Chapter 8 – The recipe that couldn’t be told

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~ Adventurer’s life Day 4 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – Rostam workshop


I found the Rostam workshop, the one I was told that can buy the slime jelly off of me.


Though they call it a workshop, it looks more like a small factory seeing it now.

I looked at the shop for a while until the old man I talked to earlier went inside the building.

He was quite nonchalant in entering another person’s house. He walked to the back of the room, took out a chair and sat on it relaxed.

Oh, maybe he is the owner… Though after a while, a somewhat tired looking black haired woman around her forties came into the room.


“Hello, welcome to Rostam. I’m Adrianne, what can I do for you?”


Incidentally, the old man was mumbling something to which Adrianne relayed the message to me.

Seems like he’s a retired carpenter that’s neighbouring this shop, Pietro.

I guess that makes them friendly neighbours.


I wanted to sell the slime jelly right away, but I’ve been told that they don’t accept any anymore unfortunately.

Apparently, she couldn’t recreate the recipe for hardening the slime into cloth, so she stopped stocking up on slimes.


As for the reason why they lost the recipe, last month Adrianne’s husband past away while gathering some slimes in the marshlands.

From the start, the husband usually handles the gathering and the manufacturing while Adrianne handles the business side. Before he could manage to teach the procedure on the recipe, he died.


If that’s the case, then I find it a little weird how that uncle at the marshlands recommended me to go here. Unless…


“Would your husband perhaps be bald with a peculiar beard coming from the sides of his face?”


I didn’t really see that style in this world, but I do remember reading it up once in the other world. Something called a Kaiser beard. I also mentioned some other noticeable features about him.


“Yes… Do you happen to be an acquaintance of him?”

“Rather than an acquaintance, I talked to him a while ago when I was at the marshlands. I was told to bring the slimes I got over here but…”

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“That’s not possible… My husband died!”

“That is the case but, the fact that I met your deceased husband… It probably has something to do with my divine protection.”


From my bag, I took out my adventurer card and showed it.


“Necromancer… Is that the divine protection that allows you see and talk to the dead?”

“… I don’t really know about that, but me being able to talk to your husband probably has something to do with it.”


At hearing that, the wife came to cover her face with her hands as she quietly sobs.

The old man patted her shoulder trying to console her, while being on the verge of tears himself.

… Looking back at it, I guess I was a little too insensitive there… Well, it’s a good thing they at least they accepted my story.


Seeing this though, I can’t just leave here without helping.

And I’m sure I was entrusted by him for that reason.


“… I’m going to quickly get some things, so can you leave this shop open for a while longer? I should be back in about an hour.”


Adrianne wiped her face and looked up to me.


“For what?”

“I don’t know if this can work or not, so just hear me out later.”


When I quickly left the shop, I think I heard them call out to me. But I don’t think I have much time here, so I continued running.


~ Adventurer’s life Day 4 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – North East – Marshlands


Once I arrived at the marshlands, the sun was already close to setting.

I looked around, but I don’t see a single person. I looked again, but I try to concentrate with my eyes.

This time I noticed a faint haze slowly forming into a shape of a human.

Whew, I didn’t think that would’ve worked.


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“… I don’t believe it. Have you come here to see me…”

“Well yes, I guess.”


From what Adrianne said, her husband is unmistakably the uncle I met earlier today.


“… You can’t hold that form for too long right? Mind helping me out a bit. Your shop didn’t had the recipe for the slime cloth so can you relay it to me?”

“… I wasn’t able to teach my wife about that, it’s probably my regret that keeps me here… I made notes on the procedure of making slime cloth. It’s hidden in the table in my workshop…”


From then on, his voice started getting faint.

Shortly after he faded away. He returned to being a faint haze as he was before.

There’s only a faint presence left of him now.

It’s faint but I can feel a gaze, even though there should be no one around.


“Mr husband. I’ll definitely convey this to your wife.”


