Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 34


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Jiang Zizai originally thought that there wouldn’t be such a close contact after that night.

Who knew that every night after once Lu Dingxing started cultivating and Xiao Youshan started to study his talismans, that beauty Jiu Xian would pull him to a secluded area and start that dream-like meditation.

During the first few nights, Jiang Zizai immersed in her beauty. Each moment his body felt really hot.

The more he was like that the more Jiu Xian teased him. For example her collar was placed lower and lower each day. That snow white skin was so beautiful it made him hold his breath.

However what he felt even deeper was his own terrifyingly efficient but stable improvement. Each night could be compared to numerous days of cultivation in the past.

This trip not only didn’t delay his cultivation, it instead greatly increased its efficiency.

After a few days his Guanyuan Acupoint’s Black Dragon True Qi was already majestic and stable, pretty much on the same level as his other acupoints.

This made him deeply understand that she wasn’t teasing him but actually helping him to cultivate and grow.

Of course she seemed to be delighted with the entire process, or maybe even she benefited from it too.

Of course all these were just his own conjectures.

As for what the reason was, Jiang Zizai wasn’t sure.

Maybe the two of them were special and had a connection. Especially Jiu Xian’s Little Fox Totem.

Jiang Zizai asked her once about what grade her totem was. She actually told him that it was about to be on the same level as his father and asked if he believed her.

He obviously didn’t. That was one of the eight super totems and there weren’t a fox among them.

In the list of totems, foxes weren’t considered strong totems.

No matter what Jiang Zizai still respected her a lot.

Although she was mysterious and weird but maybe this was the true her .

There were one or two times when Jiang Zizai opened his eyes wide and saw her in a daze for a long time under the moonlight. Her eyes were a little lost, who knows what she was thinking about.

“Boss I have something to say but I don’t know if I should.”

They were rushing in the day. Seeing the two people at the back were a distance away he sneakily said.

“Just speak, don’t hide it in your mouth.” Jiang Zizai’s mood these few days was great and he recovered back to his usual self.

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“I think that this woman is really weird. What are you two doing every night, she won’t be harming you right.” Lu Dingxing asked curiously.

“Don’t think so much, she is just guiding my cultivation, haha…” Jiang Zizai laughed awkwardly. He thought that Lu Dingxing didn’t know.

“Is that so? My mother told me some weird stories. The evil within always look so good and will suck the Yang Energy of the male. I am afraid you will be sucked dry.” Lu Dingxing said nervously.

“F*** you!”

Jiang Zizai didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. To think he even believed such stuff.

“Oi, Big Head in front, if you continue to badmouth me do you believe I will pull out your tongue.” She suddenly spoke up from behind them, using a sinister tone.

Lu Dingxing was frightened and said, “No, nothing, he said that you are pretty!”

He didn’t expect that they were so far away but her ears were still so sharp.

However Jiu Xian was just scaring him.

The group of them continued to rush. Lu Dingxing often went back to worship his ancestors. His memory was relatively good and basically took the shortest route.

“How long more will it take?”

“There should be around three days.”

Time past really quickly and in a blink ten days had passed. During these ten days Jiang Zizai’s improvement speed was much faster than when he was within the Spirit Nurturing God Stone.

Apart from the Nine Extreme Dragon Drill, he would spend two hours on the Void Universe Soul Training Technique. The difficult situation now let him understand that only be persisting can one succeed.

He had no rights to be lazy anymore.

To say the truth the effects of two hours of training was more efficient than ten. After ending it he was filled with energy and totally refreshed.

Only when he saw how energized he was did Lu Dingxing relax. He didn’t look like his Yang Energy was sucked.

On that night Jiu Xian pulled him to a secluded area.

“Tonight do you want to do something special and interesting?”

Under the moonlight, the hazy forest, while Jiu Xian spoke that tender little tongue slid around between her lips. Her teasing gaze was filled with such charm.

“Let’s not. I am still young, moreover I haven’t met your parents…”

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Jiang Zizai was a little playful now and he wasn’t the one who was bullied one sidedly.

“Oh, you still dare to tease me.” Jiu Xian knocked his head and said, “Sit down. Today I will guard you as you breakthrough to Sixth Stage. You should be strong enough.”

“Really? Thank you Sister Jiu Xian.”

Actually Jiang Zizai knew that his crazy improvement these ten days was enough. However he felt that this place wasn’t safe and didn’t know if he should try to break through.

With her words then it was enough.

He sat beneath the tree. Jiu Xian was still in front of him. Each night they sat opposite one another like that.

“Calm your heart, gather your focus to search for your Sixth Spiritual Orifice.”

Jiang Zizai had been through this process several times.

Black Dragon Totem will help him find his sixth Spiritual Orifice.

Now the sixth in his body could roughly already form the structure of the Black Dragon Totem.

This sixth one would make it more perfect.

