Chapter 3: Bewildered

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I was bewildered.

“Well, it’s true, but…ugh.”

Still, to think that a being with the title of “god” is shedding tears. I feel somewhat apologetic.

“Kyros, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.”


“I misspoke.”

“I understand.”

Fortunately, Kyros’ weeping gradually subsided.

By the way, I never thought Kyros would be so timid. In the world of strategy, there were no scenes of the divine Kyros appearing directly or communicating with the male protagonist, so I had no idea that he had such a personality.

Anyway, what I needed to do now was decided.

“Kyros, do you have a preferred name for your religion?” I asked after Kyros had completely stopped crying.

“Yes! How about the beautiful and brilliant, golden beauty religion of Kyros?”


“My little lamb, I am the god of beauty. You must surely know that.”

I didn’t know. In the original work, Kyros was only expressed as a divine being, so I had no idea what his title was.

“Oh, yes. I knew that.”

But from now on, Kyros would be my direct superior, so I needed to cater to him to some extent.

Well, it seems like I’ve already messed up by making him cry, though.

“But still, wouldn’t it be better to simply name it Kyros Religion, since having such a long name would be too cumbersome?”

Just like in any other world, there are also many religions in this world. And unlike the world I used to live in, most of them used the name of their god as their religious name. So, the religion name Kyros Religion was acceptable.

“Hey, isn’t that too simple?”

“No, I think this length is appropriate. It would be easier for the followers to call it when the name is short.”

“Hmm, hearing that makes sense. Alright, you’re my first follower, so we’ll do it your way. A weak god like me should follow the words of their followers…”

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Wait, this guy?

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

“Hahaha, I’m just kidding.”


[Tutorial Quest <Founding a Religion> cleared!]

[Tutorial Quest reward will be given.]

As soon as we reached an agreement on the religion name, a message appeared. I stared with anticipation at the translucent window.

Quest reward!

The reward was marked with a question mark in the quest description, so I was curious as to what it might be. My excitement also increased.

Thump thump.

Just when my heart was beating with excitement, Kyros’ voice continued. “Since you worked hard for me, I’ll give you a relic.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everything in front of me turned pure white. And I couldn’t close my mouth. For a moment, it felt like my eyes had gone blind. The beautiful man surrounded by light was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

Red, long hair that reached his waist, sparkling golden eyes, a straight nose, and a thick-lined face. He was a perfect work of art. Moreover, his upper body, which was not covered by a shirt, had well-defined muscles that felt both majestic and beautiful at the same time.


Despite the fact that my opponent was a man, my mouth opened without me realizing it due to his stunning appearance that elicited admiration. But that moment didn’t last long. He disappeared in an instant, wrapped in a bright light, leaving only a white light sphere behind.

“Hmm… I tried to appear in person to deliver my first relic, but it seems like I still lack power,” Kyros’ awkward voice followed.

I tensed up, worried that he might disappear again. Luckily, Kyros didn’t vanish this time.

By the way, Kyros is much more handsome than in the illustration I saw before. Is he really the God of Beauty? With just that face, he could conquer the continent.

“I don’t know when, but I have to create an avatar with that face.”

For now, I stretched out both hands towards the sphere that appeared after Kyros vanished. As I did so, it gradually approached me. Soon, the light sphere in my hands began to elongate horizontally and transformed.

Finally, it revealed its true form.


This is the relic?

Even if I rubbed my eyes, it was just a wooden stick. It was about a meter long, and the head was about 20 cm thick, becoming thinner as it descended. It was the perfect size to hold and swing with one hand.

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But why is the relic just a wooden stick…?

It was baffling.

In the original work, Kyros had many other relics he used. There were swords, shields, and various other types.

“But why do I have a stick?”

[Obtained the relic ‘Kyros’s Club’.]

As the message appeared on the screen, information about the item followed.

[Kyros’s Club (Relic)

Grade: Mythical item

Description: A club containing the power of the god of beauty, Kyros. As the first item created by the god Kyros, it increases in power proportionate to the belief in Kyros.]

Although it appeared to be an ordinary wooden club, its contents were extraordinary. The fact that it was a relic and an offensive weapon made it all the more advantageous.

“At least I won’t need to search for a weapon anytime soon. And it’s a relic, no less.”

Kyros’s awkward voice followed, “I tried to manifest myself to give you my first relic, but it seems that I’m still lacking in power.”

Ignoring Kyros’s agitation, the protagonist examined the club.

“Hmm… I wonder if it has any other functions?”