As I made my declaration, I headed back to town.

Seems like talking to him used up my mana as I’m starting to receive a headache like before, but this much is still endurable.


~ Adventurer’s life Day 4 (Thur) Dusk ~ Comnes Town – Rostam workshop


I arrived back at Rostam, and it seems Adrianne and old man Pietro were still waiting for me.

I steady my breath for a bit.


“It’s inside your husband’s table, is what he said.”


I relayed what I was told.


Unable to contain herself, Adrianne gets up and headed over to the next room at the back.

Pietro stayed here in the room for a while until also going through the back.


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He came back after a while, accompanying Adrianne. Her eyes have gone red again.


“I think it’s best… if I just take my leave for now huh?”


The old man gave a satisfied nod as he also took his leave.


“… Do you mind coming to this shop again?”


Is what the Adrianne asked me, but I gave my farewell and took my leave.

It’s fine if I talk to her about her husband at another time.

Though there’s not much I know about him to begin with.


Inconspicuously, I left my slime jelly inside the bamboo cylinder there.

I don’t really have any use for it myself, so I feel like it’s better to just leave it here like this.

I feel too guilty to ask for some money after all.


So the husband’s regret about his wife’s situation kept him tied this world.

The bond between spouses sure is strong…

Though that, “He’s either a ninja or an assassin!” was embarrassingly off the mark.

As I thought, relying too much on game knowledge is no good.


~ Adventurer’s life Day 4 (Thur) Evening ~ Comnes Town Inn [The Bulbul’s Burrow]


I came back to the inn, and after eating dinner I took a rest.


(It should be quite busy there for a while. Once it calms down, I could probably go back there again.)


I’m actually planning on making a request for a different kind of potion container, kinda like the glass ones in game.

There isn’t really much of a problem right now, but once I’m ready to make the poison and explosion potions, I’ll need to find another suitable container for those.

One that’s cheap, doesn’t break or leak when I’m carrying it along but breaks when thrown at an enemy.

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I get the feeling that slime material might just be the material I’m looking for.


(I used quite a bit of mana again today… Thinking about it, I run out of it pretty quickly huh.)


I am just a novice adventurer after all, there’s a limit to how often I can use my skills.

However since my divine protections are more support orientated, it should be easy to increase my mana capacity when training them.


(This should be the case, but…. )


Can you even level up in this world? In the game, you get this aura going around you when levelling up. But even with Nemo’s memories of this world, I never heard of it happening here.

If it’s not possible, then how do you even defeat the stronger monsters later on? I hear that adventurers can defeat monsters to become more stronger easily, but regarding any details of that, I have no idea.

I can’t really think of anything myself.

Well I guess I’ll just have to find it out later on.


Levelling in the game is pretty straight forward, but a different amount of experience is given depending on what divine protection you have. So in the end, it’ll be normal for to end up at different levels.

For example, in the future ‘Necromancer’ may become level 2, while my ‘Alchemist’ is still level 1.

The amount of experience gained is different for each fight, depending on how frequently it was used or if it was used as the final blow.


In this case, ‘Necromancer’ would benefit from this the most. Perhaps in the future, ‘Alchemist’ would benefit indirectly from the throwing skill. But I have no idea about ‘Sculptor’.

There’s several problems here, but right now I’m deciding whether to focus on training the necromancer’s bone weapon or magic power.

Since I can only defeat monsters with the bone weapon, I’ll just have to focus on that for now.


(… Hopefully there’ll be a better method of combat than this in the future…)


Somewhere nearby the town is a popular place for testing out attacks. It’s the kind of monster that never runs away no matter how many times you defeat them, and is one I know very well of. Of course it’s none other than the shelled rabbit.

Black slugs just aren’t good enough for this.


However, if I just rush right into it like last time, then the situation will end up no different. I should at least get some preparations done first.

I laid onto my bed for a brainstorm.


I’m getting a little nervous about tomorrow.

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