Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 8


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After coming out of the Spirit Nurturing God Stone, Jiang Zizai still reported to his mother first.

When he found Queen Ruohua, she was within the reading room flipping an old book. The moment Jiang Zizai walked in he saw the wide smile on her face.

Her Life Totem was a flower so when she smiled she seemed like a blooming flower, giving one a refreshed feeling.

“Little Baby, I checked up on your Life Totem, come and take a look.”

Little Baby, that was what the Purple Qilin King husband and wife called him when he was young.

Ruohua would shout it out each time unknowingly.

Jiang Zizai didn’t find it awkward. What was awkward was his older brother Big Baby. Each time this nickname was called out Jiang Zizai would laugh out loud.

However the moment he heard about something having to do with his Life Totem, he forgot all about this nickname matter.

He hurried forwards.

What Ruohua was flipping was the Totem Saint Book.

However from how old it looked, it should be an ancient one and not the one common in the market.

“Who knew that I actually found it in a version that was replaced hundreds of years ago.” Ruohua was a little surprised.

On that page wrote the words Black Dragon Totem. Below it was the totem diagram and various descriptions.

Jiang Zizai took a look. This totem diagram was a black dragon which was cooled up into a ball. It was pitch black, hiding some dominance within.

The black dragon was indeed shockingly majestic but it was much weaker than the one he saw in his Life Ocean.

However there wasn’t such a black flower petal.

“When you viewed your Life Ocean did you see such a black dragon?” Ruohua asked.

“There is no difference in looks but the aura is even more domineering than this.”

Ruohua laughed, “That is natural. This is a drawn diagram and that is a real totem so the aura is of course different. View it once more and then look closely for details.”


Actually once Totem Martial Masters are families they could view their totem anytime they liked.

However the first time Jiang Zizai viewed it the scene was too huge so he wasn’t used to it.

He sat cross legged. Thinking about meeting that horrifying black dragon, he felt some pressure in his heart.

Was that a normal black dragon?

He used the Viewing Heart Technique to enter deep sleep. This time he managed to enter a sleep-like state easily. He appeared in his Life Ocean.


This time it was weird.

That was because the broken stars and world was actually gone.

In front of him was a place where grey fog spread about like a little a sea.

In the grey fog was a baby black dragon cooled up there. Looking at the details it was exactly as what was recorded in the book.

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There wasn’t that scary smile or that horrifying aura.

The only similarity was that there was still a black petal in its mouth.

“How did this happen?”

Although this was what a normal Life Ocean looked like, but he did feel a little dejected deep down.

After all how scary was the previous one?

“Maybe it is hiding itself?”

He knew that as long as the scenes from before existed then they would definitely not disappear.

It becoming a little black dragon now might be even better for him.

At least it would make him appear more normal.

He backed out of the Life Ocean and looked at the diagram on the book. He noticed that apart from the black flower petal it was basically the same.

“It is definitely this, a Xuan Grade Totem. It is the same as the Yanlong Totem. Although the grade isn’t high but there is huge room for evolution.”

Jiang Zizai knew that. Yanlong Emperor Race’s potential were Super overpowered. Those that awakened the Fire Dragon Totem were average.

However in the future they would obtain evolution sources and evolve to for example the Earth Grade Life Totem Five Claw Fire Dragon Totem.

If it could evolve to the end, it would become the Fire Emperor Saint Dragon Totem, one of the eight super totems.

“Is the evolution potential of this black dragon totem large?” He asked.

Ruohua said, “It is basically the same as the Fire Dragon Totem. It has many evolution sources it can use. As long as it is of the darkness element then most can be used.”

She flipped and pointed at a stone diagram that looked like a brain, “For example if you get this Grade One evolution source Twin Head, you would be able to evolve to a Twin Head Black Dragon Totem and become Earth Grade.”

“The effects of the Twin Head Black Dragon Totem is really amazing. You can split your concentration into two when cultivating and fighting. Your true qi quality can create the Double Black Dragon True Qi, able to explode two waves, one strike causing two times the hurt.”

Evolution Source was a special presence.

It was born from Heaven and Earth and was extremely expensive. There were many kinds of them.

Only by getting an Evolution Source which was suitable for oneself would the totem be able to evolve.

Most Evolution Sources were useless for him and it would be a waste if he used them. Once it works, the totem would evolve and raise a grade, having a huge increase in all areas.

Different Evolution Sources would give rise to different evolution directions.

Evolution Sources had different grades, the higher the grade the rarer it was. From Grade One up to Grade Five.

