one hand, and was led by Lu Yanzhou in the other hand. He was a little confused about the current situation, and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

This house is quite big, well-furnished inside and full of life. There are many sketches in the house. For example, next to the stairs, there is a sketch portrait about one meter high, which is a portrait of a young man in his twenties.

That young man is very handsome, completely different from him, if he can have such a look…

“I draw well, right?” Lu Yanzhou asked with some complacency. In his previous life, in order to be able to draw good weapon design, he specially learn sketching.

He doesn’t have much talent in art, such as painting. If asked him to experience the artistic conception of a certain painting, he can’t feel it. However, because of his good memory, he has no problem drawing what he likes!

Since he had nothing to do in his old age in the previous life, he learned a little bit of traditional chinese realistic painting…He can draw traditional chinese painting really well. When painting cats, he even had the patience to draw fur one by one, and finally he drew a realistic cat, but he can’t draw some freehand ones. According to others’ evaluation, his paintings are brimming with unimaginative skills.

However, he is already very satisfied.

Let’s just say that the sketch he drew in front of him according to the appearance of Xie Chengze in his memory is 100% like the current Xie Chengze.

There are several such paintings in the house.

“You drew this?” Xie Chengze asked with a frown.

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze always felt that everything in front of him was a bit fake, but at this moment, he couldn’t care less about it. He broke away from Lu Yanzhou’s hand, grabbed Lu Yanzhou’s collar and asked, “Who is this person you drew?!”

Who is this man? As far as he knew, models were needed for painting, and there were some so-called painters in Chongcheng who found someone who was naked to be their model…What is the relationship between Lu Yanzhou and this person? In the past few years, Lu Yanzhou has been running out through the tunnels, and sometimes he stays outside all night. Could it be that he with others outside?

Lu Yanzhou still has energy? He didn’t get squeezed dry by him?!

Xie Chengze’s eyes were about to burst into flames, Lu Yanzhou hurriedly said, “It’s you! Didn’t you take a good look in this room? There are many mirrors here, take a look at your current appearance.”

Unavoidably, a new branch will grows out of a knot1side issues keep arising, he couldn’t tell Xie Chengze too much, so he could only let Xie Chengze see it by himself.

And the identity he arranged for Xie Chengze is a narcissistic painter who doesn’t like to go out, so there are many self-portraits and mirrors in this home.

There was a mirror next to the self-portrait. Xie Chengze looked over and saw that he had the same face as the person in the painting.

So, he was dreaming, right?

Xie Chengze let go of Lu Yanzhou’s collar, and touched his face in shock.

The person in the mirror also touched his face.

Although it was a dream, Xie Chengze didn’t want to wake up. He stared at the mirror non-stop. If he really looked like this, he would have the confidence to win Lu Yanzhou – Lu Yanzhou can sleep with him so many times, he obviously didn’t reject men.

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“Don’t look, go to sleep for a while. After dawn, I’m afraid someone will come to investigate.” Lu Yanzhou urged him again.

Xie Chengze reluctantly followed upstairs.

There are several bedrooms upstairs and a studio filled with various paintings, most of which are self-portraits.

Originally, Lu Yanzhou didn’t plan to add the character of ‘narcissism’, mainly because when he was painting, he felt very excited to draw Xie Chengze and he drew a little too much, so he added it.

Next to the studio is Xie Chengze’s bedroom. Lu Yanzhou took out some documents from the bedside cabinet and showed them to Xie Chengze, so that Xie Chengze could remember his current identity.

This Wang person is real and he is indeed a painter, but he died in other places a few years ago.

Lu Yanzhou has his degree and others when he was studying, so there’s no problem with Xie Chengze’s identity and it’s very clean.

Xie Chengze looked at the things in his hands. His dream was really real. In the dream, not only his face change, but he also made up his own identity.

Even Lu Yanzhou became his servant.

Xie Chengze opened the waxed paper bag in a good mood, and took a bite of the pastry.

So sweet!

Seeing that Xie Chengze was reading the materials, Lu Yanzhou went downstairs to boil some hot water and ordered two bowls of noodles to eat.