Jiu Xian reaches out her finger and traced around his body. From Shenting Acupoint down to Shenque Acupoint, and lastly Guanyuan Acupoint.

Then she continued to go down. At that position her finger already touched Jing Zizai’s little brother.

“It is here right?” Finally her finger placed onto his Qichong Acupoint.

At this time his Black Dragon Totem followed the true qi flow and just nice helped him find the place.

“How did you know?” Jiang Zizai was shocked.

Jiu Xian smiled, “Sister is really skilled.”

In Jiang Zizai’s eyes she became even more mysterious.

“Can you take your finger away. I can break through like this.”

Such a beautiful lady pressing down on that position. Not to mention cultivating, even breathing was difficult.

“You are taking advantage and you still trying to stop me. So many people beg me to touch theirs.” Jiu Xian rolled her eyes and her finger moved, finally placing it on his brow, on that Black Dragon Totem.

In that instance, that thick and strong feeling came over once more.

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Jiang Zizai knew that this was his best chance to break through.

He held his breath and then adjusted his breathing, forgetting about the beauty, forgetting about Heaven and Earth, forgetting about himself. He focused everything on the five Black Dragon True Qi turned Nine Extreme Dragon.


With Jiu Xian helping him with such a weird method, the Black Drsgon True Qi was really fierce and ferocious, time after time crazily smashing into his Qichong Acupoint.

From outside he was already covered in white mist, within it, Jiu Xian was fully focused on the teen.

“This fellow can really take hardship.”

“That’s true. Family falling, any male with responsibility would stand up.”

He saw his will, his responsibility, his ability to take pain. Actually during the few days they came out, he had never relaxed.

Under the persistent charging, along with the terrifying effectiveness of the drill, Jiang Zizai was able to complete what others needed a long time to do.

After all the strength and stability of the Guanyuan Acupoint provided huge stability for him.

Along with Jiu Xian’s help, when Jiang Zizai broke the Spiritual Orifice and badly needed essence qi, the Dragon Swallowing Absorbing Technique activated. Huge amounts of essence qi swept over.

The thick white mist started to gather beside him, more and more. A large portion entered Jiu Xian’s body.

She was also cultivating.

However even a small portion was enough for Jiang Zizai.

He didn’t know why when both of them were together cultivation would be so efficient.

Jiu Xian reminded him each time that it was their little secret and for him not to spread it out.

After all Jiang Zizai agreed so he decided to keep it a secret. Of course he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Jiu Xian said that now wasn’t the time and when the time comes she would naturally tell him.

On that night, Jiang Zizai successfully broke through to the Sixth Stage, Reaching where Su Qianyu hit.

His combat strength rose up once more.

“Your True Qi is comparable to a Heaven Grade Totem. Your Black Dragon Totem should be Heaven Grade.”

After understanding Jiang Zizai, Jiu Xian gave her analysis.

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Jiang Zizai also noticed that the strength and dominance of his true qi was something that Earth Grade Totem Jiang Junxie couldn’t compare to.

This was also the reason why he was able to defeat Wang Kun when he was at the Fifth Stage. After all their totems were three grades different.

Although normal Black Dragon Totems were Xuan Grade but his wasn’t. After all it still had a black flower petal.

The current him became stronger and more powerful. Seeing such a charming Jiu Xian get so close, his vital energy boiled and he was tempted to try.

“What do you want to do?” Seeing Jiang Zizai look at her so intensely, her lip curled, looking at him with blurry eyes.

“Why not we play scissors paper stone to celebrate?”

Jiang Zizai was shocked back to his senses, he can’t offend her. When she disturbed people that was truly terrifying.

“You deserve to be whacked. Quick go stabilise your realm.” Jiu Xian reached out her smooth arm, her finger smacking onto his head before she stood up and left.

“Where are you going?” They stayed together every night so Jiang Zizai was a little reluctant when she saw that she was suddenly about to leave.

“Relieve myself, do you want to follow?” Jiu Xian turned around her head.

Even when she said such crude words she still seemed so cute.

Jiang Zizai could only laugh. How would he dare to follow.

After Jiu Xian left, who knew that Lu Dingxing would laugh out loud and come over.

“Did you step on dog shit, why are you so happy.”

“Boss I broke through, Martial Life Realm Sixth Stage, I finally tossed you aside, haha!” Lu Dingxing clenched his fists to show his fierce strength.

“Haha, how strong.” Jiang Zizai laughed.

“It seems like you should be envious and hate me.” Lu Dingxing laughed.

“Is that so? However just now I also broke through.”

“What… F***? Are you even human!” Lu Dingxing was stunned.

“Forget it, I won’t compare to your family. You are all monsters.”

Jiang Zizai joked and laughed around with him until late at night.

Since Jiu Xian had not returned, he continued to study the Void Universe Soul Training Technique.

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