How To End a Crush

Chapter 31.2

SIDE STORY – Gloria Lupinus (4)

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Wow. He was prettier than a girl. After seeing his face, I wondered for a long time if I had misheard “young mistress” as “young master”.[6]

It was such a beautiful face that even I, who had gotten used to seeing my own pretty face in the mirror everyday, had to appreciate it. Perhaps because he was still young, his glistening silver hair that had been described as long in the novel was stopped at his shoulders. Because of his premature poor eyesight, he wore thick glasses, through which I could see his golden eyes.

Ho, his nose was high as a ski jump. What was it pointing at, the future?

While I was being all types of silly inside my head, Noah spoke to me without even looking up from his book.

“Let me set this straight. I have no intention of marrying you.”


Once I heard that, I frowned like I had just been slapped with shit. Up till that moment, I had been appreciating his face, but my heart cooled immediately.

You are saying that about a marriage alliance between families? Look at this punk.

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It seemed like the guy was as rude as he was good-looking. Would you just look at the bastard? I knew from the beginning that there was a reason why he was not my fave. This was the male lead? In that case, the female lead, Flora, must be some type of saint.

Aigoo, in my past life, I lived more than 30 years, but here I was hearing this type of shit from a 10-year old. What exactly was so good about this crazy child for the original Gloria to make such a fuss over him?

Although, I guess it figures. In the original novel, Gloria did not want to become the wife of some noble; she just wanted to live as ‘Marquis Gloria Lupinus’. So because he was the second son and could not inherit the title nor did he have any interest in noble titles, Noah must have looked like the ideal husband to her.

A career woman with a handsome man on the side. That does sound cool.

No, that’s all by the way. In any case, since he was being so ill-mannered, there was no reason for me to remain silent.

“Who did you think wanted that? I had no intention of doing that either.”

I snorted and then picked up a cookie from the plate next to me. Crush, the cookie was ground to powder in my angry hands.

“Seeing how weak you look, I have no need for a husband who will not be able to properly take care of things in the family.”

The dude did not even respond to my provocation. He just kept on reading his book, like a huge poker face. Making a tower with macarons seemed to be more fun than continuing to watch him, so I took ten macarons, each one a different flavour, and piled them up neatly on the tea stand.

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It was while I was concentrating on my macaron tower.


Noah glanced at my macaron tower and sighed, as if to ask why I wasn’t doing something more productive, but instead frittering away my time doing such a thing.

What. What. What are you looking at?

As I blinked my eyes, speechless at his attitude, the macaron tower that was already on the verge of collapse due to its poor construction finally succumbed to its fate. I became even more ticked off, so I knocked over my teacup, a smile on my face.

“Oh my, a slip of hand.”

The marriage agreement was going to be broken anyway. I might as well relieve my anger, at least. The tea that had spilled on the table dripped down and soaked Noah’s trousers.

“. . . . . .”

But Noah did nothing except move his legs back and frown. As the icing on top, without giving me another glance, he buried his nose even deeper into his book.

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Ha, this punk, you’re quite tolerant. Yeah, right now we are both kids in primary school, so let’s fight like primary school kids.

I poured tea that had gone cold into my cup as I ground my teeth. I had been quite happy that I had a good excuse to skip class during this time. He was the one who ruined it for me.

Just as his clothes were about to become all soaked with tea, Noah stood from his seat. Left alone, I giggled, enjoying my victory. Even if he was the male lead, he was still a child, so how could he stand it?

Don’t I realise that I am doing this to a child that I am 20 years older than? Ah, yes, he is a kid, whatever.

Maybe my mental age decreased because I was shut inside a young body, but I found these childish acts quite fun.

“You are grounded!”


“You don’t know what you did? You ruined Marquis Yurielle’s son’s clothing like that. Have you lost your mind?!”

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“You are being too harsh over a few mistakes, Father.”

“Thi — this, how dare you say that, you foolish thing!”

Only you would say that, Father.

I stuck out my tongue at my roaring father. In any case, the relationship between the two families had been started during the time of past family heads, so it wasn’t something that could be broken because of some child’s prank.

But this was pretty good, my eyes narrowed as I thought. This was not my first time having a conflict with nobles my age. Sometimes, there would be idiots who looked down on me or disregarded me because I was a girl interested in swordsmanship. Since I was in a position to, I would display my talents to my heart’s content while fighting them. Usually, those I beat up would go crying to their parents.

Everytime, I would roll my eyes and say “I’m sorry, it was a mistake”, to get it over with. Since I was an heir and there was no reason to get on my bad side, the noble parents would skilfully skirt around it, and it would all blow over.

But this time, Noah had walked off and snitched to my father instead. Pretty smart for a ten-year old.

Just like that, the marriage agreement was broken and I was grounded for a week. The entire week, I had to relearn tea pouring and all the tea etiquette from scratch.


[6] The words used here are ‘여식’ [yeo-shik] and ‘영식’ [yeong-shik]. To keep the similarity, I used mistress and master. A bit of a stretch, but if you mumble, it kinda works

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