How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 87.2

Chapter 87.2 – Outbreak

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There was a small light in the living room on the first floor. Yu Qingmei and Lu Zhun were sitting at the dining table, studying a cake. When the two of them saw Lu Tinghan, they froze their movements and had a few seconds of embarrassment, they didn’t expect Lu Tinghan to suddenly return.

The cake was for Lu Tinghan, he was about to have his birthday.

The secret gift was thus revealed.

Lu Tinghan looked at the cake for a few seconds, then opened the door, and the cold wind hit him.

“Where are you going?” Lu Zhun called him, “It’s so late!”

Yu Qingmei also said, “Is there anything that can’t be resolved tomorrow?”

Shi Yuan rushed down from the second floor and hugged Lu Tinghan: “Don’t go! Why are you never coming back?!”

Hearing this, Lu Zhun and Yu Qingmei were taken aback and glanced at each other.

Yu Qingmei said, “Lu Tinghan, did you quarrel with Shi Yuan?”

Lu Zhun added: “Still so angry that you want to run away from home? Quarreling with each other at the head of the bed and compromising at the end of the bed, how many times have your mother and I quarreled, aren’t we still okay?”

Yu Qingmei: “Talk about the problem properly. It was Shi Yuan who chose this birthday cake for you.”

Lu Tinghan didn’t speak.

Little by little, he firmly took Shi Yuan’s hand away, as if he had been prepared a long time ago, and said, “I’m leaving.” He nodded to the three of them, “Today is a very pleasant day, thank you.”

The three of them looked at each other, all at a loss.

Lu Tinghan walked out of the house, which was very different from the warmth in the house. The corridor was dark and cold to the bone, almost forcing people to retreat.

Lu Tinghan didn’t hesitate and stepped forward until he heard a cry: “Lu Tinghan! Don’t you want me anymore!”

Lu Tinghan paused.

He looked back, and in the warm yellow light, Yu Qingmei and Lu Zhun stood side by side, their expressions gentle and worried.

And Shi Yuan looked at him sadly, crying, and said, “Lu Tinghan, can you not leave me behind?”

“…” Lu Tinghan said softly, “No.”

The wind was blowing, and the song came from above the nine heavens. He said: “It’s not that I left you, I have to… find you, it’s the same as every time in the past.”

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He turned around, no matter how the people behind him shouted, he never looked back.

The further he walked, the deeper the bone-chilling darkness, and the louder and clearer the song.

Lu Tinghan walked faster and faster, and finally ran up, ran to the place where the song was loudest, and suddenly stretched out his hand.——


The sound of bones shattering under his hands.

The tide of darkness vanished, and the human-faced bird screamed in his iron-pliers-like hands!

Its whole body was golden, every feather was shiny, and it had the beautiful face of a woman. But its skull was already broken in half when Lu Tinghan slammed it against the wall.

Behind Lu Tinghan, Lieutenant Ning, who was confused, smiled happily. He shuddered when he heard the scream, and suddenly woke up from his dream, looking around blankly.

Since they stepped into the terminal, the leader of this monster began to sing, but no one realized it at that time.

Both Lu Tinghan and Adjutant Bing fell into a fantasy.

Several hours or even days passed in the illusion, but the reality was only two or three seconds. Lu Tinghan broke free in time, but the singing made the leader expose itself.——

The face of the human-faced bird was ever-changing, and it had become a bit like Yu Qingmei in front of him. It tried to influence him, but to no avail. It fluttered and struggled under Lu Tinghan’s hands. A beautiful face was distorted and became extremely ugly.

Lu Tinghan didn’t hesitate for half a second, took out his gun, and fired five consecutive shots at the monster’s head! “Bang bang bang bang bang!” Blood flew across, and the monster fell softly to the ground.

It was dead.

So dead that it couldn’t die anymore.

Lu Tinghan took a step back, the bandage on his abdomen was stained red with blood, hideous and dazzling. Shi Yuan rushed over and supported him: “Let’s go! Go to the doctor!”

Lu Tinghan looked at him steadily, then suddenly smiled, and pinched his face: “It’s still really cuter, cuter than I imagined.”

Shi Yuan: ?

He was confused for half a second, and then he dared not dwell on it. And Adjutant Bing gave himself two big slaps, finally woke up, and shouted: “Let’s go to the ground!”

The exit was not far away, obscured by collapsed walls and rocks.

Lu Tinghan was resting next to him, and Shi Yuan and Adjutant Bing worked hard together to clear a path.

They did their best, but it still took nearly half an hour – during this period, the second round of attack really began, the singing could be heard underground, there were explosions everywhere, and ash fell on the top of their heads with every tremor. Shi Yuan always checked Lu Tinghan’s situation. After the stimulant effect passed, his movements became sluggish, and blood loss also caused his body temperature to drop continuously.

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The stimulant was self-deceiving, and the injury was too serious to be recovered.

Finally, Adjutant Bing picked up Lu Tinghan on his back and gritted his teeth and rushed to the ground.

The terminal was very deep, and there was no end to the stairs. Adjutant Bing exhausted too much physical strength, panting after climbing for a while, and his movements were obviously slow.

So Shi Yuan picked up Lu Tinghan on his back, and then climbed up. He didn’t have enough strength, so he relied on his tail wrapped around Lu Tinghan’s waist for support – he even pressed the wound to stop bleeding. As usual, it was impossible for him to climb so many floors with a tall man on his back, but this time, it was different. He was pouring out strength all over his body and moving forward.

Old Song said that it was a touch of light that led Lu Tinghan back to the convoy.

