Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 6


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Even Metal Qilin Manor Jiang Liu had nothing to say about Wang Fu’s death.

The words he said could be classified as a heavy sin. If not for Purple Qilin King getting in trouble, even Jiang Liu would have been implicated by him saying such random words out in public.

However it was apparent that it was tough for them to swallow this. Only thing was that they didn’t have a reason to act up.

At least the dark and sinister looks on the faces of Jiang Shang and Jiang Liu let Jiang Zizai know that one day they would get them back for this.

The grand God Worshipping Day ended with parties leaving unhappily.

Jiang Zizai obtained a Life Totem. Queen Ruohau was extremely happy and was thus also lazy to argue with them about it.

She announced the end of the ceremony and led Jiang Zizai and the other people back to the Great Jiang King Manor.  

Great Jiang King Manor mainly had the Purple Qilin Race staying within. It wasn’t really packed and with the Purple Qilin King falling, it gave a feeling like the sun is about to set. The manor appeared exceptionally cold and empty.

Within the courtyard.

After hearing Jiang Zizai describe it, Ruohua was slightly nervous as she asked, “Are you sure that it is a black dragon and not a black snake?”

He had no reason to hide this point away from his own mother.

As for the other weird scenes that he saw in the dream and at the altar, he himself didn’t even understand it so he chose not to talk about it first. 

“This is really weird how did a dragon appear? This is the totem of the Yanlong Emperor Race. However there has never been a black dragon.”Ruohua didn’t understand at all.

However she instructed, “This is a problematic period. Since people think that it is a black snake then treat it as such.”

“Don’t worry mother. The Black Dragon Totem will definitely make people curious and it would definitely attract a lot of problems.”

Jiang Zizai’s mood was much better now.

He saw new found hope in his life!

Now he was really eager and wanted to analyse and study his own Life Totem.

Ruohua said, “I will go read the Totem Saint Book to see if I can gain anything. Your Life Totem is different from your father so the Qilin King Race’s Totem Setting Technique can’t be used. I will search for other suitable ones. First nurture the True Qi seed at your Shenting Acupoint.”

Jiang Zizai had gotten ready all these top cultivation methods when he was nine but they were of no use now.

The Life Totem was the foundations and also the starting point.

After opening up the Shenting Acupoint, if one wanted to improve one needed cultivation techniques.

Among which, each realm had different cultivation methods.

The Martial Life Realm’s cultivation method was the Nine Point Setting Totem so it needed a specific Totem Setting Technique.

The human body had a total of 409 acupoints. Due to each person having different totems, apart from the Shenting Acupoint the others were all different.

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As for which acupoint to open up, it was up to the totem to lead one to do so.

Which was why the nine acupoints opened up in the end would form the outline of the totem. This was the Nine Point Setting Totem.

Each person cultivated different techniques and thus the quality of their martial path true qi would also be different.       

Due to the difference in quality of the totem, the strength of one’s true qi will also be different.

Someone who awakened the Xuan Grade Life Totem be it true qi quality, strength or cultivation speed would far exceed someone with a Huang Grade Totem.

The second realm of the martial path was known as the Xuan Meridian Realm.

The Xuan Meridian Realm at the Xuan Meridian Opening Technique.

The third realm of the martial path was known as the Saint Body Realm

Saint Body Realm had a Saint Body Training Technique.

Cultivation techniques and the life totem were similar, due to the difference in quality, they were also split into Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Huang grades.

However it was said that there were cultivation methods that exceeded these four grades.

Of course the Totem Setting Technique was comparatively simpler. It was said that the highest grade was just a Heaven Grade one.

The Life Totem and Cultivation Techniques were both split into Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Huang.

As Ruohua didn’t have a suitable Black Dragon Totem’s Totem Setting Technique, so Jiang Zizai couldn’t really step into the Martial Life Realm and could only temporarily nurture his True Qi Seed.

