How To End a Crush

Chapter 21.1

Gloria Lupinus, a third-year in the swordsmanship division.

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She was the daughter of the Minister of Finance and the heiress to the prestigious Lupinus Marquis, and she once was in marriage talks with Noah.

In the book I had read, she had also been a villain, tormenting Flora because she was still not over Noah.

The way she bullied Flora was on a scale that was so big it would be incomparable to mine, such as sexual harassment, bribing professors, and ostracizing her.

In other words, she was one of the characters to avoid—but that didn’t matter right now.

Because wow, was she awfully pretty.

My jaw slackened as I kept glancing over at Gloria’s face.

Though I usually never said this, she had a beauty that could be on par with Noah’s.

While I was going bonkers over her face, it seemed Dora was thinking of something else entirely.

Dora muttered in a low voice, “She’s… wiping her sword.”

The long silver blade flashed under the summer sunlight.

We gulped together.

Dora shivered slightly.


The truth was, I actually knew of Gloria’s name even before I read the novel. It was a given, seeing how she was the eldest daughter of a powerful family in the empire.

However, since we were in different grades and because she’d gone to Lowell Kingdom as an exchange student for a year, I had never seen her for myself until now.

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Besides, as high a rank as she had, it was also hard to venture close to her.

There was also a rumor that she didn’t have that great a personality—and the book all but confirmed all this to be true. Scary.

“You said you met her at the Kingdom. You didn’t even greet each other?”

“What greeting? We’re not even close.” Having said that, Dora shuddered and shook her head.

I turned my attention back to the school gates.

Having sheathed her sword, Gloria was walking, putting one long leg in front of the other in an elegant gait.

“Long time no see, Flora.”

And the place she had headed to was none other than Flora.

As soon as Gloria spoke, the crowd surrounding Flora retreated instantly.

“Ria! I missed you. How have you been?”

Not knowing a single thing, Flora only smiled and took Gloria’s hand.

No, Flora. You have to flee.

It would’ve been nice if there was a way to let her warn somehow through body language, but unfortunately, we were too far away.

Therefore, all I could do was watch nervously.

“I’m the same as always. I’m glad to see you.”

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With a smiling voice, Gloria finished greeting Flora and slid her eyes to fix them unto Noah. “And you too, Noah.”

Her blue eyes narrowed into slits.

“Looks like you got along very well without me. You look good.”

Though I knew already… so it was true.

I nodded my head unnoticeably.

In a weird sense, I felt something like a comradeship towards her. Though there was a difference in scale and level, she and I had similar roles. We also shared the same ending: expulsion.

Fortunately—if it was fortunate at all—Noah didn’t show any other reaction except to bow his head slightly.

“Don’t be so cold.”

Her lips drew a pretty curve at the dry response.

After showing one last smile to Flora, Gloria turned away with her sword still in her hand and left.


As soon as she walked away, I let out the breath I’d been holding.

It felt like the air around us had loosened in an instant.


Thinking I could understand just a little why Dora had been shuddering, I picked up the bag I’d place on the floor.

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I was just about to follow Dora into the main building when I turned around at the voice calling me.

The first thing I saw was Noah’s face.


“Kate, long time no see! How have you been?”

Noah’s low greeting was buried under Flora’s loud one.

“Oh, h-hello.” Waving at Dora to go on ahead, I bowed my head in greeting.

“Are you okay? Noah said you got hurt.”

Furrowing her eyebrows, Flora gently held my arm.

“If I’d been there, I could have healed you.”

“No, it’s fine. You shouldn’t waste your divinity on stuff like that.”

I laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of my head.

“I heard Noah was at your estate during the summer. Did you have fun without me?”

Laughing mischievously, Flora covered her mouth.

I was about to deny this, but the conversation moved on to the next topic before I could say anything.

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“Right, I have some good news.”



With a pleasant giggle, Flora continued speaking with a proud expression.

“I’ve recruited a new club member. We’re going to be four now, you hear?”


My eyes darted around rapidly, slightly bewildered.

Still smiling, Flora affectionately stroked my hair.

“A friendly, good person is coming. I’ll introduce the two of you next time.”

“I-I see.”

“Isn’t that good news?”

Her light blue eyes sparkled brightly at me.

“Um, Flora, actually I….”

Trailing off, I glanced at Noah.

Since Noah hadn’t opposed my resignation from the club that strongly, I wanted him to say something, but he did not say a single word. I felt betrayed.

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