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[ Whe-Where did you hear those words!? ] exclaimed Vlad.

Vlad's legs froze and he only stood still, daze, surprised by what he had heard from Alicia who's walking beside him.

[ I knew it... Vla-Vlad-san! The country you said you were living at! Is it a paradise called Japan!? ]

[ Hu-Huh!? ]

( Where did she hear that...? How did she know...? ) these two questions immediately appeared on Vlad's thoughts as he looks at Alicia who's looking at him with a much serious face, pressuring him for answers.

[ I don't know what they are and what they mean, but the country 'Japan', there exists Games, Anime, and Mangas! Is it true? Is that country real...? ] she further her question once more.

[ That's... ] but not knowing what answer to give her, Vlad only stood still and could only mumble his words.

[ Alicia-san... Can you tell me where did you hear those words...? ]

[ Answer my questions first. ]

( Tsk! This is too troublesome...! )

Vlad thought that if he could only go inside her head and look at the answer himself, he won't need to worry about anything and he could immediately know what was the reason she knows about all of these things.

The word 'Hypnosis' appeared on his mind. But he already tested it out on his maids and it doesn't work on questions as it doesn't affect the brain of the victim; only taking away their consciousness and then taking control over their body, hence, it won't be any help trying to look at Alicia's memories.

( What should I do... What would happen if I reveal that I'm really am from Japan... How will it affect me...? )

Vlad had never expected that someone who had accompanied him all this time would be someone who has knowledge of the country he was from, not to mention, that person was someone who obviously hates him. He was never prepared for something like this happening and giving her information about himself might be dangerous.

[ Vlad-san... Your reaction and silence mean that you really have knowledge of this mysterious country called 'Japan'. ]
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[ ... ]

( It seems I already gave away my answer... But... )

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[ Alicia-san... How did you reach this conclusion...? That I know the country called 'Japan' that is... ]

[ Well... I've read a book once where I saw the same word... Observing your actions also made me accompany you to that particular book... ]

[ A book...? ]

[ Yes. Furthermore... those words you had asked Hana: "Are a Japanese?" The word 'Japanese' has a clear and obvious resemblance to the word 'Japan'... It's already obvious, but my guess is that the word 'Japanese' is the term used for the people who live in the country 'Japan'. ]

[ ... ]

( Amazing... getting everything right just from memory and observation... In books, strong and talented mages always have incredible intellect... Do that work the same for Alicia...? She remembers the word that I only muttered ones and she figured out how I was connected to it... ) Vlad though as he looks at the girl in front of him with both shocked and amazed expression.

[ How was it, Vlad-san...? Is my guess right? ]

[ Fine... You're right. I live in a country called Japan. ] Vlad admits in defeat.

[ You've amitted it, huh? Then, can you tell me where exactly is the location of that country, and how is it related to Hana? ]

[ I won't answer either of those questions... I've only admitted that I live in 'Japan' because you've already had already figured it out. But regarding the location of that country and its relation to the hero, I won't give you any clues. ]

[ Is that so...? ]

[ Now you've got what you want, tell me... The title of the book you've read and where can I find it. ] now that he had given her his answer, it's now his time to ask.

The book she mentioned earlier was probably, if not 100 percent, created by someone who had experienced the same situation as he is, it might give him answers of why and how he got transported to this world - He thought as he pushes Alicia for an answer.

[ That's unfair Vlad-san... As you just said, I've figured out how 'Japan' is related to you only by myself, I want a proper trade and if you want to know about that book... I need you to also answer some of my unanswered questions. ]

( She's really managed to corner me this far, huh...? )

[ Fine... I won't answer the two earlier... And if you want me to treat Arthur, I also won't accept. So... I ask you to make a new one. ]

[ I know... Then... Can you tell me your secrets? What exactly are you? You're a mage but I know that you're not just an ordinary one... You're hiding many things and I want to know them. ]

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( ... )

[ Can you be more specific...? ]

[ Be more specific, huh? Then... I want to know what kind of mage are you... As a person who was called a prodigy and genius at magic, I considered every mage there is as someone below my talent and ability... Everyone except you... When you claimed that you're also a mage, it shattered my view of my self and everyone around me... That's the first thing I want to know... ]

[ ... ]

She's seriously sincere about it... - Vlad thought as he looks at the girl who has her head down in front of him. She has her grip tight on her staff and she's shaking as if she was reminiscing of something that truly hurtful.

