How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 111.1

Chapter 111.1 – Hot bath

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The aircraft landed in the main city and received a warm welcome.

Shi Yuan jumped off the aircraft and heard cheers from far away outside the military region – people gathered to applaud and scream for them when they saw them coming back. They were regarded as explorers, pioneers, and heroes, returning safely and bringing back hope for tomorrow.

Chi Yongge was going to take Bruno to the medical center for a comprehensive examination.

Bruno came to the Alliance for the first time, seeing so many normal humans, he was very frightened, shivering on the aircraft.

Seeing him, Shi Yuan was like seeing himself in the past, and went up to comfort him: “Do you know? I used to have a fear of people.”

Bruno: “…” He opened his eyes wide and looked at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan continued: “Well, my fear of people hasn’t healed yet, but it’s much better than it was at the beginning! They are all good people!”

Bruno: “…” He stared at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan thought for a while: “It’s okay, you have to be brave.” He followed the example of others, patting Bruno’s shoulder to show encouragement.

Bruno: !!!!!

He was about to pass out.

Lu Tinghan: “……”

He saw at a glance that Shi Yuan was the source of Bruno’s fear, and seeing that Bruno was trembling so much, he quickly took Shi Yuan away.

Shi Yuan didn’t realize it, and turned his head as he walked and shouted, “If you are afraid, come to me!”

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The mole-man’s facial features were very distorted, Lu Tinghan could still see that Bruno’s face was full of: “I hope we will never see each other again.”

At the end of the long trip, they all need to rest.

Shi Yuan got in the car and went home with Lu Tinghan.

Along the way, he leaned against the car window to look at the scenery. The main city had changed a lot. In that war, many buildings were destroyed and resources were insufficient. They only rebuilt one-third of the city. Looking around, there were many army garrisons and food distribution offices, and there were ruins further away.

The monsters frozen in the black crystal were no longer in the city.

The strength of the black crystal was too high to be destroyed. People took in small insect monsters, and the rest of the larger ones could only be moved out of the city in pieces and thrown far away in order to buy time.

This was a lot of work. Under the command of Lieutenant General Fu Xiu, they cleaned up most of the monsters.

In the past few months of being away, the city had not relaxed at all.

Shi Yuan continued to look outside until the car stopped.

They reached home.

Lu Tinghan’s home was in the First Military Region and was not destroyed. The two pushed the door in, turned on the lights, and saw the furniture neatly arranged, exactly the same as when they left.

Shi Yuan: “Wow!”

The tip of his tail began to swing happily.

Before they came back, the logistics staff cleaned up. Shi Yuan threw himself on the sofa and rolled a few times. Lu Tinghan put down his bag and said with a smile, “Let’s take a hot bath first.”

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Shi Yuan was also thinking about this.

The shower room of the aircraft was too small, the hot water was not hot enough to wash comfortably. Now they were back in the city. Although the bathroom was small, it was more than enough for the two expeditioners who had returned from a long distance to take a comfortable hot bath.

The bathtub was full of hot water, and the white mist rose. Shi Yuan soaked in the whole thing and let out a sigh of satisfaction. A few minutes later, Lu Tinghan knocked on the door and came in, unbuttoned his tie and buttons with one hand, and joined Shi Yuan’s hot bath.

The bathtub was big enough, the water was a bit full, and a few handfuls of water were squeezed out.

Shi Yuan complained in a low voice: “You are still so low quality. You used to throw garbage, but now you waste water resources. When……um……um……”

He was kissed directly and stopped talking, leaving the environmental protection behind.

The two leaned against the bathtub together.

The hot water stretched every inch of nerves and washed away all the coldness of the continuous thunderstorm.

Shi Yuan said, “It’s great, the city is pretty good.”

Lu Tinghan: “Hmm. They did a great job.”

“I hope the monsters infected by me will wake up later.”


“When will you start ‘Deep Dive’?”

“It hasn’t been fully finalized yet, it should be within three months.”

“Oh,” Shi Yuan said.

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Lu Tinghan waited for Shi Yuan to continue asking, but Shi Yuan changed the subject.

He poked his head to the bathtub for a while, and said, “Why is our previous shower gel gone?”

“We ran out of it a long time ago and I threw it away, don’t you remember?” Lu Tinghan replied, “There are new ones here.”

“Oh – then soak for a while and use it later,” Shi Yuan said, “Lu Tinghan, where are you going tomorrow?”

“I have to see Professor Guan.”

“Well, I’m going to meet Cheng Youwen and the others tomorrow. Then I, I might go outside the city.”

Lu Tinghan was a little surprised, raised his eyebrows, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I want to do something, I’ll tell you when I figure it out,” Shi Yuan said, “I won’t go too far.”

“…good.” Lu Tinghan didn’t ask much and kissed Shi Yuan’s cheek.

The water was too hot, and Shi Yuan’s fair cheeks flushed slightly. He was kissed by his human, and the tip of his tail swayed happily——

The bathtub surged like the sea!

His tail was too powerful, the water splashed upward, Lu Tinghan was caught off guard and was splashed with water. Shi Yuan was so happy that he couldn’t stop. Lu Tinghan seemed to be back in the sea that day, the water flowed over his face, but last time it was extremely cold, this time it was so warm that it was smoking.

“Stop, stop!” Lu Tinghan shouted and was slapped hard by the water again.

——General Lu was slapped here for the first time.

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“Well, I know you are Lu Tingting!” Shi Yuan was even happier, his tail wagging even more vigorously.

Lu Tinghan: “……”

Shi Yuan played like crazy.

He gave up on stopping that tail and leaned against the side of the bathtub to face the wall, in a trance-like feeling of being torn apart.

After a while, the movement behind him finally died down.

He turned his head: “You said that I wasted water, didn’t you spill more?”

Shi Yuan: ”Hmm…”

“Don’t play with your tail in the bathtub,” Lu Tinghan said solemnly, “The situation will become very uncontrollable.”

Shi Yuan: ”Hmm…”

“Use shower gel after soaking enough, it’s mint-flavored,” Lu Tinghan said, “I don’t know…Shi Yuan? Shi Yuan?”

He found something wrong: Shi Yuan’s face was flushed and hot, and when he looked down, his tail also limply stayed at the bottom of the water.

Lu Tinghan said, “Shi Yuan, are you feeling dizzy?”

“Hmm?” Shi Yuan said vaguely, “I don’t think so, I’m okay—glub glub glub…”

His body slid down and half of his face submerged into the water.

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