How To End a Crush

Chapter 33.1

I peered into the first year classroom with my head sticking out through the window. Coming to the classroom of another grade felt a bit awkward.

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I had forgotten to come find him during the week, so I decided to come show my face before leaving. But it wasn’t as simple as I thought. I thought he would be in the dorms or in the drill hall, not expecting that he would be in his classroom.

Seriously, why is he spending his precious weekend in the classroom? He doesn’t even like studying.

Ah, is he hanging out with his friends? Makes sense though – if the number of friends he has is in the double digits, then going out altogether will be a bit awkward.

This punk has so many friends. I am so envious.

I waited as I grumbled to myself, and soon I saw a head of red hair.


I waved at Arhan who turned with a startled look on his face.

“You really came.”

“Yeah, I did say I would come see you.”

I laughed, feeling relieved that exams were over now, and happy because I had a meetup later with some friends.

“You didn’t come all this time. Not even to show your face.”

I was in the wrong for not keeping the promise I had made. Seeing the big round eyes of the kid that was like a younger sibling to me, I felt even happier and smiled brightly.

At that moment, the sound of playful jeers and whistling came from inside the classroom.

“Who is this, your girlfriend?”

“Seriously…… I said she isn’t.”

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Arhan ruffled his hair as he glared at the classmates who were teasing him. His ears, seen through his hair, were red. The taunting ceased, but I had heard it all.

“Are those your friends? Wow, you have so many friends.”

I looked into the classroom with a casual smile.


Arhan tapped me to draw my attention back. Then, out of the blue, he whispered ‘twenty’ to me.

What does that mean?

As I looked at Arhan with a puzzled face, he avoided my gaze with an embarrassed look.

“That was my ranking on this exam.”

“Yo! How amazing!”

I patted Arhan’s back after hearing that and cheered. I didn’t know what exactly his grades were on the last test, but objectively speaking, they must have been good.

“The first person I wanted to tell was you, noona.”

Arhan blinked shyly.

“Since I knew you would praise me.”

“You cute bastard. You’ve worked hard. Now you can play as much as you want!”

I laughed as I patted his head.

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“Ah, I have a prior appointment, so I’ll head out now.”

I’d caught a glance of my watch and seen that it was almost time to meet up with my friends.

“So that’s why you’re not in uniform.” [1]

“Mhmm, how does it look?”

I spun around, causing the hem of the green dress to flutter.

“It suits you.”

Arhan, who was leaning against the wall, answered with a deep look in his eyes.

“Thanks, I’m off now! Have fun with your friends.”

“Okay. See you later.”

Having said bye to Arhan, I hurried off to get to the meeting place, my shoes tapping loudly on the floor.

* * *

The main street where all the shops were was not far from the Academy. Wearing regular clothes for the first time in a while, my friends and I were out to explore downtown.

“Shall we go buy some candy?”

After the four of us had shared a cake, I pointed to a new candy shop, my eyes twinkling. The shop was huge, with a charming interior, so it had become famous among the students in no time.

Having led my friends to the candy shop, I saw a candy that I was familiar with.

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It was the caramel that Senior Gloria had given me some time back. It was so good!

I swept through with an excited face, packing up the candy to my heart’s content. The variety that they had here, miles apart from that of the school canteen, made me so excited.

“Why are you buying so many?”

Dora looked at the size of the bag I had in my hand and scolded me, but I didn’t care.

Hehe, sweets for life!

I soon checked out and stood next to Mallory looking at the lollipops, when I saw blonde hair that looked familiar. Next to that were silver hair and light pink hair.

It seems the seniors came out to have fun too. Didn’t Senior Flora say she was going to stay in the dorms to review? Now she is out. Yeah. it’s a loss to just study on the weekends. Oh, but what about the caramel I said I would buy for her?

After hesitating for a while, I plucked up the courage to say hello.

“Hello, sunbae.”

“Oh, Kate!”

Senior Gloria’s expressionless face immediately turned bright as she patted my hair.

“Did you come to buy some caramels?”


“Aww, how cute.”

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Mumbling softly to herself, she paid for some bags of caramel and turned to give them to me. I waved my hand with an embarrassed face.

“Ah, no, there is no need……”

“No worries, I am treating you to these. Enjoy.”

“Oh look, it’s Kate! Hi!”

I could also see Senior Noah behind Senior Flora, and he had a small smile on his face.


“Hello sunbae.”

Senior Noah looked at the caramels that Senior Gloria had given me with a sad face. I glanced at him for a moment before turning my eyes away.

“Hmm, shall I buy something for you too?”

Senior Flora took out her wallet and asked enthusiastically.

“No, it’s okay. I have to go now so……”

“You are with your friends I see. We’ve been holding you up.”

Senior Flora saw my friends who were gathered in the candy section and said apologetically. I replied no, waving my hands, before saying goodbye and returning to where my friends were.


[1] not in uniform: 사복; regular clothes. The 사 in 사복 comes from 私 the hanja for ‘private’ or ‘personal’.

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