Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 32


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Late at night.

Today an esteemed guest visited the Fire Qilin Manor.

West Guarding Top General Nangong Que and Manor Head Jiang Shang were drinking and chatting happily.

Nangong Que had two beauties sitting on his legs, their clothing was messy and were smiling and laughing happily. They were feeding him wine.

Jiang Shang smiled and asked, “Sir Nangong, these two are twins, if you are interested you can bring them back tonight.”

Nangong Que was overwhelmed by alcohol, his actions were rough as he stared at the two of them. He then waved his hand, “Forget it, I saw that little fox from God Worshipping Hall today, everyone else in the world looks normal.”

Jiang Shang gave out an awkward smile.

“I heard that many princes and aristocratic family disciples want to see him but she locked them outside of the door. Where did this person come from.” As they were going to talk about proper matters, Jiang Shang told the ladies to leave.

Nangong Que shook his head and said, “I don’t know where she came from but she hid really deeply. However if not for the Xingyao God Minister behind her I wouldn’t show her so much respect.”

Just nice at this moment there were informants who reported, saying a few words privately with Nangong Que. His face seemed to be filled with surprise.

Jiang Shang asked, “Sir Nangong was there any joyous matter?”

Nangong Que told the remaining people to leave, leaving only them, Jiang Junxie and Nangong Fengchen.

Nangong Que laughed, “My men were busy for a full night and finally found out why Xiao Youshan came over to Great Jiang City.”

“What for?”

Nangong Que looked at Jiang Shang. Now that Jiang Shang is the person who had a request for him, he wasn’t worried about Jiang Shang knowing, “This matter has something to do with a place near Great Jiang City, a place known as Black Soul Abyss.”
“Black Soul Abyss?” Jiang Shang thought about it and said, “Junxie had been to that place in the past, he often heads to Black Collar Mountain to train. That place is a problematic land, after one enters it is hard to get out.”

Jiang Junxie nodded his head, “One time I heard a farmer say that that place is called Black Soul Abyss, he told me not to get close. I probably will be able to find that place still now.”

Nangong Que stared at Jiang Shang, his tone was filled which shock, “A while ago I heard that a few hunters entered by accident and saw some weird things within.”


Nangong Que said, “I am not sure about that, but we have people within God Worshipping Hall. Seems like based on what they described, they predicted that an ancient god had gifted a top Evolution Source! To be able to make them two head over to take a look it shouldn’t be just a Grade One one.”

Any Evolution Source would have five grades.

Grade One would let Totem Martial Master’s totem raise by a grade.

Of course one must have a suitable totem.

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“Evolution Source!” When he heard those three words Jiang Shang couldn’t help but stand up.

As a Totem Martial Master, everyone knew how important an Evolution Source was.

A Life Totem basically decided sixty percent of one’s progress!

True qi quality, totem instantiation, talent, comprehension, all of this was related to the Life Totem.

The level of the Life Totem pretty much decided one’s talents and skills.

Evolution Source was the only thing in Heaven and Earth which could change and improve one’s Life Totem!

Many people were able to change their lives relying on an Evolution Source.

When Jiang Yunting first awakened his totem, it was Xuan Grade. In the end it was able to become one of the eight super totems and become the Nine Tribulation Heaven Qilin Totem due to an Evolution Source.

Of course, the Fire Emperor Saint Dragon Totem of Yanlong Emperor was also evolved using an Evolution Source.

Out of all the treasures in the world, the most important one wasn’t spiritual medicine or spiritual mines but Evolution Sources.

People saw it the same as Life Totems, gifts from the ancient god.

So which was why Jiang Shang would be so emotional when he heard the two words.

However he quickly calmed down. He knew that the reason why Nangong Que told him that was because he needed his help.

He also needed Nangong Que to help him to become the Qilin King.

Even if the Evolution Source was right in front of him he wouldn’t dare to greed for it.

He swiftly said, “Sir Nangong, since you received news and that the item doesn’t belong to God Worshipping Hall, everyone can fight for it. I feel that you should make a trip there too, I will help you to the best of my ability.”

Nangong Que smiled as he looked over, “Manor Head, you aren’t tempted at all?”

Jiang Shang broke out into a laugh and said, “Sir Nangong you have to be joking. You helped me so much and am also my son’s Master. I was worrying about how to thank you, how would I be tempted?”

Nangong Que knew that he didn’t dare to fight with him for it.

He did need Jiang Shang’s help. After all he was an outsider and wasn’t familiar to the place. It was really tough to find the Black Soul Abyss on his own.

He took in a deep breath and said, “Since that is the case then prepare. We will leave in two hours. We will be able to complete this in a little over half a month.”

Jiang Junxie asked, “Master what about the matter over here in Great Jiang City?”

Nangong Que said, “It isn’t affected, it is fine.”

He was only curious what grade the Evolution Source that could make those two people head over personally was.

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Nangong Fengchen thought about it and asked. “Since Junxie is going then I will too right?”
After all they needed Jiang Junxie to lead the way so there was no point for him staying here.

“Only the four of us, no one will leak anything.” Nangong Que said coldly.

“Okay, I will prepare.” Jiang Shang nodded his head.

“Who knew that the Black Collar Mountain Range actually had news regarding Evolution Sources. It is so close, even God Worshipping Hall got news and we don’t even know about it…”

Jiang Shang felt slightly depressed.

If not for Nangong Que being here he might have had some chance.

