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After making a few jokes, diluting the overly heavy atmosphere, as soon as Xia Rong turned back, he saw the ebony pendant on the table and started feeling tangled up again. “Then what about that? Directly toss it, or for it to be also given to Xiao Zhou for safekeeping?”

“It’s not too feasible to just directly throw it away. If it really is good for you, it would simply be a pity. But if it’s bad, carrying inauspiciousness, it’ll be harming an innocent passerby if it gets picked up.” Without waiting for Su Chi’s reply, Xia Rong had already started to mumble and weigh the situation. “It’s the same if given to Xiao Zhou, she’s a girl too. Sigh, if I knew it would be like this I should have said I won’t accept anything just now.”

As he was concentrating on these troubles, the door that had just been closed suddenly creaked and opened.

In the high-level wards of this B City hospital, a card is needed to be swiped in order to come in and out, which was also one of the reasons why Xia Rong insisted on transferring Su Chi over. He could clearly remember that after Yu Chengchang went out just now, the door firmly closed and the lock had engaged. However, within just the exchange of a few words, the door suddenly opened itself without a sound. He didn’t even hear the “beep” from when a card was swiped.

In an instant, he could feel his blood run cold but he still subconsciously stepped forward to stand in front of Su Chi. “Who is it?”

The door was blown wide open by the air passing through the hall, yet it was completely empty in front of him – not a person in sight.

Just as Xia Rong was shuddering from fear, Su Chi suddenly reached out and tapped his wrist. Xia Rong looked back and found that the other was gesturing for him to stay quiet while motioning him to look towards the other side of the ward.

This other side of the ward was where Yu Chengchang had been sitting just now and had put down the ebony pendant. Xia Rong tremblingly turned to look over, just to find that a cat was lying there!

A light orange body, four milky white paws, and a large, beautiful pair of quick-witted eyes… 

“Glass!” Xia Rong blurted out.

At that moment, Glass’s head was lowered as it sniffed at the ebony pendant, then, upon hearing Xia Rong’s call, its head tilted to look over.

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“It’s Glass!” Xia Rong happily confirmed with Su Chi. “[He]’s exactly as [he] was when [he] got lost.”

It isn’t normal if it’s exactly the same, right…?

Glass jumped lithely off from the table, then jumped straight up onto Su Chi’s bed. Xia Rong bent down and picked it up, already able to ruffle it very skillfully. “Glass, these things lately, is it related to you? Have you been protecting me?” Then he was suddenly inspired. “Since you can change me from a person to a cat, can you change yourself from a cat to a person? Talk to me, tell me exactly what is going on?”

However, it was as if Glass didn’t hear any of it, instead, it only continued to nestle in Xia Rong’s embrace, enjoying the other’s caresses, where, at times, it would take the initiative to rub itself against the other’s fingers, completely bursting Xia Rong’s joy.

Unfortunately, good times don’t last. Perhaps because it had noticed Su Chi’s sight on it, with a twist and a kick, it easily got out of Xia Rong’s arms, jumping back onto the hospital bed. Stepping on the soft duvet, it came to a stop in front of Su Chi.

“Slurp~” Glass gave his face a gentle lick, then also used its paw to give him a pat on the shoulder. His big eyes blinkity-blink, as if to say: “It’s been hard on you, keep up!”

Su Chi: “…”

“Glass, is Su Chi able to transform also because of you?” Xia Rong couldn’t help asking.

Glass turned its head over, as if it really did understand the other’s question, and nodded to Xia Rong.

And then, like a little leopard who can do parkour, it nimbly and gracefully jumped back to the original table, picked up the ebony pendant, and with a whoosh, ran out through the window, disappearing after a few prancing leaps.


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“And so to say, your ability to transform, really is because of me?” Xia Rong retracted his reluctant gaze from the window and turned back to ask Su Chi.

“Maybe, I suppose.” Su Chi casually replied, as if he didn’t care or mind. “Go and cut an apple for me.”

“…Cut another apple, again?” Xia Rong was choked speechless. “Did you even eat the one I cut for you this morning?”

“With no one to cut and no one to feed, I can’t be blamed for not eating.” With an innocent, guiltless look on his face, Su Chi raised his two “steamed bun hands.”

“…cut cut cut, feed feed feed!” Xia Rong gritted his teeth as he sat back down. Just as he was about to pick up the fruit knife, he conveniently picked up the cell phone for a glance, then, his movements came to a pause. “…Su Chi.”


“Now it can truly be confirmed, it really is because of me.” Xia Rong’s lashes were lowered as he stared at the screen, slowly saying, “The calculations are out. Your year, month, and day are all yang… If there isn’t anything unexpected, your time should also be yang.”