As soon as he came up, he saw Xie Chengze looking in the mirror again.

He really settle well into his persona.

“Come eat something first.” Lu Yanzhou gave Xie Chengze a bowl of noodles.

It’s four or five o’clock in the morning. Xie Chengze went to the banquet last night and ate something, but he didn’t eat anything since he got the news, so he was starving to death.

The bedroom was very big and there was a small table inside. Xie Chengze sat at the table, started eating noodles, and sighed again that this dream was too real.

Xie Chengze was in a good mood, so he was smiling at Lu Yanzhou while eating noodles the whole time.

Isn’t this seduction? Lu Yanzhou leaned forward and kissed Xie Chengze.

It’s a pity that the time is not right, otherwise they could continue…Lu Yanzhou packed up the dishes and went downstairs, then asked Xie Chengze to sleep for a while.

Sleeping in a dream, maybe he will woke up from this dream, Xie Chengze didn’t sleep after eating but went to the studio.

Although Lu Yanzhou urged Xie Chengze to go to bed, he didn’t plan to go to bed. After all, after dawn, someone would definitely come to check on them.

He made some arrangements to make the house more homely, and made his camouflage more detailed, such as applying paint that darkened his skin all over his body.

In the past two years, due to ‘professional’ reasons, he has specially studied how to disguise. Now he has cut his previously long hair, modified the shape of his eyebrows, and made some appearance modifications, such as using some glue on his eyelids. Another example is putting something in his mouth to make his face rounder.

In the end, he hunched his back slightly. He looked very different from his original appearance.

When he was by Xie Chengze’s side, he always make himself like a pretty boy, but now he turned himself into a rough man, unless they was a professional or someone very close to him, they would never be able to recognize him.

As for the coverings such as hats that he used to use in the past, they can’t be used now. If it was used, he will be targeted by those who come to search.

However, Lu Yanzhou deliberately made himself a little dirty and his clothes also dirty, so that it was even more difficult for others to see through his disguise.

After he finished all this, he felt relieved and smiled in the mirror.

People from Yan’s Intelligence Bureau should have searched out the things in his house, right?

He wonder what those people will think after seeing his forged letter.

If he can pull down those Yan’s high-ranking officials…he will wake up laughing from his dreams!

At this time, the Yan’s General Intelligence Bureau.

They have searched Xie Chengze’s house carefully and found many things.

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There are many letters written by Yan’s senior officials to Xie Chengze, and the information disclosed above is what Zhaojun found out!

In addition, there are many documents signed by ‘Zhaojun’…

“I didn’t expect that we have been investigating Zhaojun for so long, but he is right under our noses!”

“Xie Chengze hides too deeply!”

“We must catch Xie Chengze!”

“Block Chongcheng!”

“Bring back the nearby troops! We will go from door to door!”

The people from the Yan’s General Intelligence Bureau were already in a state of desperation, hating Xie Chengze so much.

They have almost confirmed now that Xie Chengze is Zhaojun.

Compared to Zhaojun Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou was nothing at all.

Zhaojun had already started to act 7 or 8 years ago, and Lu Yanzhou was still a kid then!

When Lu Yanzhou followed Zhaojun three or four years ago, he was only eighteen years old, so what could he do? Xie Chengze is probably behind everything that Lu Yanzhou has done in the past few years!

They must arrest Xie Chengze and tear him into pieces!

The General Intelligence Bureau reacted very quickly. They immediately sealed off the entire Chongcheng, and all those who tried to leave Chongcheng were put under surveillance.

Immediately afterwards, they printed many photos of Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou, asking people to find them.

Especially Xie Chengze, they even offered a high price reward of 50,000 silver dollars!

The news spread through telephone, radio, etc., and the whole city of Chongcheng was boiling.

Some people were greedy for the huge reward and wanted to catch that Xie Chengze, while others were stunned by the news: “The people of Yan Country want to arrest Xie Chengze, isn’t he a traitor who is valued by Yan Country?”

“I heard that he is a spy planted by DaQi.”

“Xie Chengze is a spy? Then why did he do so many stupid things, even forcing Lu Yanzhou?”

