Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 20

Jiang Zizai noticed that the sword in his hand wasn’t the original one.

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Last year Jiang Zizai relied on his own ability, using three months of profits of the various shops he invested in within Great Jiang to hire people to craft a sword for him.

That was a gift for him. He recalled that at that time he was pretty happy about it.

Now the one he was holding wasn’t that one.

“There’s no need to look. I have already tossed that garbage. This is the Totem God Weapon that my god father gave me!”

A mocking smile appeared on Su Qianyu’s face as he pulled out the sword from its sheath.

Jiang Zizai could see that there was an enlarged totem diagram on the blade. It wasn’t a complete totem but a part of it.

After having such a totem diagram, the sword would become even sharper and firm. There would even be some sword qi which would flow on the sword.

“This baby is indeed better than the one that I gave you.” Jiang Zizai shook his head helplessly.”

Totem God Weapon, the difference in price of that and the sword he bought with three months of his hard work was simply to huge.

However could the brotherhood within be measured in price?

If he really wanted he could have asked his mother for one but at that time he felt that the thought was more important.

The totem diagram on the sword was actually called a totem pattern.

Life Totems were all exquisite, deep and complicated things. It was just a totem but each line, each dot was filled with huge amounts of mysteries.

Ancient ancestors split apart their own Life Totems to use their understanding of their own totem to split it into totem patterns which held special powers.

Till date there were millions of totem patterns.

This totem pattern was really important. For example one can use spiritual sword pens to carve totem patterns on weapons crafted in spiritual mines and they would be able to forge a really strong Totem God Weapon.

Of course the spiritual sword pen itself was a Totem God Weapon. Only something sharp enough would be able to carve a totem pattern.

However not anyone could craft a Totem God Weapon.

There was a bunch of exceptionally hard working people in the world. While being Totem Martial Masters, they also had a new title which was Totem Spirit Master.

Totem Spirit Masters all crafted Totem God Weapons to sell, all of them were extremely rich.

However not anyone could become one. He roughly knew that to grasp the totem patterns, to accurately craft it and carve it, it had something to do with the soul.

There were even Totem Talisman Masters who were able to draw totem patterns using spiritual brushes on talisman paper to form a one time use item with terrifying killing ability.

Of course the talisman papers weren’t cheap too. They were basically formed using paper paste from spiritual mines and spiritual medicine.

The Flying Eagle Sword in Su Qianyu’s hand had a portion of the strength of the Flying Eagle Totem.

After having the Totem God Weapon, his combat strength continued to climb. Even normal Stage Six Martial Life Realm cultivators wouldn’t be his opponent.

This was the basis of his pride.

He exchanged for it by betraying friendship and tossing away Jiang Zizai’s gift.

“Unfortunately there are some things you can’t throw like the Seven Star Step and Thousand Star Sword that I gave you!”

They were all Middle Time Grade battling techniques which Jiang Zizai gave him.

Su Qianyu’s eyes shone, “They are just early stage battling techniques. Once I get to a higher realm they will be too lowly for me.

“I only find it really funny. For you to use the battling techniques that I gave you to fight me?”

“You rich playboy, wasn’t it just a simple matter for you to get these techniques. Didn’t you just want to make use of me to fight for you.” Su Qianyu mocked.

His Flying Eagle Sword had already pointed at Jiang Zizai.

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At this moment he was going all out to enter the battle quickly. His legs used the Seven Star Sword Step, holding the Flying Eagle Sword to slash at Jiang Zizai.

The Heavens at the Beidou Seven Dipper, at this moment the ground seemed like there were seven corresponding dots.

Su Qianyu’s body shifted between these seven dots. Each time he moved he would be able to coordinate with the sword in his hand to attack. 

Thousand Star Sword!

A sword stabbing out and thousands of stars lit up.

That sword shadow was fast like lightning, totally airtight. Standing at Jiang Zizai’s position it was like the entire sky full of stars was pressing down on him.

Moreover he had double the number of Spiritual Orifices of Jiang Zizai!

Marital Life Realm Sixth Stage!

How could he cross such a gap?

Jiang Zizai didn’t have any hope that he could defeat him. He just wanted to go all out and try his best so that it was possible for Lu Dingxing to fight him.

At the very least he had to leave wounds on his body.

“Father said that in this world one will have to make many sacrifices without grumbling and regretting about it.”

“Today I fight for the Purple Qilin Manor, for my brother and also for myself. I have 0 regrets!”

Originally this Qilin Gathering had nothing to do with him.

Su Qianyu wasn’t Jiang Junduo. There was no place to dodge him at all. He didn’t give Jiang Zizai any chance to dodge at all.

