How To End a Crush

Chapter 27.1

I sat there twirling my pen and chewing on my lips, even though up until just a moment ago, I’d been studying decently enough.

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There was less than a month away until the exams, so this was getting to be a huge problem.

“I have no idea…”

Just up until one page ago, we’d been dealing with very basic information — so why did it suddenly become this difficult?

I read and reread that page, flipping back and reading it again and again, but I still didn’t understand.

Oh, don’t tell me I actually missed taking notes on something important. Well, now what?

Chewing on my nails, I broke out in cold sweat.

To be honest, until I entered the academy, I used to think I was a genius.

I was the only magician from our fief. With a tutor that wasn’t very strict, a father and other members of the household that poured their love onto me, I was once in the perfect environment to be arrogant.

I thought that someone of my level would, quite naturally, attend the academy comfortably and easily.

But the unexpected difficulty level of the first exam gave me a huge shock, and even though I passed, my scores didn’t even come close to landing a scholarship.

The tuition I was paying for here was my dad’s money. Thinking about that, I had thought last semester would be the last semester I’d be wasting my tuition fees, but…!

Gaah, no wonder I thought everything was so hard. If I didn’t know this part, I wouldn’t be able to solve all the other application problems.

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Pulling at my hair, I despaired silently.

If I had someone I knew sitting next to me, I would ask them to show me their notes, but I was currently alone in my dorm room and it was almost time to go to the club.

In the end, I could only swallow back tears and close the book.

Later, I’ll ask them later.



Holding my unfinished homework in one hand, I stepped into the club room.

As soon as she saw me, Gloria stood up from where she was sitting far away from Noah and sat back down right next to him. Shrugging that off, I sat next to her.

For some reason both Gloria and Noah were quiet, so I found the part I’d been reading earlier and spread out the book in front of me.

I was getting into the thick of it when I heard a rustle and I lifted my head. A caramel lay in front of me.

Was this for me?

I glanced at Gloria to gauge her expression. Seeing how she’d placed the candy right in front of me, it did seem like it was meant for me.

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Did I look like someone you’d enjoy giving sweets to?

Oh, whatever. As they say, whoever gives you food is undoubtedly a good person.

I popped the caramel into my mouth. This was an act based on the belief that as long as you weren’t beyond crazy, the chances of getting poisoned at the academy were close to zero.


It was good.

According to its wrapper, its brand was a name I’d never heard of before. I’ll have to keep that in mind and buy it again later.

Instead of throwing the wrapper away, I put it in the pocket of my school uniform and pinned my eyes on the textbook again.

I’d returned to chewing on my lips here and there and trying to understand what I was reading when, this time, Noah spoke to me first. “Is there anything you find difficult?”

“Oh, this theory…. This part is a little confusing.”

“Would you like me to explain it to you?”


Brightening, I raised my head. That had been something I’d been hoping for, actually.

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According to what I knew, Noah had rarely missed getting first place every year, so it was certain that he’d be very knowledgeable about this theory that was giving me such a hard time.

The schoolwide valedictorian’s pointed tutoring would be a great help in my time of need.

Noah nodded easily and spoke. “That is if you don’t mind staying a little longer after we’re done here.”

“Oh, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

When I nodded back to him just as easily, Gloria’s eyes slid to one side as she leaned her chin on one hand and she murmured quietly. It was a small sound, but I heard her clearly. “And who’re you to…”

I thought I felt every drop of blood in my body go cold.

Spotlights whirled in front of my eyes.

She gave me a caramel just a moment ago, so why was she acting so hot and cold like this?

Glancing at Noah, who hadn’t moved a muscle as if he hadn’t heard a thing, I gulped silently.

Did he really not hear it, I wondered, or was he pretending not to?

But thinking that Noah wasn’t someone who’d pretend not to see his underclassman in trouble, I was relieved. Yes, that was how it was. Exactly like that.

“Can I come along too?” Gloria raised her hand, smiling kindly as if she hadn’t just said that.

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Reluctantly, I had to nod.

Anyways, that meant I didn’t need to pore over this book anymore, so I put it down. My previously-heavy heart was at peace instantly.

“You’re all here already?” said Flora as she opened the classroom door looking surprised.

“Uh-uh, is it really all right for the president to be this late?” Gloria said loudly, looking playful.

Flora, who’d been saying bye to her lover, smiled sheepishly. “I don’t know, isn’t it you guys who are arriving way too early?”

I chanced a glimpse of the male student through the window, who gently squeezed Flora’s hand one last time before he left.

They looked good together.

It wasn’t like I knew Flora really well, but it hadn’t come to my attention that she and her boyfriend were all that close to begin with. But seeing how they were always together, it was obvious that they were.

But if things went according to the Book of Prophecy, then Flora and that student would break up. It probably won’t end well, either.

Would Flora be okay? For now, at least, they were so in love with each other.

For the first time, I found myself thinking: I guess things aren’t always so great just because you’re the female lead.

My envy toward Flora disappeared a little bit.

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