“If we can find an Evolution Source that lets my totem evolve and break through the Heaven Realm and enter the Desolate Grade Totem, my life will also change…”

Jiang Shang also desired it too.

Jiang Zizai definitely didn’t know that another batch of people within the city actually scouted news due to Jiu Xian’s arrival and left for the place ahead of them.

When Lu Dingxing heard that it was those two huge characters he was really nervous.

Jiang Zizai had already made arrangements to not let Jiang Yunning and Ruo Xiaoyue get out of the home.

Jiang Yunning spent a portion of time at Yanlong Xu and knew about their identities. There was some hope since Jiang Zizai was able to do something for them.

“Boss why haven’t they came?”

“Boss are they really willing to help us?”

The two of them hid in the forest in the east of the city, Lu Dingxing asked many questions.

They exited from the east gate and walked north. This was the direction towards the abyss.

Suddenly a cold breeze blew over, in it was that familiar fragrance spreading out.

He turned around and two people were already standing behind them.

That Old Xiao was in black, he was totally expressionless.

As for Jiu Xian she was still in a long dress, extremely beautiful. However she actually had a white veil on, a thin white one which slightly covered her looks.

Fortunately spending time like that would give lesser pressure. If not for him to have such an alluring person beside all the time, only someone experienced like Xiao Youshan wouldn’t be tempted.

“Let’s go, lead the way.” Jiu Xian’s soft voice was so sweet it directly struck the heart.

“Okay!” What was weird was that Lu Dingxing was actually not charmed, directly leading the way in a fully focused manner.

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“Oi, don’t you think that she looks so good?” Both of them were at the front and Jiang Zizai sneakily said.

“Aiya, those that look good don’t they all look the same. I can’t tell.” Lu Dingxing’s eyes opened wide as he said.


Jiang Zizai was filled with questions. Why did he have such an intense feeling. Did Jiu Xian use some tricks to tempt him.

Or was Lu Dingxing such a pure male brute unable to admire beauty…

When they met the first two times, Jiu Xian spoke a lot, however this time she was fully focused in walking. They followed at the back, not speaking, making Jiang Zizai feel a little disappointed.

He thought that travelling with a beauty they would have jokes and laughter and they might even get a little closer.

To save time, Jiang Zizai used his fastest speed to proceed forwards in this mountain that was covered in green.

The scenery was amazing, totally unlike that from within the city.

Everywhere were trees and plants, leaves piled under one’s feet, there were also large amounts of roots which poked out from the ground.

South Country was a little humid, the mist here was really heavy. This kid of wet and hot feeling made one feel exceptionally annoyed.
Occasionally when he turned around and saw her hot body, the heat in his heart became more intense.

Only Lu Dingxing this dumb piece of wood could rush without even glancing at her.

One entire day, they actually walked a long distance out.

At night, the sun set in the west, Heaven and Earth started to turn dark. There were many dark shadows within the forest.

An entire day of rushing made Jiang Zizai a little tired. However since the two behind them didn’t say anything they could only bite the bullet and walk on.


Suddenly Jiu Xian called out.

Jiang Zizai and Lu Dingxing immediately halted in their tracks, standing still on the spot.

“Don’t move!”

Jiu Xian swiftly moved in front of them and looked around warily.

The surroundings suddenly became unusually quiet.

There was a special smell in the air, it was a little fierce and smelled like blood. A sense of danger that made one’s hair go numb was getting close.


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Suddenly a bush at the side whistled and a giant black shadow instantly chased out.

A low roar shook the ear drums.

“Source beast!” Jiang Zizai instantly understood.

Source beasts existed in the Black Collar Mountain Range. They were currently in the wilderness and not the village. It was already night, when the source beasts came out to feed.

His goosebumps rose up.

In that blink of an eye, a light flashed across Jiang Zizai’s eyes. Jiang Zizai could roughly see a yellow piece of paper stick onto the black shadow.
“Ah Oo!”

The black shadow suddenly fell to the ground, totally still. In a blink of an eye it stopped breathing.

It should be dead.

On close look, what was pasted on the black shadow was a talisman. At this moment it disappeared in the air.

Looking at the black shadow once more, it was actually a black hunting leopard. The difference with normal ones was that it had a special pattern on it which was blood red, making it look really evil and cold.

Jiang Zizai knew that this was the totem pattern of source beasts, where they got their strength from.

Regarding the connection between men and source beasts, the books and history had a blur recording.

It was said that long ago the world belonged to source beasts. Mortals found it hard to live until the gods gave them totems which was how they started to expand.

But source beasts also had totem patterns. Only theirs weren’t complete looking like they were copied from Life Totems.

Totem Martial Masters learnt totem patterns from their own Life Totems and directly from source beasts to carve on weapons to achieve a great effect.

How were source beasts born?

That seemed like a puzzle too.

Anyways Jiang Zizai only knew that the source beasts in the world were cruel and fierce. They had no intelligence and attacked every human.

The hundred thousand deaths at Huangtian Pass was caused by them.

“It is actually a Shadow Leopard, a Grade Three source beast. One has to be Xuan Meridian Realm to handle it.” Xiao Youshan walked over, one could hear that he was a little delighted.

“Let’s rest here. I will carve this totem pattern to see if I can create a new talisman.” Xiao Youshan instructed.


Thinking about it, the world had a type of relatively rich people.

They were called Totem Talisman Masters.

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