Hold His Hand

Chapter 93: 93

Lu Yanzhou said a lot, and then saw Xie Chengze looking at him with a smile.

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Then, Xie Chengze actually came over and kissed him.

Lu Yanzhou was a little helpless: “Your highness…” He confessed his identity and relationship with King Rui, but Xie Chengze was not angry or jealous at all?

Only then did Xie Chengze put away his smile and said with a straight face, “Let’s discuss how to prepare for it?” Lu Yanzhou’s appearance of worrying about him made his heart flutter, but…he doesn’t know how long Lu Yanzhou is willing to stay with him.

Hearing this, Lu Yanzhou pinched Xie Chengze’s cheek and started discussing with Xie Chengze.

He asked who Xie Chengze had on hand, then Xie Chengze answered. After hearing what Xie Chengze had said about these people, Lu Yanzhou arranged tasks for them respectively.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou in surprise.

Lu Yanzhou knew far less information than him, but the arrangements he made were very perfect. It can be seen that Lu Yanzhou is good at using troops.

This person is really not simple.

Maybe Lu Yanzhou still has a lot of bargaining chips in his hands that he doesn’t know about.

Xie Chengze made arrangements according to what Lu Yanzhou said, and arranged for another person to do things secretly.

King Rui’s actions were very fast. Almost as soon as they made arrangements, King Rui led the imperial army to encircle both inside and outside the palace, directly surrounding the East Palace.

Now that it’s summer, the temperature in the capital is much higher, so King Rui, who is wearing armor now, is sweating all over.

However, even though he was sweating profusely, King Rui was still in high spirits.

After today, he will be the crown prince!

Heaven knows how long he has been waiting for this day!

When his father handed him the Tiger Token, told him the crown prince’s secret, and said that he was always the heir to the throne, he was so excited that he almost fainted!

However, before he becomes the crown prince, there is one person that needs to be dealt with first, and that is Xie Chengze.

Only when Xie Chengze is gone will he be the legitimate crown prince!

After surrounding the East Palace, King Rui wiped off his sweat and led some people to break in, heading straight to Xie Chengze’s room.

There were few people in the East Palace, so there were very few lights. It seemed a bit too quiet. It wasn’t until King Rui and his party broke in that the place became ‘lively’.

The eunuch and maid shouted ‘crown prince’, and ran to the courtyard where the crown prince lived in a panic, and King Rui finally led people to surround the courtyard.

The guards of the East Palace guarded the courtyard gate, at the same time, Xie Chengze’s voice sounded: “Second brother, it’s late at night, why did you bring so many people here?”

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Accompanied by this sound, King Rui saw Xie Chengze standing on the second floor of the palace where the crown prince lived in the middle of the courtyard from a distance, looking at him.

Xie Chengze turned his back to the light, he seemed a little far away. King Rui couldn’t see Xie Chengze’s expression clearly, but hearing Xie Chengze’s voice, he knew that Xie Chengze was not poisoned.

King Rui was a little disappointed.

When he gave Lu Yanzhou the poison, he hoped that Lu Yanzhou would succeed in poisoning him. If Xie Chengze was poisoned to death…He will be the one who came to save his brother after learning about it today, then he will be the crown prince without any doubt.

But now that Xie Chengze is still alive…this method can’t be used.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work, he looks forward to seeing Xie Chengze’s despair!

King Rui said: “Xie Chengze, you intend to murder the emperor, and I’m here to arrest you today!”

Xie Chengze’s voice sounded again: “Murder the emperor?”

King Rui sneered: “Xie Chengze, you are so rebellious that you try to murder your own father, you should be punished!”

King Rui also knew that this reason was unconvincing, but in this world, the winner is the king and the loser is the outlaw. As long as Xie Chengze dies, as the only prince, with the support of his father…who would dare to question him?

The most important thing is that he will not kill Xie Chengze and leave a clue…His father told him that Xie Chengze suffers from a heart condition, he will have a heart attack if he is frightened…He intends to make the movement louder, so that Xie Chengze will be overwhelmed and die because of heart attack.

After all, King Rui didn’t want to be charged with murdering his brother.

King Rui thought of this, waved his hand and said, “Hurry up, grab him!”

As soon as King Rui finished speaking, the imperial army he brought rushed into the courtyard and fought with the East Palace’s guards.

In a certain room on the second floor of the palace, surrounded by people holding shields, Lu Yanzhou said to Xie Chengze beside him: “Your highness, you can do it now!”

Xie Chengze glanced at the person who was protecting him tightly, and said, “Do it!”

Xie Chengze was a little helpless at the moment.

The person who spoke to King Rui just now was indeed him, but the person standing at the window was not him.

He didn’t care about life and death and wanted to speak to King Rui in person, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t let him, so he found a substitute to stand by the window and arranged a group of people to surround him with shields.

Even if King Rui shot at him with crossbow arrows, they probably wouldn’t be able to hurt even a single hair on him.

Lu Yanzhou…doesn’t need to do this, right?

Wouldn’t it be nice for both him and King Rui to die here?

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Or…Lu Yanzhou doesn’t want him to die for the time being because there are other things for him to do?

Xie Chengze thought a lot in his mind, but the situation below has completely changed.

When Xie Chengze opened his mouth and said the word ‘do it’, many people suddenly appeared from all over the East Palace and began to fight with the imperial army.

The imperial army has always been the emperor’s people, Xie Chengze has no way to get involved with them, but he has cultivated some of his own men.

When King Rui saw a lot of people coming out of the shadows, he was shocked. He quickly asked the guards to protect him, then asked the guards outside to come in quickly.