Thousand Star Sword slashed over explosively.

Jiang Zizai used the Dragon Travelling Step to face up against the Seven Star Step and it was barely on the same level. However in terms of the sword Su Qianyu totally suppressed him.

Fire Dragon Heavy Fist!

Black flames rose up on his fists, his two arms looked like black dragons.

However it was indeed a mistake to use hands to block a sword.

If one wasn’t careful their hands might fly out.

Hong Hong Hong! 

On a head on confrontation, Jiang Zizai barely resisted Su Qianyu’s attacks with three consecutive fist!

However Su Qianyu just laughed coldly. The Seven Star Step changed. In a blink of an eye he appeared beside Jiang Zizai. The Flying Eagle Sword dotted, stars fell and instantly stabbed several bloody holes on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry you won’t die so quickly. I want you to be filled with despair in front of everyone.”

Su Qianyu’s laughter was really soft and only he could hear it.

Jiang Zizai noticed that it was really too difficult to try to hurt him!

Even if he risked his life he might not be able to achieve it.

It was his fault for asking his parents to give him such a top battling technique.

He was betrayed, all his kindness was being treated as him being selfish, sometimes it really made one annoyed and crazy.

During his battle against Su Qianyu, he was unable to control himself. When the bloody holes on his body got more and more and his body was filled with a stabbing pain, the rage in his chest finally exploded out uncontrollably.

He could hold on for a short time, displaying the methods he used to defeat Jiang Junduo. However if the time gets long the Thousand Star Sword would suppress him.

Su Qianyu smiled and continued to leave wounds on his body but no directly killing him.

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“The gap was simply too big!”

Everyone looked out and couldn’t help but be filled with emotions.

“it is tough for Jiang Zizai to pave the way for Lu Dingxing! At most he would provide some warm up for Su Qianyu.”

“If Su Qianyu decided to Jiang Zizai would be dead already.”

This clash tugged at their heartstrings.

The current Jiang Zizai was fighting while covered in blood. He actually didn’t admit defeat. Such fighting spirit probably shocked everyone.

However to any mother, they would probably feel heart pained to see their kid risk his life like that.

However she thought back to how he didn’t give up, that he was still searching for a chance and still had hope.

Ruohua was in a struggle. She didn’t know whether or not she was going to stop the battle or not.

She knew that Jiang Zizai wouldn’t be willing to lose.

His personality was exactly the same as his brother and father. The only thing was that the other two were more serious normally.

This son loved to full around and have fun.

“Jiang Zizai you were a piece of trash for so many years and now you are being toyed by me. Do you feel lowly?”

“So birth isn’t everything. I might come from a low birth while your reincarnation skills are invincible but in the end aren’t you still kneeling beneath my feet!”

“This shows how fair the Heavens are! I just love such a fair world. The rubbish will be eliminated in the end!”

His sword swiftly exploded out pretty much pinning Jiang Zizai onto the Origin God Pillar!

Thousand Star Sword Technique pierced into Jiang Zizai while he was unable to hurt him at all.

A complete defeat, that was an outcome that couldn’t be changed at all.

“Justice will always defeat evil.”

“Su Qianyu should indeed take revenge on such a shameless person for his sister.”

Hearing those words, he got even more excited. His lips curled up into a smile as he forced Jiang Zizai into a corner.

“Did you hear that. You are destined to be my stepping stone to greatness.”

Su Qianyu’s face was filled with a smile, feeling more and more relaxed.

His arrogant and gleeful smile was carved deeply in the mind of Jiang Zizai.

“One cannot suffer from such humiliation in life. Man cannot have any regrets.”

He felt that his body hid an explosive wild beast. At this moment he couldn’t even control himself.

“If I don’t go crazy how will I turn this around!”

“If I don’t I will only cause my loved ones, my brother to never raise his head ever again.”

“If I don’t stop him this time I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Maybe before this battle he wanted to leave some chance, to survive such that maybe one day he would exceed him.

However Jiang Zizai didn’t want to lose even today!

That was because this was the most important moment.

If he could take this step and break this heart knot then he would be a free bird to soar in the heavens.

He raised his head, he was able to see the worry in the eyes of Ruohua and Ruo Xiaoyue.

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He looked at Lu Dingxing and clenched his fists, his eyes were filled with blood.

“I have to fight, I have to fight for them!”

For them, for Purple Qilin Manor, even for his brother and father.

This was the only chance to hold up Purple Qilin Manor.

As long as he had a future then Purple Qilin Manor and Great Jiang would still have a future.

