How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 65.1

Chapter 65.1 – Teacher and Student

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Half an hour ago.

On the screen, a large number of red dots were approaching the outpost. The infected swarm of Abyss No.3 was approaching aggressively, their characteristic was “skeletonization”. Looking around, there were countless twisted skeletons moving forward on the wasteland, strange and large, insect-shaped skeletons through the mud and dust, five or six tall canine skeletons running in groups. Guns and shells shattered them, but the broken bones came back together again, building new monsters.

“Colonel…we may not be able to hold on,” the adjutant said, “The ammunition is almost gone, more underground infected creatures are approaching, air support is barely suppressing them, and they have crossed the minefield.”

Su Liang looked at the monster tide in the distance.

Guns spewed tongues of fire, and the aircraft dropped bombs, but it could not stop the advancing monsters. He calmly gave the order to move the third and fourth squads to the first line, replacing the long-tired first squad soldiers, while following up on the point defense and air attack coordination.

When the new line of defense was adjusted, Su Liang said, “There is no need to apply for support. To save us, there will only be more people who will die. Pass on my order: stick to the line of defense and fight to the end. If there are any deserters, I will solve them myself.”

The adjutant asked, “Do you need to ask General Su for instructions?”

“No need,” Su Liang said, “This is my order.”

The death order was delivered.

There were no deserters, no quitters, only more violent gunfire.

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A quarter of an hour later, the adjutant reported again: “Colonel Su, the general wants to talk to you.”

Su Liang connected to the communication and saluted Su Enqi in the holographic image: “General, what instructions do you have?”

Su Enqi’s voice suppressed his anger: “The situation is like this, why don’t you apply for support?”

“I made my own judgment, and the support is not worth the loss. I have issued a death order for my brothers to fight to the end,” Su Liang said, “No one has any objections.”

“Did you get my approval?!”

Su Liang replied: “No. I am willing to take all responsibilities.”

Su Enqi’s chest fluctuated violently: “What else can you be responsible for when you are dead? I order you to get ready to evacuate immediately, I will send support troops to the outpost.”

Su Liang said, “Forgive me for not following orders.”

“You dare to violate the order?!” Su Enqi’s muddy eyes were boiling with anger. “Colonel Su Liang, where is your military discipline and regulations?! The Alliance only needs soldiers who obey orders, where do you put honor and shame? You—”

His words stopped abruptly.

—Su Liang tore off the colonel’s epaulettes, threw them on the ground in front of him, and said, “I have violated the duty of a soldier and am not worthy of this epaulette. I am just an ordinary person guarding the outpost now. I happen to know a little strategy, know some knives and guns, and have a few brothers who are willing to live and die together.”

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Su Enqi’s hands trembled with anger: “Good, good, your wings are hard. Brat, wait for me, I’ll show you what real military law is.”

He was about to cut off communication and send support, when he heard Su Liang shout: “Dad.”

Su Enqi hadn’t heard this address in 30 years, and stopped instantly.

Su Liang looked at him and said, “Dad, I’ve been thinking about this question all these years, what do you think of me?”

Su Enqi: “What nonsense are you talking about at this time?”

Su Liang smiled: “There are only three juniors who are close to you, me, Jiang Huazhi, and Lu Tinghan.”

“Jiang Huazhi is the son of your old friend. Every time he got into trouble, you’d come to clean up his mess, but you couldn’t bear to say a heavy word, probably because he looked like Jiang Ruo. I still remember that when Jiang Huazhi was a child, he used cigarette butts to burn Lieutenant Zhong’s dog and gave it six scars. After you found out about it, you only looked at him and sighed. You didn’t say anything. You personally came to the door to apologize to Lieutenant Zhong, and the matter was over just like that. He was essentially bad-natured. Relying on your doting love, he made a lot of trouble when he was a child, and even killed someone when he grew up. Whenever I think of him, I feel that the deceased is incomparable, so he is the weakness that you can’t let go of.”

Without waiting for Su Enqi to speak, Su Liang continued: “As for Lu Tinghan, you made an exception to accept him as a student. You were furious because he went to be an Abyss Watcher and when he came back, you were able to push and carry him up the ladder until he was fighting side by side with you. I envy Lu Tinghan, his talent, and your appreciation and preference for him. You are suspicious of him because he used to be a Watcher, but I know that he is still your irreplaceable comrade-in-arms and your… lifelong pride.”

Su Enqi: “…what are you trying to say?”

Su Liang stood upright: “One of them is weakness, the other is pride, only I am nothing. You asked me to join the army very early. I stayed in the wasteland for a few months and went home. I was on the verge of life and death several times, but you never asked me a few more questions. Later, we didn’t have a single open conversation for years, just two strangers.”

“……” Su Enqi breathed out slowly. “Su Liang, now is not the time to talk about this, just wait for me—”

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Su Liang interrupted him: “I can’t be as lawless as Jiang Huazhi and attract your love and attention; I can’t be as dazzling as Lu Tinghan. I’m already a colonel, but my light is still overshadowed by him, who would pay attention to the moon when there is a sun? I was so mediocre that I wondered if there would be a moment in my life when I could make you look at me.”

He smiled: “Now is the time.”

“Su Liang, are you doing this to anger me? Just for this?” Su Enqi’s speed of speech was faster. “Let me say it again, I order you to prepare for evacuation immediately!”

“How could it be for that?” Su Liang asked rhetorically, “Have I been willful since I was a child? I’m not those two people, I’m just your inconspicuous son.”

He took a deep breath and saluted Su Enqi: “I hope that in this last moment, I will be both your weakness and your pride.”

Communication was cut off.

No matter how much Su Enqi contacted, the outpost never responded. He stood up suddenly and kicked over the table!

The files were scattered all over the place and the photo frame on the desktop fell to pieces. In the broken glass are three broken smiling faces: Su Enqi when he was young, a woman holding a flower bouquet and a baby in her arms.

Su Enqi stared at the photo, the blue veins in front of his forehead burst, and he walked quickly outside the room.——

He thought, ‘f*ck weakness and pride, I haven’t been able to tell the difference between a moonflower and a rose.’

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When he arrived in the command room, Su Enqi sharply ordered: “Mobilize all nearby teams for support! You can’t lose the outpost, you must not lose it!”

There was only silence in reply to him. No matter how he urged, no one moved.

Looking up again, Lu Tinghan stood in the middle of the command room, looking at him silently.

The boy who followed behind him and listened to his teachings grew up, taking the lead and bearing the future on his shoulders. He had long been taller than him, with broad shoulders and a straight back, and he was extraordinarily decisive when giving orders. He didn’t know when it started, people believed that he was better than everything.

Su Enqi watched Lu Tinghan walk all the way, and saw the fire burning in his eyes.

When Lu Tinghan stood in the light and looked at him surrounded by the officers, Su Enqi was surprised to find that he didn’t seem to know Lu Tinghan anymore.

His student, his comrade-in-arms, his pride, with the most familiar and unfamiliar face, was far away from him.

“…what is the meaning of this?” Su Enqi asked slowly, “General Lu, can you give me an answer?”

Lu Tinghan’s expression remained motionless: “General Su, I have received a notice from the doctor that you are physically ill, I am afraid you will need to rest for a while.”

Su Enqi paused: “I’m not dead yet, the command is still in my hands. We have known each other for a while, you might as speak openly and honestly, don’t give me these official words.”

Lu Tinghan nodded and said, “Alright. Then I’ll just say it straight, President Chai Yongning and I both think that it’s time for you to retire.”

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