Shi Yuan didn’t remember much about it, he only knew that he had to go to the ground.…

And let Lu Tinghan see the sky.

The stairs went one after another, Shi Yuan carried Lu Tinghan on his back all the way, gasping for breath, he stepped up to the last step——

Dazzling light, clear sky, and a half-destroyed city.

Streets were ruined, buildings were destroyed, and black smoke was billowing everywhere. White birds let out a chanting song and hovered over the city, not only them, but countless other monsters came from the ground and from the sky and invaded the city, with huge packs of white-bone wolves, leaf-cutting ant queens of more than thirty meters, and also a large sea of flowers that suddenly bloomed… monsters followed the scent of blood and flesh and brought a massacre across the wasteland.

“…” Adjutant Bing looked at the scene in front of him blankly.

He never expected that within a few hours, so many areas had fallen one after another.

Obviously, the leader of the monster was dead, was the situation irreparable?

Would today be the day of the fall of mankind?

Adjutant Bing’s gaze floated far away until the end of the city. He had been calling for support troops, but the underground signal was too poor, coupled with the infection of biological infections, he had not been able to succeed, and the support troops had been delayed.

Now that he knew the reason, he was afraid that the support troops would be blocked on the road…or sacrificed.

Adjutant Bing also planned to let the aircraft come over and take Lu Tinghan to the hospital – as long as it was fast enough, the injury could still be recovered. But what about now? There were monsters everywhere, and no convoy or aircraft could pass through this wave of distortion.

The explosion of fire lit up in the distance, and he slowly sat on the ground, looking at the fallen city.

Shi Yuan hadn’t given up yet.

With difficulty, he carried Lu Tinghan and walked eastward, stepping on the ruins one foot deep and one foot shallow, until Lu Tinghan said in his ear: “…Shi Yuan, that’s enough, let me down.”

Shi Yuan gritted his teeth and did not answer, and continued to walk forward.

“That’s enough,” Lu Tinghan whispered, “If I lie down, the wound won’t hurt so much.”

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Shi Yuan knew that it was impossible for Lu Tinghan to be afraid of pain, but when he heard these words, a place in his heart was poked.

At this moment, exhaustion, tension, sadness, and exertion surged up. He lost his strength and could no longer take a step, so he could only gently put Lu Tinghan down.

There were ruins all around, and Shi Yuan was covered in Lu Tinghan’s blood. He held his increasingly cold hand and said softly: “How could you save me… You shouldn’t have saved me. I’m a monster. Maybe I won’t die at all.”

After five or six seconds, Lu Tinghan answered him: “…I don’t gamble.”

Shi Yuan smiled silently and asked, “Lu Tinghan, can I infect you?”

It was like that restless night, he bit Lu Tinghan’s neck, thinking to himself, so that this person would always be his. It was like rehearsing the lines that time – he said, ‘the world is cruel, and human life is too short, it would be great if you could become a monster. I like you. Let’s live forever in the mud and bones together.’

The blood kept flowing, and Lu Tinghan’s breath gradually weakened.

Shi Yuan could hardly hear his voice. He leaned forward and heard him say, “Shi Yuan, I was born as a soldier, so let me die like one.”

Shi Yuan: “……”

He clenched Lu Tinghan’s hand tightly, his joints turned blue with force.



Lu Tinghan’s breath was very weak, Shi Yuan turned his head stiffly, and after ten seconds, he realized that it was his communicator ringing.

There was no signal from the underground communicator just now, but now someone was calling.

The screen showed: “Professor Guan”.




The communicator rang persistently. Shi Yuan slowly stretched out his left hand and pressed the on button, but he couldn’t say a word.

“Shi Yuan! Are you listening?!” Professor Guan’s voice was anxious, “Is General Lu by your side?!”

Shi Yuan: “…hmm.”

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“We received a distress signal but the aircraft couldn’t get through. Now – there is only one way now, listen to me, Shi Yuan, can you infect all the monsters around you?!”


“Let them lose their ability to move!”

——Creatures infected by Shi Yuan would be sealed in black crystals for a period of time, as if their time had been paused.

Professor Guan continued, his tone becoming more urgent: “Infect the monsters so that the aircraft can come over. Listen to me, Lu Tinghan must not die, only him, only he can complete the ‘Deep Dive’!”

Shi Yuan said, “But…”

“It’s too late! The war has come to this, and the main city will not survive today!” The professor was shouting, “Don’t f*cking think about the Empire, I don’t know if that thing exists or not. Shi Yuan, believe me! You believe in me—”

Shi Yuan looked at Lu Tinghan blankly.

If he did this, Lu Tinghan would hate him, right?

Professor Guan’s shout became blurred, like a hazy mist. Lu Tinghan’s face was pale, his breathing was weak, and a large area of bright red spread under his body.

The memory went back to the day in the wheat field.

The golden wheat waves were golden blood, flocks of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and those huge machines were running endlessly.

Shi Yuan thought, Lu Tinghan should be right. Some things would not fade even if they died. “Being here” was the most important thing, and one second was eternal.

However, he got a small flower on the path that day.

That was his flower, that was the flower that belonged to him in the world, he couldn’t let it wither.

Shi Yuan looked up.

Countless monsters were dancing in a frenzy, looking bizarre and strange. He was too small in front of them, as if he would be submerged in the next second.

Shi Yuan took Lu Tinghan’s hand, looked at the monsters, and said, “I’m sorry, but please go to hell.”

The wind stagnated for a second—

The black crystals exploded like a stormy wave!



Lu Tinghan’s family scene, aaaaahhhhh! (ToT)

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