Given the existence of hidden routes and systems in this world, the club’s abilities might be similar to those of the original work.


As expected, a transparent and large window appeared with the image of an inventory, similar to what the protagonist had seen in the game. Looking at the empty slots, the protagonist placed the club inside, and it was quickly absorbed and placed at the top.


Luckily, I avoided carrying that ominous thing around with me. I breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the bed.

By the way, if there is an inventory, there must be a status or skill window as well.

“Should I check it?”

Knock, knock.

At that moment, I heard a knock on the door.

“Master, it’s time to wake up.”

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I quickly turned my head to look out the window and realized that it was already morning. I had opened my eyes in the middle of the night, but with all that had happened, I hadn’t noticed the time flying by.

I decided to look at the status and skill windows later, and immediately lay back down on the bed, trying to cover myself with the blanket as naturally as possible.

It was necessary, as Levlov Holden was weak in the morning.


When I didn’t respond, the door opened, and in came Chrollo’s butler, Paul Crown.

The kind-looking old man had been the butler of the Holden family for a long time. He knew the real Levlov Holden well and could easily notice any changes in his attitude.

So, I had to do my best.

“Ahem, good morning, Paul.”

I coughed as if I had just woken up and greeted him. Thanks to the memories of the real Levelorf, I was able to act convincingly. Moreover, Levlov Holden’s personality was similar to my own, so I didn’t have to pretend too much.

It seemed that Paul didn’t notice anything strange as he approached me.

“You seem to be in a good mood today, my lord.”

“I feel a bit lighter today.”

“Oh, that’s great. Really.”

Paul’s eyes quickly became moist. He looked at me with a sympathetic gaze.

It was understandable. Levlov Holden was a terminally ill patient with a disease called “Malone’s disease,” and no doctor could cure him. Therefore, Levlov took painkillers every day to prolong his life.

Malone’s disease was a disease that only existed in this world and was caused by the Malone beetle. Most people get itchy when bitten by Malone beetles, and that’s the end of it, but some unlucky ones end up with a serious illness.

The Malone beetle infiltrates the host’s bloodstream and lives off their blood and nutrients until the host dies, while the parasite dries up and kills the host. And the body turns into stone and becomes like a statue. There is currently no cure for this disease in this world because the Malone beetle has antibodies against most drugs.

But I know the cure.

The male protagonist in the original novel gets Malone’s disease in the latter half.

I know what the cure is, and it shouldn’t be too difficult to obtain. So, I will get better soon.

Timing might be a bit uncertain, though.

I won’t die absentmindedly. I have no intention of dying so meaninglessly.

Paul, who was looking at me with concern, asked, “Shall I call Dr. Fran?”

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I shook my head. “No, it’s okay.”

Dr. Fran was the family doctor of the Holdens, but I refused immediately. My body felt heavy since I woke up, but it was okay for now. I didn’t have one of the typical symptoms of Maloney’s disease, which was hemorrhaging.

Paul seemed to understand differently. His eyes turned red, and tears soon streamed down his face.

“Please don’t lose your will. I beg you.”

“Uh, okay.”

Paul pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his nose before giving me a faint smile.

“You must be very tired. I’ll bring your meal to your room soon.”

“Wait, Paul.” I grabbed Paul as he was about to leave the room. “I’ll eat at the restaurant today.”

“Excuse me?”

Paul was once again surprised. Levlov always ate alone in his room.

I had considered doing the same, but I quickly changed my mind.

I need freedom.

Like Levlov said, I didn’t want to stay in this room all the time. I needed to get better as soon as possible to be able to preach and persuade people. And for that, I needed to find a cure for the disease.

Of course, I could have asked one of the servants to do it, but that would raise suspicion if I suddenly changed my behavior.

So I need to build trust first.

That’s why I decided to start by having meals in the dining hall.


The mornings at the Holdens’ estate were always busy, as was typical of any noble family. The servants were meticulous in their duties, with one area in particular receiving extra attention – cleanliness.

This was especially important for the second son of the Holden family, Levlov Holden, who was suffering from the incurable Malone’s disease. Although Levlov didn’t move around the mansion much, the servants were still careful in case he needed anything.

“Our young master must get well soon,” one servant sighed.

“I couldn’t agree more,” another replied.

The servants continued their cleaning duties with a heavy heart, hoping for Levlov’s speedy recovery. Suddenly, they were all surprised by an unexpected guest.

“Levlov, young master!”

It was Levlov, the second son of the Holden family, who had come out for breakfast after almost several years.

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