“I always thought that he forced Lu Yanzhou, but now it seems that Lu Yanzhou is only doing things for him. Most of what Lu Yanzhou did in the past few years was arranged by him.”

“Lu Yanzhou and him definitely not in that kind of relationship in the rumors.”

“Looking at it this way, Xie Chengze is a righteous man!”

“I shouldn’t have scolded him before.”

Some people who helped Lu Yanzhou were shocked when they heard the news: “I always thought that Mr. Lu was with Xie Chengze to endure humiliation. Now it seems that their relationship is obviously fake!”

“In the past few years, they should have been acting all the time just to help more people!”

“I was saying why Lu Yanzhou doesn’t look like someone who served others.”

“So I can survive thanks to Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze!”

After receiving the news from Lu Yanzhou, Zhou Duzhong and DoctorHu quickly evacuated from the clinic and are now hiding in a teacher’s house.

This teacher is also a member of the self-defense regiment. He has a large family and a secret room where Zhou Duzhong and Doctor Hu can hide.

Now, the three of them are also talking about this matter: “I have always been curious about Zhaojun’s identity, but I didn’t expect it to be Xie Chengze.”

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“I had doubts before, thinking that Xie Chengze might also be our people, but I didn’t expect him to be the Zhaojun that Shancha talked about every day.”

“No wonder Shancha stayed by his side all the time.”

“These years have not been easy for Xie Chengze. I wonder how he is doing now.”

“If he is in danger, we will take him out of Chongcheng even if we fight to the death!”

Zhu Haifeng has been hiding in the tofu workshop for three years.

There were not many people under his command, and as his subordinates passed away one by one, he was no longer as fearless as when he first came to Chongcheng.

In addition, the Jinyiwei headquarters later arranged for people to come to Chongcheng to act, but they all fell in Chongcheng. He and his people simply hid and lived peacefully until now.

Now that he has mastered the craft of making tofu, he can open a tofu workshop by himself.

Knowing that Yan people offered a reward to find Xie Chengze, Zhu Haifeng was shocked: “Xie Chengze is actually Zhaojun?!”

At this moment, Zhu Haifeng was breaking out in cold sweat. They went to assassinate Xie Chengze. Fortunately, Xie Chengze was fine at that time!

It’s no wonder that Shancha asked to participate in the event, he was probably afraid that something would happen to Xie Chengze.

At this time, those who worked for Lu Yanzhou but didn’t know Lu Yanzhou’s identity before also knew who their immediate boss was.

It turned out that they were serving two heroes all these years!

Thinking about it carefully, although some people have been calling Xie Chengze a traitor, Xie Chengze has not done anything evil, but killed many corrupt officials who oppressed the people.

So what if those officials are Han? None of them are good things!

The whole Chongcheng was like a tsunami, the waves were rough. On Lu Yanzhou’s side…He was busy for a while, and then he was hungry again.

A bowl of noodles is really not enough.

He lit a fire to cook porridge and cooked up a few small dishes that ordinary people in Chongcheng now eat, such as pickled mustard, pickled fish, and fermented bean curd.

When Lu Yanzhou put the things on the table, he heard a knock on the door.

He hurried to open the door, and immediately after, two soldiers came in with the government officer in charge of managing this property, and two neighbors nearby.

The secret service bureau was bombed by Lu Yanzhou yesterday, and the Yan army station in Chongcheng is mainly in charge of today’s city-wide search.

When they searched, they were very strict. Every household had to have neighbors around to testify to make sure that the family was alright.

At this moment, the neighbor pointed to Lu Yanzhou and said, “This is the Wang family, where the young master of the Wang family and his servant live. This person is the young master of the Wang family. As for the young master of the Wang family, I have never seen him before.”

The government officer in charge of managing this area also took out the registration form: “Young master Wang is a painter and rarely goes out. I don’t remember what he looks like.”

The young master of the Wang family doesn’t show his face much? This must be strictly investigated!

The soldiers searched immediately, and at this moment, Xie Chengze who heard the movement came down from upstairs: “What’s wrong?”

