Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 27


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“Does my mother know about this?” Jiang Zizai’s voice was ice cold.

“She is locked up far worse than you so how would she know?” Wang Kun was still laughing. He enjoyed look at Jiang Zizai get all angry but was powerless to do anything.

Without needing to ask, Jiang Zizai knew that these were the conditions set by Jiang Junxie.

Before this when they were interrogated in the Great Jiang King Manor, she came out with a bad look on her face. It was obvious that they had raised such a demand.

Jiang Zizai wasn’t sure what the conditions they gave her sister was.

He only knew that he had to get out!

Although keeping his life was really important.

But he definitely wouldn’t be a cowardly turtle.

“Just stay here nicely and wait for the next good news.” Wang Kun wanted to take revenge for his brother.

The more furious Jiang Zizai got the happier he was.

“Let me out!” Jiang Zizai said in a low tone.

“In your dreams!”

  While Wang Kun was still laughing, Jiang Zizai appeared in front of the gate.

His black lightning covered finger grabbed onto two iron rods of the cell gates.

“Haha, this is Red Heart Iron, you want…”

Before he was able to complete his sentence Jiang Zizai roared out. Following which a terrifying aura exploded out. The black lightning wrapped all around the two iron rods and gave out static noises.

He twisted those two iron rods!

Wang Kun’s eyes were opened white as he looked on in a daze.


He knew that even he might not have such strength to twist the gates!

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The moment he said one sentence, Jiang Zizai had already squeezed out from the bent gates.

Before the God Worshipping Day he was a powerless piece of trash that Wang Kun looked down on secretly.

However today he did such a shocking feet in front of Wang Kun, making his eyes open wide. He was filled with shock.

Jiang Zizai went around him and was about to leave the place.

“Stand still!” Wang Kun blocked in front of him and laughed coldly, “To think you actually want to escape from prison. This is a heavy crime that warrants beheading! You are finished!”

“Move aside!” Jiang Zizai stared at him with his dark and cold black eyes.

“Haha you are dead!” Wang Kun was really delighted. Now Jiang Junxie and the others had an excuse. As the guard that was in charge he played a huge part in all this.

He still blocked in front of Jiang Zizai.

He knew that Jiang Zizai would attack but he wasn’t afraid. After all when Jiang Zizai defeated Su Qianyu he personally witnessed and felt that his strength was weaker.

Although he didn’t have a Totem God Weapon but he was a stage higher than Su Qianyu.

“Look at how I am going to take you down!”

He also attacked when Jiang Zizai suddenly attacked.

Tongbei Fist!

Wang Kun punched out, the air exploding.

The current him was like a majestic lion. As expected his totem should be a type of lion.

“It is just too easy for me to take care of a weak chicken like you!”

At this point he was laughing.

He didn’t expect that Jiang Zizai would suddenly disappear from his sights.

“Your movements are too slow!”

His Dragon Travelling Step could be used to the pinnacle within such a narrow and small space.

Half a month had passed, allowing him to come up with new ways to use this skill.

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That Wang Kun had no way to hit him head on with a fist.

However Jiang Zizai was able to land numerous blood holes on his body with the Lightning Finger.

“You are asking for death!” Wang Kun was furious, pulling out a saber from the corner.

Frenzied Wind Thirteen Slash!

A frenzied and chaotic battling technique saber skill, it nearly slashed Jiang Zizai’s arms several times.

Their battle caused a lot of commotion. Many guards surrounded to watch but they didn’t dare to go up. After all Wang Kun was their commander and their strength was much weaker than his.

However someone had already reported it.

Within the Frenzied Wind Thirteen Slashes, through the saber tip, he could see the arrogant face of his opponent.

Jiang Zizai recalled each and every sentence he said during these few days.

“I told you that you would pay the price for your mouth.”

“F*** your mother!” Wang Kun cursed out and continued to hack and slash.


The saber slashed onto the wall, deep into it such that he was unable to pull it out.


