How To End a Crush

Chapter 12.2

“Young Master Yurielle, I know of your reputation well.”

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Dad pounded me on my back as he continued speaking, a smile in his voice.

“Would you know that my daughter happens to be a magician, too? She was so excited knowing magicians from the Tower of Magic were coming today!”


Why are you telling them this?

I side-eyed my dad with narrowed eyes.

“Look at her being shy.”

I couldn’t be more resentful of my dad’s innocent nature as of now. No, it wasn’t just that. It was just this situation itself that was beyond awkward.

I was twiddling my fingers with my back ramrod straight when refreshments were finally brought in.

Just as I was spouting praises inwardly at the fact that I finally would have something to busy my hands with…

“Kaitlyn.” Noah, who’d picked up a spoon as soon as the maid poured tea into the cup, spoke up.

“Sugar cubes?”

“… Yes, please.”

For some unknown reason, Noah even added sugar cubes to my tea personally. Would you believe it? He even stirred it with a spoon until it melted before he handed it over.

“Thank you…”

“No need.”

If I’d known this would happen, I would’ve refused. I liked things that were a little more on the sweet side.

Though this was a tea that Noah had personally added sugar to, I couldn’t tell if I was drinking it with my mouth or with my nose.

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By the way, this was the first time I was seeing Noah wearing something other than a uniform. It had been a long time since I saw him with his hair up, too. Wow, so Noah wore earrings. It looked really good on him.

I stared point-blank at the blue droplet-shaped gem subtly swaying near his long and white neck, then dropped my head quickly.

Get a grip on yourself, Kate. But I had to say it really did look good on him. Stop. But Noah is just so handsome. … Please, just stop!

An unexpected division of self was occurring within me. And this was all because Noah was just so uselessly handsome.

While I was struggling with shame at my weakness, I heard a crunching sound from somewhere.


When I raised my head to look for its source, I found a man, with navy blue hair like the night sky and dark circles around his eyes that spoke of nocturnal works deep into the night, noisily eating snacks without stopping. He was very fast, too.

Since that was amazing, I kept glancing at him, but the man stopped, perhaps because he grew conscious of my gaze.

I quickly bowed my head again, feeling sorry for some reason.

I’m sorry. Please continue eating.

When I stopped looking, the crunching noises began again.


Come to think of it, the tea was far less sweet than I usually took it; I wondered if I could add just one more sugar cube.

If I reached out towards the bowel of sugar, then Noah would try to do it for me, right?

When I glanced sideways, Noah was still looking my way.

… Let’s just drink it a little less sweet this time.

Only as I sipped on my tea with depressed movements did I comprehend what my dad was telling the other magicians.

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“We had a hard time the night before yesterday, too, because a monster suddenly appeared. Haha, but my daughter eventually came to our rescue and eradicated it with her magic.”

“Dad, why are you telling them that…”

So embarrassing.

I groaned, hiding my face.

Bragging in front of the top three people in the industry – wasn’t that like showing off your stripes in front of a tiger?

“Haha, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. It just means that it’s a great thing the young lady has magical talents, isn’t that right?” said the blonde magician with the gentle impression, whom they called the subjugation leader.

Was his name Linus? And that guy from earlier eating snacks—did they only pick handsome and beautiful people at the Tower of Magic? Then I most likely won’t get in.

“Seeing how you were able to defeat a monster all by yourself, I would think that you have the abilities on par with that of the average mid-level magician.”

When the man said so with a smile, Noah added a word from next to me. “Kaitlyn is a talented magician.”


Talented magician.


They said I was a talented magician. I was praised by two of the best in the industry.

I covered my mouth with my hand and calmed the corners of my lips from twitching.

In a good mood now, laughter leaked out of my mouth as I hid my face with my teacup.

But that too lasted only a moment. Returning to reality once more, my lips turned back down.

All of a sudden, Noah addressed me in the midst of sitting there doing nothing just like me.

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“Isn’t it boring?”

“Yes… or no!”

I, who was nodding without thinking, raised my face.

What was I saying? Seriously!

When I stuttered like that, Noah smiled amusedly and rested his chin on his hand.

“You’re finally looking at me now.”


Alarmed on the inside, I swallowed. I think my heart stopped for about two seconds just now.

Did I hear wrong?

My senior lowered his eyebrows as if he had noticed how hard my pupils were shaking.

No, not my poor face.

“Is my presence here making you uncomfortable?”

“N-no,” I immediately answered.

If I could, I wanted to steal my father’s seal and order him to be deported, but I couldn’t say as much to him.

“If you’re bored, want to leave?”


To where?

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Dumbfounded, I blinked both eyes. Feeling like I had to do something, I picked up the teapot.

“Won’t you drink more tea?”

Noah shook his head.


I awkwardly put the teapot back down.

“Come to think of it, you must be tired from the journey. We’re in such a periphery, after all… Goodness, my dad.”

I awkwardly turned to look at my dad, who was excitedly talking to Linus.

“If you’re alright with it, would you like to go upstairs?”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

When Noah nodded, I quietly raised myself from my seat.


I turned to him to ask where I should take Noah to, but Dad was still busy talking.

Oh well, I could just show him to the guest room, right? They weren’t going to go subjugating immediately, so…

With that thought, I called for Rita, a lot more relaxed than I was previously.


But somehow, an urgent look was all over Rita’s face.

She scampered to my side and whispered into my ear.

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