“Your starting point is a little late and your totem seems really weak. Go to the Spirit Nurturing God Stone to strengthen it. Once I find a suitable technique then I will let you cultivate.”

Ruohua had thought everything through for her son.

“Spirit Nurturing God Stone? I don’t have the right to go there right?”

Jiang Zizai knew about the rules that his father set up. Only people with great talent or teens who had outstanding contributions to the family could cultivate within the Spirit Nurturing God Stone.

For example his brother Jiang Junjian who obtained the rights many times to cultivate there.    

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. Don’t bother about those rules, I just want you to smoothly enter the Martial Path.”

Ruohua had a gentle gaze as she looked at her son.

Today she was already really pleased. She didn’t hope for her son to be strong in the future, it was enough if he could protect his own identity.

So he needed to cultivate the Totem Setting Technique soon.

That Spirit Nurturing God Stone was a treasure that Jiang Yunting had found.

Since his mother allowed him then of course he didn’t show more courtesy.

As for Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue they could only be envious. Jiang Zizai was her son.

“It is not far from the Qilin Gathering. The two of you cannot relax. They didn’t find a chance this time so they won’t hold back during the Qilin Gathering. When that time comes I can only rely on you two and Qianyu.” Ruohua instructed.

As Jiang Zizai obtained the Life Totem, the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Even Ruohua smiled.

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“Great, let’s work hard together.”

Although the Qilin Gathering was not of much concern to him, he had just started off and without a few years he can forget about catching up to Lu Dingxing and Jiang Junduo.    

But maybe the Black Dragon in his dream filled him with confidence.

The Dragon Totem, at least in the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty reigned above the Qilin as well as all other totems.

Although it was an unprecedented Black Dragon Totem but it filled him with curiosity about his totem.

Jiang Zizai was totally eager, letting Ruohua send him over to the god stone right away.

An hour later he was already within the Spirit Nurturing God Stone.

That Spirit Nurturing God Stone was a giant piece of white stone which was the size of a building.

It had a hole dug out on its surface. Going in there was a close to ten feet space.

Within this space, the Heaven and Earth essence qi was at least ten times thicker than the outside.

This was caused by this Spirit Nurturing God Stone.

It was said that this stone was buried deep in the ground and was nourished by the essence qi meridians for thousands of years, forming a sort of spiritual vein.

Moreover the one in the Great Jiang King Manor was a relatively high grade one.

The spiritual veins of the world were split into 12 Grades. Normally a Grade Five to Six one was something that Jiang Liu and Jiang Shang craved.

Jiang Zizai didn’t ask much about what the quality of this Spirit Nurturing God Stone was.

However to be able to provide ten times the essence qi, the effects on the cultivator was extremely huge. Its grade was definitely not low.

After all this was considered one of the most precious treasures of the Purple Qilin Manor.

To Totem Martial Masters, Heaven and Earth essence qi was used to strengthen one’s foundations. Its importance was no lower than that of the Life Totem.

If there was no essence qi around, there wouldn’t be Totem Martial Masters and there might not even be any life.

Jiang Zizai sat within this Spirit Nurturing God Stone, feeling extremely refreshed and energised.

There was a white mist around him like he was in a suana. Each one of his pores was being nourished, so comfortable he wanted to moan out.

“This feels great!”

Today he had obtained his Life Totem and his mother even killed that Wang Fu, venting her frustration.

His personality was one that couldn’t be bounded by anything, however the past two days made him extremely depressed.

What he faced during the two days also gave him a feeling of rebirth. In terms of his energy, his will, he was already different.    

“Father, Black Dragon, flower petal, Origin God Pillar! What mysteries are there? How are they connected?”

He was extremely eager, he wanted to see his totem. He wanted to personally look at what his Life Totem was like.

When the Life Totem appeared it was at his brow.

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On normal circumstances it existed in the Life Ocean.

Where was the Life Ocean?

No one knew. Even if one was killed and taken apart one still wouldn’t be able to find the Life Ocean.

