Hold His Hand

Chapter 82: 82

You can post barrages during the live broadcast while other people broadcast live, but the barrage is always messy because people will say all kinds of things.

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However, during Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcast, the barrage was clean, everyone only sent their blessings.

In the past, when the Zerg did not appear, the human alliance was actually divided. At that time, each planet was in its own way, so conflicts within the planet were frequent.

However, since the appearance of the Zerg, human beings have been united like never before, and all fighters on the battlefield are respected.

The original owner went to the battlefield at the age of sixteen and killed countless Zergs. His images are included in the documentaries released by the military every month. It can be said that he grew up watching all human beings.

A year ago, he was still a strong fighter, but now he is so weak…

There were a lot of people watching the live broadcast. Some even sat in a special live broadcast hall just to watch after logging onto Starnet with their holographic devices.

They have long heard that Marshal Lu is dying, and now that seems to be true.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou was still saying: “I raised Chu Jingshan, I am also responsible for his mistakes, I will teach him a lesson and I will also compensate Xie Chengze. But here, I want to ask the Xie family, bullying a soldier’s orphan, embezzling a soldier’s inheritance, don’t you feel guilty at all?”

When he said this, the weakened Marshal’s eyes shone brightly, which actually gave people a strange pressure.

The sobs of the people watching the live broadcast in the holographic hall became louder: “Marshal…”

The live broadcast stopped amidst the cries of the crowd.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t broadcast live for too long.

That’s about it for him, then he just needs to put the relevant evidence of Xie’s family bullying Xie Chengze on the Internet, and then find someone to sue Xie’s family.

Those that should belong to Xie Chengze, he must help Xie Chengze get it back.

Speaking of which, the Xie family smeared Xie Chengze on StarNet and involved him, they are actually digging their own holes.

In the past, no matter how many problems the Xie family had, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, and he wouldn’t come forward in person, but now it’s different. People on StarNet can scold the Xie family to death.

As for Chu Jingshan…Lu Yanzhou had a bad impression of Chu Jingshan. However, to say that Chu Jingshan did something evil, he really didn’t do it, so he can’t do anything to Chu Jingshan.

In fact, if Chu Jingshan simply didn’t want to marry Xie Chengze, neither he nor the original owner would mind. The most wrong thing Chu Jingshan did was that he didn’t have a sense of responsibility at all and his mind was dazed, he surprisingly did such a thing like letting the plum tree withers in place of the peach tree1to substitute one thing for another.

This is equivalent to pushing Xie Chengze into the abyss!

He did not hide Chu Jingshan’s wrongdoing during the live broadcast. From now on, Chu Jingshan will no longer be the perfect major general in the public’ eyes.

As for the rest…

The original owner had been paving the way for Chu Jingshan before, so Chu Jingshan was able to become a major general at a young age.

One must know that the original owner is a major general at his age but the original owner is stronger than him, and he went to the battlefield earlier than him.

Now…Lu Yanzhou asked the adjutant to call some of his old friends and subordinates, then told these old friends to suppress Chu Jingshan in the future, saying that Chu Jingshan needs more experience.

Chu Jingshan’s journey will never be so smooth in the future, and the original owner’s friends who used to take care of Chu Jingshan for the original owner’s sake will never treat Chu Jingshan differently anymore.

Lu Yanzhou breathed a sigh of relief after finishing all this.

Now, no one should bully Xie Chengze anymore!

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze, then he saw Xie Chengze looking at him with red eyes.

Lu Yanzhou smiled at him, but his smile froze halfway.

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Doesn’t he look quite ugly now?

Wait, he just broadcasts live like this?

Forget it, since it’s like this, just get used to it.

Lu Yanzhou closed his eyes and went to sleep, waiting for the results tomorrow. As for tonight…many people probably won’t be able to sleep all night.

Just as Lu Yanzhou expected, the internet is now in an uproar.

