Hold His Hand

Chapter 91: 91

“Your highness, although the daoist boy changed his attire, I still recognized him. I happened to see him sneak into Lu Rong’s room at that time. I observed Lu Rong later and saw that there was no difference after she returned to the room. It was obvious that she knew that daoist boy…That daoist boy should be on Lu Yanzhou’s side.”

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After Zhou Xueya finished his report, his body was covered in sweat.

He has discovered something amazing!

The entire Lu family was wiped out today. Under such circumstances, the Lu family could still arrange for a daoist boy to sneak into the palace…It’s impossible for the Lu family to want to help his majesty become an immortal, right?

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, and that is that the Lu family wants to…kill the emperor.

The education Zhou Xueya received since he was a child made him feel scared just by guessing this possibility.

However, Xie Chengze was still calm.

Lu Yanzhou has already recruited troops at the border, so what is killing the emperor?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze asked Zhou Xueya some details related to that daoist boy.

Zhou Xueya said everything one by one, and seeing Xie Chengze’s calmness from beginning to end, he couldn’t help but wonder—is he making too much fuss?

Also, why doesn’t his highness take such a big matter seriously? If something happens to his majesty…

Wait, his majesty has been bloodletting his highness, so it seems that if something really does happen to his majesty, it’s not really a bad thing?

Zhou Xueya was very confused, he finally couldn’t help asking: “Your highness, should we arrest that daoist boy? If he stays with his majesty, something may happen.”

Xie Chengze said: “Emperor father doesn’t like us meddling in his affairs.”

What Xie Chengze meant was that he didn’t want to bother about this matter anymore…Zhou Xueya actually didn’t care much about the life and death of the emperor, after all, he had bought virgin boys and girls into the palace in recent years, and he haven’t seen any of those people coming out of the palace.

However, Zhou Xueya’s defense against Lu Yanzhou at this moment has reached the peak: “Your highness, we can ignore his majesty’s affairs, but Lu Yanzhou…Your highness, you can no longer keep him in the East Palace.”

This Lu Yanzhou is a poisonous snake!

According to Zhou Xueya’s thinking, they should act first, kill Lu Yanzhou, and then search Jingning Temple.

Xie Chengze said: “Come here and check my pulse.”

Xie Chengze knew that he was able to comfort Zhou Xueya before, but this time it was difficult for Zhou Xueya to ignore Lu Yanzhou with just a few words.

Although Lu Yanzhou has means and skills, the Lu family is gone.

As for the Lu family army and those who have been favored by the Lu family, they didn’t make any waves seventeen years ago, let alone now.

What Lu Yanzhou wants to accomplish is many times more difficult than he, who is the crown prince, could do.

Don’t think that Zhou Xueya is just his subordinate…Zhou Xueya is an official in the court, and the Zhou family also has a title granted. It couldn’t be easier for him to deal with Lu Yanzhou.

Let’s just talk about Jingning Temple, he can find some random people to check it.

The border gate is even simpler, if he sent someone to capture Lu Yanzhou’s two brother-in-laws, those people at the border gate are nothing to be afraid of.

He could even catch the parents and brothers of Lu Yanzhou’s two brothers-in-law and threaten them so that they would turn against each other.

However, he didn’t want to target Lu Yanzhou.

Zhou Xueya didn’t know why his highness asked him to go over to check his pulse, but he still went forward and checked the crown prince’s pulse.

He didn’t specialize in studying medicine, but he had some knowledge of medicine and knew a little about checking pulse.

Then, when he felt his pulse, he was startled.

His highness’s pulse is really weak.

Seeing this, Xie Chengze ordered someone to fetch water for him.

He dipped the veil in water and wiped off the rouge on his lips and cheeks, revealing his pale complexion and lip color.

Xie Chengze said: “The imperial doctor said that I can’t live for a year.”

Zhou Xueya had heard Xie Chengze talk about this before, but he was still a little shocked right now.

Xie Chengze continued: “I told you before that the emperor tolerated me to supervise the country because he learned about this matter. And with my current situation, I will die soon…Have you ever thought that if I die, what will happen to you? What will happen to my mother?”

Zhou Xueya was stunned. He knew that Xie Chengze was in poor health, but he didn’t dare to think about it.

Xie Chengze sneered. On his pale face, his eyes were extremely sharp: “Zhou Xueya, I’m not a kind person. Lu Yanzhou is a knife in my hand. He will help me get rid of those I want to get rid of.”

