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[ By the way, my name is Vlad Alucard. ]

[ Carlo Alexandria. It's nice to meet you. ]

After introducing themselves with a handshake, Shiro and Carlo sat on their respected sits.

[ Again, I want to trade these coins. ]
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Saying those words for the second time now, Shiro placed the pouch on top of the desk between him and Carlo.

[ What is this...? ] with a dubious look on his face, Carlo asked.

Carlo's fingers are crossed against each other while his head is leaning towards Shiro. He was still in the same position he was in since earlier - This form of him was actually making Shiro nervous.

[ These coins were one of my family's treasures, I came here to see if I could trade them with actual money. ] overcoming the nervousness on his mind, Shiro spoke.

Of course, the coins that were left on the table was no treasure of his family, Shiro just tried to make up an immediate story.

[ Please take a look. ] throwing a hand gently towards Carlo, Shiro has given him permission to open the pouch.

[ ...! ]

Opening the pouch, a surprised look immediately appeared on Carlo's face.

The now opened pouch showed coins that shines as it reflected the light inside the room - both Carlo and Gerald who's standing behind him gasped in awe.



Then, after a moment of just staring at the coins inside the pouch, Carlo looked back at Shiro and then immediately turning his gaze back at the pouch.

He then took one individual coin inside the pouch and raised it the same height where his eyes were.

[ You say that these coins are from your family's treasures...? Is your family perhaps has a high position in your country...? ]

[ A-Ahh... Yes, something like that. ]

[ I just can't believe it... I've never seen gold such pure before... ] Carlo muttered in a voice that Shiro could barely hear.

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[ Is that so? ]

[ Yes, I can assure you right now that I will be able to buy these from you for a high price. ]

[ Is that so? Then - ]

[ But... I can't offer you the amount you're expecting to get. ] Raising a hand in front of him, Carlo had stopped his words before Shiro could even finish it.

( Huh...? The amount I'm expecting to get...? Well... my expectation is that I will be at least be able to trade it for 1 = 1 value of the same gold coin of their country... Does he mean I will get a price lower than that...? Well, I guess that's still okay... I only need money enough to be able to survive in this city for a while... )

While Shiro had already accepted the fact that he somehow got "Revive" to this world, he still doesn't know if he will still be able to back at his previous one, so Shiro still doesn't have any plans of staying in this city for a long time.

[ Well, there's a hundred of that coin inside that pouch, how much will you offer me for it? ]

[ A hundred, huh...? Then, I guess... I will buy these coins from you for 200 gold coins we use in this country. ]

[ ... ]



( 200!? ) shouting that number inside his head, Shiro's expression has turned from "Calm" to "Perplex".

[ 2-200...? Why that amount...? ]

[ Mm... Yes. The gold these coins were made with is the purest I've ever seen, so even if the coin itself has no value in this country, the material they were made with has a lot. ] saying those words along with a small nod, Carlo leaned his back at the sofa he was sitting at and crossed his arms.

( So the coin itself doesn't have any amount, huh...? But still... 200 gold coins in exchange for coins that don't even have any proper use... )

Being surprised by the amount Carlo had offered him for his gold coins, Shiro had looked at the pouch again with amazement this time.

[ So... Are you okay with that amount...? ] with a serious look on his face, Carlo asked Shiro.

[ Yea... I think I can deal with that... ]

While trying to hide his real baffled feelings, Shiro tried to reply with a calm expression on his face.

[ I must say, this is a rather fast negotiation... Gerald, get an exact amount of 200 sorted gold coins upstairs. ]

[ Yes, Carlo-sama. ] with a bow, Gerald left and went up the stairs.

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[ Then, how about we talk about a different topic, Vlad... san... ] saying so, Carlo had now crossed his legs and leaned both of his arms at the back of the sofa.

[ Is that so...? ]

[ Un, Vlad-san, why exactly are you in this country? ]

[ Well, I'm actually here to visit a friend. ] he said the same lie he told the guard at the gate.

[ Visit a friend you say? ]

[ That's right. ]

[ Is that so? Then your friend must be a rich person, right? Perhaps a noble? ]

[ Well, you can say that. ] scratching his cheek, Shiro replied.

Seeing this action of Shiro, Carlo knitted his brows.

[ Well, I guess I won't ask you any further than that. Anyway, I assume that you just arrived here in this city today, no? Tell me, do you already have a place to stay in? ]

[ About that... I actually still don't have any... Say, is there an inn you can recommend? ]

( An inn is just the same as an apartment, right? ) - Being used in living in apartments, this is the first thing that came into Shiro's mind.

Shiro just arrived in the city early this morning, he can't possibly be able to immediately find a place to stay at if he doesn't even have any money. And even now, the fact was, it was a miracle that he was able to meet with a very famous merchant to whom he can trade his coins with in such a short matter of time.

