How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 102.1

Chapter 102.1 – Elton

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The remaining 150 kilometers were unexpectedly difficult.

There was a light rain for a few hours, and then it came strong again, and it was so strong that people couldn’t see anything. Shi Yuan lost the pleasure of looking at the scenery and could only stay in the room or command room.

The fish group still followed them.

Everyone spent a lot of energy to watch out.

However, there were other problems that came faster than the fish group.

When they were only 40 kilometers away from Elton, a situation occurred.

In the thunderstorm, a large group of monsters cruised by. They couldn’t see their appearance clearly. They only saw their mountain-like figures looming, swinging their tails, wandering, and making deafening roars. They were surging in the clouds and setting off huge waves. A giant beast arched its black back, and the mist flowed down from it like waves.

The infection detector beeped loudly and frantically.

The beasts were so close that they almost touched the aircraft. Shi Yuan propped his head and saw their scales by the window, wet by the rain, with a metallic color.

Usually, monsters dared not get so close to Shi Yuan, in addition, the aircraft itself was also camouflaged.

Maybe it was because of the mole people, there were more people in the aircraft which tempted the group of monsters; or perhaps the abyss was very restless, making them anxious to forage for food and infect.

“Don’t get any closer,” Shi Yuan said, “Otherwise you will die.”

Perhaps it was his deterrence that had an effect.

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The beasts eventually brushed past.

In the early hours of the morning a day later, Shi Yuan had just woken up, and Lu Tinghan was no longer by his pillow. He got out of bed in a daze, trying to see what was going on. As soon as he arrived in the corridor, the lights were brightly lit, and everyone stood in front of the huge porthole window in silence.

“What’s the matter?” Shi Yuan asked.

“Shi Yuan, come here,” Lu Tinghan said so.

Shi Yuan walked over and saw the city in the rain curtain.

The endless walls of the city, the endless streets, the faded spires of the church. In the far distance, the palace was half in ruins and half standing, its magnificent vaulted roof supported tens of thousands of tons of rain and black sky, visible only in silhouette from afar, like a beast that didn’t want to die.

He also saw the lion flag of the Empire.

It was a combination of red and white gold, and the flag was wilting and no longer flying.

They had arrived at Elton.

Di Wen whispered: “This is the outer city.”

Lu Tinghan: “Should we go to the palace?”

“That’s not the real palace,” Di Wen smiled hoarsely, “The real palace is underground, this is a showpiece on the ground – of course, it didn’t cost less money and effort.” She stretched out her hand and pointed to the depths of the city, “The entrance to the underground is in the inner city, we still have to fly a bit further.”

Adjutant Bing hesitated: “It doesn’t look… like anyone lives here.”

Di Wen: “If General Liszt is still there, they must be underground.” She took a deep breath, “Let’s go… and meet him.”

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It was not clear what was going on in the city, so the aircraft passed very slowly. Through the porthole, Shi Yuan saw many robots lying on the street and leaning against the wall. They were fragmented, some with only half of their bodies, some with only their heads, and some with only half of their legs and gears left.

“What are these?” he asked.

“War robots.” Lu Tinghan replied, “It was used in the war with the Alliance before, and it was used against monsters later.”

“Is it useful?”

“As far as I know, they are very useful. They make up for the lack of strength of the Empire Air Force,” Lu Tinghan said.

Di Wen also whispered: “Relying on them, we were able to guard the city… but it’s all in the past.”

There were machine remnants everywhere and there were ruins everywhere.

“What is that?!” Chi Yongge’s eyes lit up suddenly.

Several blue armbands hung on the steel bars.

—General Liszt led the soldiers to fight here. They had, indeed, managed to retreat to Elton.

This was undoubtedly exciting and good news.

After 30 minutes, the aircraft entered the inner city area.

The inner city area and the outer city area were separated by a wall and a power grid. In the past, it was brightly lit and soldiers stood guard all the time. If people in outer city area wanted to enter, they needed permits and strict inspections, all to ensure the safety of the royal family.

The degree of damage in the inner city area was much higher than in the outer city.

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There had probably been several fierce battles. There were ruins everywhere.

Di Wen said: “The underground city is wrapped in metal and has several layers of defenses. We can’t dig it out, so we can only take the normal passage. There are several entrances, but I don’t know which ones can still be used, so I have to go down and see.” She paused, “Remember to bring your ‘secret weapon’ that can ensure safety.”

In fact, it was Shi Yuan.

Lu Tinghan replied: “We will take it with us.”

The aircraft found a flat ground and landed slowly. Adjutant Bing and Douglas stayed on the aircraft, while the rest went down and walked among the ruins.

Di Wen was muttering while walking, struggling to climb over the ruins, and stretched out her hand to pull away the rubble.

It was raining heavily, and no one could hear what she was saying. Shi Yuan got very close, only to hear her say: “This is the church… the church, the Vencher Antique Shop, and over there is the Dier District Police Station and the Empire No.1 Middle School… Eh? Strange, where is the dessert shop? I can’t recognize it… Is the museum still there…”

The other mole people followed her. She picked up shards of glass and gravel, trying to identify traces of the past.

Di Wen said that she was born in Elton.

Even Shi Yuan could see that she knew this place well, even if it was a ruin. The rain was very cold, and Di Wen’s figure became thinner and thinner. Shi Yuan wanted to go up and help her with an umbrella, but she refused.

She said wearily: “Let me feel the rain for a while, anyway, it’s the rain in my hometown.”

The white hair was wet against her shriveled side face. Soon, she found an entrance to the underground.

The entrance was tightly blocked by the collapsed cathedral.

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Lu Tinghan checked and said, “Not here, we don’t have a suitable excavator. It will take a long time and there will be a lot of noise.”

“Then let’s go to the next entrance to have a look,” Di Wen sighed, “It’s just a bit far away.”

They returned to the aircraft and went to the center of the inner city area.

Getting closer to the ground, they could see its grandeur, and the marble pillars were still standing halfway up, carved with gorgeous floating cloud carvings.

Once again went to the ground and walked among the ruins. There were too many rubbles here, and it took Di Wen a long time to climb over the hill-like ruins of the palace before she reached the top of the ruins with the help of Chi Yongge.

Climbing up high and looking far away, there were ruins all around. There was a spacious square in front of the palace, but now it was dilapidated, and several mutant vines were climbing, crushing the stones under them.

A mole man suddenly said, “It’s here! It’s Sunrise Square!”

His tone was excited.

Not only him, but the other mole people also became restless and whispered. Shi Yuan heard what they were talking about, “King” “Kingslayer”, “Di Wen”…

“What happened?” Lu Tinghan asked.

The mole man glanced timidly at Shi Yuan beside him, quickly became excited again, and replied, “It’s here! The king died here! Di Wen took us into the city and killed the tyrant!” He cheered, “The tyrant died, and the mole people survived!”

The king once ordered the killing of all mole people, on the one hand, to save resources, on the other hand, to prevent the spread of fear – mole people were the biggest counterexample of fusion agents, representing the failure of the policy and the despair of the future. And Di Wen, the world’s first mole man, led them to survive and even killed the king.

This was the reason why they adored Di Wen so much.

She was their hero, a mother-like existence, and their spiritual leader.

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