( I guess like Arthur, she also has her ego high... now it's not surprising why she's attracted to him... But at least unlike him, she was able to find her faults... Well... Telling her what kind of mage I am is really not that of a big deal... But I wonder why she wants to know it so bad...? ) with these thoughts inside his head, Vlad stood his body straight towards her direction and said:

[ Fine, if I tell you what kind of mage I am, will you promise me you'll give me the name of the book and its location? ]

Hearing his words, Alicia lifted her head high.

[ Re-Really!? N-No! I still have many things I want to ask! ]

[ If you won't settle with that, then I will have to look for it myself no matter how hard it is. I have no intention of telling you all of my secrets. ]

[ Tha-That's...! Just unfair... ] she pouted.

( I truly want to know where I can find the book she was talking about, but I can't risk getting exposed for it... )

[ Fine. I'll settle with that. ] she replied, relaxing the grip on her staff and sighs.

[ Okay. Then, let me start with... ]

( Wait... Where should I start...? )

Job Class: Mage

Mage Class: Apprentice Mage ( 1-10 ) ---> True Mage ( 11-20 ) ---> Wondering Mage ( 21-30 ) ---> Devil Mage ( 31-50 )

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Job Class: Summoner

Summoner Class: Apprentice Summoner ( 1-10 ) --- Wondering Summoner ( 11-20 ) ---> Druid ( 21 - 30 ) ---> Beast Master ( 31-40 ) ---> Class Choice X2 ---> Necromancer ( 41-60 ) ---> Evil Monarch ( 61-100 )

( Just how the hell am I supposed to explain her that...? Both my final classes have 'Evil' on them... )

[ Vlad-san...? ] as Vlad started to ponder with his self, Alicia became impatient and called his name to push him for his explanation.

[ Haah... ] Vlad sighed in distress.

[ Okay... As a mage, I focus on spells that are purely based on Offense and support, both for myself and my summons. I also have many - ]

[ Wai-Wait! What summons? ]

[ Ahh... Haah... Right... I hope telling you this wouldn't be a big deal... ]

[ Telling me what..? ]

[ You've heard what I said earlier, I won't tell you the name of my mage class, but my class, in particular, provides offense and supportive spells for my summons, which means I'm also a summoner. ]

[ Wai-Wait! But you can't become a summoner if you're already a mage! ]

[ Huh? What are you saying? You're also both a mage and a summoner, aren't you? ]

With Vlad's words, everything seems to have paused. And a few seconds later...

[ I... Is that true? But I can't be... Wait... It can't be... Does this mean... Like in the book... You can also see the abilities of people...? You-You can see the 'levels'!? ]

[ Well... Pretty much... Now that you've got your answer, tell me the name of the book. ]

[ Ye-Yes... Thi-This are unbelievable information... ] Alicia was able to immediately reply with a stutter, but she was still yet to recover from her surprise.

[ Well... If I remember it correctly... It's called 'Touya Katsuma'. I've found that book when I was still at the academy... I decided to further study it, but since I wasn't able to find any proof of what was written there was true, I gave up on figuring out what its secrets... Anyway... Since it has only one copy, it's being preserved and only nobles and scholars that have high influence can access it. ] Alicia asks her with a shout.

( Touya Katsuma... Definitely a Japanese like me... )

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[ So... Does that mean I need to go to the capital to be able to see it...? ]

[ Yes... Also... Since you're not a noble, you will not be able to have access to it. ] hearing those words, Vlad pause for a moment and started to think for an alternative.

( I need to be a noble, huh? Well, I bet there's another way around on it... )

[ What if I pay a proper amount of money? ]

[ Pa-Payment...? Well... I think it's impossible to bribe them with money... Since the family that owns the academy is known for being a very greedy noble... They will definitely offer a commoner a very high and absurd amount for it... ]

[ Is that so? How much do you think I need to be able to bribe them? ]

[ Maybe about five hundred coins... Even I don't have that amount of coin... They might even increase that amount for people who don't have enough influence, especially to a commoner... ]

[ Fair enough. ]

[ Huh!? ] Alicia exclaimed in surprise.

[ Then, once we go out of this dungeon, you'll take me to this academy and help me bribe the family who owns it. ]

( If it's impossible to bribe them... I can just steal the book from them myself... )

[ Wait...! Vlad-san! Tha-That amount of money is something someone would not trade for one book! And also, why are you asking me to help you!? ]

[ Isn't that obvious? Don't worry, I have enough coins, and I will also pay you if you help me. ]

Hearing him say this casually, Alicia was only able to back out in surprise.

She wanted to disagree out of her pride, but before she could...

[ [ Ma-Master!? ] ]

The other group were finally able to catch up to them.

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