Xie Chengze didn’t know what Lu Yanzhou wanted to do. If there were no accidents, he should seek to usurp the throne.

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He knew that Lu Yanzhou wanted revenge, but he believed that Lu Yanzhou would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

A person who doesn’t dislike the common people at the bottom, spends a lot of time every day writing epidemic prevention manuals, and also researches things like waterwheels, must care about the common people.

Compared to his younger brother who can beat the maids and eunuchs to death at such a young age, Lu Yanzhou is more suitable to be a monarch.

That being the case, he doesn’t mind bearing a bad name for Lu Yanzhou to make Lu Yanzhou’s road go more smoothly.

Zhou Xueya was shocked. What his highness meant, it seemed that what Lu Yanzhou did was ordered by his highness.

Xie Chengze smiled: “After all, it’s an outrageous thing. I didn’t want to tell you before.”

Zhou Xueya was stunned: “Your highness, Lu Yanzhou…”

“He has been staying in the East Palace these days, he has never sent any news to the outside world and he take care of my body every day,” Xie Chengze smiled, “I really don’t know about his arrangement on my father’s side, and he probably doesn’t want to I know. He may just be trying to help me vent my anger.”

Although Zhou Xueya didn’t come to Xie Chengze very often these days, many of the guards in the East Palace were his subordinates.

Lu Yanzhou has been taking care of the crown prince’s body these days, Zhou Xueya knows about this.

So…Isn’t it because Lu Yanzhou was very scheming, it his highness who was using Lu Yanzhou from the beginning to the end?

Even using Lu Yanzhou…to kill the emperor?

Xie Chengze continued: “His epidemic prevention manual has been compiled, you can find someone to print it out and send it to various places with the official documents. There are also the soap prescription and the glass prescription, which were all given to me by him. You will be responsible for the sale of these two items.”

“Your highness…” Zhou Xueya was a little dazed.

“You can leave.” Xie Chengze dismissed him.

After Zhou Xueya left, Xie Chengze went to find Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was in the kitchen, making medicinal meals for him.

These days, what Lu Yanzhou takes care of the most is his body. Every day, he cooks medicinal food for him personally, so Xie Chengze has gained some weight now.

“You just finished participating in the spring exam and you did this?” Xie Chengze asked.

“I want to do it.” Lu Yanzhou smiled.

Seeing him like this, Xie Chengze leaned over and kissed him.

He helped Lu Yanzhou bear such a big crime, so he should get something from Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help but said, “Don’t seduce me all day…”

Xie Chengze laughed, chatted with Lu Yanzhou. They talked, then talked about the empress in the palace.

Xie Chengze said: “My empress mother knew about my illness, so she didn’t dare to put too much affection on me. She is not close to me, but she is my mother after all.”

His mother was not only afraid to put love into him, but he still glorified his mother’s behavior.

Lu Yanzhou said: “When you recover, she will get close to you.”

Xie Chengze said: “I don’t want to be close to her, I only wish her to be in good health and have a long and happy life.”

“She definitely will.” Lu Yanzhou said seriously. According to the original historical trajectory, after Xie Chengze passed away, the empress ‘died of illness’.

Of course, he knew very well that it was the imperial consort who did it.

Now…the imperial consort will not have a chance to do anything.

When Xie Chengze mentioned his mother, he was only insinuating and wanting a promise. Now that he has Lu Yanzhou’s promise, he feels much more at ease.

Most of his confidantes, he has already arranged for them to escape, only Zhou Xueya is left.

Lu Yanzhou knew that Zhou Xueya was his confidant, so if he sent Zhou Xueya away suddenly, it’s as if making it clear that he was telling Lu Yanzhou that he already knew Lu Yanzhou’s identity.

That being the case, he didn’t bother, but in the later chat, he mentioned that he and Zhou Xueya had a good relationship and regarded Zhou Xueya as a brother.

Lu Yanzhou immediately said that his attitude towards Zhou Xueya would be better in the future, it could be regarded as another promise unconsciously.

Xie Chengze was very satisfied with this.

At this time, the spring exam results finally came out!

This time the spring exam was presided over by King Rui. Though he was not allowed to make big moves, small moves were still allowed, such as deciding the ranks in this meeting.

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“This test paper speaks the truth!”