Adjutant Mo put the evidence that Xie Chengze’s parents’ property was taken by the Xie family, Xie Chengze was mentally attacked more than once when he was young and nearly died, and all the evidence that Xie Chengze never went to school was put online together. They also said they have hired a lawyer and will sue the Xie family.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this.

Although Xie Chengze has no mental force, Xie Chengze is not the only one who has no mental force in this world! What’s more, most ordinary people in this world have a very low mental force level, so they can’t use mental power to attack others. However, it’s very easy for those with higher mental force to hurt them if they want to.

So there has always been a law that strictly prohibits people with a high mental force level to hurt anyone, so as not to abuse their mental force.

Even if Xie Chengze wasn’t born in the Xie family, he wouldn’t get attack no matter what!

What’s more, the money left by General Xie didn’t even fall into Xie Chengze’s hands! Xie Chengze didn’t even go to school!

Even if he can’t go to StarNet classes, does Capital Star even lack schools?

With General Xie’s wealth, it’s not a problem to invite a teacher to teach Xie Chengze at home!

How did the Xie family treat an orphan whose parents fought on the front line and died on the battlefield?

General Xie is a man with great military merits!

“Isn’t the Xie family too much?”

“Thinking about it carefully, the previous remarks that smeared and slandered Xie Chengze are really unbelievable. How can he, an orphan with no mental force, be so domineering with just an engagement?”

“He is too pitiful!”

“I didn’t expect the Xie family to be like this. They have been corrupted all their lives.”

“I want to apologize to Xie Chengze. I scolded him before. I’m really sorry.”

“It’s all my fault. If we didn’t listen to rumors and spread nonsense on the Internet, the marshal wouldn’t have to force himself to explain live.”

Previously, everyone felt that Xie Chengze was too much and disturbed the marshal’s recuperation.

However, the fact is that the Xie family slandered Xie Chengze and they spoke indiscriminately, which forced the marshal to come forward to clarify.

For a while, everyone hated the Xie family.

The Xie family was terrified.

It was already night when they released Xie Chengze’s gossip, seeing the public opinion on the Internet going in the direction they wanted, they fell asleep contentedly.

As a result, they were woken up not long after falling asleep and found out that the marshal had started a live broadcast!

They, the Xie family, are over!

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In fact, if the marshal was not involved, even if Xie Chengze was wronged at Xie’s house, they would at most pay some money, after all, Xie Chengze was alive and well.

But now that the Marshal has come forward!

The marshal’s mental force even overflowed during the live broadcast.

His life is ending but he is still thinking about Xie Chengze, so he insisted on clarifying for Xie Chengze.

And why would he do it? Isn’t it because the Xie family is too much?

So it’s all the Xie family’s fault!

The Xie family started to blame each other, and Xie Chen’an was the one who got burnt most.

Framing Xie Chengze is entirely Xie Chen’an’s idea!

The Xie family was in a mess with both internal and external troubles for a while.

The Xie family was very anxious, and Chu Jingshan was also confused.

As soon as Chu Jingshan arrived at the Xie house, he went to rest and fell asleep early. He didn’t know what the Xie family was doing, so he didn’t know what happened until Lu Yanzhou started the live broadcast and his friend called to wake him up.

Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcast was very short. When Chu Jingshan was on Starnet, the live broadcast had already ended, but there was a recorded video.

Seeing the video, Chu Jingshan’s eyes turned red—his father was too ruthless. When people talk about him in the future, they will probably think of ‘breaking faith and abandoning right2Betray, perfidy, or treachery’.

Most importantly, he felt that his father was favoring Xie Chengze.

Isn’t Xie Chengze doing well? Why did he say that Xie Chengze was greatly wronged at Xie’s house?

His father did this, how can he hold his head up in the future?

While still thinking about it, Chu Jingshan saw the evidence sent by Adjutant Mo.

This is completely different from what he thought. Looking at these things…It seems that Xie Chengze really suffered a lot of grievances at Xie’s house?

