How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 66.2

Chapter 66.2 – North District

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Lu Tinghan started from the beginning.

The story began when a talented young man met an experienced general. The young man was feisty and competitive, learning command and strategy, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, and the general appreciated him and taught him everything.

After that, the young man became an abyss watcher, and the old general was angry and anxious, but he still made a guarantee to the Alliance to make him qualified to continue to command. In this way, the young man grew up and became a general, commanding with his teacher.

Lu Tinghan told about Jiang Huazhi, saying that he smuggled military supplies and murdered the supply officer, and Su Enqi covered him up. After many years, Jiang Huazhi’s old habits didn’t change, and this time, he would get a fair trial.

Lu Tinghan talked about Su Liang and said that the relationship between Su’s father and son was not good. Su Enqi was a strict and unreasonable father. He let Su Liang go to the front line early. He knew from Su Enqi’s words that the two of them were strangers.

Shi Yuan said: “I feel that General Su is not very good at handling relationships.”

“To be precise, he doesn’t know how to deal with family relationships,” Lu Tinghan said, “The people who are close to him are all comrades-in-arms. Some people are like this, they can only love people awkwardly, and they can’t say I love you until they die.”

“Is that the same for Colonel Lu?”

“Well, so is he.”

Lu Tinghan also said that Su Enqi’s heart was soft, and he often couldn’t make rational judgments, and his command repeatedly failed. And the Alliance could no longer lose.

He said that Su Enqi was stubborn and proud. The older one got, the more stubborn one would become. He couldn’t see his own failure, so it was impossible for him to step down and abdicate. There was only one way to take power away from him.

Shi Yuan never knew these twists and turns.

He remembered that he had seen Lu Tinghan conspiring with other officers several times, and it was Lu Tinghan who wanted to prepare for this day. He patiently plumped up his wings, and strength was his best bargaining chip.

Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan said, “So that’s how it is, I didn’t know you were doing these things.”

“You don’t need to know.” Lu Tinghan rubbed his head. “This is what I need to worry about.”

Shi Yuan: “Then isn’t it bad for me to know this? Shouldn’t it be confidential?”

“It’s okay,” Lu Tinghan said, “There is no evidence for you to prove it.”

Shi Yuan felt that it made sense. No one would believe him, just as he had argued before that Lu Tinghan was not his boyfriend, and no one believed it.

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He heard Lu Tinghan say again: “Moreover, I just want to tell you about it.” Shi Yuan looked at Lu Tinghan, and saw that Lu Tinghan’s eyes were shining with jumping sunlight. “I just want to tell you.”

“Then I will definitely keep it a secret, and I won’t tell anyone.” Shi Yuan shook the tip of his tail. “However, I just said that you are not that kind of person – I heard others guess that you want to be the sole something. They don’t understand that you are a very good person.”

Lu Tinghan: “No matter what, what I did must be controversial. Morally speaking, Su Enqi is kind to me, and he hasn’t done anything bad to me. This act of mine can even be called deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors; from a more practical point of view, I am a vested interest and obtained all the military power through improper means. The news is blocked within the army, but one day, the truth will come to the surface.”

Shi Yuan couldn’t help asking, “What’s next?”

“Next, future generations will judge my merits,” Lu Tinghan said, “All decisions are not right or wrong until the last moment, or there is no so-called right or wrong at all. We can only wait until the future, when history is examined from a broader perspective, perhaps there will be a fair trial. And it’s my job to make sure there are still future generations who can judge us.”

“Ok.” Shi Yuan was stunned for a while, trying to digest what Lu Tinghan said, and finally kissed Lu Tinghan. “Anyway, I think you are a good person!”

Something happened to this kiss.

Five minutes later, the ‘good person’ Lu Tinghan grabbed his demon horns and once again performed what it meant to be low quality.

Lu Tinghan restrained very much during the day, and only played Shi Yuan for a short round. But this did not prevent Shi Yuan from wrapping up the quilt and protesting to him: “You are not a good person now!”

In order to make up for the collapsing image, he took Shi Yuan out to have a good meal at noon.

Shi Yuan ate a beef burrito happily. The beef was very tender and had the aroma of black pepper, so people couldn’t stop taking a bite.

Lu Tinghan ate faster than him, watching Shi Yuan while waiting. When Shi Yuan swallowed the last piece, Lu Tinghan said, “Do you want to go out and play?”

“Where are we going?” Shi Yuan asked.

“North District.”

Shi Yuan’s tail bent out a question mark, he remembered that the North City had long been abandoned.

But he liked his human so much that he agreed: “Okay. There is a lot of garbage there, it should be your favorite place.”

Lu Tinghan: “……”

The two got in the car.

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The black car drove towards the sparkling Jinhuai River, crossed several checkpoints, and drove across the bridge to the North District.

Looking around, there were collapsed buildings and ruins everywhere, occasionally a few barely standing mansions, broken energy towers, and lonely windmills. The special infected creature “Hot Hurricane” destroyed everything here.

The car did not go to the central area of the north district, but drove a few long streets towards the edge until it was completely blocked by gravel.

