Editor: SleepyMango123

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Proofreader: Lore




Xia Rong was surrounded by the surprised and envious gazes of all the members for a while and even walked a lap around in high spirits before he felt that something didn’t seem quite right. “…Director, didn’t you forget to announce a name?”

The director flipped through the script. “There’s no mistake.”

“That shouldn’t be?” Anyway, now that the results have been announced, Xia Rong could also ask without any scruples, “Wasn’t there supposed to be another assassin? He had helped me a lot along the way and even knew my secret task…” he raised his hand to point at Su Chi, who was standing leisurely and calmly on the side.

“Su Chi is indeed the other assassin.” The director nodded.

Kang Yifan quickly jumped up. “You guys see, I had said he was!”

Ye Mang also exclaimed in amazement, “…You guys?! …At what time?! …My God, it would be a waste if you guys didn’t become film emperors.“

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But the director then said, “But Su Chi and you aren’t in the same faction.”

Xia Rong: “…Ah?”

Su Chi laughed and replied, “It’s just to kill one person, there was no need for two assassins.”

The director added, “He was there to kill you.”

Xia Rong: “…Ah???”

“There had always been two factions within the organization, which had been fighting quite intensely behind-the-scenes.” Su Chi explained in all seriousness, “Taking advantage of the fact that you would be out completing your mission, someone from above had sent me to kill you. They were able to steal the information regarding your mission, so I knew what your secret task was. Before killing you, I was allowed to help you finish your task. After being killed, all the achievements you would have gotten from your mission would then belong to me.”

Xia Rong’s eyes widened into circles. “F★ck…”

Everyone else: “Sh★t…”

Director, “Cough, positive energy, positive energy. Stay civilized, don’t use dirty words.”

“You guys are doing what, Mission: Impossible? Making it so complicated!” Xia Rong turned to the director. “Then what was he supposed to do to kill me? Am I dead now? That’s not right, I’ve already won. Did he not succeed?”

Then suddenly, he remembered Su Chi’s series of actions at that time, which could lure others to become lost in wild and fanciful thoughts…

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Su Chi took the initiative to say, “It was just to touch your eyes for more than five seconds, when you didn’t dodge or become suspicious, then I finally needed to say, ‘You’re already dead.’ and I would have succeeded.”

“Wo c1…” Right as he started, the director on the side hastily reminded him, “Civilized!” So the ‘Civilized!’ Xia Rong couldn’t not urgently put a brake on what he was just about to say and changed his words, “I’m super surprised2!”

“…Puff3.” This was Zhang Xin.

“Even going ‘super’… Are you trying to be cute?” This was Kang Yifan’s ruthless ridicule.

“Scram, scram, scram!” Xia Rong angrily replied, “You guys think I wanted to!”

Su Chi continued with a smile, “At that time, I felt that it was too chuuni and too disgraceful and couldn’t do it anymore, so I willingly gave up. Moreover—” receiving a signal from the director, “Moreover, after having gotten along with everyone these past few days, I became moved by their spirit and perseverance. So I decided I would stop being an assassin from today onward, forsake the evil ways and return to the right path, and retreat to live in seclusion within the mountains, over.”

While everyone was laughing and complaining about this “forced ‘forsake the evil ways and return to the right path’” of his, Xia Rong, however, felt that his face was beginning to emit heat—

All because of this gay production team! What the h★ll were with these missions, each one was designed gayer than the next!

It almost made him misunderstand and think that Su Chi liked him!

No wonder Su Chi didn’t actually do it at that time, it was definitely because he couldn’t stand this gay to the extreme task! Su Chi, I’ve misunderstood you, I’m so sorry!


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While Xia Rong was wailing at the bottom of his heart, the director at this time turned towards him again and said, “Congratulations on winning the final victory of this episode. You had poisoned each young hero when you touched their earlobe, and so they are now already at Death’s door—” The remaining four people cooperatively tilted their heads and stuck out half their tongues to put on a dying appearance.

Xia Rong, feeling there was nothing left to live for, replied, “I’ll give them the antidote. I also won’t continue with the task. I will likewise forsake the evil ways and return to the right path, retreat to live in seclusion within the mountains…”

So instantly, the group of little friends revived on site with full blood, each one of them completely radiant.

Ye Mang closed his two palms together. “To lay down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha4.”

Kang Yifan started to hum a little tune. “A husband and wife returned home together~~~“

Zhang Xin hummed along. “You farm the field come you weave cloth, you fetch the water come you water the garden~~~“

Kang Yifan, “You sang it wrong. Did you want to exhaust your husband to death?”

Xia Rong, “…That’s enough from you guys!”

In the end, since it was ‘Team Romeo’s victory, the goddess who came on stage was still the splendidly dressed ‘Juliet’. Meng Xuan’s countenance was glowing radiantly, and all the members cooperatively clapped and cheered as they watched this procession.

Then as usual, she was required to choose a member from the winning team to serve as her ‘performance partner’, so she asked with a smile, “May I choose Xia Rong?”

Before the director could reject her, Xia Rong had already repeatedly waved his hand in denial. “No, no, I’m an assassin! ‘Assassin’, do you understand, very cruel!”

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Meng Xuan glared at him as if with anger or resentment before finally choosing Kang Yifan. This allowed Xia Rong to breathe a sigh of relief— A girl, who was so impossibly beautiful and alluring yet strongly aggressive like Meng Xuan, he truly wouldn’t be able to hold his own against them!

It was still his family’s Xiao Qing who was the best… Unfortunately, Xiao Qing was just a fictional character.


It was only when everyone was leaving the venue and they had gone out the entrance that they realized it was approaching dusk. This time, everyone was eager to go back and sleep to make up for last night and that morning. So, while riding on the coach bus arranged by the production team, everyone was more or less drowsy, and the bus had a stretch of peace and quiet.

“Xia Rong.”

Su Chi proactively went to sit down beside Xia Rong, and after calling out to the other, he lowered his voice, “Do you have any free time coming up? I think the two of us together need to spend some time investigating the clues I mentioned before.”

Xia Rong quickly reacted, thought about it for a moment, and then replied, “I will be filming a modern idol drama at Shudian5. The intensity of the shooting isn’t high, so I should have time. As for the specifics, I’ll go back and look at the itinerary, we can find a time when both of us are free to come out.”

“En.” Su Chi nodded, his lucid jet-black eyes looked at the other softly. “If you get a premonition, call me in advance, and I will try my best to rush over.”

“It doesn’t have to be that troublesome…” Originally, after Xia Rong had confirmed that the “eye touching incident” was his misunderstanding, his attitude towards Su Chi had already become much more natural. However, at this moment, while looking at Su Chi’s eyes, Xia Rong suddenly remembered something else.

He raised his hand and gently touched his forehead, then as if afraid that Su Chi would notice, he quickly put it down again and looked out of the window as if nothing had happened.

The scenery outside the window flew by like flowing streams. However, because everything was too broad and too vast, at first glance, it still appeared as if nothing had changed, still quietly nestling in the sunset.

The remaining evening glow scattered beautifully, while Chengjiang was as tranquil as white silk6.

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