[ An inn? I think there's not an inn here in this city that can fit the class of a guy such as your self, Vlad-san. ]

[ O-oh? Is that so? ]

[ So then, I recommend you to buy your own residence. ]

[ My own residence? ]

[ That's right, I'll introduce you to a friend that's currently selling his small residence for a very small price of 175 gold coins. ]

[ A residence... But I think that the amount is too high for me... additionally, I will live alone, so a big house will only be a pain to live at. ]

( Well, the amount is not that high if I consider I will be able to trade my coins again... but living alone in a residence is something I won't be able to accept. )

The fact was, Shiro, prefers to live alone in a small room rather than having one or more person that will annoy him under the same roof. But still, for Shiro, living in a residence with only yourself is not just lonely and dangerous, it was also scary.

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[ Oh~ come on, Vlad-san, I know you have your slaves living with you, why don't you order them to maintain the place for you? ]

[ Slaves...? ]

( What Slaves...? )



As if the discussion suddenly died, neither of them had said a single word for a short period of time.

[ ...Don't tell me... You must be kidding me, right? Vlad-san...? ] with a confused and baffled look on his face, Carlo asked Shiro.

[ We-Well, what exactly did you mean by "Slaves"? ]

Surely Shiro has already heard the word "Slaves" before, but he was not exactly sure what Carlo was referring to.

[ We-well... Slaves are people... That... That can be bought with money... to serve you... ]

( Oh... )

Just by hearing the words "People that can be bought with money" escape from Carlo's mouth, Shiro has finally figured out what he was referring to. Of course, Shiro was not an idiot who wasn't able to immediately guess what Carlo meant with the word "Slaves", Shiro just didn't consider that as a possible answer.

In his previous world, the word "Slaves" was such a rare word that a few people don't even know what the word meant. So in the few answers that Shiro was able to gather in his thoughts earlier, the answer Carlo had given him was not one of them.

[ Well, no, I don't have any slaves... ]

[ Wha-What...? Is that true...? ] as if he was making sure he heard what Shiro had said correctly, Carlo had asked again just to be sure.

- But without a glimpse of hesitation, Shiro answered:

[ Yes... ]

Shiro was very confused by the reaction Carlo has shown. He was asking him if he has slaves as if it was natural for him to have some.

[ Wait... Does that mean you do the house's tasks yourself...? ]

( If she means I do the cooking, washing, and stuff, then - )

[ Yes, I do all the tasks at the house myself... ]

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[ But... With your appearance... ] muttering those words which only he can hear, he started to look at Shiro's figure, starting from his head, to his toes.

[ No... I can't accept that... Shiro-san... How do you like the idea of having slaves...? ]

[ Having a slave...? ]

Buying a person, an individual - was something Shiro hadn't consider in all his life. So the obvious answer for Carlo's question was:

[ Sorry... But I don't think I have the right to own a slave. ]

[ Huh...? What are you saying Vlad-san? Everyone has the right to own a slave. It's normal. ]

( Now that I think about it, Carlo has been talking about slaves since earlier like it was normal for him, or rather, anyone to own a slave. ) - Shiro thought that this might be one of the many differences between this world and his previous one.

[ Just think about it, Vlad-san. You can make slaves do anything you asks them to do, wouldn't it be a great thing if you can have someone who can do your tasks for you? ]

( Un... That might be a good idea, that way I can spend more time for myself... )

Since Shiro almost didn't have good proper rests and vacations in his previous world, he thought that it might be a genius idea if this time, he can spend his time just doing absolutely nothing; like what he did back when he was still a Hikikomori.

[ And since you're also planning to buy your own residence, it would also be a great idea to buy slaves. ]

[ Wai-Wait! I still haven't decided on that! ]

[ Just think about it, once you buy your own residence, then you don't need to worry about paying any fees and payment because you only need to pay it once. There are also many benefits to owning a residence. It's a requirement for people who wants to join any kind of Royal and Noble balls in the city, your name might also become famous if you have a residence of your own. ]

[ Well, I don't want any of that... But still, owning a residence. You told me earlier that you will introduce me to your friend, right? How about I decide once I took a look at it? ]

( If I can own a residence, then I will be able to gain a lot more privacy, unlike the inns where I might accidentally become neighbors with troublesome people. I might also be able to do research and experiments in a private residence since I still don't know many things about this world yet.)

[ Oh~ Then, I can arrange that immediately. ]

[ Really? ]

[ Un, if you'd like to, we can go now. We might be able to get the chance to meet with my friend at his home if we go now - ]

[ Carlo-sama, I have finished gathering the coins. ] while Carlo was still trying to finish his sentence, Gerald finally came downstairs and interrupted.

[ Oho~ Great timing, Gerald. So how about it, Vlad-san? ]

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