This future could only appear if he trampled on Su Qianyu now.

His eyes were totally black, his body was covered in a destruction aura. Blood dyed his clothes, his face was ashen white but he aura became really fierce and vengeful.

“What for.” In Su Qianyu’s eyes, his struggle now was totally useless.

In everyone’s eyes that was the case.


No one knew what Jiang Zizai was doing.

He retreated from the battle, then he gathered the Black Dragon True Qi in his body to form the Nine Extreme Dragon to strike towards the fourth Spiritual Orifice the Mingmen Acupoint!

This was him going crazy!

He knew that the true gap between Su Qianyu and him was one Spiritual Orifice.

He knew that the efficiency of the Nine Extreme Dragon Drill Technique was terrifyingly high.

He knew that after a month of nurturing his other three Spiritual Orifices were really stable!

He knew that this was a crazy adventure that he was risking his future for!

However he had no regrets!

Everything was okay if one had no regrets.


While fighting, the Black Dragon True Qi exploded out at the most intense moment and formed a Nine Extreme Dragon, the sharp horn was like that of a sharp sword!

He already couldn’t care about how unstable his true qi would become after that.

That was because he didn’t want to lose!

At least he didn’t want to lose without being able to put up a fight.

That explosive and crazy Nine Extreme Dragon directly struck on the Mingmen Acupoint!


Such a violent and rough tearing, that pain was much more scary than an external wound.

However he bore with it. He gritted his teeth, his entire tongue was covered in a fishy taste.

This provoked him, to cause his fighting spirit to erupt like that of a volcano.

That Nine Extreme Dragon frenziedly rotated. Such a fight would definitely have some effect on his future.

However all these couldn’t stop him to try to open the Mingmen Acupoint in the middle of the battle.

He took the pain, only then will one be able to see even higher highs.

At least at this point his mind felt really smooth and he had no regrets at all.

The Mingmen Acupoint opened under the brutal and violent tearing of the Nine Extreme Dragon.

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At this time no one knew that such a change occurred within his body. People only saw that he couldn’t take it anymore.

Spiritual Orifice opened up but it was useless if he didn’t absorb essence qi.

There wasn’t a Spirit Nurturing God Stone, spirits stones weren’t of any use either.

However at this moment his actions finally shocked everyone.

Only to see him suddenly take something out from his shirt.

It was the Heaven Essence Fruit.

Grade One Spiritual Medicine!

No matter how gentle the effects of the medicine was, it was still ten times more rough and explosive than Heaven and Earth essence qi. When normal people broke through they wouldn’t use such a spiritual medicine.

Unless time was of the essence, for example one needing to fight in a few days.

However Jiang Zizai was consuming it in front of everyone.

When he suddenly swallowed it, Su Qianyu was stunned. Although it was just a that one moment, but he saw it clearly.

He stopped attacking and said in shock, “Does your brain have a problem? You want to kill yourself? What a coward.”

To anyone, Jiang Zizai’s current actions were tantamount to suicide.

Even Ruohua’s face turned ashen white for that moment.

However she saw Jiang Zizai standing stably on the ground. After the weak period his body suddenly had an explosion of strength.


A thick Black Dragon True Qi was being instantiated all around his body.

At his brow, a black God Dragon Totem finally showed itself clearly.

Weng Weng Weng!

Several rings rang out from within his body like there were dragon roars.

No one knew how chaotic it was within. The strength of the Heaven Essence Fruit swept all around, the Nine Extreme Dragon Drill Technique also swiftly suppressed it.

“Dragon Swallowing Absorbing Technique!”

Using the Mingmen Acupoint as the center to focus the explosion-like essence qi from the Heaven Essence Fruit on the acupoint, for the Nine Extreme Dragon Drill Technique to crazily convert it.

Fortunately Su Qianyu stopped. If not Jiang Zizai would be in deep trouble.

However after all the danger, he succeeded!

Even if the Black Dragon True Qi in the fourth Spiritual Orifice was really unstable like it could collapse at any moment.

Even if the insides of his body suffered from huge amounts of injuries, that he needed a period of time to recover and it might even cause repercussions.

However so what!

He had unbelievably managed to enter the Fourth Stage of the Martial Life Realm during the battle.

This was something no one dared to believe, it probably never appeared in history. He actually broke a Spiritual Orifice in the middle of battle and broke into the next stage.

So what if it was unstable?

Nine Extreme Dragon Drill Technique, suppress.

What he wanted was the ability to fight against Su Qianyu.

At least now, him whose body was in an extremely chaotic state, had that ability!   

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