The higher the grade the better the evolution effects.

For example the Evolution Source which Lu Dingxing got was a Grade One one, a ball of mist. It was really weird, not only able to escape but it had a strong impacting strength known as Huge Strength.

One could say that the Evolution Source is the most mysterious thing in the world. It existed in various forms. Since ancient times no one was able to look through its nature.

One could only feel that it was a gift from the ancient god.

“If your Black Dragon Totem can evolve to the end then it could become the Death God Dragon Totem, on the same level as the Fire Emperor Saint Dragon Totem.” Ruohua flipped to the last bit of information regarding the totem.

Jiang Zizai nodded his head.

“So the black dragon which destroyed heaven and earth was the Death God Dragon?”

The highest grade totems he knew about were the eight super totems.

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He didn’t hope to be able to have a Totem like his father’s right after he awakened it. That was impossible.

However now he was able to see his vast future, the future direction of evolution for his totem.

However as for his current Black Dragon True Qi being a Xuan Grade True Qi That still needed to be proven.

After speaking about this Black Dragon Totem matter Jiang Zizai noticed he forgot about the main matter. He opened his arms and smiled wide at Ruohua, “Mother, you haven’t noticed! I have reached the Second Stage of the Martial Life Realm!”

“So fast?”

Ruohua was shocked.

Following which she was shocked and said, “At the start your father was the same. Actually his starting point was also a Xuan Grade Totem however because of the cultivation method he got from the totem he was able to improve relatively fast.”

Her eyes were red.

“Little Baby you will be able to protect yourself in the future. Mother is at ease.”

A mother’s love was all encapsulated in that sentence.

It showed that although she didn’t say so in the past but she was indeed worried about his future.

Purple Qilin King but he was going to be a ordinary bug looked down on by everyone.

“In the future continue to work hard and don’t be too impulsive. Your father and brother’s matter isn’t something you can control. Don’t be rash.”

After praising him she still needed to remind him.

“I understand.”

Jiang Zizai understood. His progress was indeed quick but there were many things which exceeded his imagination. Even Ruohua found it tough to handle.

“Mother I am going to go find Panda and Monkey!”

After reporting it, he was extremely eager to go and test his strength.


Suddenly Ruohua’s expression changed and sunk down.

Her eyes were filled with a powerless feeling and was ashen white.

Jiang Zizai was startled and said, “What happened? Did something happen to them?”

Those were his brothers who he grew up playing with.

“They are fine calm down. I wanted to hide it from you to let you focus on cultivation. However sooner or later you will know about it…”

Ruohua pursed her lips. Only now did Jiang Zizai notice that she had something on her heart. Maybe because he was too happy which was why he didn’t notice it.

“Mother please speak, I will listen.”

Jiang Zizai knew that the other four bloodlines were definitely finding trouble with them.

They would definitely not give up on such a good chance to climb up.

Ruohua nodded her head, her eyes filled with helplessness and sadness. Looking at her like this Jiang Zizai’s stomach felt like it was in flames.

“A few days back we had another Five Bloodline Meeting, all the power wielding people in the race were all there. They discussed and made some arrangements for the Qilin Gathering in a few days.”

Qilin Gathering, an annual event. It was an important occasion to test the youths of the Qilin King Race.

Anyone below fifteen needed to participate.

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This Qilin Gathering was the first occasion where genius members of the Qilin King Race will show off their skills to ten thousand people.

At that time, the five bloodlines would compete fairly.

What they were fighting for was a chance to enter the various Learning Manors in Yanlong Xu.

There they would be able to spar and grow with the various talents of Yanlong Emperor Dynasty.

All the education elites also gathered there.

There was even a chance to work for the Yanlong Emperor Race and step onto a grand future.

It was where all the talents gathered.

For example his seventeen year old Sister Jiang Yunning who was studying in the third ranked Country Protecting Manor and was also an outstanding student within.

The top ten Learning Manors there basically had a long history, even longer than that of the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty.

Their cultivation methods and fighting techniques were things that couldn’t be bought elsewhere.

It was a saintly area, only teaching, not bothering about politics. Training strength of character, respect to teachers and good morals. It is where the talents of the world wanted to head to.

It was said that the managers of these manors were people that even the Yanlong Emperor respected.

Of course they were also producing huge amounts of top talents for the dynasty. In the end they were still working for him.

Among them, the Saint Dragon Palace was directly opened for the Yanlong Emperor Race.

However the one that the talents of the world were most interested in was still the top God Worshipping Hall.

