How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 56.1

Chapter 56.1 – The Front Line

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Shi Yuan returned to Fengyang City.

He wanted to go home, but he accidentally got lost when he turned into black mist and went to the southeast district.

Counting the middle trip and one night in Iron City, he left for almost 5 days. But Lu Tinghan was busy with command, so it was impossible for him to go home – even if Shi Yuan really wanted to see him, he had to wait until the end of the war.

Shi Yuan was a little sad.

He couldn’t tell why he was sad. It might be that he thought of Yan Xin who died at the top of the tower, it might be that he thought of the waltz in the setting sun, it might be that he hadn’t been stared at and touched in the head for too long.

He had never missed Lu Tinghan so much.

He vaguely felt that he had found a little answer to “love”.

Only when he took to the streets did he realize that the monster came from the ground this time, and people did not go to the shelter.

Every household closed its doors and windows tightly, and the streets were full of patrols and temporary outposts.

The monster screamed harshly, resounding outside the city. The aircraft skimmed overhead, and the explosion at supersonic speed was deafening, and then they poured hundreds of kilograms of bombs on the ground. The bombings often lasted all night, and the beds shook when they fell asleep.

Shi Yuan didn’t want to be discovered by the patrol – the patrol would inevitably ask him why he was here and register his behavior. Then Lu Tinghan would also know, and he couldn’t explain it.

He was not a clever abyss with a tongue like a spring.

Could deceive people, but could only deceive a little bit.

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Shi Yuan hid in the alley, hiding from a patrol team.

He was worrying about how to sneak home when he suddenly saw Tower 4.

Tower 4 was in the southeast, standing under a deep canopy, only two blocks away from him. The whole tower was black, integrated with the night, and only a small room on the 8th floor was lit.

‘Is there anyone else in the psychological assistance center?’

‘Is someone trapped there?’

Another round of bombing, the earth trembled. Shi Yuan hesitated for a few seconds and headed towards Tower 4.

He avoided two patrols all the way to the tower with no danger.

The elevator was locked so he slowly climbed to the 8th floor.

The psychological assistance center was dark, he searched every large office and saw no one. The rest were private offices, and he soon found that the light was coming from Lin Yeran’s office.

The office was silent, Shi Yuan knocked on the door and asked, “Mr. Lin, are you there?”

No one answered.

Shi Yuan asked again: “Mr. Lin, are you here?”

Still no response.

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Shi Yuan gently opened the door. Lin Yeran lay quietly on the table, drunk and unshaven. There were three empty wine bottles rolling on the ground, and a portable emergency light was placed on the table. By the looks of it, he seemed that he was drunk.

‘It’s not safe to stay here.’

Shi Yuan pushed him: “Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin, wake up!” He shouted several times in a row, no matter how he pushed or pulled, Lin Yeran just couldn’t wake up.

“I, hiccup! I… want to drink…” Lin Yeran muttered, “This is all my hidden wine…! It’s delicious!”

Shi Yuan shouted: “There’s a fire! There’s a fire!”

Lin Yeran: “Hiccup!”

Shi Yuan: “The monster is coming!!”

Lin Yeran: “Hiccup! Hiccup!”

Shi Yuan was helpless, he leaned in his ear and said, “Mr. Lin, I was late and will leave early.”

Lin Yeran suddenly opened his eyes!

He looked at Shi Yuan fixedly for three seconds, his face full of anger, and said, “Your bonus is over!” Then he tilted his head and lost consciousness again.

Shi Yuan: “……”

Two aircraft whizzed past from the side of the tower, causing the glass to clatter.

Shi Yuan handed the emergency light to Lin Yeran’s right hand, and Lin Yeran instinctively grabbed it. Then he put Lin Yeran’s left hand on his shoulder, wrapped his tail around his waist, gritted his teeth, and barely lifted him up.

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“Mr—Lin–” Shi Yuan gritted his teeth, “You—should walk by yourself—”

Lin Yeran: “Hmph!” Didn’t seem too happy about it.

Shi Yuan could only drag him to the stairwell with all his strength.

Lin Yeran was taller and heavier than him, even with the assistance of his tail, it was still too strenuous.

Shi Yuan quickly dragged Lin Yeran down.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Yeran’s calf bones and the backs of his feet came into close contact with each step, with a muffled “thud thud thud”. Shi Yuan thought, ‘Mr. Lin’s legs will definitely be green tomorrow, I hope that he will not deduct all my salary, I still have to support my family.’

When he finally got downstairs, Shi Yuan had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

He leaned Lin Yeran against the wall at the front door.

Lin Yeran was still drunk and confused, chanting words that no one understood. In the distance, the lights of the patrol were approaching, and they would come soon.

“Mr. Lin, stay here and be good, someone will find you,” Shi Yuan said, “I’ll go first.”

Lin Yeran: “Hmph!”

There was no intention of retaining and thanking him at all.

Shi Yuan stood up and suddenly remembered something.

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He took out Yan Xin’s “dog tag” from his pocket, the small piece of metal tag engraved with his name was hung by a thin chain and swayed gently.

Shi Yuan leaned over and put the “dog tag” on Lin Yeran’s neck.

“I saw Captain Yan,” Shi Yuan told him, “he is in a very beautiful place and can see the most beautiful sunset.”

Lin Yeran, ignorant and unaware, grunted twice more.

As the patrol approached, Shi Yuan hid and saw the team spot Lin Yeran and take him away.

Next, it was time to find a way to get home.

Shi Yuan usually took the green tram home and didn’t know his way around much. Now his mobile phone was out of power and the civilian signal was disconnected. He turned back to Tower 4 again, wanting to look at it from a high place and find a general direction.

He climbed back to the 8th floor and stood in front of the office window, looking at the city.

As far as the eye could see, there was a large area of darkness and a large area of dead silence, with only the light of patrols and outposts, and farther away was the high-power searchlight of the city wall. His gaze swept across the streets, but he paused.—

The far end of the southeast of the city was in ruins!

Houses collapsed, long streets shattered, and the ground was filled with deep, bottomless holes, as if… countless wild snakes had emerged from the ground, destroying everything.

The situation was critical.

The Alliance failed to hold that round of offensive. In just 5 days, a small area of the city ceased to exist.

It reminded Shi Yuan of the abandoned Northern District, the Gleaning City, and the Iron City.

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