Chu Jingshan rushed out immediately, approached Xie Chen’an, and questioned him.

It can be said that the whole network is blacklisting the Xie family for what they did. Naturally, they had thought of a way to deal with it. After thinking about it, they felt that they still had to get hold of Chu Jingshan.

No matter what, Chu Jingshan is also a major general and the adopted son of Marshal Lu. As long as Chu Jingshan is on their side, the others will always show mercy to the Xie family.

Xie Chen’an immediately began to cry, saying that Xie Chengze had a bad temper since he was a child, so they had some conflicts with Xie Chengze. The time Xie Chengze was seriously injured by a mental attack was also because Xie Chengze bit him, so he fought back after being frightened.

They did not give him the money left by Xie Chengze’s parents because they were worried that Xie Chengze would spend all the money recklessly! As for not letting Xie Chengze go to school…Xie Chengze has no mental force, so many things cannot be used. They let Xie Chengze stay at home for Xie Chengze’s safety.

Xie Chen’an was just quibbling, but Chu Jingshan…believed it.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, anyway, Chu Jingshan was on the Xie family’s side. He is going to go to Lu Yanzhou to explain it tomorrow.

Lu Yanzhou had already fallen asleep, and Xie Chengze was holding a tablet, browsing the online content with an outdated device.

Such devices cannot don’t have identity information, so there is very little information that they can view, so they cannot speak freely on StarNet.

However, he can watch Lu Yanzhou’s battle video.

Xie Chengze looked at those, and then at Marshal Lu lying in the medical cabin, he couldn’t tell what his feeling was like.

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At this moment, his communicator rang. Someone he knew sent a message, asking him how he persuaded Marshal Lu to help him.

In fact, Xie Chengze knew about the fact that the Xie family slandered him on the Internet before Adjutant Mo came.

An acquaintance told him about it.

He didn’t want to disturb the marshal and make the marshal worry about his affairs, and he had a lot of video evidence in his hand. He planned to wait for the marshal to die before making things worse.

However, before he could do anything, the marshal helped him settle the matter.

It’s a pity that he was born with an illness, otherwise…he would have joined the army long ago, and would have been by the Marshal’s side to help the Marshal!

Wait, Xie Chengze froze suddenly.

If he had gone to the marshal ahead of time, he might have become the marshal’s adopted son.

But…as long as the marshal can live a good life, he is willing to be an adopted son too.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking. After the live broadcast, he found a way to earn merit, that is, to tell people how to use menta force on live, he could also talk about the zergs’ weaknesses.

The Zergs in this world are a bit similar to tardigrades on Earth. They are a huge group but their reproduction is mainly carried out by the Zerg Queen, while the rest of the Zergs are responsible for protecting the Queen. Their size determines their strength and their status in the zerg.

Most importantly, they can survive in the universe! They have no fear whether it’s high and low temperatures!

It’s very difficult for humans to kill them. The shell hardness of high-level Zerg is comparable to that of a battleship. The best way to kill Zerg is to use mental force.

However, before humans faced the Zerg, they didn’t actually study mental force. At that time, everyone only thought that people with strong mental forces were smart and suitable for research.

Therefore, many of those who resisted the Zerg at the beginning came from research institutes and other places were all addicted research geeks and nerds.

It’s different now. Nowadays, as long as their mental force level reaches D level, they have to learn how to use mental force to attack. In the early years, there were even regulations, people with mental force above level B must serve in the army. However, human research on mental force is not thorough enough.

At least some methods of using mental force the original owner mastered have not been spread.

The original owner of Lu Yanzhou’s body entered the military academy at the age of ten, and was trained to be a qualified soldier and even general, he was especially good at fighting Zerg.

But in other aspects, he is not very good at it. For example, he doesn’t know anything about human relationships, so he doesn’t know anything about Xie Chengze’s situation, and he hasn’t given it much thought.

