Editor: SleepyMango123

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Proofreader: Lore



The idea of “repaying kindness” caused the two of them – one cat and one man – to both fall into a short span of silence at the same time, but also led the two to start speaking again at the same time—

Xia Rong, “That’s possible, but if it was to repay my kindness, then why would you be transformed as well?”

Su Chi, “That’s reasonable, but if it’s to repay your kindness, he must have saved you in some way. Have you felt any danger around you?”

Xia Rong, “…”

When he raised his face, he could see Su Chi’s smooth jawline and dark hair on the other’s temple. When they both just spoke out at the same time, how their words contained such care for each other, it brought a warmth to his heart.

But this current posture also caused a strong sense of imbalance to surge from his heart—

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“F★ck, I almost forgot, hurry up and help me change back! To have me meowing the entire time, this kind of an experience trying to communicate is just terrible!”

Su Chi, “Oh.”

He calmly stretched out a finger and landed it with a poke on the tip of the little orange cat’s nose.

Xia Rong, “…”

Xia Rong expressed sulkily, “I don’t want to lick! It’s too shameful! Aren’t you able to change back and forth between human and cat as you wish now, hurry up and change back into a cat!”

Su Chi replied, “Wouldn’t both still be licking whether it was a cat or a human?”

Xia Rong, “It’s different!”

Licking the fur of a beautiful cat and licking a man’s finger, how are they the same?!

“Right—” Xia Rong thought of another question during this standoff. “Was it that you felt I had transformed into a cat at that time and so also transformed to come save me?”

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Rather unexpectedly, Su Chi shook his head. “If it was to save you, it would have been more convenient as a human. I was forced to transform.”


“Yeah. Speaking of it, it’s rather strange. At any other time, I can feel that I already basically have free control over this body and can switch back and forth, but then as soon as you become a cat, I will also lose control and transform as well— Except that first time you changed into a cat. So I still think that there’s something wrong with that jade pendant, we should go find someone and ask.”

“The jade pendant is indeed a bit strange.” Xia Rong’s face furrowed, and he continued, “But then, can this also prove that there’s a high probability that you became a cat because you got implicated by me?”


Su Chi reached out to pinch the other’s fleshy cheek and said, “There’s no need to think about whether I had been implicated or not before everything’s been cleared up. Okay now, let me hurry up and get you changed back.”

He lifted Xia Rong from his thighs and placed the other on the bed. Just as Xia Rong was about to blink, he saw the clothes that Su Chi had just put on suddenly collapse to a pile, and in a flash, a beautiful silver gradient British Shorthair emerged from within.

No matter how many times he had seen this scene with his own eyes, Xia Rong still couldn’t help but feel the collapse of his world outlook once again in his heart each time— until he was licked on his face by the British Shorthair’s tongue with a ‘swish’.

Xia Rong, “…What are you doing!”

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Su Chi, “Didn’t you say you wanted to hurry and change back?”

“…” Xia Rong felt so stifled that even his face began to redden. “It’s enough for just me to lick…! You stop!”


While that was what he said, the truth was that the efficiency really was higher with two cats licking as compared to one.

After the first time, there will be a second. So as two experienced cat aliens, both reverted back into two-legged beasts without having to lick each other’s fur for too long.

Their transformation occurred almost at the same time. When Xia Rong was licking the fur, his posture was essentially that of a standard cat who had laid down, so when he changed back, due to the difference in the center of gravity, his arms temporarily couldn’t stabilize himself and he fell down. This resulted in his face just so happen to bury itself on the human Su Chi’s thin but strong, warm waist.

Su Chi turned his head to look at the other. “…”

Xia Rong, who had pulled up the comforter at light speed to cover his face: Trying to escape from reality.

But of course, there was no way Xia Rong could stay being an ostrich forever. When he finally pulled the comforter back down, he found that Su Chi had already put on his clothes again and was searching through his(SC) own suitcase to find a change of clothes for himself(XR).

Su Chi looked back and saw that Xia Rong had only half-pulled down the comforter, revealing a pair of pitch-black eyes. The other seemed to be looking at him rather expectantly, causing him to become unable to stop the smile that was overflowing from the corner of his lips.

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“Here, you should be able to wear these, though maybe it’ll be a bit loose.” Su Chi passed the clothes over, but then his smile changed to carry a hint of bad taste. “The underwear is new, never worn.”

As expected, Xia Rong really did follow his train of thought, arriving at a question. “Then, when I return your clothes, this, er, underwear, should I also return it to you?”

“Up to you, you can also keep it to wear.” Su Chi paused, then said with a smile, “I’m just afraid the size might not be right.”

“…Impossible!!” Xia Rong snatched over the clothes with one hand, then with the comforter still wrapped around him, he squirmed and squirmed just like a small silkworm and fumbled to put on the shirt and underwear that Su Chi had given him.

When he had the underwear put on, he couldn’t help but lift a corner of the comforter to secretly check…

En, it’s best to continue on as if he hadn’t taken a look =_=.

He was still fully focused on the contest of ‘a certain size’, so when his cell phone rang, it was Su Chi who brought it to him, glancing at the screen in passing. “Your agent.”

Xia Rong was actually a person who quite cared about his privacy, but for some reason, he didn’t mind it much when it was Su Chi who saw his phone. Instead, he naturally received it from the other person and answered the call, “Yi-jie, what’s the matter?”

“Just reminding you not to forget to watch.” Shu Yi said on the other side, “《Liang Shanbo and Romeo》 will broadcast at 10:00 tonight.”

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