When a person died the totem dissipates.

However if one calms down and meditated to look at the totem, as time goes on one’s mind would be able to enter the Life Ocean.

It was like having a dream, seeing one’s totem in a ocean like space.

This Totem Viewing Technique was the same for everyone and wasn’t really complicated.

As for when could one enter the Life Ocean, that would depend on the closeness between one and his Life Totem.  

Of course Jiang Zizai wanted to see how his mysterious totem looked like.

He calmed down within the Spirit Nurturing God Stone, chanting out that Totem Viewing Technique.

Although this was his first time but he didn’t think that it would actually be so easy.

The entire process was like entering sleep and having a dream. Unknowingly he entered an empty space.

“This is…”

Jiang Zizai noticed that he was in a shattered space. Pieces of continents and oceans laid out in front of him. It was actually what he had seen in the Origin God Pillar.    

Since it wasn’t his first time here he was slightly calmer than before.

This time he turned around his head and saw a pitch black dragon coiled up at the end of the stars.

It was chewing on a black flower petal, looking at him with a weird smile.


This smile once again caused his mind to shake.

He didn’t expect that he could see it again.

Due to the huge shaking, his mind turned blank. His body struggled like he was in an ocean, having a terrifying feeling of drowning.

The god dragon, flower petal started to twist and break.


Suddenly there was a stabbing pain in his mind. For some reason he had one more piece of memory.

This memory seemed like something he knew about originally. Like he had just suddenly thought about it, becoming clear all of a sudden.

It seemed like it was in his mind, unable to forget a single word.


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He had a feeling of waking up from a nightmare. When he woke up his body was covered in cold sweat.

Opening his eyes, the area in from of him was white and clear. He was still within the Spirit Nurturing God Stone.

“That is my Life Ocean?”

That broken starry space made it tough for Jiang Zizai to calm down.    

He didn’t know what connection he had with the black dragon.

If that was his Life Ocean then the black dragon and also the black flower petal was probably the appearance of the Black Dragon Totem.

His totem was actually such a horrifying dragon, how could it be unclassified!

“Did father bring it for me?”

He couldn’t help but think about the box that his father opened in front of him on that night.

However wasn’t that a dream…   

“Could this Black Dragon be the Death God Dragon Totem out of the eight super totems? I heard that a long time ago it had once appeared. However it wasn’t black but grey.”

“Or maybe I have a possibility to evolve it into that?”

Legend had it that the totem made one terrified. Even the current Flame Emperor Saint Dragon Totem would fear it.

After he thought about a bunch of nonsense for a period of time, he finally recalled the new memories in his mind. On rough look it seemed like a cultivation method…

He turned his focus to this period of memories to study closely. Instantly a joyous look appeared on his face.

“The heavens really don’t give up on anymore. The Heavens definitely care about handsome people like me!”

The six years of depression from before was all swept clean.

That was because this extra memory was actually a Tattoo Fixing Technique!

More accurately speaking it was a full set of cultivation methods known as the Primeval Saint Dragon Scripture.

It included the Totem Setting Technique, Xuan Meridian Opening Technique and Saint Body Training Technique.

Among which the Totem Setting Technique was complete. It was called the Nine Dragon Drilling Technique, using god dragons as drills to drill open the nine spiritual orifices.

He had a blur memory of the other two but that didn’t mean he couldn’t recall them in the future.

His intuitions told him that the Primeval Saint Dragon Scripture might be given to him by that Black Dragon Totem.

He obtained this memory when he was viewing the totem.

Everything became more mysterious.

Jiang Zizai’s head hurt the more he thought about it.

“Let’s not care about so much. Who mocked me these two days, someday I will personally pull down their pants!”

Especially those who gave his mother pressure on the Origin God Pillar.

Within the Spirit Nurturing God Stone, he started to cultivate the Nine Point Fixing Totem, his eyes were like fire.  

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