How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 110.1

Chapter 110.1 – The Rain Against the Current

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Hearing this sentence, Lu Tinghan was stunned for a moment.

He asked, “Do you want to…fly the aircraft?”

“No,” Shi Yuan said, “I don’t want to die yet.”

Lu Tinghan: “……”


Shi Yuan continued: “I was just wondering if I could show you the way.” He curled up his tail, a little tangled, “I don’t know how to express it.”

Lu Tinghan suddenly remembered that at the underground station of the main city, a soldier surnamed Song asked in a hoarse voice why Lu Tinghan followed the light back to the convoy when he was a child. Where the light passed, a road appeared in the sea of flowers. That was the direction he came from.

Shi Yuan had no impression of this, and said in confusion that at that time, he just wanted Lu Tinghan to go home too much, and he didn’t think so much; Lu Tinghan also asked the professor, and the professor replied that the xuejian flowers had not been affected in any way, and the pollution value had not changed. He didn’t think what Old Song said was true.

Neither he nor Shi Yuan thought about this matter again, not until Shi Yuan mentioned it again.

Lu Tinghan asked, “I may understand what you mean. However, why so suddenly?”

“…I don’t know.” Shi Yuan looked out the window, at the gray world, lightning shattered the clouds like a mad snake. He couldn’t see the black sea and ice floes so far away, nor the lighthouse and the white dolphin, but he still looked out, “Maybe I want to go home, just like them.”

Lu Tinghan was silent and rubbed Shi Yuan’s head: “Then give it a try.”

Shi Yuan stood by the window.

Lu Tinghan stood side by side with him, and saw him looking out intently. With lightning and thunder, the tip of his tail swayed quickly, staring at the black clouds very, very hard, as if to look through them.

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After a minute, there was no movement.

Two minutes later, there was no movement.

Three minutes and four minutes… A full ten minutes passed, Shi Yuan’s eyes were so intent it almost sent out sparks, but the black clouds were still black clouds.

“Huff—” Shi Yuan’s tail was limp to the ground, and he said in frustration, “I can’t do it.”

“It’s okay.” Lu Tinghan smiled and hugged his shoulder, “You haven’t finished your sudoku yet, right? Go and try it again.”

This matter was mysterious, it’s too incredible.

He didn’t really hold out hope.

This day, Shi Yuan not only did sudoku, but also watched horror movies.

Adjutant Bing was a loyal horror movie lover. During this trip, he saved several horror movies on his private terminal. When Lu Tinghan was busy in the cockpit, Shi Yuan took Adjutant Bing’s terminal and watched a story of a serial killer in a thunderstorm.

——This was a very wrong choice.

This scene was exactly the same as reality, and it had a sense of substitution. As soon as Lu Tinghan returned to the room, he saw Shi Yuan with a knot in his tail.

Shi Yuan wrapped in a quilt: QAQ

Lu Tinghan untied his tail, went to bed, and said, “Don’t watch if you’re afraid.”

“I have nothing else to do.” Shi Yuan had lingering fears, “Actually, it’s still pretty good-looking.” He thought for a while, “I still want to watch it tomorrow.”

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This was the standard ‘becoming a silly bird after having fun’.

The next day, Shi Yuan watched two more movies, a rural chainsaw fanatic and a supernatural film. Lu Tinghan estimated that every half an hour on average, Shi Yuan would come to him with a knotted tail.

In the end, when Shi Yuan emptied the battery of Adjutant Bing’s terminal, he returned it.

The instrument had not yet recovered this night, the thunderstorm had a tendency to intensify, and the aircraft was still parked in place.

Chi Yongge was going to watch the night shift. He opened the tea can and poured it all out, but only fragments of tea leaves and petals fell out.

“I have no more tea to drink!” He lamented, “The fire of my life has disappeared!”

He boiled the water and carefully poured it into the cup.

Shi Yuan also took a glass of his fire of life.

Lu Tinghan didn’t let him drink tea in the evening – the last time he drank it, he was very hyperactive all night, holding the tail and tossing and turning. However, now this tea was as light as plain water, and it had no effect at all.

Shi Yuan was wrapped in a quilt on the bed, holding a teacup in both hands, and after taking a sip, he smacked his lips hard before tasting the fragrance of flowers. Then he lay down in front of the window at the head of the bed and watched the continuous rain and the gloomy ancient battlefield.

Lu Tinghan sat next to him and contacted the main city command. When he had finished explaining the matter, he also leaned over beside Shi Yuan and watched the rain with him.

It was still raining non-stop, and from time to time, there were eerie, sharp whistling howls, and large numbers of ghostly shadows sweeping through the clouds. As Chi Yongge said, it really looked like the souls of the dead from the battlefield were trapped here, with their obsessions still intact, refusing to leave. They fought to the death for their country, but one would wonder how they would feel when they saw the doomsday world at this moment.

Shi Yuan curled up in Lu Tinghan’s arms and drank tea slowly.

He said, “Lu Tinghan, when can we go back?”

“Soon.” Lu Tinghan replied in his ear, in a low voice, “I have discussed this with Adjutant Bing and the others. If the situation does not change in two days, we will continue to move forward.”

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“Is it dangerous?”

“It’s a bit, but we can’t delay anymore.” Lu Tinghan kissed Shi Yuan’s soft black hair, “Don’t worry, just get out of this battlefield.”

“Oh…” Shi Yuan saw another large group of strange shadows flashing through the clouds, ghostly and eerie, their shrill cries merged with thunder, he asked, “Are those really dead people?”

“I don’t think so,” Lu Tinghan said, “But who knows?”

“I’ve never seen what war among humans is like.”

“It’s also brutal. Just look at the Blazing Sun or the Alliance’s air force.”

“Will those soldiers be homesick?”

“I think they will.”

Shi Yuan looked at it carefully for a while, and those strange shadows were gone, only the rumbling thunder remained.

The road ahead was long, and the Alliance was still far away.

He complained in a low voice: “I want to go back—”

“Knock knock!” The door was knocked on and Adjutant Bing’s voice came: “General, can you come to the cockpit for a moment?”

Lu Tinghan responded and touched Shi Yuan’s head: “Go to bed early and stop thinking about horror movies.”

“Okay,” Shi Yuan agreed.

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Lu Tinghan went to the cockpit.

The holographic map was hovering in the center, marked with many different colored routes and data. They had been studying it for days, trying to find the safest direction to leave, but the Delta Abyss made the instruments malfunction. If they rushed forward, they were likely to get completely lost or run straight into a horde of monsters.

In the main city, the monsters infected by Shi Yuan continued to recover, and there was no time to hesitate.

Adjutant Bing showed Lu Tinghan the latest data.

Lu Tinghan quickly scanned rows of data, Adjutant Bing reviewed the map by his side, and said after a while: “General, assuming that the situation has not changed in two days, shall we set off early in the morning?”

Lu Tinghan: “……”

Adjutant Bing continued: “According to the current situation, from 7:00 to 10:00 in the morning, the pollution index is low, and the monsters should not be so active; but at night, the thunderstorms will subside slightly, and it is safer to travel. See which time period is better.”

Lu Tinghan: “……”

Only then did Adjutant Bing realize that Lu Tinghan hadn’t answered him.

Is it because he was looking at the data too intently?

He looked up and saw Lu Tinghan staring at the window intently.

Adjutant Bing also followed his gaze and saw the black clouds rolling, and aside from thunder and lightning, there was nothing else.

He asked, “What are you looking at?”

“…” Lu Tinghan put down the information and walked a few steps to the huge window, “I saw a little light source.”

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