“This test paper is remarkable.”

“I still prefer this test paper!”

The examiners responsible for grading the test papers finally selected three test papers. In fact, they all knew that the level of one of them was far higher than the other two. That person had extraordinary knowledge and seemed to have been an official for many years.

However, the other two test papers, one is from the prime minister’s grandson, and the other is for the people around King Rui…

The most important thing is that these two test papers were both first place in previous years, and the two people themselves are famous far and wide, so the scholar in the capital thinks that the member should be one of them.

Now the test papers of the three people are placed in front of King Rui, the chief examiner. Who will be chosen will depend on this person’s attitude.

King Rui chose the one with the highest elevation — this is Lu Yanzhou’s paper.

To be honest, King Rui was actually a little surprised to see these people highly respecting Lu Yanzhou’s answer sheet.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou was capable, but he didn’t pay much attention to Lu Yanzhou before.

Now that he knows that Lu Yanzhou is so powerful…he is a little worried that Lu Yanzhou will be won over by the crown prince.

It was this worry that made him choose Lu Yanzhou as the winner without hesitation, to give Lu Yanzhou a favor.

If he wants to deal with the crown prince, he still needs Lu Yanzhou’s help!

Seeing King Rui make such a choice, the examiners were very pleased.

They have always felt that compared to the crown prince, King Rui’s usual style is a bit out of character, but now it seems…King Rui is at least fair.

King Rui, who had been praised for a long time without any trace by the examiners: “…”

At this moment, King Rui was actually a little proud.

These people must never have imagined that Lu Yanzhou was actually his people, and he even liked him!

Of course, the latter matter…King Rui actually felt a little disgusted.

He had already planned to let Lu Yanzhou deal with Xie Chengze. After the matter was completed, he would make Lu Yanzhou bear the crime and get rid of Lu Yanzhou.

When Xie Chengze passed away, he no longer had any stones blocking the way, so he naturally didn’t need to tolerate a man who coveted him.

When the exam rankings were released, Lu Yanzhou was right at the top.

Although this was unexpected, everyone was not too surprised.

Lu Yanzhou has been in the capital for more than two years, and he has participated in many literary gatherings before, the talent he displayed is indeed outstanding.

They heard that he has been taken by the crown prince recently…The crown prince must have taken a fancy to him, it must be because he has real skills!

Of course, the second and third places are a little bit unconvincing. They are going to have a showdown with Lu Yanzhou in the palace test, that’s another matter!

After winning Huiyuan, Lu Yanzhou would inevitably have to go out to socialize, so he could not stay in the East Palace all the time. Xie Chengze didn’t stop him, but arranged for two people to follow Lu Yanzhou.

Men socialize and sometimes go to places they shouldn’t go, which he don’t like.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking, he took the two of them out together and came to the meeting place, then have a chat with the others.

Lu Yanzhou knew that scholars were favored, but he didn’t want anyone to think that because Xie Chengze’s favor him that he got Huiyuan, so he tried his best to show off.

He knows everything about the world, and he can even speak several dialects. Not to mention his knowledge, his insight convinced many people on the spot.

Some people who had met Lu Yanzhou regretted that they had never had a deep friendship with Lu Yanzhou before.

Lu Yanzhou talked to them with a smile, and at the same time said that his knowledge had a lot to do with the crown prince — after getting to know the crown prince, the crown prince gave him a lot of books to read.

Everyone is envious.

After drinking and eating, everyone left one after another. Suddenly, someone stopped Lu Yanzhou and gave Lu Yanzhou a book.

Lu Yanzhou knew this person, this person was one of the juren that King Rui had recruited, and he was also the second place in the examination.

Lu Yanzhou took the book and got into the carriage. After getting in the carriage, he found a letter written by King Rui in it, asking him to meet him at the next meeting.

Lu Yanzhou put the letter in his sleeve. When he returned to the East Palace, he found a candle and burned the letter.

King Rui…he needs to meet up.

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If he didn’t come here now, the original owner and Xie Chengze would have had a good relationship, so after finding out that Xie Chengze was not in good health, he informed King Rui. After repeated investigations, King Rui found out that Xie Chengze had a heart condition.

Now he has never mentioned Xie Chengze’s condition to King Rui, but King Rui might know about it through other channels and use it against Xie Chengze.

He didn’t cut off contact with King Rui, didn’t he just want to control King Rui’s actions?