“Get out of the car,” Lu Tinghan said, “It’s not far away, let’s walk over.”

Shi Yuan got out of the car and followed Lu Tinghan. The ruins were not high, and they could go over with a little effort – Lu Tinghan walked ahead, took a few steps up the steep high ground, and then lifted Shi Yuan up.

They crossed a few piles of gravel, turned around three blocks, and saw a red sign: [Fengyang Amusement Park]

There was a fence at the ticket gate and it was covered with vines.

Shi Yuan asked, “Do we have to buy tickets?”

“I’ll get two,” Lu Tinghan said, “We must be a qualified citizens.”

Lu Tinghan’s quality had a tendency to improve, and Shi Yuan was very happy.

Until he saw Lu Tinghan go to the ticket booth, took out his gun, smashed the glass with the butt of the gun, and reached out to take a stack of tickets from the countertop.

Shi Yuan: “……”

“Here.” Lu Tinghan returned to him and divided a ticket for him.

“You stole it and broke someone else’s glass!” Shi Yuan said, and then was dragged by Lu Tinghan to the fence.

The fence had long been rusted, and they eventually went over it.

Shi Yuan had a concept of amusement parks.

Among the garbage Lu Tinghan threw into the abyss were two amusement park manuals. He had read them when he was literate and knew that this was a playground with many huge and terrifying machines, such as roller coasters, skydrops, pirate ships, ferris wheels, and so on.

However, walking in the park in person, the experience was completely different.

Fengyang Amusement Park had only one roller coaster, called “Alpine Snake”.

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Most of the railway track was destroyed, and the rest was still spectacular. Shi Yuan stood under the roller coaster and looked up. The track had an extremely inclined angle, climbing, descending, twisting, and turning sharply, like a snake with teeth and claws.

“Is it still rideable?” Shi Yuan asked Lu Tinghan.

“Definitely not,” Lu Tinghan replied.

“Have you ever sat on it?”


Shi Yuan imagined for a moment: “It must be scary, my tail will be in knots when I go up there. Why would someone like it?”

“Maybe it’s because of the excitement, I like the wind from a high place,” Lu Tinghan said, “I would like to try it if I have the chance.”

Shi Yuan was a little surprised: “Do you like these things?”

Lu Tinghan raised his eyebrows: “Otherwise, what do I like?”

“I don’t know either,” Shi Yuan said, “I have never understood the books you usually read and the things you do. They and roller coasters are two things.”

As soon as he spoke, he suddenly remembered the rocket model. Lu Tinghan said that he wanted to take a look at the universe, probably because he liked the feeling of looking down, and the roller coaster was the same.

Lu Tinghan smiled: “Shi Yuan, I will also have a lot of ordinary hobbies, how can anyone always only like those so-called high-end things? You have also seen my old room, and there are so many things in it.”

“Well, I understand,” Shi Yuan said, “If we have the opportunity, we can realize your hobby together – of course, it can’t be playing the violin.”

They continued to move forward, and there were not many intact facilities. They saw bumper cars, skydrops,  and sightseeing trains.

The little train was parked in the square, painted with colorful paint, and was for children to play. Shi Yuan had never seen it before. He poked his head in through the window to see the structure, but he fell headlong into it, and had to be pulled out by Lu Tinghan.

Tired of walking, they sat on the pirate ship.

Looking around, there were weeds and ruins everywhere, the ice cream truck overturned on the side of the road, and the signboard of the theme restaurant fell in half, so one could only vaguely see its past hustle and bustle.

“What is a pirate?” Shi Yuan lay on the backrest of the front seat and stretched out lazily.

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“People who rob at sea.”

“Bad guys?”

“Well, bad guys.”

“But they can go out to sea by boat,” Shi Yuan looked at the huge pirate ship. “I have never seen the sea.”

“I haven’t seen it either,” Lu Tinghan said, “It looks beautiful from the picture, it seems to have no end.”

“No wonder people also made a pirate ship and put it on land,” Shi Yuan said, “Shall we be pirates in the future? Bring my fish and big white bird as mascots, so that I can earn more money and support my family. “

“Good,” Lu Tinghan agreed, “You will be the captain.”

“Then what are you?”

“A passenger who will only eat,” Lu Tinghan said, “It’s okay to be a prisoner.”

Shi Yuan: “……”

He really didn’t hold back and gave Lu Tinghan a little blank look.

The breeze blew, and the sun was about to go down, burning the sky an orange-red.

Shi Yuan asked, “How do you know there is an amusement park here?”

“I saw it on the energy tower, and I paid attention to it at the time,” Lu Tinghan said, pointing to the west again, “Do you want to go to the carousel to have a look?”

They walked over.

The carousel was the most complete facility, and it looked like there was no damage except for dust and water stains.

When Shi Yuan leaned closer to look at the horse, Lu Tinghan smashed the window of the control room and opened the locked door.

“What are you doing?” Shi Yuan asked loudly, “Don’t do any more destruction!”

“Its wiring should be intact and also connected to a certain wind power area,” Lu Tinghan replied, “If it goes well, it will be able to move when the wind comes.”

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