Legend had it that the history of the God Worshipping Hall was double the length of the history of the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty.

It had even been spreading down since the ancient era.

Stricting speaking it couldn’t be considered a Learning Manor but a temple which was used to pray to the ancient gods.

The most important decree of the hall was to respect the various gods for giving life. To worship the ancient gods, there was said to be hundreds of ancient god statues.

Dragon God, Qilin God, Sword God, Roc God…

At the same time it also had the largest Origin God Pillar in the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty!

It was said to be where Totem Martial Masters originated from.

The God Worshipping Hall didn’t participate in war of the worlds, only worshipping the ancient god, sincerely looking towards the heavens and focusing on cultivation.

It only recruited students and taught them cultivation in the recent few thousand years.

Jiang Yunting had once cultivated there and Jiang Junjian also spent three years at that place.

The strength and nature of the students from the God Worshipping Hall were all outstanding. Which was why the talents of the world wanted to go there the most.

It was said that the top three during the Qilin Gathering would have a chance to enter the God Worshipping Hall.

Of course when Jiang Zizai was nine he had dreamt of going there. Now that he was fifteen he had already long given up.

However he planned on sending Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu there.

In the future he was also going to send his little sister Ruo Xiaoyue to God Worshipping Hall.

This year was also the most important chance for Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu.

Su Qianyu went into secluded meditation so as to try for the God Worshipping Hall.

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So Jiang Zizai wanted to know what the other four bloodlines planned for this Qilin Gathering?

He was waiting for Ruohua to speak.

Queen Ruohua’s blood filled eyes had rage within as she said, “They are using their numbers to suppress us to take two things from us.”

“What two things?”

Jiang Zizai held the tea cup in his hands tightly.

Ruohua looked at him and shook her head helplessly, “Firstly I don’t think we can keep the Spirit Nurturing God Stone. They said that we have no one good enough for it. However that is your father’s personal item.”

Jiang Zizai had just enjoyed the benefits of the stone and they wanted to snatch it? If they did then how was he going to cultivate?

Moreover this wasn’t the Qilin King Race’s property but Jiang Yunting himself!

“And?” He nearly shattered the tea cup in his hand.

Ruohua gritted her tooth and said hatefully, “During the Five Bloodline Meeting based on past rules we have two votes and they each have one. Now they want to take one of our votes. Out of the four bloodlines, Jiang Yuan from the Yellow Qilin House is standng on our side. So as long as we hold the Five Bloodline Meeting they will have three votes and we have two. They would be the ones deciding all matters in the future.”

Jiang Yuan followed Jiang Yunting in the past. At least he still had some conscience.

However if the rules of this Five Bloodline Meeting changed then the Purple Qilin Manor wouldn’t have any speaking rights in the future.

At that time wouldn’t it be easy for them to select a new king?

“You agreed?”

Jiang Zizai could imagine how many people were putting pressure on her during that meeting.

The tea cup in his hand was totally shattered.

Ruohua shook her head and said, “It ended in a stalemate but many elders agreed to their proposal.”

Actually adding in all the elders in the race and the various race leaders, they all had much speaking rights.

“Is it connected to the Qilin Gathering?”

Ruohua sighed and said helplessly, “The new proposal is that if their three manors’ juniors perform better than Purple Qilin Manor and Yellow Qilin Manor then the Spirit Nurturing God Stone will belong to them and we will also lose a vote.”

One vote would cause the Five Bloodline Meeting to lose balance.

In the future the Purple Qilin Manor wouldn’t be able to rise up anymore, they would totally fall and weaken.

Howeever Jiang Zizai was not worried, he consoled his mother, “Mom don’t worry. Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu are my brothers and they will do well. It is not a problem to win those three bloodlines.”

He spent all his effort to nurture them two, especially Su Qianyu who he gave pretty much all his cultivation resources.

So he was confident in them and had long ago recruited them into the Purple Qilin Manor.

However Ruohua looked towards Jiang Zizai in a heartpained manor. She hesitated a little and said, “If I say it don’t be rash.”


Jiang Zizai had a bad feeling. He recalled that she told him not to look for Lu Dingxing and the others.

“Su Qianyu recognised Fire Qilin Manor’s Jiang Shang as his father and is now called Jiang Qianyu.”

“He also broke through to the Sixth Stage of the Martial Life Realm.”

At that moment his heart felt like it was stabbed right through by a sword.

The brother that he treated well with all his heart, who found a home with him betrayed him when he needed him most.

He also joined the camp of the enemy.

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