In the next instance, Jiang Zizai’s Fire Dragon Heavy Fist had struck his chest and gave out a low thud.

Wang Kun groaned, his eyes opened wide and his hand released the saber.

His eyes were opened wide, staring right at Jiang Zizai in disbelief.

Life and death often happened in an instance during a battle.

“In your next life when you are happy think about whether or not you left yourself a little way out.”

Jiang Zizai pushed his corpse onto the ground and adjusted his clothes.

The explosion of that fist shattered his organs, causing him to die right away.

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Jiang Zizai had no idea why he had no control over his killing intent.

“This person was simply a bully and pushed me too far. Or was it the Black Dragon Totem that was influencing me?”

That question had no answer.

However he couldn’t deny that when he looked at the corpse on the ground whose eyes were still opened wide, unable to die peacefully, his heart felt great.

The world, cultivation was such a place.

This was a dog eat dog world where the strongest survive.

“Someone is killed!” Those guards looked on at the black hair and black eyed teen. Although his body wasn’t muscular but he looked like an ancient beast walking towards them. Their expressions changed as they retreated in panic.

“Jiang Zizai killed!”

“Wang Kun is dead!”

The news caused the entire Xiongsha Prison to shake.

No one dared to stop him. In just a while he was at the gate of the prison.

Actually the guards also belonged to Great Jiang King Manor so some of them didn’t want to go against him so no one stopped him.

Moreover since Wang Kun was dead, the others didn’t want to interfere and step into these murky waters.

He hadn’t seen daylight in such a long time. Standing at the gate of Xiongsha Prison, he felt that the sunlight was a little bright.

He was like a black storm, everyone wanted to avoid him.

He only wanted to return to Great Jiang King Manor to ask Jiang Yunning what was the situation.

He definitely wouldn’t let that happen.

They must have threatened her.

No matter how good Jiang Junxie was he could forget about being worthy of her. It was just a dream of his.

In the past Yanlong Emperor asked her if he liked any prince so he could match them but even then she rejected. He also wanted her to find a guy she liked.

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When was it this Jiang Junxie’s turn!

Just as he walked out of the prison, he didn’t expect that there were a bunch of people who had rushed over.

The one at the head was West Guarding Top General Nangong Que!

Behind him was Jiang Junxie, Nangong Fengchen as well as many Golden Roc Army troops.

Apart from which was Jiang Shang, Jiang Liu, Jiang Ling etc members from those three manors. Jiang Junduo was also there but someone like him whose Shenque Acupoint was wasted had no rights to speak.

They rushed over in the middle of the day, it was obvious that they heard the news.

Maybe they were waiting for him to rebel.

It was obvious that his actions weren’t correct. But there were somethings in the world that couldn’t be bore. Even if it was like flies heading towards fire he had to challenge.

If not what was the point of even living!

At this point, their expressions were all really dark and cold.

Nangong Que stared at Jiang Zizai.

“Top General, Jiang, Jiang Zizai killed Wang Kun!” Some prison guards headed over to report.

“What, isn’t Wang Kun Martial Life Realm Stage…”

Jiang Junxie exclaimed. He was the one who arranged for Wang Kun as he knew that he was Sevnth Stage Martial Life Realm and could suppress Jiang Zizai.

Moreover he hated Jiang Zizai.

Without a doubt, Jiang Zizai who had defeated a Stage Six Martial Life Realm cultivator half a month ago had defeated someone of the Seventh Stage now.

He had just gotten his totem a few months ago during the God Worshipping Day.

At that time he knew that he was definitely a talented seed and might become the next Jiang Junjian.

Now he was even more clear that he was definitely the next Jiang Junjian!

He was definitely a threat.

Nangong Que instantly thought it through, that this was a great opportunity. He looked coldly at Jiang Zizai and asked, “You do know that breaking out of prison in Yanlong Emperor Dynasty is a death offence. After you are caught you are to be beheaded on the spot!”    

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