How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 100.1

Chapter 100.1 – Going to the Capital

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The aircraft swept through the air.

Even if it was driving at full speed, it would take 20 minutes to return to the “lair”.

They left the “lair” for three or four hours, and this happened, which was really unpredictable. Lu Tinghan tried to contact Chi Yongge. At first, Chi Yongge was able to report the situation. He said that there were a large number of…rabbits approaching. Soon, they didn’t know if the situation turned critical, there was no response.

Di Wen cursed in a low voice: “How could it be the rabbits at this time…”

She couldn’t sit still at all, pacing back and forth on the aircraft, clenching her fists.

Adjutant Bing asked, “What’s wrong with rabbits?”

“…” Di Wen exhaled an angry breath and explained, “Rabbits have a strong reproductive ability and are also the most suitable infected creatures for the Gamma Abyss. They reproduce in large numbers like rodents.” The corners of her mouth were tightly tense, “Gamma Abyss shouldn’t be…”

They were infected by the Gamma Abyss.

If the Gamma Abyss was restless again… the moles might also come back.

Mole people could survive because they could move underground.

But it was the same for moles and other burrowing creatures, the greatest threat to them.

The aircraft was traveling at full speed, they finally saw the hills from a distance.

Countless rabbits swarmed over the long grass and up the hills. The creatures were supposed to be very cute, but the appearance of such large groups spread across the plain only made one’s scalp tingle.

“F*cking monsters—” Di Wen gritted her teeth.

Shi Yuan leaned against the glass and saw that they were just like small bulldozers, with sharp teeth, and no grass was left where they passed. He watched helplessly as the long golden grass that he liked was gnawed away.

Shi Yuan: QAQ

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Gunshots faintly came from under the hill, the mole people were resisting. Intricate tunnels and dense sentry posts were their best defense; Di Wen forced them to learn firearms and practice repeatedly, also for today.

The aircraft had laser weapons and machine guns. Adjutant Bing turned on cruise mode and controlled the weapons separately from Douglas.

The rabbit sensed the threat and instinctively avoided the aircraft.

Lu Tinghan commanded them. He looked at the rabbit ocean intently. As before, he had insight into the monster’s thinking, and his weapons accurately hit the direction of the rabbit’s escape again and again, forcing them to retreat, their eyes red.

Di Wen told everyone the entrance to the “lair”, and they deliberately forced the rabbit away from there. There was a new movement in the “lair”, there were fewer rabbits waiting in the entrance, and three strange robots slowly stood up from under the soil.

Di Wen breathed a sigh of relief visibly to the naked eye.

The soil and grass roots slipped from them, and the dark body metal seemed to engulf the light.

Then, they shot out scorching light.

Shi Yuan happened to be looking at them, his eyes hurt from the light. If he knew more about the military, he would realize that they were very similar to the Empire’s war robot “Blazing Sun”.

Originally, they dealt with the Alliance.

The mole people collected these machines.

Where the laser passed, there was a smell of burnt fur.

The rabbits let out soundless screams, retreated steadily under the double attack, and finally dispersed completely.

The world went quiet.

Di Wen breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as the aircraft landed, everyone rushed to the “lair”.

Rabbit corpses were everywhere.

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The mole people jumped up and down, holding old guns, and shouted “Di Wen! Di Wen!” when they saw them.

Most of them were low-precision clay guns and close-range, so it was not a problem to kill rabbits. Di Wen responded: “I’m back, are you all alright?”

The mole people shook their fur and replied, “Di Wen! We are fine!” Quite energetic.

Only then did Di Wen show a relieved smile.

There were still some rabbits fleeing, and Lu Tinghan killed all the rabbits in his field of vision with his gun, one shot at a time.

There was a gray-spotted white rabbit with a fat head and big ears. It was being chased by a mole person and was about to crash into them.——

“Bang!” With a gunshot, it fell to its side, its legs twitching constantly.

At the exit of the tunnel, Chi Yongge’s muzzle was smoking.

He said somewhat tiredly, “You guys are back.”

Shi Yuan saw that Chi Yongge had a wound on his hand, probably bitten by a rabbit, wrapped in a thick bandage, and blood was still gushing out.