On the second day there was a scholar gathering, which was held in a garden, during which someone accidentally spilled water on Lu Yanzhou’s clothes. Lu Yanzhou met with King Rui while changing clothes.

“Jizhi, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I miss you so much!” King Rui looked very eager when he saw Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou blushed, lowered his head with a shy look: “Wangye…”

King Rui obviously couldn’t bear to see Lu Yanzhou’s behavior, and he was afraid that time would run out…He stopped expressing his love to Lu Yanzhou, and asked, “Jizhi, why did the crown prince bring you back to the East Palace?”

Lu Yanzhou: “Wangye, I’ve always wanted to tell you about this, but unfortunately the crown prince won’t let me out of the palace…I discovered a secret of the crown prince!”

“What secret?” King Rui was suddenly excited, wanting to know the secret that Lu Yanzhou was talking about.

Lu Yanzhou said: “That day when the prince came to Jingning Temple, his complexion was very bad. I overheard him talking to lord Zhou, and then I realized that the emperor, in order to make alchemy, make him bloodlet, that’s why his body was weak…He saw that I found out, and was afraid that I would talk nonsense, so he took me back to the capital.”

Lu Yanzhou had already prepared his reasons for following Xie Chengze back to the East Palace.

King Rui was a little surprised: “Bloodletting?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Yes, bloodletting. His highness has many wounds on his wrist. According to what the crown prince said, the emperor use the blood of his family…Wangye…”

King Rui’s face changed.

He got a piece of news not long ago, someone told him that Xie Chengze often went to the imperial physician, and the palace always prepared medicinal food, which seemed to be due to his physical illness.

When he thought about it carefully, he found a lot of things that were wrong…So he was bloodletting?

Since his father could take Xie Chengze’s blood, would it be his turn in the future?

King Rui was disturbed by this incident, then asked Lu Yanzhou if he knew who the person who made the waterwheel was, and why the crown prince was making frequent movements recently.

Lu Yanzhou answered: “Wangye, I can’t wander around after entering the East Palace, so I have been studying in my own room. I don’t know about these things.”

King Rui came to Lu Yanzhou for him to help deal with Xie Chengze.

However, now he was frightened by Xie Chengze’s bloodletting incident, and Lu Yanzhou didn’t know anything too…He comforted Lu Yanzhou, told Lu Yanzhou to keep an eye on Xie Chengze, and said that he would definitely help Lu Yanzhou become the champion, then he let Lu Yanzhou leave.

Lu Yanzhou appeased King Rui, and then went back to continue to attend the scholar gathering. He didn’t return to the east palace until it was getting dark.

He is an unofficial gongshi1Candidate who successfully passed the examination system but not the palace yet living in the East Palace, which is actually not very appropriate, but he has not been to the court several times this year and last year, and Xie Chengze is in charge of the affairs of the court, so no one cares about it.

Everyone thought that his highness the crown prince admired Lu Yanzhou very much and wanted Lu Yanzhou to be his staff.

Lu Yanzhou entered the East Palace, walked into the courtyard where he lived familiarly, and couldn’t help laughing when he saw the lights in the room.

Xie Chengze doesn’t like to be served by others, so there are very few people around the two of them. Now that there are people in his room, it must be Xie Chengze.

Sure enough, when Lu Yanzhou entered the room, he saw Xie Chengze lying on the bed, reading a book with his hair loose.

“Your highness, you came back so early today!” Lu Yanzhou smiled and stepped forward, kissing Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou: “It’s you who came back late.”

He didn’t come back late, the others were still drinking and chatting, but Lu Yanzhou still said: “I came back late, will his highness punish me?”

Xie Chengze has been sending people to keep an eye on Lu Yanzhou. He naturally knows about the meeting between Lu Yanzhou and King Rui. If the two didn’t meet each other for a short time, he would definitely come to him.

Hugging Lu Yanzhou’s neck, Xie Chengze smiled: “I will punish you to serve me well today.”

“It’s an honor.” Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze.

The two warmed up for a while, then Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help but said: “Your highness, you still need to be more restrained.”

Xie Chengze’s body can’t stand the toss.

Xie Chengze said: “People should enjoy themselves in time, shouldn’t they?”

That’s what people say, but their body is more important…Lu Yanzhou knew that Xie Chengze probably did this because he felt that he would not live long.