Also on the screen, was a message from his mother: “If you two get together, you two can indeed complement and engender each other. The master I had asked had said that he can use a special method to bridge and temporarily heal your yin and yang energies, putting a block on the yin energy that keeps seeping out from your body.”

…Whenever something happens, it would always be Su Chi turning into a cat first. Then, only if Su Chi can’t fend it off alone, he himself would also turn. After turning into a cat, they could then change back using various degrees of contact, where the more intimate they were, the faster they would recover.

Even without the need for any masters, Glass had already done this for them.

“Pure yang fate?” Su Chi actually softly laughed. “I didn’t expect that I would also become a person with a rare constitution.”

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“However, because your fate is too prominent and vigorous, it’s easy to cause backfire, so most people won’t consider making plans on you[r fate].” Xia Rong continued to stare at the phone and said with eyes lowered, “No matter who is pulling the strings behind the scenes, they’re all aiming at me.”

Xia Rong alone sat on the accompanying bed and started to recall all the kinds of things that had happened in this month. Su Chi covering for him, rushing about here and there with him, and getting injured for him. And even earlier than that, the other had even had the idea of leaving the circle and ending his acting career because of the frequent shifting into a cat for unknown reasons…

For what should Su Chi suffer all this for no reason? Just because he likes himself? Xia Rong’s heart was almost completely filled with guilt and gloomy depression. Yet, at this time, Su Chi gently called out to him, “Xia Rong.”

“…Hm.” It took Xia Rong a good while before he could reluctantly force out a response.

“You come over here.” Su Chi said, “Come over here. Otherwise, I’ll turn into a cat and crawl over there.”

“…You- don’t move.” Xia Rong was also helpless towards the other. He forced out some energy and got out of bed, walking to stand in front of Su Chi. “What’s the matter?”

“Xia Rong.” With difficulty, Su Chi pulled him to sit down with his hands and looked at him with his gentle black eyes. “Up until now, am I the only person you’ve met who has a pure yang fate?”

“Of course. You can Baidu it, the pure yang fate is rarer than the pure yin fate. In general, throughout history, people with this fate have all achieved meteoric success in their careers, begetting achievements worthy of eternal glory. How could such a person be so easily run into.” Unknowingly, Xia Rong again started to drastically deviate from the topic. “If you were to ask me, you will definitely become a film emperor in the future. Punching into Hollywood and kicking into Disney, your name will go down in the annals of filmography and what-have-you…”

“Wait, wait, wait. Let’s not talk about that for the moment.” Su Chi had to drag back the digressed topic back on track. “Then, am I currently the only person in this world who can save you for the time being?”

“Uh… It seems that we can indeed put it that way.” Xia Rong answered in a foolish daze.

“Then that’s great.” Following which, Su Chi started to tear off the gauze on his hand, scaring Xia Rong to quickly reach out and hold him down. “What the h★ll are you doing!”

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“It’s okay.” Su Chi said comfortingly. “I felt as if the wounds had become much better after Glass licked me just now. So I just wanted to take a look, that’s all.”

The blood-stained gauze was torn off with what could be called rather rough movements, but Su Chi’s brows didn’t even frown once. After all the bandages have been torn off, Xia Rong was surprised to find that all the bleeding wounds on Su Chi’s hands have actually been miraculously healed, leaving only a layer of light pink flesh, indicating that they had once existed.

With this hand, Su Chi gently covered Xia Rong’s hand that was placed on the side, sending the other warmth from the palm of his hand as he tried to convey his thoughts

“You are pure yin while I am pure yang, proving we are made for each other. Someone wants to harm you, but I’m able to save you; moreover, I’m the most suitable one.” Su Chi continued to stare at him and faintly smiled. “For me, nothing can be more fortunate than this.”

“…” It was only after a good while that Xia Rong finally belatedly understood and drew back his hand with a reddened face, uncomfortably turning away his sight. “…Who, who’s made for each other with you.”

“However, for real, thank you.” He moved his line of sight back, doing his best to meet Su Chi gaze with his damp but clear eyes. “But, I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what? For being unable to accept me?” Su Chi continued, “This, you don’t have to apologize for. Even the Great Wall wasn’t built in one day, a foolishly-stupid1 straight man won’t become bent in one or two days. I’m not in a hurry…”

“…Of course it’s to apologize for dragging you down for so long!” If Xia Rong hadn’t been so full of guilt, perhaps he really would have flown into a rage at this moment. “Forget about the ‘straight man’ part, but what do you even mean by ‘foolishly-stupid straight man’!”

Su Chi, “The literal meaning.”

Does this person really like me?!


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