“Sir, this is my young master. He doesn’t like to go out, so he stays at home all day…He said that all those who engage in art are like this, I don’t quite understand either…” Lu Yanzhou explained to others repeatedly, then took out silver dollars to give it to them one by one.

These soldiers were not professionals from the Secret Service, so they didn’t have any doubts when they saw Lu Yanzhou. Now seeing a pale young scholar coming down the stairs, who looked exactly like the portrait on the wall, most of the doubts in their hearts were dispelled.

They searched around with people, then left in a hurry when they didn’t see any place where they could hide.

Lu Yanzhou nodded and bowed, sending the people away, then walked back and looked at Xie Chengze: “AZe, you performed very well.”

Xie Chengze didn’t speak the whole time, he stood beside him like a log, his eyes were still a little dazed, he really looked like a painter who didn’t know how to treat others!

Lu Yanzhou really liked him, so he leaned over and kissed him again.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou suddenly: “Why did my face suddenly change?”

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Xie Chengze had always thought that he was dreaming, but just now someone came here with a photo of him and Lu Yanzhou to search, and he realized something was wrong.

It’s not like he’s dreaming.

So, when those people weren’t paying attention, he looked at his arm.

On his arm, the scars that accompanied him for many years are still there!

His face change, but his body remained his.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know how to explain this, so he could only say: “Ahem…your face can actually be cured, I just cured it for you before…AZe, I want you to live as Zhaojun’s younger brother in the future, is that okay with you?”

Xie Chengze has changed his face. If he continues to live as Xie Chengze, he will be suspect and get in danger.

“I’ll listen to you.” After Xie Chengze finished speaking, he stared at Lu Yanzhou for a long time, then turned and went upstairs again.

He entered his room, took off his clothes. After looking at his body, he became more and more sure of one thing – this body belonged to him!

It’s just that his face has changed!

No, it can’t be said that it was changed, his eyes were exactly the same as before, so to be precise, it was actually the terrible birthmark on his face that suddenly disappeared.

When did it disappear? It should be when Lu Yanzhou took him to flee for his life.

As for how it disappear…There are actually many strange things about Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was only eighteen years old, but he knew so many things, it was a bit inconceivable.

Hei She can only teach Lu Yanzhou to be a qualified spy, but cannot teach Lu Yanzhou to be a chemist, let alone teach Lu Yanzhou medical skill.

Lu Tao never asked anyone to teach Lu Yanzhou these two aspects either.

But with Lu Yanzhou’s performance in the past few years…he is proficient in these!

Lu Yanzhou has secrets on him. The more he gets along with Lu Yanzhou, the more he understands this.

So sometimes when Lu Yanzhou told him something, he would change the subject and not listen, because he was afraid that he will know too much.

He only wants short-term pleasure, not long-term, so he simply doesn’t want to know those things.

But he didn’t expect that when Lu Yanzhou’s identity was exposed and he fled for his life, he would bring him with him, and his attitude towards him was no different from before — after coming to this house, Lu Yanzhou had already kissed him several times!

Not only that, Lu Yanzhou also healed his face.

This is simply a immortal method!

Lu Yanzhou knows so many things, is it necessary to act with him all these years?

And Lu Yanzhou should be clear about his intentions. He should know that even if he doesn’t act in front of him, he still likes Lu Yanzhou and will still do his job well.

He was willing to give everything he had to Lu Yanzhou.

Therefore, Lu Yanzhou may not be acting, and the many love words Lu Yanzhou said to him in the past few years may be true.

Lu Yanzhou really liked him too.

This is a good thing, but Xie Chengze suddenly thought of one thing — what does he look like in Lu Yanzhou’s eyes?

Leaving aside that face before, he snatched Lu Yanzhou back, and after doing that kind of thing to this person, for nearly four years, he also wanted sex at every turn.

Sometimes even when Lu Yanzhou refused, he would tease him.

There were even times when Lu Yanzhou fell asleep and was forced to wake up by him.

Xie Chengze’s lips trembled. For a moment he felt ashamed to see Lu Yanzhou again.

All these years…what has he done?!

T/N: Nothing much, it just that old Lu thought you have a strong sex drive (▼∀▼)

One more chap and an extra then this world is done!

1side issues keep arising

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