How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 112.1

Chapter 112.1 – Flowers and Alice

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Shi Yuan went to meet with the members of the troupe.

There was no restaurant open and there were very few fresh ingredients. A few people found a table at the food distribution office and ate rice and stir-fried green beans with potatoes.

This meal was a welcoming celebration of Shi Yuan’s return. Cheng Youwen and Qin Luoluo were so curious that they desperately asked Shi Yuan about the stories during the journey.

Shi Yuan tried to recall and told them the story.

As Cheng Youwen listened, he took out his notebook and wrote desperately, saying that he would definitely be able to use it when he wrote the script in the future. And Wolfgang remained silent as always, eating slowly, listening to the story, smiling from time to time, and finally, he said that Tracy wanted to be a princess when she was very young.

Qin Luoluo raised his head and asked, “Where is the fusion agent? Will it really help us?”

“Dr. Chi said it will, and Professor Guan also said it is of great research value.” Shi Yuan thought for a while, “So it should be useful.”

Qin Luoluo was very happy: “That’s great! Maybe it can make inhibitors more useful and simply eliminate the sequelae of infection.”

Shi Yuan took a bite of the meal, listened to Cheng Youwen sharing the latest script ideas, and listened to Qin Luoluo sighing sorrowfully, saying that it would be nice if she was the same as Shi Yuan and her face was still so beautiful after the long and arduous journey.

Everyone told Shi Yuan again what had happened in the city in the past few months. They all said that in order to carry away the black crystals, manpower and material resources were used. The carrying robot took the large crystals to the wasteland, and the small crystals were collected manually.

——The people in the city still didn’t know Shi Yuan’s existence.

They just felt that fortunately, Abyss No.0 suddenly broke out, bought time, and miraculously did not infect humans.

Shi Yuan smiled as he listened.

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He thought that maybe one day, they would also know his secrets.

“The next step is to see how to simulate the abyss signal.” Qin Luoluo curled her hair, “I don’t know who will go to the ‘Deep Dive’.”

“I heard that they found the pilot of the former Aerospace center who seemed to be called Qi Hong.” Cheng Youwen picked up a piece of potato.

Wolfgang finally spoke: “General Lu will probably go.”

“Ah yes, I also think he will go,” Qin Luoluo continued, “No one knows the abyss better than him, but…” She suddenly stopped talking, realized something, and looked at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan looked as usual and said, “Yes, he will go.”

Everyone glanced at each other, and Qin Luoluo said, “I heard others say that the frigate is very strong – it was originally prepared for the universe. It will be fine.”

That’s what she said, and as to how conclusive it was, only she knew.

“Wow—” cried the child of the guest next door, waving his hands and trying to grab a toy. When it came to mealtime, more and more people crowded over to eat, making it impossible to get through.

Cheng Youwen sneezed fiercely, and the atmosphere became lively again. Shi Yuan took a big sip of vegetable soup and told the story of Yeran City and the moles, and after hearing what happened to Alicia, everyone sighed.

When saying goodbye, Qin Luoluo said, “It’s been a hard journey for you guys. Welcome home!”

The city still had a lot of business to attend to, and everyone had their own responsibilities and waved goodbye.

And so, Shi Yuan became the most idle person. He sent a few messages to Lu Tinghan, but did not get a reply. His human was probably very busy.

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On the way home, Shi Yuan met Alice.

The projector in the alley flashed, and the girl in the white dress holding a unicorn doll was humming a song and leaning against the wall.

“Shi Yuan,” she said briskly, “It’s been a long time since we saw each other!”

Shi Yuan: “Yes, hello!” He thought for a while and asked, “Have you found your brother yet?”

Alice said she had already seen the fireworks and now just wanted to find Leonard Philippa.

“Not yet.” Alice’s figure flashed a few times, “I still don’t have the authority and computing power to find someone.” She tilted her head, “Who knows, with all that’s happened, maybe he’s long dead.”

“I still have to try,” Shi Yuan said, “I will continue to help you find him.”

Alice was very happy, and she sent Shi Yuan a few copies of her collection of “XXXX, Passionate XXXX” and “Amazing, Monarch and Minister XXXX in Public!”

She finally said, “Shi Yuan, I’m running out of time.”

Shi Yuan: “What’s wrong?”

Alice’s projection flashed several times again, and she said, “They said that my brain is weakening and I will soon be unable to assist in optical brain operations.” She opened her arms and spun around, her skirt flying up, and said with a smile, “After all, it’s been so many years, right? According to the age of humans, I should have been an old woman a long time ago.”

Shi Yuan once again promised that he would work hard to find Leonard.

Alice disappeared.

Shi Yuan still had nothing to do, wandering around the street, took out the communicator and sent a message to Lu Tinghan: [Lu Tinghan, I may have to go out of town]

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He added: [I will be back as soon as possible!]

Lu Tinghan was still busy, and after more than 20 minutes, he sent a sentence: [Okay, pay attention to safety, don’t get lost]

——This attention to safety did not refer to monsters, but the rough terrain, and Shi Yuan bumping and falling while trekking.

Lu Tinghan gave him a pass, and Shi Yuan left the city like this.

He still didn’t dare to turn into a black mist, and walked slowly on the wasteland, with either thick or soft land under his feet. The city was far away, and the wind of the wilderness came upon him, withered grass, trees, gravel, and high forests in the distance…everything was so familiar.

Monsters were afraid of black crystals, and it had been a long time since a large number of monsters had approached the city.

Shi Yuan walked for a long time without encountering a monster. Until he could see large pieces of black crystals from a distance – large monsters frozen in them, carried here by the soldiers. He didn’t know how many monsters he had infected. Looking around, this area was lined with crystals, shining with deep light in the sun, like a grotesque forest.

Time solidified here.

And they waited for the day of awakening.

Shi Yuan stood still and watched in silence for a while.

“Swish swish—”

The long grass moved, and a dark shadow quickly escaped from his side.

Shi Yuan came back to his senses and saw the figure of a monster in the woods beside him.

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“Wait!” He subconsciously shouted, “Don’t go!”

“Swish swish—”

Hearing his call, the monster ran faster. Shi Yuan caught up and saw a group of gray-black furry things jumping over between the roots of the tree and the rocks, smashing into a large area of weeds.

He shouted again: “Wait for me!”

He kept running, struggling to climb over the winding roots of trees, over the gravel, and across the stream. He panted, and every time he took a deep breath, the fresh air from the forest crashed into his lungs, bringing new motivation.

The endurance of those little things was obviously not good, they couldn’t even escape from Shi Yuan.

They were tired of being chased by Shi Yuan, and a few fluffy balls were spread on the ground. Shi Yuan panted and walked over, holding on to the trunk of the tree, and saw a few beams of sunlight passing through the leaves, shining golden on the creatures between rabbits and hamsters.

Shi Yuan approached slowly.

The monsters looked at him and huddled into a big ball.

“…don’t be afraid,” Shi Yuan squatted down, “Hello, my name is Shi Yuan, what about you?”

Monster: ? !!

Shi Yuan continued: “I am Abyss No.0. In order to find my human, I have lived in the city for a long time.”

Monster: ? ? !

Shi Yuan thought for a while, and then said, “Although you are very rude, I won’t give you nicknames.” The sun fell on his side face, and the teenager’s cheeks were so white that they were almost translucent. He gently shook the tip of his tail and looked at the monsters seriously, “I just want to hear your story.”

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