He told Xie Chengze that Xie Chengze would be fine, but Xie Chengze obviously didn’t believe it…

Lu Yanzhou could only say: “Your highness, my ancestors passed down an elixir that can give life to the dead. I have already asked someone to bring it. When I get it, I’ll give it to your highness. When your highness will recover from your illness, you can do whatever you want, okay?”

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Elixir? Xie Chengze is not his father that only thinks about seeking immortality and longevity. He doesn’t believe in such nonsense.

How could Lu Yanzhou coax him with such words?

Although slightly dissatisfied, Xie Chengze still said: “Okay.”

Lu Yanzhou held Xie Chengze in his arms and hugged him tightly.

Hearing Lu Yanzhou’s heartbeat, Xie Chengze quickly fell asleep.

It didn’t take long before the palace examination came. On such an occasion, the emperor had to appear.

However, in the past few months, he has been so crazy about pills that he didn’t even come to the palace examination, leaving Xie Chengze to take care of it.

Seeing this, Xie Chengze invited his teacher and asked him and the rest of the examiners to preside over the palace examination together.

Lu Yanzhou lived up to expectations. He was unanimously recognized and became the zhuangyuan.

Seeing him standing in front of people in high spirits, Xie Chengze couldn’t help but smile.

If his father hadn’t attacked the Lu family back then, Lu Yanzhou, as the young master of the Lu family, might have grown up with him, and would be sought after by others in the capital.

Lu Yanzhou likes men, maybe they will get to know each other early and spend more time together.

After taking part in the palace examination, the group headed by Lu Yanzhou went for a parade, and then went to the Qionglin Banquet.

For the palace examination scholars, this is the most exciting day, even Lu Yanzhou is in a good mood.

However, the excitement of the crowd did not last long.

In the middle of the Qionglin Banquet, news came out from the palace that the emperor had fainted and his condition was very bad.

Lu Yanzhou’s eyelids twitched when he heard this, he was a little surprised.

But soon, he realized that the time was almost up.

He was so comfortable these days that he ignored the time…He had met Lu Qingshan last year, and it has been four months since now.

Lu Qingshan is a smart person, four months is enough for him to do many things.

But now that the emperor has suddenly fainted, most of those daoist priests will be controlled, will Lu Qingshan be okay?

Lu Yanzhou didn’t want anything to happen to Lu Qingshan. Lu Qingshan and Lu Rong supported each other in a difficult life for a long time, and their relationship was very deep.

But now that the emperor is in a coma, this matter is beyond his control.

He is just a new zhuangyuan.

Xie Chengze and King Rui left in a hurry, and the Qionglin banquet dispersed.

Xie Chengze had arranged a carriage for Lu Yanzhou a long time ago. When Lu Yanzhou came to the door, got into the carriage and opened the window, he saw people coming and going in a hurry, everyone looked very nervous.

The storm is about to come. From now on, the capital city may not be very peaceful.

If nothing else happened, King Rui might jump over the wall in a hurry.

Lu Yanzhou felt that the capital city would not be peaceful anymore, and Xie Chengze also thought so.

Although his father is obsessed with the pursuit of longevity, he has many confidants. Xie Chengze had already realized this when he was young, so he worked hard to cultivate his own power.

It was because he was sick, and his father despised him, that he could grow quietly.

But what King Rui did…he felt that his father was very clear about it.

Under such circumstances, Lu Yanzhou was able to place someone next to his father, which means he is absolutely capable…In fact, Zhou Xueya’s ability to discover Lu Yanzhou’s identity was just a coincidence.

Now his father, who has been seeking longevity, has an accident…he doesn’t know what will happen next.

When Xie Chengze and King Rui entered the palace, they brought people with them, but when they came to the emperor’s bedroom, the people they brought were left out, and only the two of them were allowed to enter the palace.

Xie Chengze went in after the eunuch and smelled an unpleasant fragrance. When he came to the bed…he saw a middle-aged man with a red face lying on the bed.

The man who always gave him a lot of pressure closed his eyes. Although his face was rosy, he twitched from time to time, as if he was very uncomfortable.

Xie Chengze asked: “Emperor father, what happened?”

The guard next to the emperor was sweating profusely: “your highness, the emperor suddenly fell into a coma, and his condition is very bad. The imperial physician can’t find anything at all…”

1Candidate who successfully passed the examination system but not the palace yet

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