How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 38.1

Chapter 38.1 – Restlessness

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When Shi Yuan returned to the theater hall, he noticed that there were many guards standing in the dark, as well as white-clothed field doctors.

Lu Tinghan probably went home late at night and found that Shi Yuan was not there, so he brought his subordinates to the theater.

“There are residues of barbiturate sleeping pills at the mouth of the bottle.” The inspector wore gloves and took the bottle. “It is dangerous to take CNS depressants and alcohol together. Fortunately, he used the new version, which has a low reaction with alcohol and a low dose, with very low potential poisoning effects.”

Qin Luoluo sat on the sofa, bent down, and buried her face in her palm. She said in a hoarse voice: “Why did he do this…is it because of debt, or is it because of his mother?”

No one could answer her question.

The others woke up one after another, all in disbelief.

Cheng Youwen was stunned for a while, then kicked the table over: “That f*cking idiot…!!”

The plate fell, the juice splashed on the marble floor, popcorn scattered all over the floor. Cheng Youwen could not stand up, stumbled and went to kick the chair, and was pulled by Wolfgang.

“Forget it,” Wolfgang whispered, “Errare huma.”

This was a proverb from his hometown, which meant “It is human nature to make mistakes.” If you look closely, his hard facial lines were also twitching a bit, which he forced down.

Cheng Youwen was dragged by him, gasping for breath, his eyes red.

“What happened?” a timid female voice came.

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Tracy was wearing a white nightdress, stepping on the stairs barefoot, and was awakened by the commotion. She went to bed early and didn’t drink together. Of course, Wolfgang didn’t allow her to drink – recalling that just now, Xia Fang was particularly enthusiastic about persuading her to go to bed, and even sent her upstairs, all of which were premeditated.

“What happened?” she asked again, “You guys look weird.”

The expressions of the surrounding officers, doctors, and everyone obviously made her uneasy, and she twisted her hands tightly.

“It’s okay.” Wolfgang stood up strenuously and walked in front of her. “Go upstairs and continue to sleep, I will talk to you tomorrow.” He murmured, “It will get better.”

Looking around, the floor was in a mess, and the last goodbye was not even decent. Life was not a stage play in the end, there was no applause at the curtain call, and it was never complete.

Before leaving, Cheng Youwen and Qin Luoluo calmed down.

Cheng Youwen stretched his brows and said, “That’s it, Shi Yuan, goodbye, go home and rest early.”

Qin Luoluo also said: “Don’t think so much, there are some things we can’t do anything about, don’t be unhappy because of this. See you again when we have a chance, maybe we can act together.” She smiled and pinched Shi Yuan’s shoulder, her eyebrows also stretched. “Fortunately, I am wise and mighty. I decided to recruit you that day, and then I got to know you.”

Shi Yuan said goodbye to them, just like he had done countless times before when he got off work.

The effect of the medicine had not yet passed, he dizzily followed Lu Tinghan into the car.

The vehicle drove silently through the midnight streets, and several street lights dimmed. In the car, Lu Tinghan asked, “Are you sad?”

“I’m okay,” Shi Yuan replied honestly, “But it was very unexpected.”

He remembered that he and Xia Fang had walked through the streets countless times and posted posters. He remembered that Xia Fang said mysteriously that Cheng Youwen had a crush on Qin Luoluo. If you pay attention, you can see it. He remembered that the rice pudding Xia Fang invited him to eat was hot and sweet; He also remembered that the person Xia Fang loved was a liar. His mother was seriously ill in Fengyang City. At the end of the party, Xia Fang cried and said ‘I’m sorry, I really like you guys’.

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The past was stacked together.

He was not too sad, but curled up his tail in confusion.

“Shi Yuan,” Lu Tinghan said, “Everyone has a different position, they can’t understand each other, and there is not so much empathy.”

Shi Yuan: “Oh…”

When the car turned a corner, he was dizzy and his body swayed.

Lu Tinghan said, “Don’t worry about it. You will meet many people, ideologists, officers, and artists, most of them are passers-by. If some people are devoted to art, some people will be fascinated by money and power. Everyone asks for different things. You have to be the kind of person you want to be. Only those who stand in the same position can walk side by side.”

He was trying to comfort Shi Yuan.

But at this moment, Shi Yuan inevitably thought of the wasteland, of those treacherous monsters, dead soldier, cold gun, and the blue butterfly solidified in crystal.

He asked Lu Tinghan in a low voice: “…then what is your position? What kind of person do you want to be?”

There were fewer lights on the road ahead, and the moon didn’t dare to show up tonight, so the car drove into the darkness.

The vehicle had a night vision system, a handlebar with a ring device, an independent oxygen supply system, and a special explosion-proof foam in the fuel tank. This might be the best car in the world. Even before the end of the world, it would be famous for its performance, but the darkness was very strong. It was a curtain that even the high-power headlights couldn’t tear. The car was drifting in it, like a lonely ship on a dark sea.

Lu Tinghan did not answer.

A long time later he said, “I can be anyone. The position of mankind is my position.”

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Shi Yuan wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say.

This was the answer he had always known.

The answer he knew from the first time he saw Lu Tinghan.

Human anesthetics worked well to Shi Yuan. He was never special in terms of physical function. Blood tests couldn’t show that he was a monster. He would be scratched by rocks and affected by drugs.

Perhaps after becoming a human, with their feelings, he also had their weaknesses.

But so what?

He could hear the thousands of sounds from the wasteland, and every late night they roared, he knew that they were of the same origin.

Shi Yuan’s tail curled tighter, but the next second, Lu Tinghan stretched out his hand and pressed his head, letting him lean on his shoulder. He used a little strength in his hand, and a slightly forceful attitude, and their breaths mingled together.

“How about you?” Lu Tinghan asked like small talk. “If you have the opportunity, what kind of person do you want to be? Is there anything you particularly like?”

“I don’t know either.” Shi Yuan was very tangled. “I don’t like money, I’m afraid of being alone and need the company of others.”

Lu Tinghan finally eased his expression and rubbed his head.

Shi Yuan continued to struggle: “If it’s about the profession, I think actor, musician, woodcarver, or announcer are all very interesting. What do you think?”

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“Hmm.” Lu Tinghan said, “When the war is over, let’s try it.”

“What if I don’t have the talent and can’t make money?”

Lu Tinghan: “Then I can only sell you.”

“You can’t do that, I’m not worth anything.” Shi Yuan’s eyes widened in protest. “After that, you won’t have a tail to touch.”

Lu Tinghan seemed to laugh, and after a while said, “That’s true.” He remembered something. “By the way, don’t you have something to say to me?”

Shi Yuan did not answer.

He fell asleep.

Someone in the dream stroked his hair, over and over again, and finally rubbed his fingertips against the corner of his mouth.

It seemed so close, but also seemed so far away, with feelings that were indescribable and unclear.

When the lips were inadvertently brushed, it almost seemed like a kiss.

The car stopped downstairs, and Lu Tinghan woke Shi Yuan up.

Shi Yuan went upstairs in a daze.

Lu Tinghan said, “Just go straight to bed, you can’t even stand properly, don’t stumble in the bathroom.”

“Okay,” Shi Yuan said, still went to wash his face and went back to the room.

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