Chi Yongge lowered the muzzle of the gun, took out another inhibitor, and stuck it on his big arm for injection.

The translucent liquid entered his body, the burning sensation was obvious, and the blue veins in front of his forehead burst. Then he said: “This is the infected swarm of Gamma Abyss.”


The “lair” fell into a celebration.

The mole people walked through the tunnel, running around and cheering nonstop. Gerald and Morgan gave them post-battle tributes, and large pieces of raw meat were thrown out – some were picked directly from the rabbits.

They ate happily, and they didn’t forget to check: “Di Wen! Are you okay?”

“Yes,” Di Wen replied hoarsely, “I’m fine, go and eat.”

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The group of mole people cheered and left.

The mole people were very happy, they once again defended their home.

Others were not so optimistic.

There seemed to be an unchanging cloud on Di Wen’s face. She lit the fire, set up a kettle to boil water, and said, “Dr. Chi, are you sure it’s Gamma Abyss?”

“Yes,” Chi Yongge replied, “I have sampled and compared it, it’s confirmed.”

Di Wen was silent for a long time.

After a long time, she asked, “…General Lu, have you always fought like this?”

Lu Tinghan nodded his head politely.

“I see.” Di Wen said, “I know now, it’s not that there is no one in the Alliance so you became general. You really have this ability, like… knowing what the monster is thinking.” She rubbed her hands unconsciously on the corners of her clothes and murmured, “Now, what should I do? What are we going to do? It’s back again.”

The Gamma Abyss was the eternal nightmare of the mole people.

When the abyss was active, they had to keep moving and change places to live in order to be safer.

No one could answer her question.

The combat effectiveness of the aircraft, Lu Tinghan’s ability, and the potential of inhibitors were of great help to the mole people, but the main city was at stake, and it was impossible for Lu Tinghan and the others to stay.

Di Wen naturally understood this.

In the next two days, the infected group of the Gamma Abyss came twice more, once a rabbit and once a suspected vole creature. Fortunately, the scale was not large, and it was held down by the efforts of everyone. The infection monitor on the aircraft had been sending alerts, and the Gamma Abyss was really active.

The next night, Shi Yuan was tending his tail in the small room of the “Lair”, and Lu Tinghan beside him was wiping his gun.

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There was a sound from the tunnel outside: “General Lu, are you here?”

It was Di Wen’s voice.

“I’m here, what’s the matter?” Lu Tinghan said as he dimmed the light.

The old and deformed woman hunched her back and walked in. In the dim light, the deep lines on her face became more noticeable.

She said in a hoarse voice: “General, there is something I want to tell you… I can’t go with you anymore.”

Shi Yuan was confused.

Lu Tinghan was not surprised: “Because of the Gamma Abyss?”

“Yes.” Di Wen sighed deeply, “I—I can’t leave them behind.” She paused, her expression almost struggling, “I don’t want to delay you anymore. No one else understands the distribution of the city. I will mark it on the map for you as soon as possible, and then take a look. When do you plan to leave?”

“…I see.” Lu Tinghan nodded and said, “The Alliance still thanks you for your help.”

Di Wen’s old hand clenched tightly, and she said, “I want to go back too. Mr. Gerald and I were both born in Elton, which is our home. We often tell other people about Elton and the city, and Dorothy likes these stories the most.”

She said that there were houses in the city, and steel bars and concrete could bring a sense of security; she said that the long streets were lively and the squares were wide, and even the small streets and alleys had a different style; she said that Elton was flying lion flags everywhere, majestic, and in addition to the city, there were towns and villages, those places were equally beautiful and nostalgic.

She said, that was the real life.

Mole people listened to her telling stories and depicting scenes they had never seen before, their eyes full of expectation.

“Before, I didn’t expect General Liszt to be still alive and retreated to Elton.” Di Wen smiled dryly, “Maybe he is really alive, maybe you really heard his ‘Echo’.”

Words couldn’t describe her tone.

Regretful and torn, reluctant and sad.

Shi Yuan suddenly remembered Di Wen looking into the distance on the hill at dusk that day, saying that she wanted to go home, it was the same tone she used back then.

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