How To End a Crush

Chapter 17.1

Once I gave this some good thought, I realized all I ever did when I came to visit town was eat, even on non-market days.

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And I even had the audacity to drag Noah out here.

By the time we’d walked about halfway through town, I caught sight of the familiar bookstore and impulsively asked, “Would you like to go to the bookstore?”

Of all the places I frequented, this was the most acceptable place for me to go with Noah. Noah liked books enough to reside in our library after all.

“Sounds good.”

As expected, Noah nodded his head.

Opening the door to the bookstore, I greeted the elderly owner. “It’s been a while, Grandpa.”

“The used book section’s thataway,” the grandpa said, pointing to the corner of the shop after taking one glance at my face.

With a slight bow of my head, I headed to the used books section.

Following me there, Noah asked in a low voice, “Is he really your grandfather?”

“Hm? Oh, no. Just someone I know,” I answered, chuckling.

“I’m a little hesitant to ask this, but…” Gazing down at me, he faltered for a second before he opened his mouth again. “What about your mother?”

“She passed away when I was two,” I said nonchalantly, continuing to run my hands against the books.

Noah stiffened immediately and spoke in a low voice. “I’m sorry.”

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“It was a long time ago.”

My mother may as well have not existed in my memories. I’d only been a baby who hadn’t learned how to speak yet when she had been alive. The only thing I did remember was how much my dad had cried after her death.

I barely remembered my mom’s face, too, so all I could do was look at her portrait hanging in the house and think, so she was someone who looked like that.

To be honest, living with my father, I had never felt the absence of my mother my entire life.

If I said that, would that make me a wretched daughter?

Laughing to myself, I turned the page of my book.

“I don’t think there are any magic books in this section. Shall we go over there?”

Noah hastily put down the novel that he’d been reading.

It looked like Noah liked reading novels.

I stopped walking and smiled faintly, then grabbed another novel to bring with me as I leaned against the wall, pretending to be ignorant of this fact. It didn’t really matter, since it wasn’t like we came here looking to buy magic-related books anyways.

Noah stood there for a while as if he was gauging the situation, then picked up the novel again.

I peeked at him from the side a couple of times before I fixed my gaze on the book in my hands once more. The sentences were so immersive that it was easy to get lost inside the pages.

We spent an hour or so like that in the bookstore. I had fun, and I think Noah had fun, too.

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On top of that, having discovered a fun fictional series, I’d bought the whole stack. Something to read over break, for sure.

After paying for the books, I held my bag in one arm as I glanced at my watch. “It’s already past six,” I told Noah.

One novel held preciously in his hand, Noah picked up my bag of purchases.

“Oh, that’s alright.”

“Your arm. You’re hurt.”

“Thank you.”

I blinked sheepishly as I turned my head.

“What should we do about dinner? Do you want to eat here, or have our meal at the mansion?”

“I don’t really care.”

I instinctively recollected what today’s menu for dinner was.

Ugh, herring tasted awful.

As long as Noah was okay, it wouldn’t be so bad to eat out here. Things weren’t as awkward between us as I’d thought it would be, too.

My brows furrowed as I agonized over this choice before I slowly lifted my head.

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“Then… Shall we eat out?”

When Noah nodded in agreement, we began walking as I asked him questions.

“Do you like meat?”

Seeing him nod again, my steps became faster.

The key to hospitality was always meat.

I knew of a restaurant. It was the most famous and tastiest place I knew. I was well acquainted with the owner lady, too.

“Goodness, milady! How long has it been? What’s wrong with your arm? Did you hurt it?”

Unsurprisingly, as soon as I opened the door, I was hounded by greetings coming from place to place.

“Long time, no see. I’ve been so busy for some time now.”

“My my, we all know how serious you are about your studies. Please have a seat, the both of you.”

Guided by the owner lady herself, we sat down at a table.

“Milady, I heard you were also in the subjugation party?”

One of the restaurant employees gave me a sparkling look as soon as we were seated.

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I awkwardly nodded my head. “Mm, that’s right.”

“And you hurt that arm there too? Goodness!”

Her words ended with a sigh.

While it was only natural as the heir next in line that I was going to be their next lord, I always felt burdened when I came here since all the attention always seemed to be focused on me.

I was shyly rubbing my bandaged arm when the owner lady glanced at Noah and spoke. “And my, isn’t he the one who came from the Tower of Magic? The magician.”

“She’s right, she’s right. I heard someone say he went into the forest with milady.”

“He did us a great favor, then! How difficult was it for us to always have to go around that forest, am I right?”

“Right. And the animals were suddenly so fierce, too.”

The middle-aged lady pounded Noah on the back as she burst out into boisterous laughter. Noah, who’d been just about to take a sip from his glass of water, swayed and missed the glass.

Um, excuse me. He’s the son of a marquis, you know.

“This isn’t the time for that. Hey you, bring me some food. Everything on the menu,” the owner lady told an employee. She smiled gently thereafter. “I don’t take money.”

“That isn’t…” Noah was about to say no, making a face that screamed he didn’t want to be a burden, but…

“Thank you, I’ll be sure to enjoy the delicious food,” I said, smiling up at the owner.

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