The East Palace is not big, so the number of imperial troops he brought in was not too large, and now they were all defeated by Xie Chengze’s people!

“Protect me and get out! Xie Chengze is raising a private army with the intention of rebellion. He must be taken down, regardless of life or death!” King Rui was still thinking about his reputation before, but now he doesn’t care.

Of course, he did this mainly because he was afraid that a stray arrow would hit him, but he was not worried that this operation would fail at all.

There are a full 20,000 imperial troops in the capital, and the manpower of the East Palace will definitely not be able to stop the people he brought!

King Rui wanted to leave the East Palace and go to a safe place outside, but at this moment, there were shouts of killing outside the East Palace!

This…It seems that there are other troops fighting with the imperial army?

King Rui really panicked now. He quickly asked the people around him, “What’s the matter?”

As soon as he finished asking, someone rushed in from the outside and reported to him: “Wangye, there is an elite army outside, they are killing our people!”

“What? Who is it?” King Rui asked.

King Rui is only twenty years old this year. The imperial consort is different from the empress, she dotes on her son so much that in the past twenty years, King Rui has never suffered anything.

He is scheming and cunning, but he has never experienced life and death. With such battles around him right now, he naturally is afraid.

“I don’t know…”

“Why don’t you know anything!” King Rui was furious.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins had already led someone to kill them.

Both of them wanted to earn some meritorious deed, so they shouted from a distance: “Your highness, I have come to save you!”

King Rui became even angrier: “Xie Chengze, you privately transferred troops to the capital, you are plotting rebellion!”

King Rui yelled very loudly, but the yelling and killing around him were so loud that few people heard it.

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It was Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins-in-law who led their subordinates and shouted: “King Rui led troops into the palace with the intention of rebellion!”

“King Rui led troops into the palace, intending to rebel!”

The voice spread far and wide, not to mention the people in the East Palace, even the people in the palace and people outside the palace heard it.

The imperial army has always been in the emperor’s hands and obeys the emperor’s orders, but this mainly refers to the generals.

Those ordinary soldiers in the imperial army didn’t want to do anything like capturing the crown prince. Now that they heard this, they were even more flustered, their strength was greatly reduced. At this moment, Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins shouted again: “Surrender won’t be killed! Surrender won’t be killed!”

The soldiers in the imperial army surrendered one after another. Those generals still wanted to fight, but many of them had already been killed, and the remaining ones could not beat the frontier soldiers!

Lu Yanzhou felt that this ancient war was very different from what he had imagined — his two cousins-in-law won too quickly!

But that’s not surprising.

The Imperial Army has been staying in the capital all the time, and has never experienced any war. Many of them are even from good backgrounds, so they cherish their lives just like King Rui.

Such a person would naturally be unable to defeat the frontier soldiers on the battlefield.

What’s more, although the number of people brought by his two cousins-in-law to the capital is not too many, there are still 10,000 people.

All the imperial troops who surrendered were captured, and those who resisted were naturally killed!

At this time, Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins-in-law captured King Rui and went toward the room, requesting to see Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze, who was surrounded by groups, walked downstairs.

The Imperial Army has lost, and the entire palace is completely under Lu Yanzhou’s control. What will he face next?

Xie Chengze faced two tanned bearded men.

Although Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins-in-law had hatred for the emperor, their hatred was definitely not as great as Lu Rong.

Not to mention that Lu Yanzhou’s letter to them said that Xie Chengze had a bad relationship with the emperor and that he was bloodletted by the emperor.

The crown prince is also a pitiful person!

When Lu Yanzhou’s two brothers-in-law saw Xie Chengze, they immediately knelt down: “Your highness, I am late!”

“Your highness, I have already arrested the rebels!”

The two explained the situation one by one, and looked at Xie Chengze eagerly, showing their loyalty and explaining the difficulty of their journey.

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Xie Chengze: “…” Although these two are military generals, their acting skills are not inferior to Lu Yanzhou.

Now they look like they really just want to ask him for a reward.

Xie Chengze said: “If it weren’t for the two of you helping me today, I would have been in a lot of trouble. When things are done, I will reward you a lot!”

Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins were extremely excited when they heard the words and immediately kowtowed to thank him.

However, King Rui was furious: “You are crazy, you actually sacrificed your life for him! Xie Chengze has a heart condition, he won’t live long at all! The imperial doctor said he only has one year to live!”

There were many loyal people Xie Chengze around him, because the battle was over, some people rushed over, including Zhou Xueya.

Now that King Rui suddenly said this, it undoubtedly made these people startled.

If Xie Chengze has a heart condition, then they will…

“Emperor father knows that Xie Chengze has a heart condition, that’s why he won’t give the throne to Xie Chengze…” King Rui was beheaded before he finished speaking.

It was Lu Yanzhou who did it, and he killed him with one blow.

King Rui is a prince after all. In this feudal society, most people dare not do anything to him, but Lu Yanzhou has no psychological burden.

Now Xie Chengze and King Rui are in a situation where they can’t stop until one dies. For Xie Chengze’s safety, King Rui must die.

When King Rui’s head fell to the ground…the people who had other thoughts earlier calmed down.

King Rui is dead, no matter whether Xie Chengze has a heart condition or not, Xie Chengze has only one prince today!

So, everyone condemned King Rui’s treason one after another.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze: “Your highness, King Rui conspired against you. You should tell his majesty about this matter.”

King Rui has already been killed, Xie Chengze should go all out and win the throne now.

Xie Chengze understood what he said.

That’s right, it’s much better to let him die because of his heart condition after ascending the throne than to swing a sword at him now.

Lu Yanzhou was willing to let him live to the end is already very good.

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