He didn’t know how to teach others some of the attack methods he learned in battle…

In fact, he had told the people around him, but if he didn’t explain it carefully enough, it would be difficult for the people around him to comprehend. So in the end, whether it’s the original owner or the people around the original owner, only the original owner, who has high mental force, is so strong.

The original owner was busy fighting again, so he didn’t have time to delve into his own fighting style.

But Lu Yanzhou has been working on his mental force for the past few days, he realized that some of the original owner’s skills in using mental force can be taught to others.

He had led students when he was engaged in research in the previous two worlds, and he also knew how to make others learn faster.

“Young Master Xie, you didn’t rest last night?” The doctor’s voice rang in Lu Yanzhou’s ear, “You should take a rest, lest your body cannot bear it.”

What happened to Xie Chengze?

Just as Xie Chengze, who doesn’t look very good, responded, Lu Yanzhou got his ‘final radiance of the setting sun’ again: “Xie Chengze…what’s wrong with him?”

“Marshal?!” The doctor was surprised and delighted.

Marshal Lu is really a miracle. If it were someone else, they might not wake up long ago, but Marshal Lu is different. He wakes up again and again.

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He’s really strong!

This should also have something to do with Marshal Lu’s strong mental force. Didn’t a lot of Marshal Lu’ mental force overflow, so the mental force he possesses now still exceeds S level?

What’s more, every time Marshal Lu wakes up, it seems to be related to Xie Chengze?

Marshal Lu really attaches great importance to Xie Chengze.

The more he knew this, the more the doctor wanted to help Xie Chengze hide it: “Marshal, Young Master Xie didn’t sleep last night, so his face was not very good-looking.”

Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “Even if you are young, you should sleep well. AZe, go and rest.”

After people sent Xie Chengze to sleep, Lu Yanzhou said to the doctor: “Doctor, please bring Adjutant Mo here.”

Adjutant Mo was soon there.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t say much, he directly said: “Adjutant Mo, I’m sorry to trouble you, I want to start a live broadcast.”

“Marshal?” Adjutant Mo was puzzled.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I have some experience from fighting the zerg, I want to share it with others.”

Adjutant Mo said: “But… Marshal, your body…”

“I’m fine.” Lu Yanzhou said. Lu Yanzhou didn’t know how to tell others about his physical condition, so he could only emphasize that he was fine.

Although his mental force is overflowing now, his vital signs are still stable. These people should know…he’s alright, right?

He’ll be fine in a few days anyway, so be it.

Lu Yanzhou insisted, so Adjutant Mo would naturally not stop him. According to Lu Yanzhou’s request, he contacted the army and asked those who did not need to be on duty to watch the marshal’s live broadcast as much as possible, and then put the live broadcast room on the star network.

Marshal is going to broadcast live again!

What is the Marshal going to say this time?

Everyone entered the live broadcast room immediately.

The live broadcast room had already started, but Lu Yanzhou hadn’t spoken yet. Everyone could only see their marshal lying in the medical cabin with many tubes inserted into his body, looking extremely weak.

Lu Yanzhou is indeed weak right now, he is enduring severe pain every moment.

But seeing that the time was almost right, he smiled at the camera: “Hello everyone, I know that many people are worried about my body…I’m fine, I will gradually get better.”

The people watching the live broadcast were sobbing again.

Marshal’s situation is basically impossible to get better.

Those born without mental force are fine, but those with mental force will not survive if their mental force overflows after being severely injured.

This is equivalent to brain death.

Lu Yanzhou continued: “I started the live broadcast this time to tell you about several ways to use mental force. This is what I summed up from the battlefield. I haven’t had a chance to tell anyone about it before. Now I want to talk about it.”

Lu Yanzhou can’t liven up the atmosphere, he is enduring severe pain now, and he doesn’t have time to spend on irrelevant things.

So he directly cut to the point and began to talk about how to use mental force.

People who watched the live broadcast cried while watching.

Before his death, the marshal was still thinking about all mankind…

1to substitute one thing for another2Betray, perfidy, or treachery

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